Former GOP Hispanic Outreach Director Switches to Democratic Party


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
In a letter to friends and supporters, Pantoja said: “I have changed my political affiliation to the Democratic Party. It doesn’t take much to see the culture of intolerance surrounding the Republican Party today. I have wondered before about the seemingly harsh undertones about immigrants and others.”

Pantoja specifically cited the recent scandal involving a Heritage Foundation senior policy analyst who resigned amid the disclosure that, for his doctoral dissertation at Harvard, he wrote that immigrants – and Latinos in particular – had lower IQs than non-Latino whites. The analyst, Jason Richwine, went on to argue that Latinos’ descendants were destined also to have lower intellectual abilities than whites.

In his letter, Pantoja said that such views permeate conservative discussions about immigration. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, had just released a report by Richwine and Robert Rector, a senior research fellow at the organization, that put the price tag of comprehensive immigration reform at $6.3 trillion.

Read more: Former GOP Hispanic Outreach Director Switches to Democratic Party | Fox News Latino

How can the republicans make headway with the growing Hispanic population?
Back in March, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus announced that the organization was investing $10 million to send hundreds of workers into Hispanic, black and Asian communities to improve standing with voters. Here in May, questions continue to linger whether a line of amendments proposed by Republican voices will derail immigration reform, and subsequently dampen chances for improving relations with minority voters.

Republicans (small R) keep saying they don't have a problem with Minorities but here they are throwing money at something that is not a problem? No, they have a huge minority problem
It does not make sense for a minority to vote for the GOP since the GOP so openly hates them.

The problem with Democrats is that eventually they will run out of others peoples money
It does not make sense for a minority to vote for the GOP since the GOP so openly hates them.

Yup, Dems make it absolutely clear they are buying your vote.... Then minorities wonder why they are stuck in poverty.

Great point! The best way to get someone out of poverty is to raise their taxes and remove their safety net. Prosperity here we come!
It does not make sense for a minority to vote for the GOP since the GOP so openly hates them.

Public housing, public education, unemployment, illegal immigration and food stamps = True Love

You see? When the average Republican thinks "minority", they think of a darkie in public housing who refuses to work, is here illegally, and collecting food stamps.

And it just baffles the shit out of them why they can't get those felonious, lazy spics to vote for them! :lol:
It does not make sense for a minority to vote for the GOP since the GOP so openly hates them.

Yup, Dems make it absolutely clear they are buying your vote.... Then minorities wonder why they are stuck in poverty.

"It doesn’t take much to see the culture of intolerance surrounding the Republican Party today," he wrote. "I have wondered before about the seemingly harsh undertones about immigrants and others. Look no further; a well-known organization recently confirms the intolerance of that which seems different or strange to them."

Just like he said, that's the reason Repubs will continue to lose
It does not make sense for a minority to vote for the GOP since the GOP so openly hates them.

Public housing, public education, unemployment, illegal immigration and food stamps = True Love

You see? When the average Republican thinks "minority", they think of a darkie in public housing who refuses to work, is here illegally, and collecting food stamps.

And it just baffles the shit out of them why they can't get the darkie vote! :lol:

Obama is encouraging Mexicans to come over for their free shit. Pay attention to current events

On this side, the side we call reality, we're offering rule of law and freedom and the opportunity to come here and make your fortune
As I've said time and time again, when you drop in on any conversation by Republicans about minorities, Republicans always stereotype minorities in a negative light. Thank you for demonstrating that point once again, Frank.
Glad to see another person that has seen the light, and left the america-hating fascist GOP :up:
I think Republicans have made their bed on this one.

Hard to change course at this point. Too much hate rhetoric is already out there. They can't become loveable to hispanics overnight and they have lost the black vote forever.

Their best option is to tone down the social rhetoric. Become the party of fiscal responsibility again. Demonstrate real achievements in Hispanic communities. They won't win them over but they can stop the bleeding
I think Republicans have made their bed on this one.

Hard to change course at this point. Too much hate rhetoric is already out there. They can't become loveable to hispanics overnight and they have lost the black vote forever.

Their best option is to tone down the social rhetoric. Become the party of fiscal responsibility again. Demonstrate real achievements in Hispanic communities. They won't win them over but they can stop the bleeding

wtf? too much hate Rhetoric
and Demonstrate real achievements for them like Democrats have for blacks? what is their Unemployment under their Dear Leader..?
Oh but we just need to PROMISE them things like you all do people
What is it Dems offer minorities?

Oh right, free shit
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