Former Proud Boys Leader Hoped Being A Snitch For The Feds Would Lower His Sentence


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced Tuesday to 22 years in prison for orchestrating his far-right extremist group’s attack on the U.S. Capitol in a failed bid to stop the transfer of presidential power after Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. Rising to speak before the sentence was handed down, Tarrio pleaded for leniency, describing Jan. 6 as a “national embarrassment,” and apologizing to the police officers who defended the Capitol and the lawmakers who fled in fear.

“I am not a political zealot. Inflicting harm or changing the results of the election was not my goal,” Tarrio said “Please show me mercy,” he said, adding, “I ask you that you not take my 40s from me.” U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly, who was nominated to the bench by Trump, agreed with prosecutors that the Proud Boys’ crimes could be punished as “terrorism” — increasing the recommended sentence under federal guidelines. But he ultimately sentenced the Proud Boys to prison terms shorter than what prosecutors were seeking.

In asking for a lighter sentence, Tarrio’s lawyers pointed out that he has a history of working with law enforcement. Court records show the Proud Boys chairman previously worked undercover for investigators during a 2012 fraud case he was involved in."

Well, it seems clear the prosecutors were asking for 33 years; for something that Antifa and the FBI did; the judge even agreed with these Deep State prosecutors that this fit the definition of terrorism, but only sentenced him to 22 years...which is still an obscene amount....One must ask, was giving a slightly shorter sentence because he was a snitch for the FEDS, or was it because the judge was appointed by Trump, or something else?

Let's be honest, if there were a bunch of thug blacks storming the Capitol demanding more government handouts like welfare and crack; nobody would have been arrested; even if they assaulted congressional members or their staff; those thugs wouldn't even be arrested, they would be celebrated as heroes - or - let's say there are a bunch of muslims, storming the Capitol to stop some Muslim ban from taking effect, nobody would have been arrested - our law enforcement routinely lets radical muslims and these BLM thugs run around with no push back - but now, when someone stands up for real Americans, this government stomps them into the dirt. Why? What is the message being sent?
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"Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced Tuesday to 22 years in prison for orchestrating his far-right extremist group’s attack on the U.S. Capitol in a failed bid to stop the transfer of presidential power after Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. Rising to speak before the sentence was handed down, Tarrio pleaded for leniency, describing Jan. 6 as a “national embarrassment,” and apologizing to the police officers who defended the Capitol and the lawmakers who fled in fear.

“I am not a political zealot. Inflicting harm or changing the results of the election was not my goal,” Tarrio said “Please show me mercy,” he said, adding, “I ask you that you not take my 40s from me.” U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly, who was nominated to the bench by Trump, agreed with prosecutors that the Proud Boys’ crimes could be punished as “terrorism” — increasing the recommended sentence under federal guidelines. But he ultimately sentenced the Proud Boys to prison terms shorter than what prosecutors were seeking.

In asking for a lighter sentence, Tarrio’s lawyers pointed out that he has a history of working with law enforcement. Court records show the Proud Boys chairman previously worked undercover for investigators during a 2012 fraud case he was involved in."
Well, it seems clear the prosecutors were asking for 33 years; for something that Antifa and the FBI did; the judge even agreed with these Deep State prosecutors that this fit the definition of terrorism, but only sentenced him to 22 years...which is still an obscene amount....One must ask, was giving a slightly shorter sentence because he was a snitch for the FEDS, or was it because the judge was appointed by Trump, or something else?

Let's be honest, if there were a bunch of thug blacks storming the Capitol demanding more government handouts like welfare and crack; nobody would have been arrested; even if they assaulted congressional members or their staff; those thugs wouldn't even be arrested, they would be celebrated as heroes - or - let's say there are a bunch of muslims, storming the Capitol to stop some Muslim ban from taking effect, nobody would have been arrested - our law enforcement routinely lets radical muslims and these BLM thugs run around with no push back - but now, when someone stands up for real Americans, this government stomps them into the dirt. Why? What is the message being sent?
I think you are being over harsh. The Trump appointed judge cut the sentence to 22 years whch is basically letting him off.
By the time he has finished writing his book and taken a degree course he will be free to pursue a career in the GOP run by MTG.
I think you are being over harsh. The Trump appointed judge cut the sentence to 22 years whch is basically letting him off.
By the time he has finished writing his book and taken a degree course he will be free to pursue a career in the GOP run by MTG.
Nah. You never hear from that jackass again.
Evidence that licking jackboots does you no good....So why trust these assholes in any case?
But what if you are giving them evidence that would put a dangerous BLM thug in jail?

Would you not give that evidence to someone in law enforcement?
our countries only hope is that Trump wins the election

Prosecuting the innocent protestors is nothing less than being ruled by Stalin, Castro, or Hitler.
He was kinda in office when all of this was happening tho

Wait a do we know the people arrested were not all false flag Antifa operatives?

and if the FBI and Antifa were able to trick these people into storming the Capitol and Trump didn't even warn them -- why are we so sure Trump isn't in on it too?
He was kinda in office when all of this was happening tho

Wait a do we know the people arrested were not all false flag Antifa operatives?

and if the FBI and Antifa were able to trick these people into storming the Capitol and Trump didn't even warn them -- why are we so sure Trump isn't in on it too?
this is just the democrats getting even, they hate that trump could rally thousands of good people to support trump

We must worry that if we go to a Trump rally we will be charged with insurrection. Clever political tactic, of tyrants
this is just the democrats getting even, they hate that trump could rally thousands of good people to support trump

We must worry that if we go to a Trump rally we will be charged with insurrection. Clever political tactic, of tyrants
How can Dems be this smart and this powerful that they are able to force Republicans to do all of that?

And last I checked, no one is more brilliant and powerful than Trump -- how did he allow this to happen?
How can Dems be this smart and this powerful that they are able to force Republicans to do all of that?

And last I checked, no one is more brilliant and powerful than Trump -- how did he allow this to happen?
how did trump allow the democrats to weaponize the departments of government?

It all started with the firing of the personal in the travel office, after the public uproar the FBI investigated them for crimes. Ever since then the government has become more corrupt.
how did trump allow the democrats to weaponize the departments of government?

It all started with the firing of the personal in the travel office, after the public uproar the FBI investigated them for crimes. Ever since then the government has become more corrupt.
Well, Trump campaigned on "I only hire the best people" and "I alone can fix it"

This implies that Trump has some superior intelligence and ability to - of most things - not pick a VP that he now hates and had his followers threaten to hang

This implies that Trump had some superior intelligence and ability to - of most things - not hire a lawyer for 13 years that ended up doing felony time, and who Trump now hates and calls a traitor

This implies that Trump had some superior intelligence and ability to - of most things - not appoint 3 different Attorney Generals that he he now hates and calls traitors or weak, etc

but...yea...this time will be can't say how, but you just get those warm feels that it will be different
Well, Trump campaigned on "I only hire the best people" and "I alone can fix it"

This implies that Trump has some superior intelligence and ability to - of most things - not pick a VP that he now hates and had his followers threaten to hang

This implies that Trump had some superior intelligence and ability to - of most things - not hire a lawyer for 13 years that ended up doing felony time, and who Trump now hates and calls a traitor

This implies that Trump had some superior intelligence and ability to - of most things - not appoint 3 different Attorney Generals that he he now hates and calls traitors or weak, etc

but...yea...this time will be can't say how, but you just get those warm feels that it will be different
Trump, sadly only has the swamp to choose from. It must be hard being an outsider. Not having a career swimming in the swamp.

As far as people doing felony time, we see the democrat and rino elite that fill the swamp as the people they are, tyrants, traitors, people getting rich off their positions in government.

You can denigrate me and everyone else all you please, it dont bother me. It just shows your stupidity. Did you really vote for Biden? I mean, how stupid is that, to vote for a the guy that has been in Washington D.C. for 50 years.

Yes, I will choose Justice, what do you choose, hate? Either way, your life is worst off because of democrats, not better.
Trump, sadly only has the swamp to choose from. It must be hard being an outsider. Not having a career swimming in the swamp.

As far as people doing felony time, we see the democrat and rino elite that fill the swamp as the people they are, tyrants, traitors, people getting rich off their positions in government.

You can denigrate me and everyone else all you please, it dont bother me. It just shows your stupidity. Did you really vote for Biden? I mean, how stupid is that, to vote for a the guy that has been in Washington D.C. for 50 years.

Yes, I will choose Justice, what do you choose, hate? Either way, your life is worst off because of democrats, not better.
Trump, sadly only has the swamp to choose from. It must be hard being an outsider. Not having a career swimming in the swamp.
No, he quite literally doesn't -- who told you that you can "ONLY" choose people from the so-called "swamp" ??

you know damn well when he was telling you "I only hire the best people" you weren't saying to yourself "Well, he can only hire the swamp"

You can denigrate me and everyone else all you please, it dont bother me

I know it doesn't bother you.....yet.....but deep down, you are finding it difficult to keep running the same excuses for Trump's idiocy because you don't personally believe them....

Also, when it comes to denigrating someone; you practically worship a guy primarily because he can only denigrate and insult others......too bad that doesn't translate into effective policies that are popular with a majority of Americans....and what is the most funny is, most of the people he has been insulting are people he himself appointed.....I can think of an insult for a guy like that, moron...

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