Former Defense Secr. says trump wanted to launch missiles into Mexico


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?
He wanted to take out cartel leaders
Now that's ultra maga
“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

Trump is reckless, irresponsible, and wholly unfit to be president.

And given this and so much more, conservatives still want Trump to be president again.
Senseless warfare, right up your alley
Everyone who hates Trump has a wild story to tell and make lots of money. Trump fired this guy. Get it? Notice he provides no proof of his claim.
Do not believe a fucking single word of it, such an "unprincipled" man, would never have succeeded in raising such an excellent family! Esper, along with Milley, is a traitor to the United States, Esper is totally fully of shit! :poke:

Spoken like a true cultist. Trump can do no wrong, I tell you!
If Trump did order a missile strike against a cartel run drug factory, that's not exactly a missile strike against MEXICO is it? We have had enough American citizens die from fentanyl in the last two years, the number of which would eclipse any strike against a Cartel facility. The Mexican government has failed to win their own war against the cartels so I'm not really gonna cry if something like that was going to happen. Their failure is killing Americans, so you know what? stop being such a whiny bitch about everything Trump.
As it is, Trump may have floated an idea, but obviously he listened to advisors around him who suggested otherwise. SO my guess is theres really not much there.I guess that Trump having that much concern about U.S. citizens dying is a problem for you isnt it? There's a lot of ideas that are "floated" that never see light of day, but why is it we always see this shit in someones memoir? And the New York Times rag that has been on the wrong side of history so many times.

You realize you can't just launch missiles into another country right? Worse yet is that Trump stupidly assumed Mexico wouldn't find out. Imagine sparking an international incident over a couple of supposed labs that may only exist in Trump's head, that would have been moved or rebuilt somewhere else almost immediately. What do you then, send more missiles into Mexico? Trump also wanted 250k sent to the border for no reason.

Trump also "floated" injecting disinfectants to kill covid or exposing ppl to deadly uv rays. There's brainstorming and then there's just mindlessly blurting out anything that comes into your head. Defending stoopid makes you as dumb as they are.
Ya mean like a ....."Special Operation"
No. Nothing clandestine. I’d live-stream the bombing and missile attacks. I’d release most of the after action video of the ground assaults.

I’d make it completely clear what happens to people who fuck with the USA. Fuck the internal community… keep your criminals and their activities out of our country or there WILL be consequences.
You realize you can't just launch missiles into another country right? Worse yet is that Trump stupidly assumed Mexico wouldn't find out. Imagine sparking an international incident over a couple of supposed labs that may only exist in Trump's head, that would have been moved or rebuilt somewhere else almost immediately. What do you then, send more missiles into Mexico? Trump also wanted 250k sent to the border for no reason.

Trump also "floated" injecting disinfectants to kill covid or exposing ppl to deadly uv rays. There's brainstorming and then there's just mindlessly blurting out anything that comes into your head. Defending stoopid makes you as dumb as they are.
It appears that if this latest lib claim is not a lie then trump raised an idea that was examined and ultimately rejected

But unlike biden at least trump has ideas

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