Former House Speaker Reportedly Received At Least $1.6 Million From Housing Giant

Newt VS that Cronie who got 90 Million? will they bring this up on PMS-NBC? they are already making Newt out to be the next Hitler, yet no mention of the other bailouts from Freddie/Fanny & Solyndra? more like 12 Billion wasted VS Newt's 1 or so Million?
Newt VS that Cronie who got 90 Million? will they bring this up on PMS-NBC? they are already making Newt out to be the next Hitler, yet no mention of the other bailouts from Freddie/Fanny & Solyndra? more like 12 Billion wasted VS Newt's 1 or so Million?

Have it been established he actually got that much money to lobby ?

If not, what was the misinformation ?
you sound just like a crooked dishonest Politician now have never seen Evidence of that my aching ass.....:lol:

Hey Harry! I got sumthin' for ya! Go here to the Texas GOP Republican Party Website:

About the Party :: TexasGOP - Republican Party of Texas

Under "About the Party", click on:

2010 RPT Platform

NO? Here let me help you:

Just scroll down to where it talks about "marriage and sodomy". Hey Harry, who is that targeting???????????????? Come on Harry! I can't hear you? What? Speak up. You got something in your mouth. You shouldn't talk with it full of crow.


Considering that he lied and this wasn't the case what will his response be?

if your talking about me me where i lied.....because i can show you where Dean did.....and if you notice i dont see Dean taking me up on my Challenge......maybe you would like to give it a shot?......maybe you two can team up against still wont be Equal.....but two big mouths are better than me where in that link that Dean put up,it says the act of being Gay is Illegal and a felony and you will go to says they want Gay Marriage to be outlawed.....Dean in his original thread said the Texas Republican party wants to make BEING GAY A FELONY and punishable by being arrested......then he puts a link up that says......that they want GAY MARRIAGE OUTLAWED.....they may be dipshits Flaylo,but even they are not so stupid as to think any court will back them on making being Gay illegal.....but Marriage they have a if you want to back up Dean go ahead....he put a spin on his thread and it blew up in his face....and he is guilty of doing the same thing he accuses the righties here of an opinion and saying its many times have i seen him chastise the right for that.....
Did he come clean yet? During the debate he said he got $300K right?
What? Obama was punked by Trump? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: What fucking planet are you living on? Trump got his ass handed to him at least twice by Obama. First, at the Correspondent's Dinner, where Obama made Trump the joke of the night; then once more when Obama released the official long form BC - the one Trump said doesn't exist. Nice try, but you fail.

And who cares ?
You guys go on and on...

Freddie and Fannie are liberal creations. And to be fair, they weren't the source of the problem. The source was the housing market itself, how we all thought we were going to get rich and use our houses as ATM's.

This thread is about Newt.

If this is correct, it pretty much confirms my suspicion that he has a screw loose when it comes to "Do unto others...." or what we (in the Christian world) call Mote-Beam sickness.

That's when you aren't drooling believing bronze age bullshit.
You guys go on and on...

Freddie and Fannie are liberal creations. And to be fair, they weren't the source of the problem. The source was the housing market itself, how we all thought we were going to get rich and use our houses as ATM's.

This thread is about Newt.

If this is correct, it pretty much confirms my suspicion that he has a screw loose when it comes to "Do unto others...." or what we (in the Christian world) call Mote-Beam sickness.

That's when you aren't drooling believing bronze age bullshit.

And yet another useless post from the king (of useless, meaningless, worthless posts).
Newt Gingrich Freddie Mac Fees: Former House Speaker Reportedly Received At Least $1.6 Million From Housing Giant

In recent months, GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has strongly criticized Freddie Mac and sister company Fannie Mae, as well as Democrats in Congress that he claims played a key role in the collapse of the housing market. And yet two former Freddie Mac officials recently told Bloomberg that Gingrich made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from the mortgage company.

That amount is significantly larger than the $300,000 payment that Gingrich was asked about during a Republican presidential debate on Nov. 9.

The Freddie Mac officials also told Bloomberg that Gingrich was asked to build bridges with Capitol Hill Republicans and help sell the mortgage company's public-private structure to conservatives.

Money talks, bs walks, blame the Democrats, right Newt?

Newt was a consultant for the two democrat pet projects, that did not take his advice.
why is the word "reportedly" in that headline? Did he receive it or did he knot? wtf is "reportedly" doing in that headline? O say can you seee some dishonesty?

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are necessary organizations who help people, except for one thing, they become crooked if a conservative works for them. That's the magic ingredient. Liberals can hold two conflicting opinions at the same time. Fannie and Freddie good, conservative who works for them bad.

Newt Gingrich never was employed by either one. He has a consulting group, the group was hired to determine strategies for the organization. To understand how this is bad to liberals, one it involves working for money. Newt owns the business that was employed making him a business owner, and really really bad according to democrats.
This thread is about Newt.

If this is correct, it pretty much confirms my suspicion that he has a screw loose when it comes to "Do unto others...." or what we (in the Christian world) call Mote-Beam sickness.

That's when you aren't drooling believing bronze age bullshit.

And yet another useless post from the king (of useless, meaningless, worthless posts).

You guys let the clergy do your thinking for you...

And seriously, the only way these guys get money is by conning it out of less smart people.

As opposed to working for a living.
why is the word "reportedly" in that headline? Did he receive it or did he knot? wtf is "reportedly" doing in that headline? O say can you seee some dishonesty?
From an unbiased source as well ... seems like more smear tactics as he surges in the polls ... expected.
Wish they put this much effort into the economy!!!
Poor Newtie :(
Gingrich the
Freddie Mac’s Cash
The Nov. 9 debate will be remembered as either a bump in the road for Gingrich or the beginning of another Newtonian fall to earth. He was asked that night what he did to earn a $300,000 payment from Freddie Mac. He answered preposterously that he was hired as a “historian,” not a lobbyist. Then some digging by Bloomberg News revealed he had actually made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million for doing virtually nothing.
When Gingrich said that Representative Barney Frank should be in jail for being “close to” lobbyists at Freddie Mac in a debate on Oct. 12, he somehow forget to mention that he had been paid handsomely by the same organization.

ANOTHER birfer comes out of the woodwork? :eusa_eh:


It must really bother you Obama was punked by trump.

And to think the democrats gave us that one too.

What? Obama was punked by Trump? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: What fucking planet are you living on? Trump got his ass handed to him at least twice by Obama. First, at the Correspondent's Dinner, where Obama made Trump the joke of the night; then once more when Obama released the official long form BC - the one Trump said doesn't exist. Nice try, but you fail.

Punked hard in fact.

You see Obama took a stand that this was a privacy matter and would not release it on principle.

I guess you were punked too. :lmao:

When you are done crying tell us why Obama spent money to keep it suppressed.
$1.6 million :eusa_eh: Thats quite a bit of money to be taking from FauxTV's favorite whipping- boy :clap2:


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