Former NSA Advisor Laughs at the Idea that Trump would have Stopped Putin, says Trump had no Idea where Ukraine was

Saying Trump would not have stopped Putin after a four year Trump term where Putin did not attack the Ukraine is denying recent history as it stares you right in the face.....
Truly any of the deniers of facts that fail to take into account the fact that Putin attacked the Ukraine when
weak leaders like Obama and that cartoon character Joe Biden were in the White House just make themselves irrelevant and laughing stocks.

Not that I mind them stepping out from the curtain.
Saying Trump would not have stopped Putin after a four year Trump term where Putin did not attack the Ukraine is denying recent history as it stares you right in the face.....
No, that's just how normal, functional adults think, as they are not drooling cultists.
Wake up dummy....

Oh look, a video you never watched.

Putin invaded European countries during Bush and Obama's second terms. Your orange lard and master got thrown out on his fat ass after one term. Else this would be happening during his second term.

Normal adults understand this. Cultists don't. Very simple.
Oh look, a video you never watched.

Putin invaded European countries during Bush and Obama's second terms. Your orange lard and master got thrown out on his fat ass after one term. Else this would be happening during his second term.

Normal adults understand this. Cultists don't. Very simple.
Watch the video to the end or stay stupid.... your choice....
Sorry, the youtube videos you never watched are no substitute for reality.

As usual, you and your cult find yourself on the wrong side of history and of ethics.
But it was your cult that had to change the voting rules in order to steal the last national election....this time you won't be able to....
But it was your cult that had to change the voting rules in order to steal the last national election....this time you won't be able to....
Nah, that was only done to allow people to vote by mail during a raging, global pandemic. Maybe if your cult and its embarrassing high priests appealed to more people, you wouldn't have had your stupid asses handed to you. Maybe grow up and take some responsibility for your cult's failures. Like big boys and girls.
Nah, that was only done to allow people to vote by mail during a raging, global pandemic. Maybe if your cult and its embarrassing high priests appealed to more people, you wouldn't have had your stupid asses handed to you. Maybe grow up and take some responsibility for your cult's failures. Like big boys and girls.
That was the excuse used to steal the election.
I remember an NPR reporter embarrassed the hell out of Mike Pompeo when he asked her to point out Ukraine on a map.

Remember, Dumb Donald thought Colorado was on the Mexican border. And he did not know China and India share a border. And god knows how many countries' names he mispronounced.

The man was a constant embarrassment.

And still is!!!!
Desperate cult crybabying.

People who worked in the trump administration, whether they got fired, quit, or neither, are consistent in their accounts that Trump is a classless fucking moron.

I never met someone who didn't talk shit about their old boss once a new boss comes in. Everytime someone leaves everyone still there talks shit about them as if they were the dumbest person ever. It helps score brownie points with the new boss, it makes them look better, and it helps cover up their own idiocy. People in general like to talk trash when the other person isn't there.
And still is!!!!


Nah, that was only done to allow people to vote by mail during a raging, global pandemic. Maybe if your cult and its embarrassing high priests appealed to more people, you wouldn't have had your stupid asses handed to you. Maybe grow up and take some responsibility for your cult's failures. Like big boys and girls.


and thought Finland was a part of Russia. lmao. Thanks John Bolton!

Excerpt from the link:

“He did not,” Bolton replied. “We didn't sanction Nord Stream 2. We should have. We should have brought the project to an end. We did impose sanctions on Russian oligarchs and several others because of their sales of S-400 anti-aircraft systems to other countries. But in almost every case, the sanctions were imposed with Trump complaining about it, saying we were being too hard.”

Well Bolton is truly the definition of a neocon. But then ... why did Trump hire him. LOL

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