Former NSA Advisor Laughs at the Idea that Trump would have Stopped Putin, says Trump had no Idea where Ukraine was

I remember an NPR reporter embarrassed the hell out of Mike Pompeo when he asked her to point out Ukraine on a map.

Remember, Dumb Donald thought Colorado was on the Mexican border. And he did not know China and India share a border. And god knows how many countries' names he mispronounced.

The man was a constant embarrassment.
Numbnuts Trump to Ingraham- "Oh, oh I thought you said that the U.S. was sending in an amphibious assault team"! Asswipe didn't know enough to correct HER.

There you have it. Trump gets his news from watching the likes of Tucker, Sean, Laura & the other members of the Fox News goon squad
You do realize that your lover Putin is blackmailing Biden, right, comrade?
Yea, sure he his when you hear those voices in your head. No problem but do you have to repeat what you hear on this forum? It's embarrasing.
No, you are just telling on yourself.

You have spent the last year+ throwing an embarrassing baby tantrum and vomiting lies the way others breathe, because your orange lard and master got thrown out on his fat ass.

Also, you think you are normal.

So, you assume I will have a similar breakdown, if Biden loses.

I won't. No, you are not normal. You are freakish.
The GOP will win in 22 and you need to prepare for that fact....for your own good....

and thought Finland was a part of Russia. lmao. Thanks John Bolton!

Excerpt from the link:

“He did not,” Bolton replied. “We didn't sanction Nord Stream 2. We should have. We should have brought the project to an end. We did impose sanctions on Russian oligarchs and several others because of their sales of S-400 anti-aircraft systems to other countries. But in almost every case, the sanctions were imposed with Trump complaining about it, saying we were being too hard.”

How does that make any sense? Everyone has played Risk at least once.
It's not propaganda.

Trump asslickers like you -- but different, in that they have vocabularies better than a 9 year old -- are, indeed, writing and selling books.
Pooty Poot Putin aka Popcorn approves of your propaganda and asks Biden if a little invasion of The Middle East is ok too!

EmperorShitzHizPantz will no doubt consent just like he did with Ukraine.

Let’s be honest. You got fired from Putin’s Troll farm, didn’t you?

I remember an NPR reporter embarrassed the hell out of Mike Pompeo when he asked her to point out Ukraine on a map.

Remember, Dumb Donald thought Colorado was on the Mexican border. And he did not know China and India share a border. And god knows how many countries' names he mispronounced.

The man was a constant embarrassment.
And of course you will argue that Joe Biden is doing a great job.
Bolton is still butthurt that Trump wouldn't give him a war or two and then got fired. Bolton is a warmonger.
It's not about stopping Putin anyway it's about what Putin's initiatives would be with a different personality in office. What he could and could not expect of a person that was currently in that position. There's no question that between Biden and Trump those expectations would have been vastly different.
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He is promoting a book. You make a buck anyway you can these days. The interesting thing is that lefties seem to pay more attention to made up conspiracies about the former administration than the reality pertaining to the present administration. Is it about buyers remorse or is TDS a real mental disorder similar to PTSD?
To a lefty massive inputs of confirmation bias are the full equivalent of super articulated masturbation. To them it's better than sex on meth....another one of their favorite past times.

I remember an NPR reporter embarrassed the hell out of Mike Pompeo when he asked her to point out Ukraine on a map.

Remember, Dumb Donald thought Colorado was on the Mexican border. And he did not know China and India share a border. And god knows how many countries' names he mispronounced.

The man was a constant embarrassment.
Not at all unlike your repetitious hateful posts.

How will you fill the giant void in your sad life when Trump leaves the stage?
And your two words isn't?
Saying Trump would not have stopped Putin after a four year Trump term where Putin did not attack the Ukraine is denying recent history as it stares you right in the face.....
And I will be fine. You assume I am a squealing cultist like you and will have a multi year breakdown. You are mistaken.
You are a snowflake troll know nothing and it may be your final undoing to see Trump win again....
And I will be fine. You assume I am a squealing cultist like you and will have a multi year breakdown. You are mistaken.
To you an American patriot is a cultist... that shows how much of an enemy of the USA that you are....

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