Former Pastor Converts To Atheism


Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

full article @

After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

You want to know the truth? It was only after I took a long hard look at religion that I realized what a joke it all was. I think most believers aren't very deep thinkers or haven't thought about it that much. It just makes them feel good and they choose to believe.

So my point is I bet a lot of priests preachers pastors reverands bishops cardinals popes figure it out but like being a teacher with 10 years you now just want to make it to retirement. And look at all the shister preachers who swindle peoples money. I think they go into it phones.
And yet, that was a statement of pure faith.
No, it wasn't.

This is yet another thread you troll where you press your "atheism is a religion" script. Your petty arguments have been addressed and refuted.

Not refuted, just denied. By all means, provide the evidence in support of that statement. I would love it if you could. If you can't, then it is a statement of pure faith. Saying it is not does not change it.
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
I knew you would bail out. You do that consistently.

Where is your evidence in support of your "atheism is a religion", slogan. You Have had opportunities to support your statement yet you continue to side step and evade.

So, you can't support that statement. I have to take it on faith. I see you haven't changed your dogma.
No problem, the point is well-made: when one realizes the truth that there is no 'god' as perceived by theists, that 'god' and religion are creations of man, be becomes free from faith and no longer practices any religion.

And yet, that was a statement of pure faith.
No, it wasn't.

This is yet another thread you troll where you press your "atheism is a religion" script. Your petty arguments have been addressed and refuted.

Not refuted, just denied. By all means, provide the evidence in support of that statement. I would love it if you could. If you can't, then it is a statement of pure faith. Saying it is not does not change it.
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
We have speculative evidence. Any supernatural claims either can be proven or we get to call bullshit on your stories. You dont even know what evidence or theories are. Now go pray to Allah.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

full article @

After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

You want to know the truth? It was only after I took a long hard look at religion that I realized what a joke it all was. I think most believers aren't very deep thinkers or haven't thought about it that much. It just makes them feel good and they choose to believe.

So my point is I bet a lot of priests preachers pastors reverands bishops cardinals popes figure it out but like being a teacher with 10 years you now just want to make it to retirement. And look at all the shister preachers who swindle peoples money. I think they go into it phones.

Seawytch posted an article on this topic earlier today.

Why are Atheists and Agnostics better informed? The Los Angeles Times quotes one of the researchers who has a theory:

American atheists and agnostics tend to be people who grew up in a religious tradition and consciously gave it up, often after a great deal of reflection and study, said Alan Cooperman,associate director for research at the Pew Forum.

"These are people who thought a lot about religion," he said. "They're not indifferent. They care about it."

Survey Atheists Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious The Two-Way NPR
No, it wasn't.

This is yet another thread you troll where you press your "atheism is a religion" script. Your petty arguments have been addressed and refuted.

Not refuted, just denied. By all means, provide the evidence in support of that statement. I would love it if you could. If you can't, then it is a statement of pure faith. Saying it is not does not change it.
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
I knew you would bail out. You do that consistently.

Where is your evidence in support of your "atheism is a religion", slogan. You Have had opportunities to support your statement yet you continue to side step and evade.

So, you can't support that statement. I have to take it on faith. I see you haven't changed your dogma.
Just dont try to impose hour cult on the rest of us. Keep that shit in church and at home where it belongs. If we want it we know where to come find it.
No, it wasn't.

This is yet another thread you troll where you press your "atheism is a religion" script. Your petty arguments have been addressed and refuted.

Not refuted, just denied. By all means, provide the evidence in support of that statement. I would love it if you could. If you can't, then it is a statement of pure faith. Saying it is not does not change it.
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
I knew you would bail out. You do that consistently.

Where is your evidence in support of your "atheism is a religion", slogan. You Have had opportunities to support your statement yet you continue to side step and evade.

So, you can't support that statement. I have to take it on faith. I see you haven't changed your dogma.
It's your statement you have not supported and cannot support. You're dancing as fast as you can to avoid addressing your failure to support your claim.

I see your maintain your dogma, in spite of its failure.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

full article @

After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

You want to know the truth? It was only after I took a long hard look at religion that I realized what a joke it all was. I think most believers aren't very deep thinkers or haven't thought about it that much. It just makes them feel good and they choose to believe.

So my point is I bet a lot of priests preachers pastors reverands bishops cardinals popes figure it out but like being a teacher with 10 years you now just want to make it to retirement. And look at all the shister preachers who swindle peoples money. I think they go into it phones.

Seawytch posted an article on this topic earlier today.

Why are Atheists and Agnostics better informed? The Los Angeles Times quotes one of the researchers who has a theory:

American atheists and agnostics tend to be people who grew up in a religious tradition and consciously gave it up, often after a great deal of reflection and study, said Alan Cooperman,associate director for research at the Pew Forum.

"These are people who thought a lot about religion," he said. "They're not indifferent. They care about it."

Survey Atheists Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious The Two-Way NPR
The way theists view us only further confirm my beliefs.
And yet, that was a statement of pure faith.
No, it wasn't.

This is yet another thread you troll where you press your "atheism is a religion" script. Your petty arguments have been addressed and refuted.

Not refuted, just denied. By all means, provide the evidence in support of that statement. I would love it if you could. If you can't, then it is a statement of pure faith. Saying it is not does not change it.
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
We have speculative evidence. Any supernatural claims either can be proven or we get to call bullshit on your stories. You dont even know what evidence or theories are. Now go pray to Allah.

I know what evidence is. Speculative evidence? Nonsense.

If you don't believe something, that is fine. But that is not what is happening here. You are saying what you believe is true. You can't support it, but you claim it is true regardless. And then you say that yours is a superior position because it is not based upon belief. Well.. I call bullshit on your stories. Your position is nothing but belief.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

full article @

After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

You want to know the truth? It was only after I took a long hard look at religion that I realized what a joke it all was. I think most believers aren't very deep thinkers or haven't thought about it that much. It just makes them feel good and they choose to believe.

So my point is I bet a lot of priests preachers pastors reverands bishops cardinals popes figure it out but like being a teacher with 10 years you now just want to make it to retirement. And look at all the shister preachers who swindle peoples money. I think they go into it phones.

Seawytch posted an article on this topic earlier today.

Why are Atheists and Agnostics better informed? The Los Angeles Times quotes one of the researchers who has a theory:

American atheists and agnostics tend to be people who grew up in a religious tradition and consciously gave it up, often after a great deal of reflection and study, said Alan Cooperman,associate director for research at the Pew Forum.

"These are people who thought a lot about religion," he said. "They're not indifferent. They care about it."

Survey Atheists Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious The Two-Way NPR
The way theists view us only further confirm my beliefs.

Well, at least you admit it is your beliefs. Finally some honesty.
Not refuted, just denied. By all means, provide the evidence in support of that statement. I would love it if you could. If you can't, then it is a statement of pure faith. Saying it is not does not change it.
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
I knew you would bail out. You do that consistently.

Where is your evidence in support of your "atheism is a religion", slogan. You Have had opportunities to support your statement yet you continue to side step and evade.

So, you can't support that statement. I have to take it on faith. I see you haven't changed your dogma.
It's your statement you have not supported and cannot support. You're dancing as fast as you can to avoid addressing your failure to support your claim.

I see your maintain your dogma, in spite of its failure.

One more time. Dogma is the insistence that a belief is true and not subject to question. If your position does not constitute dogma, then nothing does. And again, one more time, if I am wrong then present your evidence. I keep asking you to do that, and you keep saying I'm dogmatic for not just accepting your position without question.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

full article @

After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

You want to know the truth? It was only after I took a long hard look at religion that I realized what a joke it all was. I think most believers aren't very deep thinkers or haven't thought about it that much. It just makes them feel good and they choose to believe.

So my point is I bet a lot of priests preachers pastors reverands bishops cardinals popes figure it out but like being a teacher with 10 years you now just want to make it to retirement. And look at all the shister preachers who swindle peoples money. I think they go into it phones.

Seawytch posted an article on this topic earlier today.

Why are Atheists and Agnostics better informed? The Los Angeles Times quotes one of the researchers who has a theory:

American atheists and agnostics tend to be people who grew up in a religious tradition and consciously gave it up, often after a great deal of reflection and study, said Alan Cooperman,associate director for research at the Pew Forum.

"These are people who thought a lot about religion," he said. "They're not indifferent. They care about it."

Survey Atheists Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious The Two-Way NPR
The way theists view us only further confirm my beliefs.

Well, at least you admit it is your beliefs. Finally some honesty.

Ridiculous. I believe there is a grocery store on MacArthur BLVD. Is that a religion?

If you want to argue this, at least pull up the appropriate thread.

Atheism Is Not A Religion US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
I knew you would bail out. You do that consistently.

Where is your evidence in support of your "atheism is a religion", slogan. You Have had opportunities to support your statement yet you continue to side step and evade.

So, you can't support that statement. I have to take it on faith. I see you haven't changed your dogma.
It's your statement you have not supported and cannot support. You're dancing as fast as you can to avoid addressing your failure to support your claim.

I see your maintain your dogma, in spite of its failure.

One more time. Dogma is the insistence that a belief is true and not subject to question. If your position does not constitute dogma, then nothing does. And again, one more time, if I am wrong then present your evidence. I keep asking you to do that, and you keep saying I'm dogmatic for not just accepting your position without question.
You're still dancing.

Your belief, your statement, your position is that atheism is a religion. Yet, when you are required to support your specious comment, to support your belief system, you stagger, reel and evade.

Your religious dogma is meaningless when it's unsupportable.
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
I knew you would bail out. You do that consistently.

Where is your evidence in support of your "atheism is a religion", slogan. You Have had opportunities to support your statement yet you continue to side step and evade.

So, you can't support that statement. I have to take it on faith. I see you haven't changed your dogma.
It's your statement you have not supported and cannot support. You're dancing as fast as you can to avoid addressing your failure to support your claim.

I see your maintain your dogma, in spite of its failure.

One more time. Dogma is the insistence that a belief is true and not subject to question. If your position does not constitute dogma, then nothing does. And again, one more time, if I am wrong then present your evidence. I keep asking you to do that, and you keep saying I'm dogmatic for not just accepting your position without question.

noun dog·ma \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no dogma in atheism.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

full article @

After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

You want to know the truth? It was only after I took a long hard look at religion that I realized what a joke it all was. I think most believers aren't very deep thinkers or haven't thought about it that much. It just makes them feel good and they choose to believe.

So my point is I bet a lot of priests preachers pastors reverands bishops cardinals popes figure it out but like being a teacher with 10 years you now just want to make it to retirement. And look at all the shister preachers who swindle peoples money. I think they go into it phones.

Seawytch posted an article on this topic earlier today.

Why are Atheists and Agnostics better informed? The Los Angeles Times quotes one of the researchers who has a theory:

American atheists and agnostics tend to be people who grew up in a religious tradition and consciously gave it up, often after a great deal of reflection and study, said Alan Cooperman,associate director for research at the Pew Forum.

"These are people who thought a lot about religion," he said. "They're not indifferent. They care about it."

Survey Atheists Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious The Two-Way NPR
The way theists view us only further confirm my beliefs.

Well, at least you admit it is your beliefs. Finally some honesty.
I have lots of evidence for my beliefs. Throw away the holy book I say is man made and what evidence do you have for god? None. You follow a cult just like Muslims and mormons. What's the difference?

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

full article @

After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

You want to know the truth? It was only after I took a long hard look at religion that I realized what a joke it all was. I think most believers aren't very deep thinkers or haven't thought about it that much. It just makes them feel good and they choose to believe.

So my point is I bet a lot of priests preachers pastors reverands bishops cardinals popes figure it out but like being a teacher with 10 years you now just want to make it to retirement. And look at all the shister preachers who swindle peoples money. I think they go into it phones.

Seawytch posted an article on this topic earlier today.

Why are Atheists and Agnostics better informed? The Los Angeles Times quotes one of the researchers who has a theory:

American atheists and agnostics tend to be people who grew up in a religious tradition and consciously gave it up, often after a great deal of reflection and study, said Alan Cooperman,associate director for research at the Pew Forum.

"These are people who thought a lot about religion," he said. "They're not indifferent. They care about it."

Survey Atheists Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious The Two-Way NPR
The way theists view us only further confirm my beliefs.

Well, at least you admit it is your beliefs. Finally some honesty.

Ridiculous. I believe there is a grocery store on MacArthur BLVD. Is that a religion?

If you want to argue this, at least pull up the appropriate thread.

Atheism Is Not A Religion US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
He was the primary religionist in that thread (and others), desperately promoting his religion of "atheism is a religion" . He was as ineffectual in those threads as this one.
No, it wasn't.

This is yet another thread you troll where you press your "atheism is a religion" script. Your petty arguments have been addressed and refuted.

Not refuted, just denied. By all means, provide the evidence in support of that statement. I would love it if you could. If you can't, then it is a statement of pure faith. Saying it is not does not change it.
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
We have speculative evidence. Any supernatural claims either can be proven or we get to call bullshit on your stories. You dont even know what evidence or theories are. Now go pray to Allah.

I know what evidence is. Speculative evidence? Nonsense.

If you don't believe something, that is fine. But that is not what is happening here. You are saying what you believe is true. You can't support it, but you claim it is true regardless. And then you say that yours is a superior position because it is not based upon belief. Well.. I call bullshit on your stories. Your position is nothing but belief.

Great. So we agree to disagree. And if you admit you have no evidence your god exists you wont mind us performing stem cell experiments getting abortions and let gay people get married.
What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
I knew you would bail out. You do that consistently.

Where is your evidence in support of your "atheism is a religion", slogan. You Have had opportunities to support your statement yet you continue to side step and evade.

So, you can't support that statement. I have to take it on faith. I see you haven't changed your dogma.
It's your statement you have not supported and cannot support. You're dancing as fast as you can to avoid addressing your failure to support your claim.

I see your maintain your dogma, in spite of its failure.

One more time. Dogma is the insistence that a belief is true and not subject to question. If your position does not constitute dogma, then nothing does. And again, one more time, if I am wrong then present your evidence. I keep asking you to do that, and you keep saying I'm dogmatic for not just accepting your position without question.

noun dog·ma \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no dogma in atheism.

Then you can provide the evidence to support the claim which was made? Because all of this started when I said it was pure faith. Show me how it isn't. And if it isn't, and I am not supposed to question it, then I refer you to the definition above.
Not refuted, just denied. By all means, provide the evidence in support of that statement. I would love it if you could. If you can't, then it is a statement of pure faith. Saying it is not does not change it.
Refuted. Yes.

You are the one making the positive claim that atheism is a religion. You couldn't support that specious claim before and you can't now.

What I said was his was a statement of pure faith. Do you have evidence to support his statement or do you not?
We have speculative evidence. Any supernatural claims either can be proven or we get to call bullshit on your stories. You dont even know what evidence or theories are. Now go pray to Allah.

I know what evidence is. Speculative evidence? Nonsense.

If you don't believe something, that is fine. But that is not what is happening here. You are saying what you believe is true. You can't support it, but you claim it is true regardless. And then you say that yours is a superior position because it is not based upon belief. Well.. I call bullshit on your stories. Your position is nothing but belief.

Great. So we agree to disagree. And if you admit you have no evidence your god exists you wont mind us performing stem cell experiments getting abortions and let gay people get married.

Of course I have no evidence. I have told you this many times before. I fully admit my beliefs are nothing but beliefs. And no, I don't mind abortions, stem cell experiments or same sex marriage.

The difference between us is not that we don't base our positions on belief. It is that I admit it and you don't.
That's didn't work out all that well for Madalyn Murray O'Hair. She ended up riddled with bullets and dumped into a lake if I remember correctly. Piece of female shit got just what she deserved.

Murder of Madalyn Murray O Hair
What a Christian thing to say.

I just believe in GOD. Which doesn't mean I'm a practicing Christian. I haven't been one since my last Easter egg hunt at about age six or seven. But I'm sure no goddamned atheist either and literally hate those bastards for attacking our constitutional rights to practice the religion of our choice in public. So screw your atheist ass/

How has your Constitutional right to Freedom of Religion been affected or attacked by atheists?
You want to know the truth? It was only after I took a long hard look at religion that I realized what a joke it all was. I think most believers aren't very deep thinkers or haven't thought about it that much. It just makes them feel good and they choose to believe.

So my point is I bet a lot of priests preachers pastors reverands bishops cardinals popes figure it out but like being a teacher with 10 years you now just want to make it to retirement. And look at all the shister preachers who swindle peoples money. I think they go into it phones.

Seawytch posted an article on this topic earlier today.

Why are Atheists and Agnostics better informed? The Los Angeles Times quotes one of the researchers who has a theory:

American atheists and agnostics tend to be people who grew up in a religious tradition and consciously gave it up, often after a great deal of reflection and study, said Alan Cooperman,associate director for research at the Pew Forum.

"These are people who thought a lot about religion," he said. "They're not indifferent. They care about it."

Survey Atheists Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious The Two-Way NPR
The way theists view us only further confirm my beliefs.

Well, at least you admit it is your beliefs. Finally some honesty.

Ridiculous. I believe there is a grocery store on MacArthur BLVD. Is that a religion?

If you want to argue this, at least pull up the appropriate thread.

Atheism Is Not A Religion US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
He was the primary religionist in that thread (and others), desperately promoting his religion of "atheism is a religion" . He was as ineffectual in those threads as this one.
I dream of a day in america where there are no Jews....wait for it...or christians Muslims Mormons. Imagine all those people saving the 10% of their pay then they wouldnt mind paying taxes to help poor people. Who knows maybe there wouldnt be poverty. They use religion to divide us and keep us down. We wouldn't be so anti science. So racist. Some theists even admit they are evil but that's OK because Jesus loves the sinner. Its simply a horrible story when you think about it. Gay people shouldn't feel bad about themselves either.

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