Former Obama Staff Coming Out Of Woodwork To Confirm Obama Cut & Run From Iraq

We have two Secretaries of Defense (Gates and now Panetta) and we have two Ambassadors (Crocker and Hill) that worked UNDER OBAMA that have now come out to say Obama pulled completely out of Iraq against their advice and that he's lying about him having no choice.

Panetta's book about to come out any day...........
This is how we lost Iraq. No wonder poor NotFooled hasn't been seen.....:)
This is a VERY good sign that I'm getting no challenge to this OP.

It means most Democrats have acknowledged what we've said all along about the SOFA. Good to see that implicit admission.
Bush negotiated the 2012 agreement.

Obama and Al Maliki could not come to a SOFA status.
How is it GWB's fault any more than that of BHO?

It is al Maliki's fault if anyone.
Obama had made it clear to anyone who was listening if he was elected he was getting all the way out of Iraq his actions should not have been a surprise to anyone nor should the results of it that we are seeing today.
EC001 9903363
Here's another great article to read from Ambassador Chris Hill: How the Obama Administration Ignored Iraq - Christopher R. Hill - POLITICO Magazine

How the Obama Administration Ignored Iraq
One ambassador's story of an exit strategy gone wrong.

Great Story thus far from EconChick's link:

Page 2 Para 11
On June 30, 2009, Maliki gave a speech to announce a major development in the U.S.-Iraqi Security Agreement. The occasion was the anniversary of the 2003 assassination of the Iraqi Shia leader Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim. After a few words in memory of the fallen ayatollah, Maliki shifted gears to describe the moment that U.S. forces would withdraw from populated areas as a great victory for the Iraqi people, which did not sit well with those who had backed the war effort. After all, Maliki was suggesting that what had happened was the U.S. forces had in effect been ordered to retreat.

Read more:

Key statement: "After all, Maliki was suggesting that what had happened was the U.S. forces had in effect been ordered to retreat." So Maliki was right. Why did Bush agree to put U.S. forces into retreat? Surely in June 2009, Obama cannot be blamed for the US Military retreat in Iraq. Bush signed that deal with the honorable Prime Minister of Iraq just six months earlier.

Some Partner Bush handed over to the Obama Administrtion.
al Maliki could have renegotiated the SOFA so that it was acceptable to the American CIC. He said he would have American troops leave Iraq. The American people supported him on that. The minority who disagree can suck it up.
EC001 9903363
Here's another great article to read from Ambassador Chris Hill: How the Obama Administration Ignored Iraq - Christopher R. Hill - POLITICO Magazine
How the Obama Administration Ignored Iraq One ambassador's story of an exit strategy gone wrong.

Here's more from EconChick's link:

In the end it was increasingly clear that Iraq remained the military’s problem, not the State Department’s. It is not to say that Iraq was not on people’s minds in Washington. But it was increasingly a legacy issue, a matter of keeping faith with our troops rather than seeing Iraq as a strategic issue in the region.

Key Statement is kind of in opposition to the chosen Headline at Politico. What's up with that? "It is not to say that Iraq was not on people’s minds in Washington. But it was increasingly a legacy issue, a matter of keeping faith with our troops rather than seeing Iraq as a strategic issue in the region. and of course this: "Iraq remained the military’s problem, not the State Department’s"

So what I see Amb Chris Hill as stating is that the Obama Administration 'ignored' Iraq as a strategic issue in the region. And that is because of the Shiite dominated government was not conducive to the US overall strategy in the region. And Maliki made matters worse. He was a bad partner.
JS029 9911663
al Maliki could have renegotiated the SOFA so that it was acceptable to the American CIC. He said he would have American troops leave Iraq. The American people supported him on that. The minority who disagree can suck it up.

From EconChick's own link in the OP, your impression of Maliki is confirmed. Maliki was 'celebrating' as a 'great victory' for the Iraqi people the 'retreat' of US forces from populated areas in Iraq.

... Maliki shifted gears to describe the moment that U.S. forces would withdraw from populated areas as a great victory for the Iraqi people, which did not sit well with those who had backed the war effort. After all, Maliki was suggesting that what had happened was the U.S. forces had in effect been ordered to retreat.

Read more: [URL='[/QUOTE'][/URL]

It would be hard to believe that EconChick actually read what she posted let alone comprehend what is being said in it.

Bush needed to do in 2008 what Obama has just achieved in Afghanistan. That is negotiate a long term deal of at least ten years duration if withdrawing troops too soon was indeed a problem.[/QUOTE]
JS031 9911923
That is not what Chris Hill said. Yes, Maliki was a bad partner.

Here is what Chris Hill said. How do you translate this?
Iraq got the bureaucratic reputation as a loser, something to stay away from. No question, Shia-led Iraq was the black sheep of the region, with no natural allies anywhere. Shia-led Iraq also did not fit into any broader theme that the administration was trying to accomplish in the Middle East.
State Dept Spokeswoman Jen Psaki has been on all the cable channels trying to defend Obama, and she is getting BLISTERED!!! Fun to sit back and watch.

If Psaki and Harf are defending you then you are in a shit sorry position. Neither one of those two twits can do anything but parrot talking points and make cheap little snarky comments. They are both hacks from Obama's campaign days.
JS029 9911663
al Maliki could have renegotiated the SOFA so that it was acceptable to the American CIC. He said he would have American troops leave Iraq. The American people supported him on that. The minority who disagree can suck it up.

From EconChick's own link in the OP, your impression of Maliki is confirmed. Maliki was 'celebrating' as a 'great victory' for the Iraqi people the 'retreat' of US forces from populated areas in Iraq.

... Maliki shifted gears to describe the moment that U.S. forces would withdraw from populated areas as a great victory for the Iraqi people, which did not sit well with those who had backed the war effort. After all, Maliki was suggesting that what had happened was the U.S. forces had in effect been ordered to retreat.

Read more:

It would be hard to believe that EconChick actually read what she posted let alone comprehend what is being said in it.

Bush needed to do in 2008 what Obama has just achieved in Afghanistan. That is negotiate a long term deal of at least ten years duration if withdrawing troops too soon was indeed a problem.
So basically you're going with the standard "Maliki wanted us out so Obama had no choice in the matter" spin. That unfortunately ignores the fact that Obama had significant leverage and that Maliki was not the only opinion in Iraq on the matter.
So that post is a loser.
EC001 9903363
Here's another great article to read from Ambassador Chris Hill: How the Obama Administration Ignored Iraq - Christopher R. Hill - POLITICO Magazine

Here's more from EconChick's link:
The U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. Ray Odierno, spoke with him soon thereafter to tell him he needed to make a gesture, suggesting that during his upcoming visit to Washington he visit Arlington National Cemetery and lay a wreath. He did so, but it was too little, too late. Maliki’s reputation never recovered in Washington, and complaints about him, whether in matters of human rights or relations with Sunni neighbors, or his attitudes toward Americans, or political alliances within Iraq, all seemed to reinforce each other with the conclusion that Iraq would be better off with a new prime minister, perhaps one who did not seem systematically to upset every conceivable constituent group. How the Obama Administration Ignored Iraq - Christopher R. Hill - POLITICO Magazine[/QUOTE

This was 2009. Who can be sure that ignoring this Shiite goon was the wrong thing to do? How much worse could it be if Obama had propped him up with 25,000 US troops. We would have been seen as Maliki's air force and army. At least now Maliki is gone in a democratic transfer of power. And by the way, the democratic transfer 'way' means that Iraq is not lost. Bush was a dope to say that pulling troops out would mean that Iraq would surrender its future to al Qaeda or any other Sunni terrorist group like the IS terrorists.

So when the clueless keep repeating crap like this, we all should point out just how stupid this kind of statement is.

EC022 9909634
This is how we lost Iraq.

Iraq is not "lost" and we definitely did not 'lose it".
Last edited:
BB036 9912554 regarding NF 9911955, JS029 9911663
So basically you're going with the standard "Maliki wanted us out so Obama had no choice in the matter" spin. That unfortunately ignores the fact that Obama had significant leverage and that Maliki was not the only opinion in Iraq on the matter. So that post is a loser.

Why are you referring to Amb. Chris Hill's Opinion as posted by EconChick to be spin? Maliki and his political majority did want us out and because that is so, Obama, nor anyone else had any choice in the matter other than violating Iraq's sovereignty by the us of military aggression once again.

You see EconChick with her OP is relying upon your ignorance and laziness to be satisfied that Politio's headline suffices as thorough journalistic fact-finding and the best summary of what Amb. Hill had to say. The trouble with ignorance such as that means we never will learn from Bush's horrendous mistake in March 2003.

Amb Hill is on the side of 'we shoulda, coulda, left a hefty troop presents beyond 2011. But his opinion piece in Politico is essentially explaining also why we couldn't do that. The problem was Maliki not Obama. But that doesn't produce 'hits' on websites here in the US.

Try to read things before you comment on them.
JS031 9911923
That is not what Chris Hill said. Yes, Maliki was a bad partner.

Here is what Chris Hill said. How do you translate this?
Iraq got the bureaucratic reputation as a loser, something to stay away from. No question, Shia-led Iraq was the black sheep of the region, with no natural allies anywhere. Shia-led Iraq also did not fit into any broader theme that the administration was trying to accomplish in the Middle East.

CH agrees with me: Maliki was a bad partner.
You libs are getting HAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMERED all over the Sunday Talk Shows...NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, CNN....


Because Panetta is calling your hero out as a liar!!!!!!!!!!

The gig's up kids.

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