Former FEC Chairman To Mark Levin: Stormy Daniels Money Cannot Be In Kind Campaign Contribution

When did Cohen plead guilty to the crime you claim is not a crime?


Ever hear of a plea deal, or is that to far over your head-)

You plea to a lesser charge, even one you might not have committed, to lessen your exposure.

By the way...…….did you also know that pleading guilty under a plea deal, can NOT be used as evidence to prosecute anyone else; or is that to far over your head too, lol!

And it's important to note that PLEA DEALS are not case law. People plead out to things for which they are not guilty all of the time in order to avoid costly trials. We have such a complicated system of law that most people have unknowingly broke at least a few.

A guilty plea is an admission of guilt.
It doesn't prove you're actually guilty, moron.

Actually it does. He's a convicted felon. There's no changing that.

He's not been convicted of anything, he pled out. He was a moron to plea out so fast.
WTF is wrong with you freaks?

Where exactly was I dishonest? Was pointing out YOU asked for links dishonest? Was pointing out YOU refused to click on the links YOU asked for dishonest?

As far as it being a crime. It was an in-kind contribution according to Cohen. Such contributions are limited to $2700 but according to Cohen, he paid $130,000.
A candidate can donate as much of his own funds as we wants, dumbass.

Just as long as they report it. Did Trump report the payments on his campaign finances?
It wasn't a campaign expenditure, so he isn't required to report it.
A candidate can donate as much of his own funds as we wants, dumbass.

It would be a donation as you suggested, dope and subject to reporting requirements.

You are dumb as shit, son.
Wrong, shit for brains. Read the OP.

Read your own post, dope.

A candidate can donate as much of his own funds as we wants, dumbass.
He's not there to determine guilt... the fucking defendant is PLEADING GUILTY. The judge was there to make sure it was a crime he was pleading to and that he knew what he was pleading to.

Every thread I see you post in, you say dumber shit than the time before. I'm not even sure how that is possible anymore.

Wrong. That is NOT the judge's job. If a defendant is going to plea guilty the judges job is to ensure he is of sound mind and to sentence him. Determining whether a crime is committed is the job of the JURY.
Retarded is suggesting that Cohen plead guilty to a crime that was in fact, not a crime.

That is about as retarded as one can be for Trump.
It wasn’t a crime
Well he’s convicted of committing a crime — so yeah, it’s a crime.

Obama was convicted of a far worse crime. Why isn't he going to prison?

Obama was convicted od nothing, dope.
He paid a $365,000 fine for not reporting donations, asshole.

It's not a conviction, dope.
... Former FEC Chairman To Mark Levin: Stormy Daniels Money Cannot Be In Kind Campaign Contribution

Law Professor and former FEC chairman Bradley Smith spoke with conservative radio host Mark Levin on Tuesday. He laid out the reason why the payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels from President Trump’s private attorney Michael Cohen could not be an in-kind campaign contribution.

“Here’s the bottom line,” Smith told Levin. “The purpose of those laws is to prevent corruption and one way campaign contributions or in-kind campaign contributions are different than bribes is that you have to use them to get elected. You can’t use them to buy yourself grandfather clocks or fur coats or Rolex watches or something like that.”

He said, “And the FEC standard for that is you can’t use your campaign money for personal use. What they mean by that is you can’t use that for something you’d have to pay anyway that’s not directly for your campaign. The question is, ‘is this really a campaign obligation?’”

Professor Smith continued, “None of these expenditures helped Mr. Trump’s campaign. There’s all kinds of reasons why he may want to make these expenditures even if the allegations made by Stormy Daniels are untrue. Just for family harmony, commercial viability over the long term.”

He emphasized, “Historically, the FEC has said these things are not campaign contributions.”

Professor Smith added, “When the FEC wrote the regulation that says what constitutes campaign expenditures and what constitutes personal use, it rejected specifically the idea that a campaign expenditure was anything related to a campaign, and instead says it has to be something that exists only because of the campaign and solely for that reason.”
Bripat9643, is it a campaign contribution? I think that may be for a jury to decide. The learned professor's statement that the expenditure did not help President Trump's primary or general election campaign is sophistry. If the the woman's accusation became common knowledge, it may likely been detrimental to Trump's political purposes.

Historically, the FEC has said these things are not campaign contributions”? This question has often arisen historically, and always in this exact or very similar manner?

Respectfully, Supposn
That isn't what he said, douchebag. Buying a new suit would help his campaign, but it's not classified as a campaign expenditure because that's an expenditure he would make even if he wasn't running for office.

Not if he needed the suit for the campaign, dope. If Trump is on the road and his suit is ruined, a replacement would certainly be a campaign expense.
Wrong. The suit would never be a campaign expense if he paid for it with his own money since people buy suits for personal use all the time.

It wouldn't be for personal use on the campaign trail as I said, dope.
A candidate can donate as much of his own funds as we wants, dumbass.

Just as long as they report it. Did Trump report the payments on his campaign finances?
It wasn't a campaign expenditure, so he isn't required to report it.
A candidate can donate as much of his own funds as we wants, dumbass.

It would be a donation as you suggested, dope and subject to reporting requirements.

You are dumb as shit, son.
Wrong, shit for brains. Read the OP.

Read your own post, dope.

A candidate can donate as much of his own funds as we wants, dumbass.
It wasn't a donation, shit for brains.
He's not there to determine guilt... the fucking defendant is PLEADING GUILTY. The judge was there to make sure it was a crime he was pleading to and that he knew what he was pleading to.

Every thread I see you post in, you say dumber shit than the time before. I'm not even sure how that is possible anymore.

Wrong. That is NOT the judge's job. If a defendant is going to plea guilty the judges job is to ensure he is of sound mind and to sentence him. Determining whether a crime is committed is the job of the JURY.

I didn't say he was there to make sure he was guilty. I said... the judge is there to make sure it was a crime he was pleading guilty to and to make sure he knew what he was pleading to and to explain it.

Reading comprehension is important.
Today, China advanced it's impenetrable Quantum long range signal encryption algorithms.
An advancement that could render all US military radar and stealth technology obsolete.

Today Lefturds argued that Kim Kardashian's new makup line is more "Cosmopolitan" than "Fashionable" and of MUCH greater concern.
... Former FEC Chairman To Mark Levin: Stormy Daniels Money Cannot Be In Kind Campaign Contribution

Law Professor and former FEC chairman Bradley Smith spoke with conservative radio host Mark Levin on Tuesday. He laid out the reason why the payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels from President Trump’s private attorney Michael Cohen could not be an in-kind campaign contribution.

“Here’s the bottom line,” Smith told Levin. “The purpose of those laws is to prevent corruption and one way campaign contributions or in-kind campaign contributions are different than bribes is that you have to use them to get elected. You can’t use them to buy yourself grandfather clocks or fur coats or Rolex watches or something like that.”

He said, “And the FEC standard for that is you can’t use your campaign money for personal use. What they mean by that is you can’t use that for something you’d have to pay anyway that’s not directly for your campaign. The question is, ‘is this really a campaign obligation?’”

Professor Smith continued, “None of these expenditures helped Mr. Trump’s campaign. There’s all kinds of reasons why he may want to make these expenditures even if the allegations made by Stormy Daniels are untrue. Just for family harmony, commercial viability over the long term.”

He emphasized, “Historically, the FEC has said these things are not campaign contributions.”

Professor Smith added, “When the FEC wrote the regulation that says what constitutes campaign expenditures and what constitutes personal use, it rejected specifically the idea that a campaign expenditure was anything related to a campaign, and instead says it has to be something that exists only because of the campaign and solely for that reason.”
Bripat9643, is it a campaign contribution? I think that may be for a jury to decide. The learned professor's statement that the expenditure did not help President Trump's primary or general election campaign is sophistry. If the the woman's accusation became common knowledge, it may likely been detrimental to Trump's political purposes.

Historically, the FEC has said these things are not campaign contributions”? This question has often arisen historically, and always in this exact or very similar manner?

Respectfully, Supposn
That isn't what he said, douchebag. Buying a new suit would help his campaign, but it's not classified as a campaign expenditure because that's an expenditure he would make even if he wasn't running for office.

Not if he needed the suit for the campaign, dope. If Trump is on the road and his suit is ruined, a replacement would certainly be a campaign expense.
Wrong. The suit would never be a campaign expense if he paid for it with his own money since people buy suits for personal use all the time.

It wouldn't be for personal use on the campaign trail as I said, dope.
Obviously wrong.
No, what people say means nothing, all that matters is what the court says.

Did it matter what all the people were saying about OJ during his murder trial?
The courts haven't said he's guilty. Cohen says he's guilty, and you just agreed that it doesn't matter what he says.
The courts haven't said he's guilty. Cohen says he's guilty, and you just agreed that it doesn't matter what he says.


Cohen is convicted, dope. He is now a federal felon. It is a done deal
I'm sorry you can't understand simple sentences. The court accepted Cohen's plea. That's all it did.

Which makes him convicted as a federal felon, dope.
Which means nothing as far as Trump is concerned.

It means quite a lot. Whether or not it will be acted on is another issue. It certainly implicates him solidly.
Still retardedly suggesting that Cohen, his attorney, the prosecutor and the judge all just made a mistake doesn't change what actually happened.

Cohen plead guilty to, and named Trump as a co-conspirator in two counts related to the payment, dope.

The payment wasn't illegal, man it sucks to be you. :itsok:
So what did Cohen plead guilty to?

A charge, not necessarily a crime.
You get charged with a crime. You plead or are found guilty of a crime.

Cohen pled guilty to crimes. Manifort was found guilty of crimes. Get it?

No you plea guilty to a charge. You can be charged with something you didn't do. You can choose to plea to it to avoid other things you did do. It's called a plea agreement, read up on it.

And as I said before, the judge has nothing to do with whether what he did was a crime or not, That's not the judges job, that's the job of a jury. But if you plea out you're giving up your right to a jury so the judge's job at that point is to ensure you are of sound mind and body and to sentence you once its said and done. NOT to decide whether you're guilty or not.

You folks bend yourselves into the most ridiculous pretzels. Cohen pled guilty to crimes, not charges, crimes. Manifort was found guilty of crimes, not charges, crimes. Both had been charged with...

Cohen said he violated it, the Southern District of New York says Cohen violated it. That is all that really matters, everything is just opinion and holds no actual value.
Wrong. Neither of those facts matter. They prove nothing other than that Cohen agreed to a plea bargain. If I agreed to a contract that said there are unicorns on Mars, would that prove there are unicorns on Mars?

They prove nothing other than that Cohen agreed to a plea bargain

No. They prove that Cohen admitted guilt to specific, felonious campaign finance violations.
No, it only proves that Cohen agreed to the plea. There's nothing "felonious" about the violation. If it was felonious, then why aren't both Clinton and Obama in prison?

The charge he plead to was a federal felony, retard.
Is Obama in prison? No? Then you must be mistaken.

Look at you crawling in the mud and debasing yourself for Trump. What a loser.
You folks bend yourselves into the most ridiculous pretzels. Cohen pled guilty to crimes, not charges, crimes. Manifort was found guilty of crimes, not charges, crimes. Both had been charged with...

I'm wowed.....
so that means what? Mueller only needs about what...300 million more indictments and convictions until he gets to Trump ?

Both were scumbags and deserved convictions. Again, we all thought it was Trump who as the 'prize" you were close....yet so far....:rolleyes:
The courts haven't said he's guilty. Cohen says he's guilty, and you just agreed that it doesn't matter what he says.
The courts haven't said he's guilty. Cohen says he's guilty, and you just agreed that it doesn't matter what he says.


Cohen is convicted, dope. He is now a federal felon. It is a done deal
I'm sorry you can't understand simple sentences. The court accepted Cohen's plea. That's all it did.

Which makes him convicted as a federal felon, dope.
Which means nothing as far as Trump is concerned.

It means quite a lot. Whether or not it will be acted on is another issue. It certainly implicates him solidly.
It does nothing of the sort.
Your desperation is glaring.
And it wasn't a plea agreement. It was a guilty plea.
You're the legally impaired one here, trying to rewrite the facts to suit your BI-ASS.
The guilty plea was the result of a plea agreement, you double barreled dumbass.

Guilty is guilty, dope.

There arent degrees of guilty. :laugh2:
Wrong. There's pleading guilty and actually being guilty. I'm sorry you are too intellectually challenged understand that the law and reality do not always coincide.

There is no difference, dope.

It has been adjudicated. Cohen is a ferderal felon.
You are such a fucking imbecile. You're obviously immune to facts and logic. You deserve to be put on ignore, but I don't do that out of principle.

Ignore is for pussies, loser.
No. They prove that Cohen admitted guilt to specific, felonious campaign finance violations.
No, it only proves that Cohen agreed to the plea. There's nothing "felonious" about the violation. If it was felonious, then why aren't both Clinton and Obama in prison?

The charge he plead to was a federal felony, retard.
Is Obama in prison? No? Then you must be mistaken.

Obama plead guilty to a felony? :290968001256257790-final:
That's what that idiot Hutch Starskey claims.

That's all yours, dope. I claimed no such thing.
He's not there to determine guilt... the fucking defendant is PLEADING GUILTY. The judge was there to make sure it was a crime he was pleading to and that he knew what he was pleading to.

Every thread I see you post in, you say dumber shit than the time before. I'm not even sure how that is possible anymore.

Wrong. That is NOT the judge's job. If a defendant is going to plea guilty the judges job is to ensure he is of sound mind and to sentence him. Determining whether a crime is committed is the job of the JURY.

I didn't say he was there to make sure he was guilty. I said... the judge is there to make sure it was a crime he was pleading guilty to and to make sure he knew what he was pleading to and to explain it.

Reading comprehension is important.

Wrong again. You said hes there to make sure it was a crime. Again that is NOT HIS JOB. I mean the DA can't make up a charge, you can't plea to something that doesn't exist but that's not the judge's job. I don't know what you think you meant when you said "make sure it was a crime" make sure WHAT was a crime? What the guy did? NOT THE JUDGES JOB. That's the jury. If it wasn't a crime then he would be found NOT GUILTY.
Wrong. Neither of those facts matter. They prove nothing other than that Cohen agreed to a plea bargain. If I agreed to a contract that said there are unicorns on Mars, would that prove there are unicorns on Mars?

They prove nothing other than that Cohen agreed to a plea bargain

No. They prove that Cohen admitted guilt to specific, felonious campaign finance violations.
No, it only proves that Cohen agreed to the plea. There's nothing "felonious" about the violation. If it was felonious, then why aren't both Clinton and Obama in prison?

The charge he plead to was a federal felony, retard.
Is Obama in prison? No? Then you must be mistaken.

Look at you crawling in the mud and debasing yourself for Trump. What a loser.
You are fucking hilarious. Do you know that?
The guilty plea was the result of a plea agreement, you double barreled dumbass.

Guilty is guilty, dope.

There arent degrees of guilty. :laugh2:
Wrong. There's pleading guilty and actually being guilty. I'm sorry you are too intellectually challenged understand that the law and reality do not always coincide.

There is no difference, dope.

It has been adjudicated. Cohen is a ferderal felon.
You are such a fucking imbecile. You're obviously immune to facts and logic. You deserve to be put on ignore, but I don't do that out of principle.

Ignore is for pussies, loser.
I never put anyone on ignore, not even obnoxious brain damaged assholes like you.
Cohen said he violated it, the Southern District of New York says Cohen violated it. That is all that really matters, everything is just opinion and holds no actual value.
Wrong. Neither of those facts matter. They prove nothing other than that Cohen agreed to a plea bargain. If I agreed to a contract that said there are unicorns on Mars, would that prove there are unicorns on Mars?

They prove nothing other than that Cohen agreed to a plea bargain

No. They prove that Cohen admitted guilt to specific, felonious campaign finance violations.
In other words, he agreed to a plea bargain, which proves nothing about Trump.

Except for the audio of him and Trump discussing these felonious payments before they happened.
New word for you: co-conspirator.
There were no "felonious payments," you psycho douche nozzle.

So WTF did cohen plead to?

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