Former Defense Secr. says trump wanted to launch missiles into Mexico

From today's 'The Hill' (owned, as you know, by DTrump's golfing buddy, Jerry Finklestein):

"In a new excerpt, shared by Politico, Esper wrote that shortly after he was hired to be the new Pentagon chief in 2019, Trump was railing against NATO and corruption in Ukraine, two personal issues that the rest of the national security and foreign policy team tried to tamp down because they weren’t considered leading concerns at the time.

Trump also said he wanted a “complete withdrawal” of forces from South Korea and that he wished to “bring our people home” from embassies in Africa, according to Esper.

“None of this was in our nation’s interests, and as I calmly responded with facts, data and arguments, I saw some irritation in him — I was the ‘new guy’ pushing back,” Esper wrote. “I knew right then and there that this job would be far more challenging than I had anticipated, to say the least.”

The Hill reached out to Trump’s team for comment. In response to Esper’s claim about proposing to launch missiles to strike drug labs in Mexico, the former president said he would not comment on the allegation but called Esper a “RINO,” or Republican in name only."

Well, Esper's book and assertions join a long list of similar 'tell all' accounts describing the character and/or dysfunction of Trump in the POTUS job. How impactful it will be....I dunno. But, no doubt, it will be minded by historians for facts that can be vetted. So be it. All ex-presidents go through such.
Probably the only thing remarkable about these 'inside scoop' accounts about Trump is.....well, the quantity.

It seems that a lot of people held their nose while working in the Trump administration. And now they want to share their insights on the character and dysfunction of DTrump and his management. How truthful it all is....well, I dunno know that either. How could I?

But it surely seems that a LOT of folks who worked for the guy want to describe their revulsion. I don't recall any other recent president who is so reviled by so many of the people who left his employment and then wrote a book about it. That may be telling.

And in the spirit of full disclosure: If my avatar had to choose who was the truth-teller in this pairing: Secretary Esper or ex-president Trump. Well, the choice doesn't seem difficult at all.
"Only a retard would have trust in any news outlet."
Well now, that is an assertive insight. Posted with seeming confidence in the rightness of it.
That is heartening.
And, interesting.
It spurs the too obvious question.
To wit:
Who or which news outlets does the good poster Weatherman2020 recommend the forum members....both posters and lurkers.....utilize in order to be as informed as Weatherman2020 is?
From today's 'The Hill' (owned, as you know, by DTrump's golfing buddy, Jerry Finklestein):

"In a new excerpt, shared by Politico, Esper wrote that shortly after he was hired to be the new Pentagon chief in 2019, Trump was railing against NATO and corruption in Ukraine, two personal issues that the rest of the national security and foreign policy team tried to tamp down because they weren’t considered leading concerns at the time.

Trump also said he wanted a “complete withdrawal” of forces from South Korea and that he wished to “bring our people home” from embassies in Africa, according to Esper.

“None of this was in our nation’s interests, and as I calmly responded with facts, data and arguments, I saw some irritation in him — I was the ‘new guy’ pushing back,” Esper wrote. “I knew right then and there that this job would be far more challenging than I had anticipated, to say the least.”

The Hill reached out to Trump’s team for comment. In response to Esper’s claim about proposing to launch missiles to strike drug labs in Mexico, the former president said he would not comment on the allegation but called Esper a “RINO,” or Republican in name only."

Well, Esper's book and assertions join a long list of similar 'tell all' accounts describing the character and/or dysfunction of Trump in the POTUS job. How impactful it will be....I dunno. But, no doubt, it will be minded by historians for facts that can be vetted. So be it. All ex-presidents go through such.
Probably the only thing remarkable about these 'inside scoop' accounts about Trump is.....well, the quantity.

It seems that a lot of people held their nose while working in the Trump administration. And now they want to share their insights on the character and dysfunction of DTrump and his management. How truthful it all is....well, I dunno know that either. How could I?

But it surely seems that a LOT of folks who worked for the guy want to describe their revulsion. I don't recall any other recent president who is so reviled by so many of the people who left his employment and then wrote a book about it. That may be telling.

And in the spirit of full disclosure: If my avatar had to choose who was the truth-teller in this pairing: Secretary Esper or ex-president Trump. Well, the choice doesn't seem difficult at all.
Yes, it is a long list of people that stood beside trump while he was in the WH. Nearly all of them says he should never be in a position of authority again. They watched as the incompetent and delusional man looked only to his interest, not the interest of this country.
Trump Jr. defended his father wanting to bomb mexico, lol.

Outside of that Esper also has one other witness. No doubt there are others that Trump probably talked to about this. Even when Trump was asked about this, he said, "no comment." That's a guilty admission if I ever heard one from the liar in chief.
When asked directly if this happened Trump could not say it had not
Esper must be making a lot of money for making all these accusations at this time. Disregard.
It appears that if this latest lib claim is not a lie then trump raised an idea that was examined and ultimately rejected

But unlike biden at least trump has ideas
Who the hell doesn't have "ideas"?

What's scary is that Trump's ideas show that he's a lunatic & what's even scarier is that you MAGA halfwits want to put him back in power.
Name the other countries that have sent 20-40 million of their lowest grade people into another nation to rob and pillage the people, to destroy their education and healthcare sectors…to destroy their culture and impact their democracy?
Trump should have taken Mexico, Central and South America off the planet.
Can we toss Mississippi into the mix?
Name the other countries that have sent 20-40 million of their lowest grade people into another nation to rob and pillage the people, to destroy their education and healthcare sectors…to destroy their culture and impact their democracy?
Trump should have taken Mexico, Central and South America off the planet.
Really dumb idea. If we'd taken Mexico we'd be responsible for providing for their entire population.

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