Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke Endorses Donald Trump

And yet ANOTHER thread trying to assassinate Trump's character from the crowd who swears they want him to get the nomination. What's wrong with this picture?

How so?

You mean the OP is not true?

Post proof that the kkk doesn't UH-DORE DRumpf.
And Louis Farrakhan supported Obama. What's your point?

You wrote:
And yet ANOTHER thread trying to assassinate Trump's character from the crowd who swears they want him to get the nomination. What's wrong with this picture?

Are you saying that Duke has not endorsed Drumpf?

Why are you so desperate to change the subject?
I've noticed that one particular white nationalist has been strangely silent about the GOP candidates - so where is Ted Nugent?

He pretty much has to endorse pedo-apologist Huckster who, of course, has no chance of being elected to much of anything.

And maybe YoYo is right that he dumped his mature wife for another 13yo.

YoYo right about something? Never.
And yet ANOTHER thread trying to assassinate Trump's character from the crowd who swears they want him to get the nomination. What's wrong with this picture?

How so?

You mean the OP is not true?

Post proof that the kkk doesn't UH-DORE DRumpf.
And Louis Farrakhan supported Obama. What's your point?

You wrote:
And yet ANOTHER thread trying to assassinate Trump's character from the crowd who swears they want him to get the nomination. What's wrong with this picture?

Are you saying that Duke has not endorsed Drumpf?

Why are you so desperate to change the subject?
I don't know if he endorses him or not (nor do I care) and I'm not trying to change the subject, idiot.
And yet ANOTHER thread trying to assassinate Trump's character from the crowd who swears they want him to get the nomination. What's wrong with this picture?

How so?

You mean the OP is not true?

Post proof that the kkk doesn't UH-DORE DRumpf.

Yo, What Difference Does It Matter? I mean if Hillary (the crook) Clinton can say it? Why not Trump!

View attachment 48283
Goddammit you're stupid.

Yo, go see a doctor to learn how to control your temper when you`re wrong?

View attachment 48285
Goddammit you're stupid and wrong.

Did Yo Yo post proof that the kkk loves future president Hillary ?
Or did he mean that future president Hillary endorsed Drumpf?

Could YoYo pour pee out of his shoe if the instructions were written on the sole?

And yet ANOTHER thread trying to assassinate Trump's character from the crowd who swears they want him to get the nomination. What's wrong with this picture?

How so?

You mean the OP is not true?

Post proof that the kkk doesn't UH-DORE DRumpf.
And Louis Farrakhan supported Obama. What's your point?

You wrote:
And yet ANOTHER thread trying to assassinate Trump's character from the crowd who swears they want him to get the nomination. What's wrong with this picture?

Are you saying that Duke has not endorsed Drumpf?

Why are you so desperate to change the subject?
I don't know if he endorses him or not (nor do I care) and I'm not trying to change the subject, idiot.

If its true, its not "character assassination".

Its simply reporting fact.

Former Grand Wizard David Duke is throwing his support behind GOP frontrunner ... Donald Trump!

During his online radio show, Duke endorsed Trump ... saying he's "the best of the lot" out of the many, many Republican hopefuls.

Duke -- who's called himself a "racial realist" -- said he likes Trump's views on immigration, and thinks he "understands the real sentiment of America." While further discussing immigration he added, "The Africans, the Asians, and the Mexicans in America ... they suffer from the Jewish domination."

Audio: David Duke Endorses Donald Trump - TMZ

David Duke On Trump: He's "Certainly The Best Of The Lot" Running For President

Donald Trump and the White Nationalists

Wow! Trump seems to be getting a lot of support from white nationalists. I wonder why?

You are obviously the most racist bigot here, why don't you tell us your motivation(s).
How so?

You mean the OP is not true?

Post proof that the kkk doesn't UH-DORE DRumpf.

Yo, What Difference Does It Matter? I mean if Hillary (the crook) Clinton can say it? Why not Trump!

View attachment 48283
Goddammit you're stupid.

Yo, go see a doctor to learn how to control your temper when you`re wrong?

View attachment 48285
Goddammit you're stupid and wrong.

Did Yo Yo post proof that the kkk loves future president Hillary ?
Or did he mean that future president Hillary endorsed Drumpf?

Could YoYo pour pee out of his shoe if the instructions were written on the sole?


Yo, Goofy, you hate it when I beat you down fool!

Yo, What Difference Does It Matter? I mean if Hillary (the crook) Clinton can say it? Why not Trump!

View attachment 48283
Goddammit you're stupid.

Yo, go see a doctor to learn how to control your temper when you`re wrong?

View attachment 48285
Goddammit you're stupid and wrong.

Did Yo Yo post proof that the kkk loves future president Hillary ?
Or did he mean that future president Hillary endorsed Drumpf?

Could YoYo pour pee out of his shoe if the instructions were written on the sole?


Yo, Goofy, you hate it when I beat you down fool!

View attachment 48288

At least he built schools, roads and was a supporter of science. What has trump done besides sell buildings to billionaires?
And yet ANOTHER thread trying to assassinate Trump's character from the crowd who swears they want him to get the nomination. What's wrong with this picture?

How so?

You mean the OP is not true?

Post proof that the kkk doesn't UH-DORE DRumpf.
And Louis Farrakhan supported Obama. What's your point?

You wrote:
And yet ANOTHER thread trying to assassinate Trump's character from the crowd who swears they want him to get the nomination. What's wrong with this picture?

Are you saying that Duke has not endorsed Drumpf?

Why are you so desperate to change the subject?
I don't know if he endorses him or not (nor do I care) and I'm not trying to change the subject, idiot.

If its true, its not "character assassination".

Its simply reporting fact.

It's character assassination if you try to tie Trump to Duke because Duke supports him (IF he really does), idiot.
Goddammit you're stupid.

Yo, go see a doctor to learn how to control your temper when you`re wrong?

View attachment 48285
Goddammit you're stupid and wrong.

Did Yo Yo post proof that the kkk loves future president Hillary ?
Or did he mean that future president Hillary endorsed Drumpf?

Could YoYo pour pee out of his shoe if the instructions were written on the sole?


Yo, Goofy, you hate it when I beat you down fool!

View attachment 48288

At least he built schools, roads and was a supporter of science. What has trump done besides sell buildings to billionaires?

Yo, did mommy ever tell you to listen to the teacher in school? Damn, sorry, but you have a big space in your brain!

Yo, go see a doctor to learn how to control your temper when you`re wrong?

View attachment 48285
Goddammit you're stupid and wrong.

Did Yo Yo post proof that the kkk loves future president Hillary ?
Or did he mean that future president Hillary endorsed Drumpf?

Could YoYo pour pee out of his shoe if the instructions were written on the sole?


Yo, Goofy, you hate it when I beat you down fool!

View attachment 48288

At least he built schools, roads and was a supporter of science. What has trump done besides sell buildings to billionaires?

Yo, did mommy ever tell you to listen to the teacher in school? Damn, sorry, but you have a big space in your brain!

View attachment 48289

Lol, you're the one living in the single wide out in the middle of no where. Stupid fucking hick!
Goddammit you're stupid and wrong.

Did Yo Yo post proof that the kkk loves future president Hillary ?
Or did he mean that future president Hillary endorsed Drumpf?

Could YoYo pour pee out of his shoe if the instructions were written on the sole?


Yo, Goofy, you hate it when I beat you down fool!

View attachment 48288

At least he built schools, roads and was a supporter of science. What has trump done besides sell buildings to billionaires?

Yo, did mommy ever tell you to listen to the teacher in school? Damn, sorry, but you have a big space in your brain!

View attachment 48289

Lol, you're the one living in the single wide out in the middle of no where. Stupid fucking hick!

Yo, helllllll yeahhhhhhh. love it dude, you should try it, Freedom is never better!!! I can fly my Confederate Flags!!!



Patrick Buchanan, who ran for president as a Republican in 1992 and 1996 and as a Reform Party candidate in 2000, sees a kindred spirit in Trump. Buchanan, like Trump, made virulent opposition to immigration a key part of his campaigns.

It is not surprising that Patrick Buchanan, a longtime Republican politician and operative, who many of the white supremacists that Osnos interviewed named as a major intellectual influence, also sees a kindred spirit in Trump. Buchanan, who ran for president in 1992, 1996 and 2000 on a platform of right-wing populism, has lamented what he calls the “end of white America” due to immigration and increasing rights for people of color. Buchanan told CNBC in early August that he sees his issues “sort of come to fruition” in Trump’s campaign, and that he is “delighted” Trump is running.

While Buchanan, Duke and other leading white supremacists backing Trump do not explicitly condone violence toward immigrants, the same cannot be said of all of Trump’s rank-and-file supporters. Jim Sherota, 53, works for a landscaping company and attended Trump’s rally in Mobile, Alabama, on Friday, told The New York Times before Trump’s arrival that he hoped Trump would announce a plan to issue licenses for hunting undocumented immigrants and offer $50 for “every confirmed kill.”

More: Meet The Members Of Donald Trump’s White Supremacist Fan Club

Buchanan is supreme bigot and white nationalist. Adolf Trump must be very proud to have his support.
Former Grand Wizard David Duke is throwing his support behind GOP frontrunner ... Donald Trump!

During his online radio show, Duke endorsed Trump ... saying he's "the best of the lot" out of the many, many Republican hopefuls.

Duke -- who's called himself a "racial realist" -- said he likes Trump's views on immigration, and thinks he "understands the real sentiment of America." While further discussing immigration he added, "The Africans, the Asians, and the Mexicans in America ... they suffer from the Jewish domination."

Audio: David Duke Endorses Donald Trump - TMZ

David Duke On Trump: He's "Certainly The Best Of The Lot" Running For President

Wow! Trump seems to be getting a lot of support from white nationalists. I wonder why?

Yo, he just said the truth about Trump? Is that a Crime? Look at Obama supporters when he ran? Rest my case, move on, nothing here!
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11
Scumbags below:
View attachment 48276

Nice photoshop!
No one cares about David Duke. He can't even get elected dogcatcher, but he'll happily run. He's been a felon has-been for as long as I can remember. Why do you encourage him?

Why is someone like Duke attracted to Trump? Think about it...

There is no rational explanation for crazy on either end of the spectrum. For every nutjob rightie, there's a nutjob leftie. If they are lone whackos, with very limited if any support, they are just delusional, so insignificant IMO.

No way a David Duke endorsement carries any weight ... it is like a Joan Baez endorsement ... totally obvious and equally relevant.

Trump's white nationalist support goes far beyond David Duke.

Donald Trump and the White Nationalists

That's fine. It isnt about Trump. I dislike Trump and think (maybe) he's a plant anyway. It just irks me when people point out what David Duke thinks. We've been cringing every time he finds airtime for years.

There are many white nationalists like Duke out there who are supporting Trump. History teaches us not to ignore such homegrown threats.
But you were and still are all for ignoring black racist terrorists that threaten to kill whitey supporting Obama.
Former Grand Wizard David Duke is throwing his support behind GOP frontrunner ... Donald Trump!

During his online radio show, Duke endorsed Trump ... saying he's "the best of the lot" out of the many, many Republican hopefuls.

Duke -- who's called himself a "racial realist" -- said he likes Trump's views on immigration, and thinks he "understands the real sentiment of America." While further discussing immigration he added, "The Africans, the Asians, and the Mexicans in America ... they suffer from the Jewish domination."

Audio: David Duke Endorses Donald Trump - TMZ

David Duke On Trump: He's "Certainly The Best Of The Lot" Running For President

Donald Trump and the White Nationalists

Wow! Trump seems to be getting a lot of support from white nationalists. I wonder why?
Well, that will make him even more popular with the Far Right, won't it?
Everybody is liking Trump

Weird, black people supporting trump and Duke comes out supporting trump. lol

A couple black nuts supporting Adolf Trump ain't exactly a landslide.

I notice you ignored my question, once again when Farrakain came out for Obama and the New Black panthers did also you all claimed Obama was not responsible for the beliefs of people that supported him, now you are claiming that Trump IS responsible for the belief's of people that support him. You can not have it both ways, which is it?

Of course he can have it both ways! He is a democrat. A foolish consistency is the sign of a little mind like mine after all.
Meet The Members Of Donald Trump’s White Supremacist Fan Club

The members of what one might call Trump’s white supremacist fan club include:
  • The Daily Stormer, a leading neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump on June 28. “Trump is willing to say what most Americans think: it’s time to deport these people,” the site said in its endorsement. It then urged white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”
  • Richard Spencer, director of the National Policy Institute, which promotes the “heritage, identity, and future of European people,” said that Trump was “refreshing.” “Trump, on a gut level, kind of senses that this is about demographics, ultimately. We’re moving into a new America,” Spencer said. “I don’t think Trump is a white nationalist,” Spencer added, but noted that Trump embodies “an unconscious vision that white people have -- that their grandchildren might be a hated minority in their own country. I think that scares us. They probably aren’t able to articulate it. I think it’s there. I think that, to a great degree, explains the Trump phenomenon. I think he is the one person who can tap into it.” Spencer, Osnos notes, is not the stereotype of a prejudiced yokel: At 36, he is clean-cut, and boasts degrees from elite universities. The Southern Poverty Law Center, Osnos says, calls Spencer “a suit-and-tie version of the white supremacists of old.”
  • Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, a Virginia-based white nationalist magazine, said: “I’m sure he would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.” Taylor later told Osnos: “Why are whites supposed to be happy about being reduced to a minority? It’s clear why Hispanics celebrate diversity: ‘More of us! More Spanish! More cucaracha!’”
  • Michael Hill, head of the League of the South, an Alabama-based white supremacist secessionist group, said Trump was “good” for the white racist cause. “I love to see somebody like Donald Trump come along,” Hill said. “Not that I believe anything that he says. But he is stirring up chaos in the GOP, and for us that is good.” Osnos attended a speech Hill gave to a crowd of cheering followers in which he railed against the “cultural genocide” of white Americans, which he said was “merely a prelude to physical genocide.”
  • Brad Griffin, a member of Hill’s League of the South and author of the popular white supremacist blog Hunter Wallace, has written that his esteem for Trump is “soaring,” and has lauded the candidate for his “hostile takeover of the Republican Party.”
More: Meet The Members Of Donald Trump’s White Supremacist Fan Club

I wonder why such people are attracted to Trump? Interesting...
They are representative of Trumps fan club, but not so much the Republican party. He still gets a minority of that, and he gets deep frozen raspberries from a substantial part of the republican party like me.
Meet The Members Of Donald Trump’s White Supremacist Fan Club

The members of what one might call Trump’s white supremacist fan club include:
  • The Daily Stormer, a leading neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump on June 28. “Trump is willing to say what most Americans think: it’s time to deport these people,” the site said in its endorsement. It then urged white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”
  • Richard Spencer, director of the National Policy Institute, which promotes the “heritage, identity, and future of European people,” said that Trump was “refreshing.” “Trump, on a gut level, kind of senses that this is about demographics, ultimately. We’re moving into a new America,” Spencer said. “I don’t think Trump is a white nationalist,” Spencer added, but noted that Trump embodies “an unconscious vision that white people have -- that their grandchildren might be a hated minority in their own country. I think that scares us. They probably aren’t able to articulate it. I think it’s there. I think that, to a great degree, explains the Trump phenomenon. I think he is the one person who can tap into it.” Spencer, Osnos notes, is not the stereotype of a prejudiced yokel: At 36, he is clean-cut, and boasts degrees from elite universities. The Southern Poverty Law Center, Osnos says, calls Spencer “a suit-and-tie version of the white supremacists of old.”
  • Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, a Virginia-based white nationalist magazine, said: “I’m sure he would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.” Taylor later told Osnos: “Why are whites supposed to be happy about being reduced to a minority? It’s clear why Hispanics celebrate diversity: ‘More of us! More Spanish! More cucaracha!’”
  • Michael Hill, head of the League of the South, an Alabama-based white supremacist secessionist group, said Trump was “good” for the white racist cause. “I love to see somebody like Donald Trump come along,” Hill said. “Not that I believe anything that he says. But he is stirring up chaos in the GOP, and for us that is good.” Osnos attended a speech Hill gave to a crowd of cheering followers in which he railed against the “cultural genocide” of white Americans, which he said was “merely a prelude to physical genocide.”
  • Brad Griffin, a member of Hill’s League of the South and author of the popular white supremacist blog Hunter Wallace, has written that his esteem for Trump is “soaring,” and has lauded the candidate for his “hostile takeover of the Republican Party.”
More: Meet The Members Of Donald Trump’s White Supremacist Fan Club

I wonder why such people are attracted to Trump? Interesting...
They are representative of Trumps fan club, but not so much the Republican party. He still gets a minority of that, and he gets deep frozen raspberries from a substantial part of the republican party like me.

I suspect he gets a lot of dems, too. He seems mostly dem to me.
Meet The Members Of Donald Trump’s White Supremacist Fan Club

The members of what one might call Trump’s white supremacist fan club include:
  • The Daily Stormer, a leading neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump on June 28. “Trump is willing to say what most Americans think: it’s time to deport these people,” the site said in its endorsement. It then urged white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”
  • Richard Spencer, director of the National Policy Institute, which promotes the “heritage, identity, and future of European people,” said that Trump was “refreshing.” “Trump, on a gut level, kind of senses that this is about demographics, ultimately. We’re moving into a new America,” Spencer said. “I don’t think Trump is a white nationalist,” Spencer added, but noted that Trump embodies “an unconscious vision that white people have -- that their grandchildren might be a hated minority in their own country. I think that scares us. They probably aren’t able to articulate it. I think it’s there. I think that, to a great degree, explains the Trump phenomenon. I think he is the one person who can tap into it.” Spencer, Osnos notes, is not the stereotype of a prejudiced yokel: At 36, he is clean-cut, and boasts degrees from elite universities. The Southern Poverty Law Center, Osnos says, calls Spencer “a suit-and-tie version of the white supremacists of old.”
  • Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, a Virginia-based white nationalist magazine, said: “I’m sure he would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.” Taylor later told Osnos: “Why are whites supposed to be happy about being reduced to a minority? It’s clear why Hispanics celebrate diversity: ‘More of us! More Spanish! More cucaracha!’”
  • Michael Hill, head of the League of the South, an Alabama-based white supremacist secessionist group, said Trump was “good” for the white racist cause. “I love to see somebody like Donald Trump come along,” Hill said. “Not that I believe anything that he says. But he is stirring up chaos in the GOP, and for us that is good.” Osnos attended a speech Hill gave to a crowd of cheering followers in which he railed against the “cultural genocide” of white Americans, which he said was “merely a prelude to physical genocide.”
  • Brad Griffin, a member of Hill’s League of the South and author of the popular white supremacist blog Hunter Wallace, has written that his esteem for Trump is “soaring,” and has lauded the candidate for his “hostile takeover of the Republican Party.”
More: Meet The Members Of Donald Trump’s White Supremacist Fan Club

I wonder why such people are attracted to Trump? Interesting...
They are representative of Trumps fan club, but not so much the Republican party. He still gets a minority of that, and he gets deep frozen raspberries from a substantial part of the republican party like me.

Yo, lets not forget, he is pulling in Democrats, not Mini Socialist, but true blue Democrats! They hate it, I Love Ir!!!

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