Former FBI Director 'Guilty' of Obstruction By Attempting To Undermine Investigation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
According to DEMOCRATS and SNOWFLAKES, former FBI Director James Comey is GUILTY OF OBSTRUCTION by continually, very vocally, attempting to publicly defend himself through authoring OpEds meant to undermine the US AG's investigation into his, his FBI's, and his fellow conspirators' criminal attempt to affect the removal of President Trump from office / attempt to 'un-do' the results of the 201y election.

At least this is the accusation that some Dems / snowflakes have made against Trump. No 'normal' / 'inmocent' person would make such a vocal public defense of his innocense...they would just remain silent and allow all of the investigations to be carried out to their final conclusions...

...but I guess that argument doesn't apply to the Democrats / Comey.

It is perfectly ok, according to Dems and s owflakes, for HIM to continue to claim he is innocent, despite evidence and testimony to the contrary, to write scathing attacks against the US AG and the DOJ now investigating his proven crimes...even ADMITTED crimes ... lime intentionally leaking classified information...

Somehow, however, I feel a wave of hypocritical justifications about how what Comey is doing is completely not the same as the President continuing to declare his own INNOCENSE...

New Comey op-ed: The "deep state treason" conspiracy theory about Russiagate is the dumbest of dumb lies

If Comey has nothing to hide, as Dems/snowflakes said about the President, he would welcome these investigations, would happily comply / volunteer to provide anything the US AG / DOJ requests, and would cease and desist with his public political OpEds meant to undermine the US AG and these investigations...

('What is good for the goose is good for the gander'...your turn, Mr. Comey....practice what you preached...)
hot air? you posted a link to 'hot air?'


A private citizen doesn't have the right to defend himself when the president says he's a criminal? That somehow is obstruction? Don't think it works that way but whatevs.

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