Former Clinton adviser: Clinton will run in 2020

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She blew it because she committed political malpractice in not exposing Donald Trump’s history of criminality. Not one ad featuring all the companies he ripped off and all the family businesses he bankrupted through his actions. And that’s just the start of what she could have done to overcome the collusion and dirty tricks. If she was a competent politician he would never have gotten close.
Fake quote.
Don't think so.
Good God!

Two-time Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will mount a third bid for the White House, longtime Clinton adviser Mark Penn wrote in an op-ed published Sunday by The Wall Street Journal, predicting that the former first lady and secretary of state is readying a "Hillary 4.0" campaign for 2020.

In the Journal op-ed, Penn, an adviser and pollster to the Clintons from 1995-2008, and former New York City politician Andrew Stein wrote that in a 2020 run, Clinton would reinvent herself “as a liberal firebrand." The twice-failed presidential candidate would not “let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House," they wrote.

Former Clinton adviser: Hillary will run in 2020

YES! It will be awesome to watch the others in her primary take chunks out of her ass! Hell, maybe the stress of losing again will kill here! HILLARY 2020!!!!!
Biden ran and was a pathetic loser twice as well, just like Hillary. Losing big in both 2008 and 1988.

Its not stopping him from considering a run, and he did a lot worse in his failed runs than Mrs. Clinton did.

Reagan ran twice and lost in 1968 and 1976 before winning in 1980. A two time loser doesn't mean she can't win.
The reason Donald Trump is president is the Democrats ran the worst candidate possible. A large number of votes Trump received were from people voting against Clinton, not for him. He just happened to be the only other choice. One would think the Democrats would be smart enough to see that, but if they do end up running her again, the party is broken beyond all repair and probably should be disbanded.
He did get one thing right by using the words “exposing trump”. Except, she never really did. That was left to alternative press, who was ignored by the MSM.

Mrs. Clinton exposed President Trump as a man who mocks the crippled and grabs broads by their genitalia. Over and over again. Not to mention all of the phony lawsuits from broads who claimed to have been attack by The Donald, disgruntled students from his tremendous university and numerous other supposed "scandals".

It was all bullshit of course, but she did do what she could to "expose" Trump.

The problem was she spent no time describing how she was going to build the communities of the Deplorables and improve their lives. Huge mistake, Deplorable Americans had no reason to vote for the broad.

The craziest thing is that a gentleman whose very name is synonymous with "City Slicker" was able to attract the votes of rural voters while his opponent, the long time First Lady of Arkansas didn't have a clue. Not insulting them would have been a good first step.
Clinton declared anyone who does not accept the results of elections is a threat to our Democracy....lost...and then has spent the last 2 years proving she is a threat to our Democracy...after having already proven she is a felon, a cheater, and will do anything for power.
Thank you for proving my point. She collided with the DNC to get the nomination. Now personally I don’t care about that, but don’t act like she won it straight up either.

Um, besides you think "collided" and "colluded" were the same thing, how is following the process not winning it straight up?

The DNC has a rule that you have to win a combination of elected Delegates and Super-Delegates. This has been in place since the 1970's when the party had a brain fart, nominated McGovern, and lost 49 states to Tricky Dick, of all people.

So she won more elected delegates than Commie Bernie, and she persuaded more elected officials that she would probably be a better candidate than some commie who wasn't even really a Democrat.

So kind of spare me your crocodile tears for Commie Bernie....

Typo but it was collusion. Super delegates aren’t elected. They choose whom they vote for. They are usually party officials. Guess who they supported...

Superdelegate - Wikipedia
If Democrats have any sense at all, they will do everything in their power to NOT let that bitch run again.

Trump is probably doomed in 2020 (outside of a war). The midterms proved it and the polls (outside of right-biased Rasmussen) prove it.

I want this asshole and his fucking, pathetic minions out of power. But if you throw Clinton at it again, she will just fuck it up...just as she did in 2016.

And not Sanders either. He is WAY too extremist to win a general election.

Just find someone in the center-left, preferably a woman and get that mentally-disturbed manchild out of the White House in 2020.
If Democrats have any sense at all, they will do everything in their power to NOT let that bitch run again.

Trump is probably doomed in 2020 (outside of a war). The midterms proved it and the polls (outside of right-biased Rasmussen) prove it.

I want this asshole and his fucking, pathetic minions out of power. But if you throw Clinton at it again, she will just fuck it up...just as she did in 2016.

And not Sanders either. He is WAY too extremist to win a general election.

Just find someone in the center-left, preferably a woman and get that mentally-disturbed manchild out of the White House in 2020.

The Democrat nomination will probably come down between Clinton and Avenatti, who has his own problems. I think the Super Duper delegates will side with Clinton. She's actually EARNED the right to be the nominee. She spent decades as the most humiliated broad in America- will Bill eff'ing every thing that moves and right underneath their roof. Probably in her bed. And she did nothing, said nothing to stink it up for Bill. Stood by her man and more. She headed the Bimbo Eruption Squad to destroy the victims of Bill that would come forward.

I don't see how the DNC can deny her the nomination in good conscious after everything she's been through for the Party.
You people are so gullible and can’t even recognize when you’re being played.

Mark Penn. :auiqs.jpg:
I’m right again. Are you wingnuts tired yet of all my winning?


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