Grand Rapids couple dies 1 minute apart from COVID-19

So Democrats have a tailor-made virus that kills off fat people....and right-wing radio talkshow hosts.
Sortof like AIDs....a tailor-made virus that kills gays and hollywood liberals.
I get a bit suspicious when a pandemic only threatens hand picked segments of the population.

COVID also only kills people after stores close early for the "pandemic". Go figure. I guess COVID runs on island time . . .
And they were fully vaccinated.

These so-called "vaccines" are failing.

Sarah Dunham says her parents Cal and Linda Dunham did everything together. The churchgoing, community-minded outdoor enthusiasts loved their family – especially their grandchildren – and most of all, each other.
“The love that they found together after a previous marriage is fantastic,” said Sarah. “They were the people that you just looked at and you were like, ‘I want to be old like that, I want that love when I’m that age.’”
The pair were also cautious when it came to COVID-19. They were both fully vaccinated and had been for months when, during a family camping trip this month, they began to feel sick.
“[My dad] called me before our family camping trip and said he wasn’t feeling good but he thinks it’s just like sinus, and [Linda] caught it and she’s like, he gave me his cold,” said Sarah. “The third day they woke me up and said, ‘we’ve got to go because we don’t feel well.’ So I packed them all up and they left.”
Days later, the couple was hospitalized and on ventilators – both had preexisting conditions that made things even more dire. By this past Sunday, doctors were telling Sarah and the family there wasn’t much more they could do, and the couple would likely need to come off life-support Monday.
“They had other plans,” said Sarah. “It was Sunday and dad’s like, ‘you know what? This is what we’re going to do today.’”
After being wheeled into the same room, moments later, Cal passed away at 11:07 a.m.
At 11:08 a.m., less than a minute later, Linda passed away as well as the couple held hands in hospital beds beside one another.

These people are not the first vaccinated to die and will not be the last. Give it six months or a year. The vaccinated will be dropping like bloated buzzing flies. Even after that happens (is happening) moronic fucks at large will never believe it and the media will spin, spin, spin to change the narrative in the favor of those who are responsible for COVID to begin with. What does it tell us about humanity . . . when the very intimate medical choices of a so-called "free" people have become political talking points?
They were "vaccinated". They got "a cold" -- a coronavirus -- and died. This is what I've been hearing about for months. When people who have had the shot(s) encounter wild coronaviruses, that's all she wrote. I feel sad for their family.

Yes, I recall reading about a test group of mice that were given the Pfizer vaccine. All was well until they were infected with "COVID-19" and then ALL died.
My step daughter just had a 32 year old friend die from Covid. Oh yeah....she also happened to be morbidly obese. Those that are medically compromised are the people dying from Covid. According to the CDC, over 90% of the Covid "deaths" are people with serious co morbidities.

Healthy 40 year olds are not dying from Covid....vaxxed or unvaxxed.

COVID is just a synonym for every cause of death under the sun. Many fools NEED COVID to be real; never more so than after rolling up their own sleeves and taking the jab. If COVID isn't real, they must think to themselves, then what was "it" all for? These fools in love with the idea of COVID simply could not handle such a nothing burger. Let's hope they choke on it . . .
And they were fully vaccinated.

These so-called "vaccines" are failing.

Sarah Dunham says her parents Cal and Linda Dunham did everything together. The churchgoing, community-minded outdoor enthusiasts loved their family – especially their grandchildren – and most of all, each other.
“The love that they found together after a previous marriage is fantastic,” said Sarah. “They were the people that you just looked at and you were like, ‘I want to be old like that, I want that love when I’m that age.’”
The pair were also cautious when it came to COVID-19. They were both fully vaccinated and had been for months when, during a family camping trip this month, they began to feel sick.
“[My dad] called me before our family camping trip and said he wasn’t feeling good but he thinks it’s just like sinus, and [Linda] caught it and she’s like, he gave me his cold,” said Sarah. “The third day they woke me up and said, ‘we’ve got to go because we don’t feel well.’ So I packed them all up and they left.”
Days later, the couple was hospitalized and on ventilators – both had preexisting conditions that made things even more dire. By this past Sunday, doctors were telling Sarah and the family there wasn’t much more they could do, and the couple would likely need to come off life-support Monday.
“They had other plans,” said Sarah. “It was Sunday and dad’s like, ‘you know what? This is what we’re going to do today.’”
After being wheeled into the same room, moments later, Cal passed away at 11:07 a.m.
At 11:08 a.m., less than a minute later, Linda passed away as well as the couple held hands in hospital beds beside one another.

This is sad, could very well have been preventable. Doubly sad then.
Yeah, the poor abused victims who have walked hundreds of miles to cross our border are well fed and well groomed too, always in clean clothes and good shoes.
That's because they booked transportation with drug cartels.
They've got a regular racket human-trafficking people to our border.
But then a big chunk of the nation is overweight, has diabetes, heart issues, cancer, all sorts of things.

The average age of those dying from covid has dropped into the mid to late 40s...and over 90% of those dying from covid are UNVAXXED
There was a time 96% of the males could be accepted into Boot Camp in the military. Today it is about half. Because many are out of shape, to low educated in intelligence, to low educated(for modern tech), getting into trouble, sickly, drugged up and more.
Wonder why they didn't get monoclonal antibody treatment...

Oh wait...DeathSantis has almost all of it in Florida
No one like you, and I'm fine with that.
Decent minded people? People that arent flaming hypocrites like you? People that have awareness, unlike you? People that arent self righteous like you? People that dont cheer for the deaths of others because they dont want to inject themselves with experimental technology?
You are right ;)
But then a big chunk of the nation is overweight, has diabetes, heart issues, cancer, all sorts of things.

The average age of those dying from covid has dropped into the mid to late 40s...and over 90% of those dying from covid are UNVAXXED
That isn't accurate---using stats from when most weren't vaxxed meant that most dying of covid weren't vaxxed BUTTTTTTTTTTTT.....we are seeing many vaxxed people dying of covid now and the number is rising. What the government is spouting isn't accurate and you better brace yourself babe-----celebrities like powell who were fully vaccinated but still died of Covid are about to be popping up as it is harder for the libs and media to keep their cause of death quiet. Remember the covid vaccines, if they work, only work a few months so those that got vaccinated at the beginning of the year have now expired vaccines effectiveness. You should also note, the viral loads tend to go up during winter months------which means more virus deaths during the winter usually. It's about to get real ugly and real deadly------

But don't you worry, the lib media will continue to try to hide these vaccinated deaths....TRY anyways.. Remember there are already more Biden Covid deaths even with the treatments and vaccines than there were last year.

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