Former Defense Secr. says trump wanted to launch missiles into Mexico

What is wrong with targeting Mexican drug cartels smuggling either locally or Chinese manufactured drugs with EXTREEM PREDIJICE? Love it! Because selling foreign manufactured narcotics deserves all the violence heaped upon it. Because that's where this George Floyd killing SHIT is coming from.
This would be an extrajudicial attack on another country that would almost definitely kill Mexican citizens unrelated to any illegal activity.

You people (ad Trump) anre nuts
This would be an extrajudicial attack on another country that would almost definitely kill Mexican citizens unrelated to any illegal activity.

You people (ad Trump) anre nuts
It was theoretical, it never happened. It was unproven Trump EVEN proposed it. And damn. It wouldn't be like extrajudicial airstrikes never happened before. Obama did that...but never mind that.
"Trump, who was displeased by drug trafficking across the U.S.-Mexico border, asked at least twice about “quietly” shooting Patriot missiles—which are surface-to-air weapons—into Mexico and then denying responsibility"

What shocked me most about Trump after he won is how incredibly stupid he is. I really did not imagine how stupid this man was or is.
"Stupid" does not properly define this man. He is the most dangerous man walking on American soil. Pootin is the most dangerous man in the world. They are joined by stupidity.
What is wrong with targeting Mexican drug cartels smuggling either locally or Chinese manufactured drugs with EXTREEM PREDIJICE? Love it! Because selling foreign manufactured narcotics deserves all the violence heaped upon it. Because that's where this George Floyd killing SHIT is coming from.
Yeah, attacking an adjoining country would just be peachy.....


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?

If Trump did order a missile strike against a cartel run drug factory, that's not exactly a missile strike against MEXICO is it? We have had enough American citizens die from fentanyl in the last two years, the number of which would eclipse any strike against a Cartel facility. The Mexican government has failed to win their own war against the cartels so I'm not really gonna cry if something like that was going to happen. Their failure is killing Americans, so you know what? stop being such a whiny bitch about everything Trump.
As it is, Trump may have floated an idea, but obviously he listened to advisors around him who suggested otherwise. SO my guess is theres really not much there.I guess that Trump having that much concern about U.S. citizens dying is a problem for you isnt it? There's a lot of ideas that are "floated" that never see light of day, but why is it we always see this shit in someones memoir? And the New York Times rag that has been on the wrong side of history so many times.
It was theoretical, it never happened. It was unproven Trump EVEN proposed it. And damn. It wouldn't be like extrajudicial airstrikes never happened before. Obama did that...but never mind that.
Esper was interviewed on NBC news. He said that one of his colleagues actually mentioned the statement to him. He was shocked, as he thought he had misheard it the first time trump said it. There is a corroborating, first hand, witness. trump is Insane.
That means war with Mexico.

You want us to be like Russia?
No, it would be like freeing Mexico from the corruption of the cartels.

Why do you think Mexico has the highest rate of murders, kidnappings, and disappearances of people in our hemisphere.

We give the Mexican gov't a choice, "Join us", "Let us do this without interference", or "Oppose us and we will be at war with you, a war you could never hope to win".


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?
Oh For fuk sakes Jim how many of these "Trump wanted to" bullshit threads are you going to start???
Esper was interviewed on NBC news. He said that one of his colleagues actually mentioned the statement to him. He was shocked, as he thought he had misheard it the first time trump said it. There is a corroborating, first hand, witness. trump is Insane.
So we're basing this then on 3rd degree hearsay.

Well damn, that's conclusive.
"Stupid" does not properly define this man. He is the most dangerous man walking on American soil. Pootin is the most dangerous man in the world. They are joined by stupidity.
Why are you so demented on Trump? Why? I am reasonable, I look at the facts. Not allegations. Biden abandoned Afghanistan and overall harmed American policy. FACT. Biden's incompetency has also caused record inflation. Fact. This weird fixation on 5% of gays that are NOT being persecuted connecting that with teaching pedophilia in public schools...HAVE you lost all sense of decency? NOBODY is FUCKING persecuting ANYONE. This is a popular liberal delusion.
No, it would be like freeing Mexico from the corruption of the cartels.

Why do you think Mexico has the highest rate of murders, kidnappings, and disappearances of people in our hemisphere.

We give the Mexican gov't a choice, "Join us", "Let us do this without interference", or "Oppose us and we will be at war with you, a war you could never hope to win".
We could call it a "special military operation."
And? Given the huge amount of Meth/fentanyl that is killing Americans. You are good protecting the cartels?
Are you good with unilaterally, unprovoked attacking an adjoining country....cartel or not? You think a missile will only take out the bad guys? trump is very imbalanced. Putin freeing Ukraine from Nazis
"Forgive us for the damage caused by our missiles. It was just a "special military operation" to eliminate a dangerous drug factory.
Are you good with unilaterally, unprovoked attacking an adjoining country....cartel or not? You think a missile will only take out the bad guys? trump is very imbalanced.
That isn't what's happening. Trump never did this. That is more to the point.

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