Former Kentucky Clerk In Gay Marriage Case Must Pay Additonal $260K.

You misspelled FOOL. They are making a fool out of her.

She is the one paying the price (literally) while everyone else has no skin on the game
The law requires something to be done that is a nullity in the eyes of people who believe in God. Her protest may have been illegal, but many acts of conscience become illegal when a tyranny is imposed.
Find me a law that declares marriage is a legal union between a man and a man
It is accommodated but not mandated by law.
If it was t mandated by law then this dumb chick wouldn’t have to pay for her violations. If you don’t want to marry a man then don’t. Let other marry who they wish. Your religion tell you what you can’t do not what other can’t.
Sounds like the country court clerk is paid to process forms issued, collect fees for the county /state and serve all the citizens, not set county government policy on marriage. Go figure.:dunno:
I agree that she is supposed to do what they hired her for, but these fees that are being doled out are excessive. These plaintiffs are asking for $200,000 to $300,000 in damages…exactly what damages did they incur?

This should have been a case of the woman losing her job. Tell her “if your religion says you can’t issue same sex marriage certificates, then you can’t work here”. But awarding the couple over $240,000…for what? Because they got mad and the justice system has gone crazy as of late?

Whatever happened to “the punishment must fit the crime”?
That’s a twisted way to try me justify your error on her not having a criminal offense. But I’ll let you roll with it if it makes you feel better.
Not issuing the license just isn't a criminal offense. If it was, Kim Davis would have been arrested and charged immediately. She wasn't. No crime.
They should have just fired her. Stripping her of all wealth is overdoing it.
Yep, all these lawsuits flying around, against Trump, dominion, Carroll..these libs smell blood and they just go for it, and what’s sad is, these judges are giving it to them..probably afraid of the woke mob. I don’t see how any judge could see this was a quarter of a million dollar issue.
No it’s not lol, at best it’s a civil dispute, certainly not worthy of a quarter million dollar judgment.
If she had done her job she wouldn’t have had to pay a dime, she played a stupid game and won a huge stupid prize for it. She gets what she deserves. Leave your religion outside government operations.

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