Former Defense Secr. says trump wanted to launch missiles into Mexico

I see no problem with this whatever the DEA and CIA have been doing down there has not worked. The cartel are sick cutting off heads and shit. Mexican government does nothing.
I see no problem with this whatever the DEA and CIA have been doing down there has not worked. The cartel are sick cutting off heads and shit. Mexican government does nothing.
Declare the cartels as the terrorist organizations they are and turn the full force of the US military loose on them.

Do the same with the gangs doing their bidding in the US and unleash every state, local, and federal resource we have loose on them.

At the same time secure the border.

Problem solved in a year or two.
You trumpers do not even believe audio or video. You just believe anything the former Liar in Chief tells you.
You folks seem to be the one's in denial.

We know the cheating occurred, but it's virtually impossible to prove just how much it affected the outcome.

We can't prove how the illegal ballots were cast, or even how the legal ballots were cast since there's no way to match each ballot to a voter.
We know the cheating occurred
No you don't. You know what you were fed by your cult high priests. Those were all lies.

That is why you are embarrassing yourself by committing blatant intellectual fraud, in searching for a whit of evidence for a belief you adopted over a year ago. You look really fucking stupid doing it, too.
No you don't. You know what you were fed by your cult high priests. Those were all lies.

That is why you are embarrassing yourself by committing blatant intellectual fraud, in searching for a whit of evidence for a belief you adopted over a year ago. You look really fucking stupid doing it, too.
Yes we do, cheating occurs every election cycle which is why a few get caught and prosecuted each cycle.

What we can't know is just how extensive the cheating is or if it actually changed the outcome of the election.

The person looking really fucking stupid is the one denying it.
Who the hell doesn't have "ideas"?

What's scary is that Trump's ideas show that he's a lunatic & what's even scarier is that you MAGA halfwits want to put him back in power.
Thats just your wacky opinion

Former Defense Secr. says trump wanted to launch missiles into Mexico​

Oh, yeah, well, President Biden wanted to launch used Depends into Mexico.​

Seriously, Joe has just been launching undocumented illegal aliens all over America, and really, I'd much rather have Trump back instead.


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.

And the repub party is drooling over the prospects that this man is their Presidential candidate in 2024. REALLY?

Yeah, and Esper was so "principled" he waited until he had a book deal to divulge this tidbit.
Re-elect trump and watch him launch missiles like the quote again, Sherlock.


“He is an unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service,” Esper says of Trump in his memoir, quoted by the New York Times.
Re-elect Trump without the dems cheating their way in, and Putin would stop invading other nations and threatening to nuke the Brits and others fearing that Trump would thump him.

Weak leaders like Biden invite war to come to your doorsteps--stronger leaders that other idiots (like JIM) worry about thumping their asses tend to deter wars not start them.
Thats just your wacky opinion
Every single person other then his asseaters like Meadows who worked for that maniac Trump know he's unfit for office. Trump & Medaows are both cut from the same cloth- a couple of lifelong self serving scumbags.

Ony a total moron would vote for that degenerate again.

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