Former Bunny say she knows 12 women drugged and raped by Cosby.

New Cosby accuser 12 more were raped - Video

But nothing to see here folks. Just move along. Pops says so.....

It has been worse than I would have thought possible.

There is not going to be any successful criminal action against him, though. And, because, at age 77, he may as well retire anyway, there won't be any out of court settlements to protect his career. He is never going to admit it. The best justice we can get out of all this is that his career is over. Hell, even the Navy took away his honorary Petty Officer status. There will be no more product endorsements, and by next Spring, he will not even be able to hold on to his booking agent.

It's over for him.
I've seen some of these women on TV.....they would have to drug me to get me in the sack with them...yuck! why do so many of these famous cheater/rapist assholes go after dogs? Hey Hey Hey
All this talk about Cosby drugging someone to have sex with them so long long ago, yet in this nation how many people does any of you know, that got their girlfriend completely drunk in order to have sex with her ? Then how about this, where as it is highly debatable that they were even drunk at all that much when the sex began, but rather it was that they were just drunk enough to use it as an excuse if anyone might ask them what happened?

I remember me and a friend took a few girls out one night when we were in our teens, and we wanted to score also, so we had heard that they liked beer right. Well we went and got them some beer, but that didn't work, because what they really wanted was some pot to smoke. Well we took them to a putt putt golf place, and in this place was a game room where all the cool teens hung out. The next thing we know they were gone. Well we waited and waited for them to come back, and guess where they were at ? They had hooked up with one of the leading pot dealers of the time, and he and them road off and smoked some pot together. Now when they arrived back to where we were at, it was to late to carry them anywhere else, so we took them home.

I'm glad that we did too, because I may have ended up with a baby outside of wedlock if we wouldn't have, so thank goodness that it went the way that it did that night.

As I recall the guy's used many tactics back then in order to get their girlfriends in the bed with them, and many worked, and yet many failed in which became a blessing really. If the girls did have sex with the guy's somehow, then just think that they always had an excuse to use afterwards if were to have gotten caught, so they would use alcohol as an excuse or drugs as an excuse, and alcohol or pot as an excuse the most it seemed.
What a very bad man.
What is worse, Idiot Bill, or the women who shut up and enabled him to rape and rape and rape to his heart's content?

No Cosby fan, but, no fan of waiting 30+ years to accuse a guy of something.

Very dubious of all of this.
What a very bad man.
What is worse, Idiot Bill, or the women who shut up and enabled him to rape and rape and rape to his heart's content?

No Cosby fan, but, no fan of waiting 30+ years to accuse a guy of something.

Very dubious of all of this.

The atmosphere of reporting rape was very different in the 70's and 80's. But I do agree that the failure of these women to come forward earlier led to Cosby have opportunity after opportunity to repeat his act. I just wonder what his wife thinks about all these women coming forward. How does she deal with it?
Bill, even back in the 70's had enough money to BUY some very beautiful women, and honestly, waiting up to 40 years to supposedly report some of these is a STRETCH OF LOGIC to many!
What a very bad man.
What is worse, Idiot Bill, or the women who shut up and enabled him to rape and rape and rape to his heart's content?

No Cosby fan, but, no fan of waiting 30+ years to accuse a guy of something.

Very dubious of all of this.

The atmosphere of reporting rape was very different in the 70's and 80's. But I do agree that the failure of these women to come forward earlier led to Cosby have opportunity after opportunity to repeat his act. I just wonder what his wife thinks about all these women coming forward. How does she deal with it?
How old are you to tell me about the '70's and '80's?

Are you in your '70's?
A lot of these women were considered marginally virtuous, at best, especially before the sexual revolution. A woman who worked as a Playboy bunny would not have stood a chance in court against Cosby and some high priced attorneys. Other's were sort of opportunistic, in that they were hoping that by rubbing elbows with celebrities would help their careers. All celebrities know this, and often take advantage of it.

Cosby was not a typical skirt chaser. This guy has some sort of fetish about raping women under conditions where only he controls the situation. I believe every word of it. He is a sick.
If a bunny remembers who had sex with who in the 70s at the Playboy mansion, she wasn't there.

It is well known very well known among everyone that has ever known Bill Cosby that he is a life long non drinker. Every woman who claims he was drinking with her is making it up.
If a bunny remembers who had sex with who in the 70s at the Playboy mansion, she wasn't there.

It is well known very well known among everyone that has ever known Bill Cosby that he is a life long non drinker. Every woman who claims he was drinking with her is making it up.

Actually, every interview that I read from these women stated that they were given the drink. Nobody I remember reading about claimed that he was drinking.
If a bunny remembers who had sex with who in the 70s at the Playboy mansion, she wasn't there.

It is well known very well known among everyone that has ever known Bill Cosby that he is a life long non drinker. Every woman who claims he was drinking with her is making it up.

Actually, every interview that I read from these women stated that they were given the drink. Nobody I remember reading about claimed that he was drinking.

Now the Cosby defenders will have to come up with another excuse.
New Cosby accuser 12 more were raped - Video

But nothing to see here folks. Just move along. Pops says so.....

It has been worse than I would have thought possible.

There is not going to be any successful criminal action against him, though. And, because, at age 77, he may as well retire anyway, there won't be any out of court settlements to protect his career. He is never going to admit it. The best justice we can get out of all this is that his career is over. Hell, even the Navy took away his honorary Petty Officer status. There will be no more product endorsements, and by next Spring, he will not even be able to hold on to his booking agent.

It's over for him.

The problem is too much time has gone by. Unless someone happens to have an old video sitting in their bedroom drawer somewhere of him forcing himself on one of these women there is no evidence to prosecute. It's just a he said, she said, and after all this time nothing can be proven.
Those biddies are too old to golddig, so they can only make up 30 to 40 year old confabulations to sue. I'm surprised we're not seeing national lawyer ads for Bill Cosby victims.
you're like a old women on the gossip

another obsession to add on

Everyone knows Cosby is going to get away with this. Maybe a lawsuit down the road, but nothing else. I want remember what he is and what he has done. And I will continue to tell you about it. You don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that.
I have no problem believing Cosby was a freak who had sex with multiple women who believed he was going to help their career.

I don't believe he was a rapist who ran around drugging women.

Subject to change if ACTUAL evidence shows up, of course.
Cosby Victim: "Two million should make me forget about the cum facial forty years ago. Only then, will I be able to sleep at night!".

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