Former Green Beret / GOP Candidate Who Refused To Be J6 Informant Still A Political Prisoner In DC Gitmo After 2 YEARS

MAGA republicans misrepresenting the facts ?!?!

Im shocked

MAGA trash have lies and only lies.
Every aspect of MAGA is a joke and a lie
We actually owe easyt65 a note of gratitude. The last dozen or so threads about the 1/6 insurrectionists still being held in federal custody never listed any names. When I asked, they wouldn't provide any. The reason? Because it takes about 3 nanoseconds to look up what they actually did and why they were arrested and being held. So I'm happy he volunteered the name. It made it much easier to blow him out of the water. Not that doing so is ever hard....
Feel free to disprove what is being reported.

I have lost count of how many times people make a smartass comment about TGP but can NEVER - not once yet - disprove anything being reported.
I felt free.

And did.
It's time to break out the torches and pitchforks assault rifles, hand grenades and lynching ropes. No joke. Fuck the FBI and their ilk.
Thats interesting. Who are you going to hang, shoot, blow up and set on fire? Have you considered a harshly worded letter instead?
The insurgents who attacked the capitol to try and stop the peaceful passage of power are the real victims, huh?

What 'insurgents'? They were unarmed protestors.


Interesting (no, pathetic) that the same people who don't know what a 'woman' is, don't know what bathrooms to use, and think biological males can give birth believe the above was 'a mostly peaceful protest' and that the BLM & Antifa domestic terrorists who perpetrated these attacks are 'mostly peaceful protestors' but think tbe protest on J6 was an 'Insurrection'.

Yeah, a guy in a horned Shanan outfit and a bunch of unarmed protestors baited into the Capitol by the FBI were going to take over the entire US govt on J6.


Democrat politicians did more to commit 'insurrection' over a leaked rough draft of the USSC'S RvW decision by undermining the USSC, directly threatening Justices, calling for violence against them, inciting a 2nd political assassination attempt, and Warren publicly calling for an ACTUAL 'insurrection'.

Again, the FBI admitted under oath to running at least 3 seperate operations against US citizens on / before J6 with no less that 28 undercover FBI agents, to include agents inside the Capitol before Capitol Police began holding doors open for protestors to enter...

...ALL of which (J6) was only made possible by Democrats, Pelosi, & the DC Mayor refusing to call in the National Guard, which would have prevented J6 from happening.

Snowflakes / liberals are such gaslighting drama queens full of partisan sheep dip.
MAGA republicans misrepresenting the facts ?!?!

Im shocked

MAGA trash have lies and only lies.
Every aspect of MAGA is a joke and a lie

I love it when snowflakes are forced to resort to the same old tired Democrat schtik of accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done / do.

We actually owe easyt65 a note of gratitude. The last dozen or so threads about the 1/6 insurrectionists still being held in federal custody never listed any names. When I asked, they wouldn't provide any. The reason? Because it takes about 3 nanoseconds to look up what they actually did and why they were arrested and being held. So I'm happy he volunteered the name. It made it much easier to blow him out of the water. Not that doing so is ever hard....

There are no 1/6 "insurrectionists.

They exist only in your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking point download cable.


The "proof" that The Gateway Pundit has given you fake news is here in post #2.

You were duped by them only giving you one, slanted half of the story without giving you ALL of the facts.

Pretty typical for MAGAts and what they call "information."
So you have no actual proof, just your opinion.

Pretty typical of snowflakes.
So you want to murder all law enforcement? That feels a tad extreme, highly illegal, and immoral.
Also don't forget a lot of local PoPo have agreements with them, so you would be attacking all of them too. A lot of doods.

Ought to be easy enough to do with our Assault Selfie Sticks of Death.

What 'insurgents'? They were unarmed protestors.

View attachment 733279
Interesting (no, pathetic) that the same people who don't know what a 'woman' is, don't know what bathrooms to use, and think biological males can give birth believe the above was 'a mostly peaceful protest' and that the BLM & Antifa domestic terrorists who perpetrated these attacks are 'mostly peaceful protestors' but think tbe protest on J6 was an 'Insurrection'.

Yeah, a guy in a horned Shanan outfit and a bunch of unarmed protestors baited into the Capitol by the FBI were going to take over the entire US govt on J6.


Democrat politicians did more to commit 'insurrection' over a leaked rough draft of the USSC'S RvW decision by undermining the USSC, directly threatening Justices, calling for violence against them, inciting a 2nd political assassination attempt, and Warren publicly calling for an ACTUAL 'insurrection'.

Again, the FBI admitted under oath to running at least 3 seperate operations against US citizens on / before J6 with no less that 28 undercover FBI agents, to include agents inside the Capitol before Capitol Police began holding doors open for protestors to enter...

...ALL of which (J6) was only made possible by Democrats, Pelosi, & the DC Mayor refusing to call in the National Guard, which would have prevented J6 from happening.

Snowflakes / liberals are such gaslighting drama queens full of partisan sheep dip.

Who attacked police and invaded the capitol building to try and stop the peaceful transition of power. And of course, you and your ilk are trying to excuse.

I'll add 'respect for law' and 'respect for the police' to the midden heap of 'family values' and 'government transparency' of principles and values that conservatives have discarded in their delusion.
I love it when snowflakes are forced to resort to the same old tired Democrat schtik of accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done / do.

View attachment 733294
huh I don't get it

You can;t even admit Trump lost the election despite having no evidence of fraud at all, losing all court cases and audits, and AG Barr saying there was no fraud.

Now the OP post a blatant lie thread, leaving out key facts as to why this MAGA trash is in prison

Everything MAGA is a joke and a lie.
ANy dem lie pales in comparison to the massive GOP lies told everyday, including the worst one of all, the Big Lie...
Once the terrorists tore down the police barricades and crossed the line, they were trespassing.

You mean once they were allowed in? The 'barricades' were a joke, and not manned by anyone.
Who attacked police and invaded the capitol building to try and stop the peaceful transition of power. And of course, you and your ilk are trying to excuse.


Kari Lake presented a list of over 100 Democrat Election Deniers.

Hillary Clinton was / is an election denier who whined for years about having the election stolen from her because she could not face the fact she was REJECTED by the majority of Americans in 2016.

The J6 Committee was led by a Democrat Election Denier and had several more on the Committee.

The Democrats just elected an Election Denier as their leader who believes Biden is a sexual assaulter who should be seriously investigated.

You are literally calling others what Democrats have proven themselves to be and accusing them of doing what Democrats have done / do...

...while doing your best to completely ignore the fact that J6 happened because Democrats refused to call on the National Guard, which would have stopped J6 from happening at all....

...and the fact that the FBI testified under oaranthat it ran 3 seperate operations prior to and during J6 to set up / incite / arrest US citizens, involving no less than 28 undercover FBI agents involved in what the FBI rep called 'entrapment schemes'.

I am in no way attempting to justify the violent protest that occurred, even if incited / baited into violence. I believe, unlike Democrats, in accountability, which they believe they are above.

People can't trespass, break windows, and cause danage without being held accountable (unless they are BLM / Antifa)

... but being held for 2 YEARS without a charges filed or a trial, being beaten, being locked in solitary confinement for excessive periods, being denied necessary medical attention ... THIS type of treatment for some US citizens who have only been charged with 'Parading', is criminal, 3rd World Country political prisoner bullshit. If you can't admit that you are partisan blind and your opinion means nothing.

The Democrats' and FBI's priority before and during J6 seemed to be more about setting up and taking down Trump supporters than actually protecting the Capitol and preventing such a violent protest.

You seem to want to assign blame one side rather than objectively see the events and actions on both sides that made J6 possible.

That's blind, misguided partisanship.
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huh I don't get it

You can;t even admit Trump lost the election despite having no evidence of fraud at all, losing all court cases and audits, and AG Barr saying there was no fraud.

Now the OP post a blatant lie thread, leaving out key facts as to why this MAGA trash is in prison

Everything MAGA is a joke and a lie.
ANy dem lie pales in comparison to the massive GOP lies told everyday, including the worst one of all, the Big Lie...

Its an emotionally based argument that is less about fraud.....and more about clinging to the conservative self identity of victim-hood and abdication of personal responsibility.

Rather than acknowledge that Trump (or Lake) was a garbage candidate who made massive mistakes and failed to persuade the electorate to vote for them, they insist that they are victims of a vast conspiracy.

It has the benefit of feeding the resentment and entitlement that are at the heart of MAGA.....along with absolving them of any responsibility for their poor judgment.

In the party of personal responsibility, its always someone else's fault.

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