John Bolton confirms that Trump is an idiot and loves Putin

Yes, but did you know the average American is not smart enough to look it up and cheat?

Seriously, and you wonder why I am being the asshole I am?

Now you could have looked it up and pointed out the Ukraine and Thailand but you refused to entertain me, so now I am heart broken once again.


Can you show me where New Mexico is at and is it part of the United States of America, Canada or Mexico?

Why not ask these questions when shopping to see how many people know the answer to that one simple question…
if I spent my life wondering what other people know I would be to much like you and would want to kill myself,,,
Leaders do need to talk occasionally and so they use the telephone or intermediaries. The spectacle of face-to-face meetings lends legitimacy to rogue nation shitstains like Kim who have no intention of changing their ways.
Don’t care. If the meeting could reduce tensions and result in peace, it’s worth it.
Bolton asserted that Trump barely knew where Ukraine was. Yep, he’s a moron like any rational adult expected.

"But in almost every case, the sanctions were imposed with Trump complaining about it and saying we were being too hard," Bolton said. "The fact is that he barely knew where Ukraine was. He once asked John Kelly, his second chief of staff, if Finland were a part of Russia. It's just not accurate to say that Trump's behavior somehow deterred the Russians."

Well hell, we knew that.
Don’t care. If the meeting could reduce tensions and result in peace, it’s worth it.
That's the point. NK is isolated precisely because they are the kind of horrible people that cannot be reasoned with. All the diplomacy in the world couldn't make them start acting civilized. Why would you want our president standing beside such filth and acting friendly?
That's the point. NK is isolated precisely because they are the kind of horrible people that cannot be reasoned with. All the diplomacy in the world couldn't make them start acting civilized. Why would you want our president standing beside such filth and acting friendly?
I don’t agree. Isolating NK only helps Kim, but it’s extremely harmful for the NK people. To condemn all North Koreans is dumb. They suffer under an horrible dictatorship.
Bolton asserted that Trump barely knew where Ukraine was. Yep, he’s a moron like any rational adult expected.

"But in almost every case, the sanctions were imposed with Trump complaining about it and saying we were being too hard," Bolton said. "The fact is that he barely knew where Ukraine was. He once asked John Kelly, his second chief of staff, if Finland were a part of Russia. It's just not accurate to say that Trump's behavior somehow deterred the Russians."

Oh, now you love you some Bolton eh?
You have no idea of the hilarity of you moonbats suddenly dropping to your knees and sucking Bushbot neocon dick, for the singular reason that you hate the awful Orange Man.
Spanky Trump is lucky if he can find his right hand when he needs it but he somehow manages to figure it out.
Bolton isn’t going to be happy unless large numbers of young americans are engaged in some senseless battle somewhere and dying in large numbers. He will deride any potus that fails to deliver.
Bolton is out to sell his book.

Not sure how much credibility that gives him….
Bolton asserted that Trump barely knew where Ukraine was. Yep, he’s a moron like any rational adult expected.

"But in almost every case, the sanctions were imposed with Trump complaining about it and saying we were being too hard," Bolton said. "The fact is that he barely knew where Ukraine was. He once asked John Kelly, his second chief of staff, if Finland were a part of Russia. It's just not accurate to say that Trump's behavior somehow deterred the Russians."

Trump is dumb as a stump...alot like gadaffi.
Some rando anti-Trumper claims Trump ate greasy food!

Liberals are aghast. Shocked. Appalled. Outraged. Declare Brandon the new messiah.

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