Former Defense Secr. says trump wanted to launch missiles into Mexico

OP headline is false. Esper merely suggested that Trump asked about the notion of taking out Mexican drug cartel labs.


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?
The problem being?
No. Nothing clandestine. I’d live-stream the bombing and missile attacks. I’d release most of the after action video of the ground assaults.

I’d make it completely clear what happens to people who fuck with the USA. Fuck the internal community… keep your criminals and their activities out of our country or there WILL be consequences.
We’ll it’s a damn good thing neither you nor Trump is Prez then
We’ll it’s a damn good thing neither you nor Trump is Prez then
Yeah. It would be terrible to have a POTUS who put the lives and best interests of AMERICANS ahead of those of the international community, foreigners, and multi-national corporations. We couldn’t allow that now could we?
Yeah. It would be terrible to have a POTUS who put the lives and best interests of AMERICANS ahead of those of the international community, foreigners, and multi-national corporations. We couldn’t allow that now could we?
Starting a war with Mexico does not do that
It appears that if this latest lib claim is not a lie then trump raised an idea that was examined and ultimately rejected

But unlike biden at least trump has ideas
The claim is by a former Sec of Defense that stood beside trump for months. It is not new. Kelly made similar assertions. trump is not fit to be elected to public office again.
Starting a war with Mexico does not do that
It’s not a war with Mexico. It’s simply providing a clean up service for them. They are either unwilling or unable to maintain their own home, so we have to do it for them. Just like the free-fire zone along the southern border would be.
The claim is by a former Sec of Defense that stood beside trump for months. It is not new. Kelly made similar assertions. trump is not fit to be elected to public office again.
I dont dismiss the claim out of hand

Just the hateful lib narrative that makes it sound like trump wanted to bomb mexico willy nilly and only sane and courageous Deep Staters prevented him
You realize you can't just launch missiles into another country right? Worse yet is that Trump stupidly assumed Mexico wouldn't find out. Imagine sparking an international incident over a couple of supposed labs that may only exist in Trump's head, that would have been moved or rebuilt somewhere else almost immediately. What do you then, send more missiles into Mexico? Trump also wanted 250k sent to the border for no reason.

Trump also "floated" injecting disinfectants to kill covid or exposing ppl to deadly uv rays. There's brainstorming and then there's just mindlessly blurting out anything that comes into your head. Defending stoopid makes you as dumb as they are.

Why is it that only moron leftists took Trump litteraly about injecting cleaner? Secondly, the missile strike never happened. There is a difference between throwing ideas at your advisors and demanding an action, but I wouldn't expect leftists to understand those types of processes. It's not like airstrikes on drug facilities are unprecidented.

so your saying there's NO REASON to have patrols on the border right now?


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?
I dont dismiss the claim out of hand

Just the hateful lib narrative that makes it sound like trump wanted to bomb mexico willy nilly and only sane and courageous Deep Staters prevented him
That’s exactly what it sounds like. Trump wanting to do something incredibly stupid and destructive
I dont dismiss the claim out of hand

Just the hateful lib narrative that makes it sound like trump wanted to bomb mexico willy nilly and only sane and courageous Deep Staters prevented him
trump is imbalanced


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?
Someone saw the Tom Clancy movie "Clear and Present Danger"
Why is it that only moron leftists took Trump litteraly about injecting cleaner? Secondly, the missile strike never happened. There is a difference between throwing ideas at your advisors and demanding an action, but I wouldn't expect leftists to understand those types of processes. It's not like airstrikes on drug facilities are unprecidented.

so your saying there's NO REASON to have patrols on the border right now?

Why is it that moron cultists believe every word that comes out of Trump's mouth but not when he suggests injecting disinfectant into ppl and exposing them to deadly UV rays? Our thoughts and ideas are what separates a genius from a simpleton, it's what separates a rational from an irrational person, it's what separates the sane from the insane. If a person next to you suggests we should nuke hurricanes in order to stop them would quickly move away from them and deem them mentally unstable or tremendously stupid, or both, or would you sit there and think they were perfectly normal rational person? If you answered the latter, this would explain a lot.

When has the US ever dropped bombs or missiles on allied terrority without permission?


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?
Targeting drug labs is a bad thing ?


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?
Oh gee I thought Trump wanted to fire at not just Mexico but Iran, China North Korea and the DNC.

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