Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News

Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.

So does Google far and away by how they prioritize the search engine links.

So does Wikipedia.

So does SNOPES.

So do the great majority of our public universities.

So do 5 of the 6 mainstream TV news networks including PBS.

But the liberals in this nation do not care because it favors them.

They do not care because the corporations, such as the Ford Foundation, will give them more money if they attack the white middle class by any means necessary and these self-hating fools go right to it.

Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.

The left are vile. They believe that power in their hands is worth anything else they have to do to get it.......we see it here on U.S. message all the time......they cannot debate facts, the truth and reality.....they lie and resort to emotion to push their agenda...

The left in Hollywood attacks conservatives.

The left in Education attacks conservatives.

The left in journalism and the media attacks conservatives.

And then they still complain about the right....

If the right would quit acting like giant douches, you wouldn't be attacked so often.
Anyone who believes FB's primary purpose is "providing news" is just sad.

Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.

FaceBook is a private company and does not owe you or anyone else any first amendment protections.

This is why PA laws are so stupid, you can't SOMETIMES force companies to not violate your rights.

Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.
Conservative victim complex. All curators "questioned" for the article denied that this happened except for the one or 2 anonymous whiners the article is about.

Of course it was anonymous. Because...uh...liberals will find them or something.

This type of stuff always makes me wonder. If Republicans hold liberals at fault for all of these ineffective is the right when they cannot control anything and are victims of liberals superior intellect.
That is like saying Africans were victims of Europeans' superior intellect when they were put into chattel slavery....

Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.
Conservative victim complex. All curators "questioned" for the article denied that this happened except for the one or 2 anonymous whiners the article is about.

Of course it was anonymous. Because...uh...liberals will find them or something.

This type of stuff always makes me wonder. If Republicans hold liberals at fault for all of these ineffective is the right when they cannot control anything and are victims of liberals superior intellect.
That is like saying Africans were victims of Europeans' superior intellect when they were put into chattel slavery....

No, its not like that at all but nice try tho

Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.
Conservative victim complex. All curators "questioned" for the article denied that this happened except for the one or 2 anonymous whiners the article is about.

Of course it was anonymous. Because...uh...liberals will find them or something.

This type of stuff always makes me wonder. If Republicans hold liberals at fault for all of these ineffective is the right when they cannot control anything and are victims of liberals superior intellect.
That is like saying Africans were victims of Europeans' superior intellect when they were put into chattel slavery....
They were victims of weapons that used gunpowder which was stolen from the Chinese. You don't have to have superior intellect to pull a trigger.

Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.
Conservative victim complex. All curators "questioned" for the article denied that this happened except for the one or 2 anonymous whiners the article is about.

Of course it was anonymous. Because...uh...liberals will find them or something.

This type of stuff always makes me wonder. If Republicans hold liberals at fault for all of these ineffective is the right when they cannot control anything and are victims of liberals superior intellect.
That is like saying Africans were victims of Europeans' superior intellect when they were put into chattel slavery....

No, its not like that at all but nice try tho
Yes, it very much is.

Liberals run the systems and therefore control everything and can oppress or destroy whoever they want at any time, that is not superior intellect.

Europeans(at the time)held all the money, the most advanced weapons, and their population was much larger than anyone except Asia, so they had the power to buy off anyone and oppress anyone they wanted to and Africans really couldn't do shit about it.

Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.
Conservative victim complex. All curators "questioned" for the article denied that this happened except for the one or 2 anonymous whiners the article is about.

Of course it was anonymous. Because...uh...liberals will find them or something.

This type of stuff always makes me wonder. If Republicans hold liberals at fault for all of these ineffective is the right when they cannot control anything and are victims of liberals superior intellect.
That is like saying Africans were victims of Europeans' superior intellect when they were put into chattel slavery....
They were victims of weapons that used gunpowder which was stolen from the Chinese. You don't have to have superior intellect to pull a trigger.
And you don't have to have superior intellect to appeal to idiocy either. Liberals went for the stupid people and succeeded in increasing their numbers to an overwhelming figure.
People need to DUMP face book. not only do they censure conservative news, they censor what you put on it and will take it down with hardly any explanation. hit them where it hurts, their pocket books
Why don't you head that up Steph!!! :laugh2:

Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.

So what about FB who the hell gets their news from there anyways?


Liberals make me sick with their endless stream of shit.

Hey forum liberals, do you ever get sick of defending shit like this?

Do you ever wish you were NOT liberal so that it was not your obligation to keep defending shit like this?

Because this is really shitty, and makes Facebook shitty, and makes all liberals look shit-shit-shitty.

Censorship is anti-American, and Facebook is acting like a third-world dictator.

Don't fucking tell me this shit is legal, because I know it is.

But it is still anti-American and very shitty.

You can do something legal and still be a shitty douchebag, like Mark Zuckerberg, who should be deported for shitty douchebag-ness.

And all liberals who defend this are shitty douchebags too.
Conservative victim complex. All curators "questioned" for the article denied that this happened except for the one or 2 anonymous whiners the article is about.

Of course it was anonymous. Because...uh...liberals will find them or something.

This type of stuff always makes me wonder. If Republicans hold liberals at fault for all of these ineffective is the right when they cannot control anything and are victims of liberals superior intellect.
That is like saying Africans were victims of Europeans' superior intellect when they were put into chattel slavery....
They were victims of weapons that used gunpowder which was stolen from the Chinese. You don't have to have superior intellect to pull a trigger.
And you don't have to have superior intellect to appeal to idiocy either. Liberals went for the stupid people and succeeded in increasing their numbers to an overwhelming figure.
really, the people in the red jesusland states are uneducated rubes and places where their are educated people are in the blue states, New Yorker's of all stripes laugh at you kooks in flyover country
Conservative victim complex. All curators "questioned" for the article denied that this happened except for the one or 2 anonymous whiners the article is about.

Of course it was anonymous. Because...uh...liberals will find them or something.

This type of stuff always makes me wonder. If Republicans hold liberals at fault for all of these ineffective is the right when they cannot control anything and are victims of liberals superior intellect.
That is like saying Africans were victims of Europeans' superior intellect when they were put into chattel slavery....
They were victims of weapons that used gunpowder which was stolen from the Chinese. You don't have to have superior intellect to pull a trigger.
And you don't have to have superior intellect to appeal to idiocy either. Liberals went for the stupid people and succeeded in increasing their numbers to an overwhelming figure.
really, the people in the red jesusland states are uneducated rubes and places where their are educated people are in the blue states, New Yorker's of all stripes laugh at you kooks in flyover country
The most educated areas are all red counties. New York City's actual education rate is a well known joke.

You want to pick on minuscule communities that are actually much more educated than the minorities who vote Democrat, but, Republican suburban areas are far outside the range of your party's average education level.
Conservative victim complex. All curators "questioned" for the article denied that this happened except for the one or 2 anonymous whiners the article is about.

Of course it was anonymous. Because...uh...liberals will find them or something.

This type of stuff always makes me wonder. If Republicans hold liberals at fault for all of these ineffective is the right when they cannot control anything and are victims of liberals superior intellect.
That is like saying Africans were victims of Europeans' superior intellect when they were put into chattel slavery....
They were victims of weapons that used gunpowder which was stolen from the Chinese. You don't have to have superior intellect to pull a trigger.
And you don't have to have superior intellect to appeal to idiocy either. Liberals went for the stupid people and succeeded in increasing their numbers to an overwhelming figure.
really, the people in the red jesusland states are uneducated rubes and places where their are educated people are in the blue states, New Yorker's of all stripes laugh at you kooks in flyover country

You're a retard aren't you. Plenty of educated, and uneducated, people on both sides of the political spectrum.
Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News
The most obvious problem with that victimhood whine is CON$ have no news!
All they have is opinionated gossip based on unsubstantiated rumors.
Of course it was anonymous. Because...uh...liberals will find them or something.

This type of stuff always makes me wonder. If Republicans hold liberals at fault for all of these ineffective is the right when they cannot control anything and are victims of liberals superior intellect.
That is like saying Africans were victims of Europeans' superior intellect when they were put into chattel slavery....
They were victims of weapons that used gunpowder which was stolen from the Chinese. You don't have to have superior intellect to pull a trigger.
And you don't have to have superior intellect to appeal to idiocy either. Liberals went for the stupid people and succeeded in increasing their numbers to an overwhelming figure.
really, the people in the red jesusland states are uneducated rubes and places where their are educated people are in the blue states, New Yorker's of all stripes laugh at you kooks in flyover country

You're a retard aren't you. Plenty of educated, and uneducated, people on both sides of the political spectrum.
Most of the educated Democrats are limited to the top 1%(professors, lawyers etc).

The vast majority of the Democratic Party today is dumb inner city people and immigrants without any sort of education.
The left in Hollywood attacks conservatives.

The left in Education attacks conservatives.

The left in journalism and the media attacks conservatives.

And then they still complain about the right....
Play that perpetual victim card, crybaby! :rofl::lmao:

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