Former Defense Secr. says trump wanted to launch missiles into Mexico

Instead of fucking around with the Cartels who have been for decades engaging in drug, human, child, and sex trafficking across our borders, who have been waging a war against the United States. I applaud Trump for considering 'ENOUGH' and taking the war to the Cartels.

If the United States stopped fucking around and threw the full force of military might against the mega criminal organizations they could be decimated, destroyed for good.

Instead treasonous Democrats would rather enforce open borders and facilitate the Cartel drug, human, child, and sex trafficking across our borders.
Declare the cartels terrorist organizations along with the gangs that do their bidding on this side of the border and put the full weight of the US Military and state/local/federal police to work eliminating them on both sides of the border.
That was an interesting interview tonight on 60-Minutes.
I'd recommend to posters and lurkers that they watch it.

That was an interesting interview tonight on 60-Minutes.
I'd recommend to posters and lurkers that they watch it.

Not really considering the source is a disgruntled employee who was fired who is now trying to pad his pockets peddling his own book.
A disgruntled, fired employee peddling a book.

Being fired from a dying and dysfunctional administration in Nov 2021 is hardly anything to be disgruntled about. lol. Esper only stayed as long as he did because he felt he was protecting the country from Trump's idiocy.

Thats not enough

Are there any corroborating witnesses?

Yes, Trump's entire cabinet. Trump repeatedly brought up bombing mexico.
Ya gotta love the Trumpers who claim that Trump didn't say this and then DEFEND it as a concept
From today's The Hill:

"Former President Trump called his former defense secretary a “lightweight” and a “RINO” in response to a “60 Minutes” interview that covered a series of shocking claims about the former commander-in-chief.
“Mark Esper was weak and totally ineffective and because of it, I had to run the military,” said the statement from Trump to 60 Minutes."

In the 'Good-to-Know' file: "I had to run the military" per Cadet Bonespurs.


".....the source is a disgruntled employee who was fired who is now trying to pad his pockets peddling his own book."

Well, yes, there is that.
Nonetheless, 'fired' employees have insights that can have traction. 'Fired' employees still know stuff...and aren't necessarily constrained anymore with fear of losing their job.

I know you know that. Everybody knows that. It's a 'free to share what I know'-thingy.

And then, such 'fired' employees as James Comey, General Kelly, Preet Baharra, Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson, John Bolton, Rance Preibus, Sally Yates? And more?

Which, makes one wonder about this so-called 'disgruntlement'.
Some could call it a trend.
Cause and effect?
From today's The Hill:

"Former President Trump called his former defense secretary a “lightweight” and a “RINO” in response to a “60 Minutes” interview that covered a series of shocking claims about the former commander-in-chief.
“Mark Esper was weak and totally ineffective and because of it, I had to run the military,” said the statement from Trump to 60 Minutes."

In the 'Good-to-Know' file: "I had to run the military" per Cadet Bonespurs.


Well, yes, there is that.
Nonetheless, 'fired' employees have insights that can have traction. 'Fired' employees still know stuff...and aren't necessarily constrained anymore with fear of losing their job.

I know you know that. Everybody knows that. It's a 'free to share what I know'-thingy.

And then, such 'fired' employees as James Comey, General Kelly, Preet Baharra, Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson, John Bolton, Rance Preibus, Sally Yates? And more?

Which, makes one wonder about this so-called 'disgruntlement'.
Some could call it a trend.
Cause and effect?
I know without any corroboration this is just a fired employee trying to pad his pockets by peddling his own book.

Comey should be in jail for falsifying affidavits requesting warrants, Bolton is nuts.

None of them are corroborating this story.
"I know without any corroboration this is just a fired employee trying to....."
OK. You be you.

But, ......but there seems to be some kind of trend with all this disgruntlement.
Are they just one-offs?
How do the numbers stack up against the 'disgruntlements' of staffers from the Bush's? Obama? Biden?
One or two are data points.
A dozen or more is a trend.

Without fire?

OK. You be you.
Liberals on this board bumping the OP because they're getting hammered in the abortion threads.

I'm bumping it to tell you.
Being fired from a dying and dysfunctional administration in Nov 2021 is hardly anything to be disgruntled about. lol. Esper only stayed as long as he did because he felt he was protecting the country from Trump's idiocy.

Yes, Trump's entire cabinet. Trump repeatedly brought up bombing mexico.
Supply a link to someone that is on record
Supply a link to someone that is on record

Trump Jr. defended his father wanting to bomb mexico, lol.

Outside of that Esper also has one other witness. No doubt there are others that Trump probably talked to about this. Even when Trump was asked about this, he said, "no comment." That's a guilty admission if I ever heard one from the liar in chief.
Trump Jr. defended his father wanting to bomb mexico, lol.

Outside of that Esper also has one other witness. No doubt there are others that Trump probably talked to about this. Even when Trump was asked about this, he said, "no comment." That's a guilty admission if I ever heard one from the liar in chief.
I have not seen or heard anything from you except unsupported claims
You have audio or video of that?
NY Times told him it was true.
Trump Jr. defended his father wanting to bomb mexico, lol.

Outside of that Esper also has one other witness. No doubt there are others that Trump probably talked to about this. Even when Trump was asked about this, he said, "no comment." That's a guilty admission if I ever heard one from the liar in chief.
What else did the Kos Kidz tell you?
Do not believe a fucking single word of it, such an "unprincipled" man, would never have succeeded in raising such an excellent family! Esper, along with Milley, is a traitor to the United States, Esper is totally fully of shit! :poke:
Who has raised an excellent family?
And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024.
And you are drooling over the prospects that more drugs will be flowing into the U.S.

Thanks for reminding people to IGNORE you.
Last edited:
"In his response to the show, Trump also disputed claims that he wanted to send 10,000 active duty troops into Washington, D.C. after St. John's Church was set on fire and that he allegedly mistakenly believed his Insurrection Act authority was taken away by Esper.

Asked to confirm why he fired Esper, Trump said that Esper 'was a RINO incapable of leading, and I had to run the military myself.'

On 60 Minutes' final question — whether Trump did, in fact, contemplate attacking drug cartels in Mexico with missiles — the former president replied simply, 'No comment.'

Methinks the lady doth protest too mcuch.

Accordingly, I would suggest patience, grasshoppers.
This stuff Esper describes likely will be corroborated.
In fact, my overworked avatar will predict some or all will be corroborated (maybe even testified to before the January 6 Committee). And......Esper won't be the last.

It seems the "disgruntlements" run wide and deep.

Quoted by The NY Times. All we need to know.
What else does The NY Times feed you?
NY Times told him it was true.

Seems to display a modicum of skepticism towards the Times. No?

One has to wonder why?
A subscription too costly for the budget? (even the 'Weekender' offering...Saturday & Sunday?)
Words too big?
Concepts too nuanced?
Topics too complicated?

Here, good poster Weatherman, is a link for their digital subscription.

( The New York Times: Digital and Home Delivery Subscriptions )

Give it a try. Maybe you'll find that you can understand it, after all. Maybe learn something? Maybe be better informed?

Both me, and my avatar, highly recommend the Times if one is to be informed in today's world.

As long as one is attempting to be a better informed citizen of our world, we (me and that avatar-thingy) would recommend a digital subscription to this next publication, also. Expand one's horizon. There is a whole wonderful world out beyond Alex Jones', InfoWars, and Tucker Carlson.

Trust us.


Seems to display a modicum of skepticism towards the Times. No?

One has to wonder why?
A subscription too costly for the budget? (even the 'Weekender' offering...Saturday & Sunday?)
Words too big?
Concepts too nuanced?
Topics too complicated?

Here, good poster Weatherman, is a link for their digital subscription.

( The New York Times: Digital and Home Delivery Subscriptions )

Give it a try. Maybe you'll find that you can understand it, after all. Maybe learn something? Maybe be better informed?

Both me, and my avatar, highly recommend the Times if one is to be informed in today's world.

As long as one is attempting to be a better informed citizen of our world, we (me and that avatar-thingy) would recommend a digital subscription to this next publication, also. Expand one's horizon. There is a whole wonderful world out beyond Alex Jones', InfoWars, and Tucker Carlson.

Trust us.

Only a retard would have trust in any news outlet. Especially ones that are openly partisan and push things like the fake Russia/Trump hoax.
Why hasn’t The NY Times returned the Pulitzer it got by lying for Stalin as he murdered millions of Ukrainians?
1619 Project that rewrote history? Fact according to The NY Times!

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