Former Clinton adviser: Clinton will run in 2020

She blew it because she committed political malpractice in not exposing Donald Trump’s history of criminality. Not one ad featuring all the companies he ripped off and all the family businesses he bankrupted through his actions. And that’s just the start of what she could have done to overcome the collusion and dirty tricks. If she was a competent politician he would never have gotten close.

Mrs. Clinton's campaign was a billion dollar hate campaign aimed at exposing President Trump as someone who "mocks" the disabled and abuses broads. Her mistake was her failure to address actual issues.

Mr.Trump, OTOH, talked about his ambitious problem to return America to greatness during every campaign stop and in every ad.

Failing to even discuss the issues or her plans was a critical error.
She blew it because she committed political malpractice in not exposing Donald Trump’s history of criminality. Not one ad featuring all the companies he ripped off and all the family businesses he bankrupted through his actions. And that’s just the start of what she could have done to overcome the collusion and dirty tricks. If she was a competent politician he would never have gotten close.

Mrs. Clinton's campaign was a billion dollar hate campaign aimed at exposing President Trump as someone who "mocks" the disabled and abuses broads. Her mistake was her failure to address actual issues.

Mr.Trump, OTOH, talked about his ambitious problem to return America to greatness during every campaign stop and in every ad.

Failing to even discuss the issues or her plans was a critical error.
Holy shit. Is it Opposite Day?!
My faith in humanity is somewhat restored. Even though I disagree with pretty much everything this channel believes in, it’s good to see that even left-wing atheists hate her and want her to go away. Read the comments on this video. :clap2:

Since she’s clearly incredibly unpopular, if she somehow ends up getting the presidency, then I think it’ll be pretty obvious that presidents are selected and not elected. But hopefully that nightmare will never happen.
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No, Hillary Clinton Is Not Going to Be the Democratic Nominee in 2020

It is unclear how long Mark Penn can continue to trade on his very, very former status as a pollster and campaign strategist for Bill and Hillary Clinton. But Penn is still being taken seriously by his new conservative friends as having deep insight into HRC’s plans (much like former Clinton advisor and Penn ally Dick Morris was, years after he had definitively changed parties), even though he was kept miles away from her 2016 campaign.
I don't think she will win her primary if she runs. It seems like an unwritten rule now that candidates can run again for president if they don't win the nomination. But once a candidate wins the nomination but fails to win the primary, the voters of that party are turned off from that candidate and will not give her/him another chance.

In case you haven’t noticed, the DNC picks the nominee, not the voters. Are you thinking that will change?
Even with super delegates, the nominee does need voter support. That being said, I don't see HRC having the super delegates she had in 2016. She had her turn and loss.
Mark Styen said: I paraphrase.......

"Vote for me, I would have won the last 2 times but everyone thought I would win so I lost"

"I really am a leftist loon, I was only pretending to be a centerist, vote for me"

"I am the original health care guru, I don't get my credit, remember? Vote for me"
My faith in humanity is somewhat restored. Even though I disagree with pretty much everything this channel believes in, it’s good to see that even left-wing atheists hate her [...]

There it is, the core of the trumpish GOP mindset in a nutshell: "I see hate. My faith in humanity is restored."
Hillary won't run though I suspect she likes to troll Trumpers and get them to lose control of their bodily functions.

No, Hillary Clinton Is Not Going to Be the Democratic Nominee in 2020

It is unclear how long Mark Penn can continue to trade on his very, very former status as a pollster and campaign strategist for Bill and Hillary Clinton. But Penn is still being taken seriously by his new conservative friends as having deep insight into HRC’s plans (much like former Clinton advisor and Penn ally Dick Morris was, years after he had definitively changed parties), even though he was kept miles away from her 2016 campaign.

Penn and Stein should be investigated as political pornographers.​

Yep, and as self-serving, self-obsessed, blow-hard exhibitionists, too.
She really didn’t win the nomination the last time either.

She got 3 million more votes than Commie Bernie in the primaries....and won more elected delegates.

The difference was that unlike 2008, she made sure she had superdelegates lined up.

Thank you for proving my point. She collided with the DNC to get the nomination. Now personally I don’t care about that, but don’t act like she won it straight up either.
Good God!

Two-time Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will mount a third bid for the White House, longtime Clinton adviser Mark Penn wrote in an op-ed published Sunday by The Wall Street Journal, predicting that the former first lady and secretary of state is readying a "Hillary 4.0" campaign for 2020.

In the Journal op-ed, Penn, an adviser and pollster to the Clintons from 1995-2008, and former New York City politician Andrew Stein wrote that in a 2020 run, Clinton would reinvent herself “as a liberal firebrand." The twice-failed presidential candidate would not “let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House," they wrote.

Former Clinton adviser: Hillary will run in 2020

This is fucking surreal. I can't believe the hubris of this woman.
I didn't want her to run in 2016.
She was a lousy candidate and that's how we got the con man/dick-tater-wannabe snowflake who couldn't handle the rain in Paris on Saturday.
Stay the fuck home, Hillary.
For the good of the Democrats and all liberals!!!
Let better candidates take the stage: Warren, Harris, Biden.
Just stay the fuck home, you psycho freak.

For the good of liberals? I am an indy and for the good of AMERICA.

The rest of your post I agree with 100%.
Hillary won't run though I suspect she likes to troll Trumpers and get them to lose control of their bodily functions.
The ego-maniac criminal narcissist is going to run....

The idea of going to prison after she betrayed the nation didn't stop her last time, although she knew Barry & his criminal Cabinet was protecting her ass....
I don't think she will win her primary if she runs. It seems like an unwritten rule now that candidates can run again for president if they don't win the nomination. But once a candidate wins the nomination but fails to win the primary, the voters of that party are turned off from that candidate and will not give her/him another chance.

In case you haven’t noticed, the DNC picks the nominee, not the voters. Are you thinking that will change?
Even with super delegates, the nominee does need voter support. That being said, I don't see HRC having the super delegates she had in 2016. She had her turn and loss.

So who will it be, another retread like Biden or Sanders? Or will the Dems go for a full on nut job like fakahontas to match the orange clown? Ocasio Cortez is not legally old enough unfortunately. She would be a joy to watch.
Good God!

Two-time Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will mount a third bid for the White House, longtime Clinton adviser Mark Penn wrote in an op-ed published Sunday by The Wall Street Journal, predicting that the former first lady and secretary of state is readying a "Hillary 4.0" campaign for 2020.

In the Journal op-ed, Penn, an adviser and pollster to the Clintons from 1995-2008, and former New York City politician Andrew Stein wrote that in a 2020 run, Clinton would reinvent herself “as a liberal firebrand." The twice-failed presidential candidate would not “let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House," they wrote.

Former Clinton adviser: Hillary will run in 2020

This is fucking surreal. I can't believe the hubris of this woman.
I didn't want her to run in 2016.
She was a lousy candidate and that's how we got the con man/dick-tater-wannabe snowflake who couldn't handle the rain in Paris on Saturday.
Stay the fuck home, Hillary.
For the good of the Democrats and all liberals!!!
Let better candidates take the stage: Warren, Harris, Biden.
Just stay the fuck home, you psycho freak.
She will be your candidate, and Trump will be president till 2024.
She blew it because she committed political malpractice in not exposing Donald Trump’s history of criminality. Not one ad featuring all the companies he ripped off and all the family businesses he bankrupted through his actions. And that’s just the start of what she could have done to overcome the collusion and dirty tricks. If she was a competent politician he would never have gotten close.

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