Former Sec Def Gates Dings Obama...

Obama wanted out of the wars, Gates wanted us to stay in. He said that.

Obama took his advice and look what it got us. Nothing but more deaths. Gates also said Obama was right.

It pisses off the right that Obama has gotten us out of two immoral wars and has kept us out of more wars. If the Rs had their way, we would be in more wars.

Gates wanted to win or at least leave when the job was done. Obama wanted just to gtf out of there. Now alQaeda is back and even more of a problem than before.
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Richard Clarke said Bush REFUSED to listen to him about his reports on AQ and OBL.

then we got hit on 911.

wag the dog?

remember that one?

its what you said about Clinton trying to get OBL before 911.

you MOCKED and trashed the people who were trying to PREVENT 911.

what did this country receive for your "sage advice" ?


you people are the problem in this country

you place party over EVERYTHING!

Richard Clarke?

Didn't he work for Clinton?

Didn't Hillary admit her opposition to the war was purely political?

Wasn't Clarke just one of Clinton's political assassins?

now what idiot?
The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

Then why did Obama throw 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan? 4 out of 5 casualties in Afghanistan have happened under Obama's watch.

As usual you contradict yourself with inane bullshit. Typical partisan hack.

Obama made the mistake of following the advice of his expert = Gates.
your TEAM ignored OBL and AQ until our country was hit on its own soil.

And, AFTER our country was attacked by them.

Bush sneaked bin Laden's (Bush family oil money) family out of the US and then let Osama bbin Laden (Bush family oil money) go.

Thousands of Americans killed and maimed because of Bush family oil money. Deep debt because of Bush family oil money.

And rw's are okay with that.
At least with Bush the U.S. was feared and respected around the world. With Obama we are looked at as a joke ,and when we are a joke the world is a much more dangerous place. Obama should go back to Hawaii and stay there.

Bush was an embarrassment and still is. His own party shuns him and he runs the risk of arrest if he leaves Texasss.

Obama walks softly and carries a big drone.

Bush did not do his job. He protected bin Laden and bi Laden's family. With Obama in office, a lot of terrorists look up at the sky these days.

Deal with it.

Bush is more popular now than Obama.

Deal with it.
your TEAM ignored OBL and AQ until our country was hit on its own soil.

You do know whose "team" was in charge for the prior 8 years. Right?

Thanks for being so clear this is a team sport for you and nothing more
Yeah the ones that tried to KILL obl and was tracking AQ while you screamed "wag the dog"
At least with Bush the U.S. was feared and respected around the world. With Obama we are looked at as a joke ,and when we are a joke the world is a much more dangerous place. Obama should go back to Hawaii and stay there.

Bush was an embarrassment and still is. His own party shuns him and he runs the risk of arrest if he leaves Texasss.

Obama walks softly and carries a big drone.

Bush did not do his job. He protected bin Laden and bi Laden's family. With Obama in office, a lot of terrorists look up at the sky these days.

Deal with it.

Bush is more popular now than Obama.

Deal with it.

Bush is Number One Hero to the bin Laden family.

All the dead and maimed Americans and Iraqis and Afghans?

Not so much.

Deal with THAT.
so when you people were TRASHING Bill for hunting down OBL and AQ you were aiding AQ and OBL.

good job assholes
Sorry. I have no respect for Gates. He was a shill for the administration until now.

Where was he when all these things were happening? Following orders dutifully
the republican party made JOKES about getting obl and AQ before 911.

Its on record

then you were in control of the country when we did get hit by them.

Its all yours baby
your TEAM ignored OBL and AQ until our country was hit on its own soil.

Wait, our team was the Clinton Gore administration? Who knew?

or did you forget that we were attacked shortly after an administration change? One where the transition was delayed because Al Gore tried to cheat his way into the White House.
the republican party made JOKES about getting obl and AQ before 911.

Its on record

then you were in control of the country when we did get hit by them.

Its all yours baby

It's on the record? Care to provide this record? I dont know that many people knew who OBL and AQ were before 9/11 because many of us were completely ignorant.
your TEAM ignored OBL and AQ until our country was hit on its own soil.

Wait, our team was the Clinton Gore administration? Who knew?

or did you forget that we were attacked shortly after an administration change? One where the transition was delayed because Al Gore tried to cheat his way into the White House.

9 months of Bush telling the top terror expert in the wolrd to stop telling him about AQ and OBL because that was Clinton stuff
Bush had been president since January 20th and that is nearly nine months from 911

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