Former Obama Staff Coming Out Of Woodwork To Confirm Obama Cut & Run From Iraq

NF 9912684 regarding EC022 9909634
Iraq is not lost you fraud.

DD 9915082 regarding NF 9915036, EC 9914259
Admit it along with Obama's compadres-----he let Iraq go to shit. Why do you bother trying to defend his decision to withdraw ?

Admit what. Iraq 'went to shit' long before Obama became president.

The point is that Iraq is not lost. When are you Obama haters going to admit that its not lost?

When are YOU going to admit it's damn near almost lost. I still believe there's a high prob they'll take Baghdad. Now it's being leaked that not only are air strikes all for show....but Obama will do even less after the elections.
All the crying from the former failed liberal neo-cons means nothing.

You are not going to get American heavy combat units to do what Arabs must do themselves.

Obama and the American public will not let you do that.
All the crying from the former failed liberal neo-cons means nothing.

You are not going to get American heavy combat units to do what Arabs must do themselves.

Obama and the American public will not let you do that.

EC 9914271 regarding NF 9912714, BB036 9912554, NF 9911955, JS029 9911663.
NOTFOOLED you've been so thoroughly trounced on this topic out in the press, esp because of Panetta now.... that I won't ever have to type another word countering your lies, LOL.

...but I might cuz it's so fun....

You mean the Panetta that is calling you a liar for pushing that nonsense that it was Obama that forced the Iraqis to have the SOFA approved by the legislature?

.Privately, the various leadership factions in Iraq all confided that they wanted some U.S. forces to remain as a bulwark against sectarian violence. But none was willing to take that position publicly, and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki concluded that any Status of Forces Agreement, which would give legal protection to those forces, would have to be submitted to the Iraqi parliament for approval. That made reaching

Leon Panetta How the White House Misplayed Iraqi Troop Talks

You are such a phony EconChick, You were so easily busted.
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EC 9914271 regarding NF 9912714, BB036 9912554, NF 9911955, JS029 9911663.
NOTFOOLED you've been so thoroughly trounced on this topic out in the press, esp because of Panetta now.... that I won't ever have to type another word countering your lies, LOL.

...but I might cuz it's so fun....

You mean the Panetta that is calling you a liar for pushing that nonsense that it was Obama that forced the Iraqis to have the SOFA approved by the legislature?

.Privately, the various leadership factions in Iraq all confided that they wanted some U.S. forces to remain as a bulwark against sectarian violence. But none was willing to take that position publicly, and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki concluded that any Status of Forces Agreement, which would give legal protection to those forces, would have to be submitted to the Iraqi parliament for approval. That made reaching

You are such a phony EconChick, You were so easily busted.

Look you brain dead moron. You will NEVER understand this is not some black and white debate about the fucking encyclopedia. They were rolling negotiations with people going back and forth on concepts every DAY. I'm tired of explaining 2nd grade concepts to you.

But hey ....looky at what you finally admitted after my 2000 posts trying to educate your dumb ass:

" Privately, the various leadership factions in Iraq all confided that they wanted some U.S. forces to remain as a bulwark against sectarian violence."

It comes righttttttt out of the quote you just threw at me to try to make your other point. Now given that you resisted me for months on THIS, it's easy for people to see which one of us is the fraud and which one isn't.


One more time everybody!!

Look what Not Fooled just admitted! LOL

" Privately, the various leadership factions in Iraq all confided that they wanted some U.S. forces to remain as a bulwark against sectarian violence."
Please proceed to your other ridiculous lies like Obama went to the moon, Obama went to Mars, Obama invented the atom bomb, Obama blah blah blah
EC 9914271 regarding NF 9912714, BB036 9912554, NF 9911955, JS029 9911663.
NOTFOOLED you've been so thoroughly trounced on this topic out in the press, esp because of Panetta now.... that I won't ever have to type another word countering your lies, LOL.

...but I might cuz it's so fun....

You mean the Panetta that is calling you a liar for pushing that nonsense that it was Obama that forced the Iraqis to have the SOFA approved by the legislature?

.Privately, the various leadership factions in Iraq all confided that they wanted some U.S. forces to remain as a bulwark against sectarian violence. But none was willing to take that position publicly, and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki concluded that any Status of Forces Agreement, which would give legal protection to those forces, would have to be submitted to the Iraqi parliament for approval. That made reaching

You are such a phony EconChick, You were so easily busted.

I keep telling you guys to read your own damn sources.
DD 9915333
If it's not lost why are we fighting to get it back ?

The Iraqis are fighting, not Americans. Americans, French, and finally the Brits are conducting airstrikes. There is no fighting going on more than nine feet off the ground. You do realize the IS terrorists don't have an Air Force don't you?

We've basically gone back to the NFZs over Iraq which means all the people Bush got killed were not necessary and now we are back to square one.
EC 9914271 regarding NF 9912714, BB036 9912554, NF 9911955, JS029 9911663.
NOTFOOLED you've been so thoroughly trounced on this topic out in the press, esp because of Panetta now.... that I won't ever have to type another word countering your lies, LOL.

...but I might cuz it's so fun....

You mean the Panetta that is calling you a liar for pushing that nonsense that it was Obama that forced the Iraqis to have the SOFA approved by the legislature?

.Privately, the various leadership factions in Iraq all confided that they wanted some U.S. forces to remain as a bulwark against sectarian violence. But none was willing to take that position publicly, and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki concluded that any Status of Forces Agreement, which would give legal protection to those forces, would have to be submitted to the Iraqi parliament for approval. That made reaching

You are such a phony EconChick, You were so easily busted.

I keep telling you guys to read your own damn sources.

LOL, thanks. Yep, I bet I've spent about 80 manhours/womanhours trying to explain exactly what that short little blurp said to NF. It's quite satisfying to get him to give it back to me.

Libs are such empty people when it comes to these important topics. They're great on other the symphony, gardening, baby names, ......
DD 9915333
If it's not lost why are we fighting to get it back ?

The Iraqis are fighting, not Americans. Americans, French, and finally the Brits are conducting airstrikes. There is no fighting going on more than nine feet off the ground. You do realize the IS terrorists don't have an Air Force don't you?

We've basically gone back to the NFZs over Iraq which means all the people Bush got killed were not necessary and now we are back to square one.

You REALLY believe this?

Can you tell me how our munitions are actually sighted on their targets?
Blah blah blah.....I prob won't even read most of your posts now NF....blab on with the lies all you want.
EC 9914271 regarding NF 9912714, BB036 9912554, NF 9911955, JS029 9911663.
NOTFOOLED you've been so thoroughly trounced on this topic out in the press, esp because of Panetta now.... that I won't ever have to type another word countering your lies, LOL.

...but I might cuz it's so fun....

You mean the Panetta that is calling you a liar for pushing that nonsense that it was Obama that forced the Iraqis to have the SOFA approved by the legislature?

.Privately, the various leadership factions in Iraq all confided that they wanted some U.S. forces to remain as a bulwark against sectarian violence. But none was willing to take that position publicly, and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki concluded that any Status of Forces Agreement, which would give legal protection to those forces, would have to be submitted to the Iraqi parliament for approval. That made reaching

You are such a phony EconChick, You were so easily busted.

I keep telling you guys to read your own damn sources.

LOL, thanks. Yep, I bet I've spent about 80 manhours/womanhours trying to explain exactly what that short little blurp said to NF. It's quite satisfying to get him to give it back to me.

Libs are such empty people when it comes to these important topics. They're great on other the symphony, gardening, baby names, ......

I've always been entertained by their insistence on Darwinism and natural argues against them.
The neo-cons are merely venting today, with absolutely no power to do anything.
I've probably been a Repub longer than you Jake......nothing "new" about me.


You are an Obmabot, nothing more.
I am an older than you, Antares, and have been a pub all my life.

My grand dad and uncle sat on the vetting board for RMN back in 1946 in Orange County. My aunt was VP of the CA women's group; I was the my university and state college YR president.

I am a Ford Republican. You are to my right. We are in the same party. Although not nearly as diverse as it was in the later sixties and seventies, it will be again within ten years, I believe.
I am an older than you, Antares, and have been a pub all my life.

My grand dad and uncle sat on the vetting board for RMN back in 1946 in Orange County. My aunt was VP of the CA women's group; I was the my university and state college YR president.

I am a Ford Republican. You are to my right. We are in the same party. Although not nearly as diverse as it was in the later sixties and seventies, it will be again within ten years, I believe.

Then one would think you could recognize a neocon plan when you saw one.
In the 60's and 70's there wasn't much difference between Dem and Repub, you are a go along to get along guy.

You have been weighed and measured and found wanting.

I am a Reagan Repub, the kind of Repub that stands for something other than sucking Obama's cock.

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