Former Defense Secr. says trump wanted to launch missiles into Mexico


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?
The opinion of one disgruntled employee isn't going to persuade anyone.

I don't like Trump didn't vote for him but I recognize when you're just peeing into the wind and flinging crap at the fan praying something will stick.
One missle would have saved countless American lives. Stop your virtue signaling bullshit. Hack.
Not shooting patriots which are not intended for ground targets.

We don't know this conversation ever occurred nor the context for it if it did, it's just 3rd degree hearsay.
Multiple witnesses say he did. But you keep defending the nutcase.
None of this happened, nope. You keep saying trump is a nut case. How nice of you. Trump didn't collude with the Russians, NOR did Trump drive a insurrection. Fuck your "multiple witnesses"
As the 2020 presidential election approached, Esper was concerned that Trump might use the military to intervene in his favor, and warned others in the Department of Defense to look out for “unusual” orders from the White House, he reportedly wrote.
If this is true he was undermining his own president, the Ethical and Principled thing to do in such a situation if you can't support the president you are supposed to serve is to publicly resign and state why.

He did none of that and chose instead to enrich himself using such tales to peddle a book.
We all know that this is pure Trumpthink.

The only thing keeping him from doing this kinda crazy shit (shooting protesters...launching missiles at Mexico) was the saner people around him. The kind of people who he jettisoned at the end of his Presidency...and won't be in any new Trump Admin
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None of this happened, nope. You keep saying trump is a nut case. How nice of you. Trump didn't collude with the Russians, NOR did Trump drive a insurrection. Fuck your "multiple witnesses"
You keep defending the MAGA nuts will defend him as he walks away from you laughing as he stuffs your money in his pockets. It is true. Esper has another witness. His staff have not denied it. trump is imbalanced and truly a danger to humanity.
None of this happened, nope. You keep saying trump is a nut case. How nice of you. Trump didn't collude with the Russians, NOR did Trump drive a insurrection. Fuck your "multiple witnesses"
He did everything just short of openly calling for insurrection. We may not like it, but doing so is perfectly legal.

If he had encouraged people to use the force of arms to storm the Capitol on the 6th, then he'd be guilty of a conspiracy to commit insurrection but that isn't what he did.
You keep defending the MAGA nuts will defend him as he walks away from you laughing as he stuffs your money in his pockets. It is true. Esper has another witness. His staff have not denied it. trump is imbalanced and truly a danger to humanity.
You folks keep reaching for nuggets in the toilet and throwing them at the wall just praying something will stick.

You wouldn't need to do that if you had an actual legitimate argument to make.

Trump asking if something can be done isn't necessarily "wanting to do it" and it isn't an unlawful act. It's thinking out loud and asking the people with the expertise if something can be done. Once you determine if it can be done you can start a discussion about if it should be done.
You want us to be like Russia?
No. I’m not talking about invading or conqueror foreign nation. I’m talking about using surgical strikes to eradicate criminal elements hiding in country that cannot or will not eradicate those criminals themselves.
He did everything just short of openly calling for insurrection. We may not like it, but doing so is perfectly legal.

If he had encouraged people to use the force of arms to storm the Capitol on the 6th, then he'd be guilty of a conspiracy to commit insurrection but that isn't what he did.
No, that never happened. The media says it did, no facts. Unless you do.
No. I’m not talking about invading or conqueror foreign nation. I’m talking about using surgical strikes to eradicate criminal elements hiding in country that cannot or will not eradicate those criminals themselves.
Ya mean like a ....."Special Operation"
No, that never happened. The media says it did, no facts. Unless you do.
He spent months and continues whining that the election was stolen.

After the election right up until inauguration day we were promised by trump Giuliani and the rest of his mouth pieces that the proof would be published in a matter of days and the election would be reversed whipping people into a frenzy.

He never however actually called for an insurrection so what he did was perfectly legal.

It was arguably childish and irresponsible but it was lawful.
Trump asking if something can be done isn't necessarily "wanting to do it" and it isn't an unlawful act. It's thinking out loud and asking the people with the expertise if something can be done. Once you determine if it can be done you can start a discussion about if it should be done.
The only thing keeping him from doing this kinda crazy shit (shooting protesters...launching missiles at Mexico) was the saner people around him. The kind of people who he jettisoned at the end of his Presidency...and won't be in any new Trump Admin
The only thing keeping him from doing this kinda crazy shit (shooting protesters...launching missiles at Mexico) was the saner people around him. The kind of people who he jettisoned at the end of his Presidency...and won't be in any new Trump Admin
Your opinion only, not fact.

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