Former Kentucky state rep dies from COVID-19. He was fully vaccinated, loved ones say

I had no idea you were such a Trump supporter ? Are you eagerly awaiting his must worship him ...good for you
No, if I were a Dr. Trump supporter, I would have already injected lysol or bleach.

Investigate the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, efficacy, adverse effects, and place in therapy of a single application of topical ivermectin 0.5% lotion for head lice treatment.

Topical ivermectin 0.5% lotion kills head lice by increasing chloride in muscle cells, causing hyperpolarization and paralysis. Only 1 application is required; when the treated eggs hatch, the lice are not viable because they cannot feed as a result of pharyngeal muscle paralysis. Minimal systemic absorption occurs following topical application. Studies have demonstrated that topical ivermectin 0.5% is a safe and efficacious treatment for head lice. Although it has no documented resistance, there is limited clinical experience, it requires a prescription, and it is expensive. Therefore it should be reserved as a third-line treatment for head lice in the United States.
No, if I were a Dr. Trump supporter, I would have already injected lysol or bleach.

Investigate the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, efficacy, adverse effects, and place in therapy of a single application of topical ivermectin 0.5% lotion for head lice treatment.

Topical ivermectin 0.5% lotion kills head lice by increasing chloride in muscle cells, causing hyperpolarization and paralysis. Only 1 application is required; when the treated eggs hatch, the lice are not viable because they cannot feed as a result of pharyngeal muscle paralysis. Minimal systemic absorption occurs following topical application. Studies have demonstrated that topical ivermectin 0.5% is a safe and efficacious treatment for head lice. Although it has no documented resistance, there is limited clinical experience, it requires a prescription, and it is expensive. Therefore it should be reserved as a third-line treatment for head lice in the United States.
Who taking topical ivermectin?

No one knows what youre talking about trumptard
Who taking topical ivermectin?

No one knows what youre talking about trumptard

From your link:
According to the CDC, there was a five-fold increase in reactions from that drug ivermectin in the month of July nationwide.

Federal regulators have approved ivermectin to treat people and animals for some parasitic worms and for head lice and skin conditions, but the drug is not approved for COVID-19. The human and animal formulations are not the same, and doctors say it is dangerous for people to self-dose, particularly with the large quantities given to animals.
Ivermectin is so dangerous that it's sold over the counter in many a country
How does it feel to be a Big Corporate shill

He's gay for Trump he'll swallow anything Trump sells him


I don't blame anyone, not anyone, for doing what they must to circumvent our corrupt, criminal health care system from the CDC on down

In the coming years--maybe decades--this will all come out. The scandal will be explosive. It might undo the nation
Ivermectin is so dangerous that it's sold over the counter in many a country

He's gay for Trump he'll swallow anything Trump sells him

View attachment 531684

So what I see happening is a lot of people are starting to realize this about the vaccines, but are angry about it. Human nature being what it is, they are defensive and hate being wrong, so they lash out at people who were right from the very beginning.

The idiot Fear Mongers, Lockdowners, masks and vaccine forever crowd were wrong from the jump. They were wrong about everything. We should have protected the vulnerable and gone on with life. All we did was extend the pain. The elites know this and are making everything worse with a heaping dose of CYA

From your link:
According to the CDC, there was a five-fold increase in reactions from that drug ivermectin in the month of July nationwide.

Federal regulators have approved ivermectin to treat people and animals for some parasitic worms and for head lice and skin conditions, but the drug is not approved for COVID-19. The human and animal formulations are not the same, and doctors say it is dangerous for people to self-dose, particularly with the large quantities given to animals.
We keep telling ya its easy to get human ivermectin..

I'll give ya the link if ya want it ...BUT I know you really have your heart set on a Trump booster shot Trumptards are die hards

Must be rough for ya now especially with trumps massive failure in Afghanistan
So what I see happening is a lot of people are starting to realize this about the vaccines, but are angry about it. Human nature being what it is, they are defensive and hate being wrong, so they lash out at people who were right from the very beginning.

The idiot Fear Mongers, Lockdowners, masks and vaccine forever crowd were wrong from the jump. They were wrong about everything. We should have protected the vulnerable and gone on with life. All we did was extend the pain. The elites know this and are making everything worse with a heaping dose of CYA
Thiers a lot of people out there who automatically rolled up thier sleeves without saying wait a minute ...gonna be interesting watching the boosters go after the double vaxxxed who refuse
We keep telling ya its easy to get human ivermectin..

I'll give ya the link if ya want it ...BUT I know you really have your heart set on a Trump booster shot Trumptards are die hards

Must be rough for ya now especially with trumps massive failure in Afghanistan

TBH it's getting more difficult to get human ivermectin. Telemeds are booked up and pharmacies are being stingy about RXing it and the supply chain is in short supply. Because people like us are smart and know what to do.

It's criminal that they are not giving people what would work. But, when this all comes out, the criminality is going to be....breathtaking.
Thiers a lot of people out there who automatically rolled up thier sleeves without saying wait a minute ...gonna be interesting watching the boosters go after the double vaxxxed who refuse

Right. Gonna be interesting though to see how many actually succumb to the boosters. I think very many people will (quietly) just not get them, but still claim that coveted "vax" status, which is a joke. You're basically unvaxxed after around 8 months, I would think 10 for sure. It's a term of compliance and that is it. YOU COMPLIED!! GOOD FOR YOU!! GOOD COMMIE CITIZEN!!
I'm not the one pushing ivermectin or Regeneron.
Those are the Trump cult.
Merck and Regeneron pharmaceuticals likely got tax breaks from the Trump regime.

Your avatar should say

Smokin' OP
Sponsored by Pfizer
If the vaccines are not a total and catastrophic failure, they are very close.

But sure help the elites participate in their giant CYA
You're delusional.

  • Per the CDC, more than 166 million people have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • The new data suggests 1,507 people (about 0.001%) of those fully vaccinated people died from COVID-19.
  • Meanwhile, 7,101 people of those fully vaccinated people (about 0.005%) were hospitalized from COVID-19.
  • GREENVILLE, N.C. (WITN) -The plea from those dying of COVID at a local hospital: I’ll get the shot if I survive. The message from doctors: It’s too late.

    Another 8,100 new cases were reported Friday as the state inches closer to 1.2 million total cases.
  • HARRISBURG (KDKA) – The vast majority of Pennsylvanians who are in the hospital or dying from COVID-19 are unvaccinated, Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said Thursday.
  • Beam says 97% of people hospitalized from COVID-19 haven’t gotten the vaccine. On Thursday, there were 462 people in the hospital with COVID-19, and 87 of them were in the ICU.

    As for deaths, Beam says 99% of Pennsylvanians dying from the virus are unvaccinated. The pandemic has killed more than 27,000 people in the state so far.

Just stick with Dr. DeSantis, Dr. Abbott and Dr. Lindell.

World Tribune Click on that link for anyone who's wondering how legit worldtribune is :laugh: :laugh:

Where tin foil hat nutters get their news. How ironic that right wing nutters continue to yell, "fake news" on everything, but then that's all they ever read. Do you guys ever not project your stupidity onto others?
You're delusional.

  • Per the CDC, more than 166 million people have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • The new data suggests 1,507 people (about 0.001%) of those fully vaccinated people died from COVID-19.
  • Meanwhile, 7,101 people of those fully vaccinated people (about 0.005%) were hospitalized from COVID-19.
  • GREENVILLE, N.C. (WITN) -The plea from those dying of COVID at a local hospital: I’ll get the shot if I survive. The message from doctors: It’s too late.

    Another 8,100 new cases were reported Friday as the state inches closer to 1.2 million total cases.
  • HARRISBURG (KDKA) – The vast majority of Pennsylvanians who are in the hospital or dying from COVID-19 are unvaccinated, Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said Thursday.
  • Beam says 97% of people hospitalized from COVID-19 haven’t gotten the vaccine. On Thursday, there were 462 people in the hospital with COVID-19, and 87 of them were in the ICU.

    As for deaths, Beam says 99% of Pennsylvanians dying from the virus are unvaccinated. The pandemic has killed more than 27,000 people in the state so far.

Just stick with Dr. DeSantis, Dr. Abbott and Dr. Lindell.

And you're cherry picking from northern states where Delta is not prevalent yet.

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