Former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Threatens the Chief of Capitol Police

With video:

The moment ex-DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz warns Capitol police chief to ‘expect consequences’ if he fails to return her laptop seized during probe into aide who ‘stole secrets from Congress.’

I've seen the picture. It looks like "The moment Debbie Wasserman-Schultz fires her tongue three feet out and draws a live blue jay into her gullet whole."
In my defense, most pictures of her look like that.

Laptop = we have it, we imaged the hard drive, here's your laptop back. Two hours, max.
Evidence is never returned during a criminal investigation. If a crime is proven to have happened the evidence is never returned.

Get informed before you spout silly bullshit
Do we still burn witches at the stake ?

If so, then we should start collecting wood.

If not, well, time to restart.
With video:

The moment ex-DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz warns Capitol police chief to ‘expect consequences’ if he fails to return her laptop seized during probe into aide who ‘stole secrets from Congress.’

I've seen the picture. It looks like "The moment Debbie Wasserman-Schultz fires her tongue three feet out and draws a live blue jay into her gullet whole."
In my defense, most pictures of her look like that.

Laptop = we have it, we imaged the hard drive, here's your laptop back. Two hours, max.
Evidence is never returned during a criminal investigation. If a crime is proven to have happened the evidence is never returned.

Get informed before you spout silly bullshit
A guy steals my watch - they hold it for evidence and you think I never get it back? You are an idiot.

How to Get Back Property Held by Police for Evidence
With video:

The moment ex-DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz warns Capitol police chief to ‘expect consequences’ if he fails to return her laptop seized during probe into aide who ‘stole secrets from Congress.’

I've seen the picture. It looks like "The moment Debbie Wasserman-Schultz fires her tongue three feet out and draws a live blue jay into her gullet whole."
In my defense, most pictures of her look like that.

Laptop = we have it, we imaged the hard drive, here's your laptop back. Two hours, max.
Evidence is never returned during a criminal investigation. If a crime is proven to have happened the evidence is never returned.

Get informed before you spout silly bullshit
A guy steals my watch - they hold it for evidence and you think I never get it back? You are an idiot.

How to Get Back Property Held by Police for Evidence
The lap top is not stolen idiot
No one has ever been able to prove that it wasn't


Vince Foster, Hillary's Rose Law firm "partner," WH attorney.... found dead in Ft. Marcy Park.

WH response

Webster Hubbell, then DOJ's #3 before two trips to the Federal poke, tells the FBI to "fuck off."
Foster's office is not sealed, allowing HILLARY to sort through and REMOVE files from his office
The "Park Police" conclude "suicide" as soon as the body is found - no need to investigate it
The corpse has one type of carpet fiber all over it - indicating the corpse was moved while wrapped in a carpet
The gun was still in Foster's hands (all other actual suicides involving shooting self found the gun way away from the corpse = kickback)

Vince Foster ‘suicide’ shocker: 2nd wound documented

The real question is - why are the Dem Activists here so so eager to end discussion .... of DEAD DEMS????
With video:

The moment ex-DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz warns Capitol police chief to ‘expect consequences’ if he fails to return her laptop seized during probe into aide who ‘stole secrets from Congress.’

I've seen the picture. It looks like "The moment Debbie Wasserman-Schultz fires her tongue three feet out and draws a live blue jay into her gullet whole."
In my defense, most pictures of her look like that.

Laptop = we have it, we imaged the hard drive, here's your laptop back. Two hours, max.
Evidence is never returned during a criminal investigation. If a crime is proven to have happened the evidence is never returned.

Get informed before you spout silly bullshit
A guy steals my watch - they hold it for evidence and you think I never get it back? You are an idiot.

How to Get Back Property Held by Police for Evidence
The lap top is not stolen idiot
And it will also be returned but there wasn't any good reason to keep it in the first place. The data matters (not the fucking thing with a keyboard that plays cat videos).
No one has ever been able to prove that it wasn't


Vince Foster, Hillary's Rose Law firm "partner," WH attorney.... found dead in Ft. Marcy Park.

WH response

Webster Hubbell, then DOJ's #3 before two trips to the Federal poke, tells the FBI to "fuck off."
Foster's office is not sealed, allowing HILLARY to sort through and REMOVE files from his office
The "Park Police" conclude "suicide" as soon as the body is found - no need to investigate it
The corpse has one type of carpet fiber all over it - indicating the corpse was moved while wrapped in a carpet
The gun was still in Foster's hands (all other actual suicides involving shooting self found the gun way away from the corpse = kickback)

Vince Foster ‘suicide’ shocker: 2nd wound documented

The real question is - why are the Dem Activists here so so eager to end discussion .... of DEAD DEMS????
The man was dead 30 years ago. Stop digging him up trying to take down Hillary.
With video:

The moment ex-DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz warns Capitol police chief to ‘expect consequences’ if he fails to return her laptop seized during probe into aide who ‘stole secrets from Congress.’

I've seen the picture. It looks like "The moment Debbie Wasserman-Schultz fires her tongue three feet out and draws a live blue jay into her gullet whole."
In my defense, most pictures of her look like that.

Laptop = we have it, we imaged the hard drive, here's your laptop back. Two hours, max.
Evidence is never returned during a criminal investigation. If a crime is proven to have happened the evidence is never returned.

Get informed before you spout silly bullshit
A guy steals my watch - they hold it for evidence and you think I never get it back? You are an idiot.

How to Get Back Property Held by Police for Evidence
The lap top is not stolen idiot
And it will also be returned but there wasn't any good reason to keep it in the first place. The data matters (not the fucking thing with a keyboard that plays cat videos).
It is evidence in an investigation. Evidence is safely held away during this process. This is how it's always been. You're being as dumb as she is.
You're suggestion implies that pedophiles that traffic in child porn via their pc should get them back once a hard drive is copied.

Asinine. You're an idiot
Stop digging him up

WHY is there such fear, hate, and paranoia when we discuss DEAD DEMS???

Was MLK killed by a Klansman, or by LBJ's Zionism???

What was Hillary doing rifling through Foster's office the night of his death?

Why do those questions generate so much hate and fear in DEM Activists here on USMB????

.....and Democrats really think the American people should trust them when it comes to Cybersecurity? Rogue email servers, non citizens running critical IT??? What's next?
Anyone who thinks data is safe - doesn't know data (or safety).

You just proved my point. Your side doesn't give a shit about Cybersecurity and exercise blatant disregard for it on top of it. Democrats ought to run on that, "data is not safe anyway".
They "care" about as much as anyone else. And cyber-security is a myth. It doesn't exist. You'd need an air-gap super computer in a hidden location ten miles under ground just to type so much as thank you note and keep it protected. Those days, they never really existed, are long gone.

If you are worried your mommy (or boss) might just be unhappy about what you type and what you browse - don't. As with all forms of privacy - it no longer exists.

Cybersecurity is a myth???? With increasingly complex IT infrastructures evolving, you r position is that since absolute 100 percent Cybersecurity is not possible, it is best to either take a caveman approach (air gap) or the Wild West ( no protection). Think about your logic, why have stop signs or traffic lights..... Accidents will happen anyway.
.....and Democrats really think the American people should trust them when it comes to Cybersecurity? Rogue email servers, non citizens running critical IT??? What's next?
Anyone who thinks data is safe - doesn't know data (or safety).

You just proved my point. Your side doesn't give a shit about Cybersecurity and exercise blatant disregard for it on top of it. Democrats ought to run on that, "data is not safe anyway".
They "care" about as much as anyone else. And cyber-security is a myth. It doesn't exist. You'd need an air-gap super computer in a hidden location ten miles under ground just to type so much as thank you note and keep it protected. Those days, they never really existed, are long gone.

If you are worried your mommy (or boss) might just be unhappy about what you type and what you browse - don't. As with all forms of privacy - it no longer exists.

Cybersecurity is a myth???? With increasingly complex IT infrastructures evolving, you r position is that since absolute 100 percent Cybersecurity is not possible, it is best to either take a caveman approach (air gap) or the Wild West ( no protection). Think about your logic, why have stop signs or traffic lights..... Accidents will happen anyway.
You can take whatever steps you like but if you feel you have security, that your data is safe, then you are a damn fool. I didn't say don't try I said - the idea that you can make your data safe is bullshit. Like any locked door if they really want in they go through the windows and there ain't shit you can do to stop the truly motivated.

For all you know (and you wouldn't) every keystroke you ever type is recorded and sent off to a nice big fat data center. You'd (very likely) never know so don't give me this crap that cyber-security really exists. The idea exist, the application of said idea fails (only slightly more often) than virginity.
The dirty little secret is that democrat politicians are so used to getting a historic pass from the MSM that they still think they can threaten and intimidate and act in outrageous ways even in the age of information. They still don't get it and that's the reason they lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and over 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade. Americans are getting smarter but democrat politicians ain't.
Laptop = we have it, we imaged the hard drive, here's your laptop back. Two hours, max.
Evidence is never returned during a criminal investigation. If a crime is proven to have happened the evidence is never returned.

Get informed before you spout silly bullshit
A guy steals my watch - they hold it for evidence and you think I never get it back? You are an idiot.

How to Get Back Property Held by Police for Evidence
The lap top is not stolen idiot
And it will also be returned but there wasn't any good reason to keep it in the first place. The data matters (not the fucking thing with a keyboard that plays cat videos).
It is evidence in an investigation. Evidence is safely held away during this process. This is how it's always been. You're being as dumb as she is.
You're suggestion implies that pedophiles that traffic in child porn via their pc should get them back once a hard drive is copied.

Asinine. You're an idiot
Evidence might be held or might not but it is (usually) returned to the owner. You don't need a laptop to see what data was on it. You need the hard drive and that is easy to copy. You can even keep the original and hand back the copy. It's works the same. The idea that you don't get your property back is as asinine and ignorant as you are, Grandpa.
Stop digging him up

WHY is there such fear, hate, and paranoia when we discuss DEAD DEMS???

Was MLK killed by a Klansman, or by LBJ's Zionism???

What was Hillary doing rifling through Foster's office the night of his death?

Why do those questions generate so much hate and fear in DEM Activists here on USMB????

I care so little that I had think if I even wanted to bother to respond. Leave the dead in peace. You'll have a much better life for doing so.
Evidence is never returned during a criminal investigation. If a crime is proven to have happened the evidence is never returned.

Get informed before you spout silly bullshit
A guy steals my watch - they hold it for evidence and you think I never get it back? You are an idiot.

How to Get Back Property Held by Police for Evidence
The lap top is not stolen idiot
And it will also be returned but there wasn't any good reason to keep it in the first place. The data matters (not the fucking thing with a keyboard that plays cat videos).
It is evidence in an investigation. Evidence is safely held away during this process. This is how it's always been. You're being as dumb as she is.
You're suggestion implies that pedophiles that traffic in child porn via their pc should get them back once a hard drive is copied.

Asinine. You're an idiot
Evidence might be held or might not but it is (usually) returned to the owner. You don't need a laptop to see what data was on it. You need the hard drive and that is easy to copy. You can even keep the original and hand back the copy. It's works the same. The idea that you don't get your property back is as asinine and ignorant as you are, Grandpa.
If she is found to be criminally liable in some fashion she will never get it back.
Those are the facts and you should stop responding because I'm making you look incredibly stupid
If she committed a crime, prosecute her. If not, I don't really care. We just elected a guy who attacked a reporter earlier this week. They nominated someone selling influence for President. I'm tired of selective outrage
Irony. Sweet irony from a Hillary cheerleader.
With video:

The moment ex-DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz warns Capitol police chief to ‘expect consequences’ if he fails to return her laptop seized during probe into aide who ‘stole secrets from Congress.’

I've seen the picture. It looks like "The moment Debbie Wasserman-Schultz fires her tongue three feet out and draws a live blue jay into her gullet whole."
In my defense, most pictures of her look like that.

Laptop = we have it, we imaged the hard drive, here's your laptop back. Two hours, max.
So she can say that was not my laptop you copied.
Evidence is never returned during a criminal investigation. If a crime is proven to have happened the evidence is never returned.

Get informed before you spout silly bullshit
A guy steals my watch - they hold it for evidence and you think I never get it back? You are an idiot.

How to Get Back Property Held by Police for Evidence
The lap top is not stolen idiot
And it will also be returned but there wasn't any good reason to keep it in the first place. The data matters (not the fucking thing with a keyboard that plays cat videos).
It is evidence in an investigation. Evidence is safely held away during this process. This is how it's always been. You're being as dumb as she is.
You're suggestion implies that pedophiles that traffic in child porn via their pc should get them back once a hard drive is copied.

Asinine. You're an idiot
Evidence might be held or might not but it is (usually) returned to the owner. You don't need a laptop to see what data was on it. You need the hard drive and that is easy to copy. You can even keep the original and hand back the copy. It's works the same. The idea that you don't get your property back is as asinine and ignorant as you are, Grandpa.
Head of the DNC for years can't buy another laptop?
A guy steals my watch - they hold it for evidence and you think I never get it back? You are an idiot.

How to Get Back Property Held by Police for Evidence
The lap top is not stolen idiot
And it will also be returned but there wasn't any good reason to keep it in the first place. The data matters (not the fucking thing with a keyboard that plays cat videos).
It is evidence in an investigation. Evidence is safely held away during this process. This is how it's always been. You're being as dumb as she is.
You're suggestion implies that pedophiles that traffic in child porn via their pc should get them back once a hard drive is copied.

Asinine. You're an idiot
Evidence might be held or might not but it is (usually) returned to the owner. You don't need a laptop to see what data was on it. You need the hard drive and that is easy to copy. You can even keep the original and hand back the copy. It's works the same. The idea that you don't get your property back is as asinine and ignorant as you are, Grandpa.
Head of the DNC for years can't buy another laptop?
Ah, not the point now is it? When some guy steals my watch and the cops hold it as evidence, I want it back - no matter how long it takes. Some asshole kids stole a boombox of mine (decades ago of course) and the police returned two days later.

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