Former Sec Def Gates Dings Obama...

Obama has a deep seeded distrust and a lack of confidence in the military and their mission Gates says.

I think Obama distrusts our military, not everyone else's. He seems to trust the enemy's more.

Where did you get that? I saw his quote about Gates believing Obama didn't trust General Petraeus decision but his only reason he gave for that thinking is Obama asked questions. Bush gave Gates a blank check to murder,plunder and pillage Iraq.

Big problem. A stupid non-vet questioning military strategy

Think I will stop by the hospital on the way to work and see if those Neurosurgeons know wtf they're doing


I would suggest a non military President ask as many questions as possible of a military man on military questions. Gates never said he questioned his knowledge of Military.
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Richard Clarke said Bush REFUSED to listen to him about his reports on AQ and OBL.

then we got hit on 911.

wag the dog?

remember that one?

its what you said about Clinton trying to get OBL before 911.

you MOCKED and trashed the people who were trying to PREVENT 911.

what did this country receive for your "sage advice" ?


you people are the problem in this country

you place party over EVERYTHING!
The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

He was elected because he is black when it counts, and white most other times.

Not to mention, the votes which were paid for with entitlements


Yeah, guy, you keep telling yourself that.

It wasn't at all because Bush took a country where we had peace and prosperity and gave us war and destitution.
I have been waiting to hear his views, wise man who is very well spoken...

“I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” Gates wrote of Biden, whom he also described as a “man of integrity.”

"Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . . The president conceded vaguely that opposition to the Iraq surge had been political. To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying," Gates writes, according to the Post.

They threw Bush under the bus all the while they supported Iraq, classic Democrat lie their asses off to get into office...

How convenient...

Gates dings Obama's leadership, Biden's foreign policy chops - NBC Politics

Robert Gates is a Republican and part of the Bush's inner circle.

This was expected.
Obama has a deep seeded distrust and a lack of confidence in the military and their mission Gates says.

I think Obama distrusts our military, not everyone else's. He seems to trust the enemy's more.

That's because Obama is simply a disgusting POTUS and should be legally removed from office


legally or other wise, i do not care, this country does not need his kind of tyranny, his constant abuse and destruction of our Constitution can not be tolerated any longer, the entire liberal faction in our government needs to be purged for America to become the greatest nation on Earth once more. :up:
Richard Clarke said Bush REFUSED to listen to him about his reports on AQ and OBL.

then we got hit on 911.

wag the dog?

remember that one?

its what you said about Clinton trying to get OBL before 911.

you MOCKED and trashed the people who were trying to PREVENT 911.

what did this country receive for your "sage advice" ?


you people are the problem in this country

you place party over EVERYTHING!

Richard Clarke?

Didn't he work for Clinton?

Didn't Hillary admit her opposition to the war was purely political?

Wasn't Clarke just one of Clinton's political assassins?
"Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . . The president conceded vaguely that opposition to the Iraq surge had been political. To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying," Gates writes, according to the Post.

A gift for the right?
Obama has a deep seeded distrust and a lack of confidence in the military and their mission Gates says.

I think Obama distrusts our military, not everyone else's. He seems to trust the enemy's more.

It certainly seems that way.

Of the Military itself?

Or the Military/Industrial Complex.

I was is in the military during 5 administrations and I never joined in with this so-called military complex.

Seems the guys that Clinton and Obama have a problem with is the average grunt. The fat-cats and the perfumed officer class rarely catches Hell from Democrats. As a matter of fact, they're part of the same cliche. Democrats run Washington and always have. If anything the corruption is well known and a symptom of the easy money that is doled out to friends of the administration. So the military complex isn't just one side's doing but everyone's.
It's still not too late for obama to phony up a case against Gates and strip him of his pension.
I'm surprised I don't hear more whining from the Wingnuts on this.

Okay, reality time. If anything, Obama has been more supportive of continuing missions in Iraq and Afghanistan than the American people are.

Put it to a national vote, we'd pull out tomorrow.

Where I criticize Obama is that he tried to look hawkish during the campaign of 2008 by calling Afghanistan the "War of Necessity". It really wasn't. He went along with the Surge AFTER Karzai stole the election in 2009, effectively destroying the argument that we were "supporting democracy".

The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

Which lends credence to Gates assurtions that Obama's feelings on Iraq were purely political.

Obama was critical about the war and all he wanted was to disown it. He had no intention of winning. This to Gates was destructive to the mission. If Obama cannot manufacture a positive outcome he simply bails on it.
He also mentions the Obama Administration's policy of taking credit when credit wasn't due.

UBL, the Iraqi withdrawal, and the premature claims of al Qaeda's demise.
I'm surprised I don't hear more whining from the Wingnuts on this.

Okay, reality time. If anything, Obama has been more supportive of continuing missions in Iraq and Afghanistan than the American people are.

Put it to a national vote, we'd pull out tomorrow.

Where I criticize Obama is that he tried to look hawkish during the campaign of 2008 by calling Afghanistan the "War of Necessity". It really wasn't. He went along with the Surge AFTER Karzai stole the election in 2009, effectively destroying the argument that we were "supporting democracy".

The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

Then why did Obama throw 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan? 4 out of 5 casualties in Afghanistan have happened under Obama's watch.

As usual you contradict yourself with inane bullshit. Typical partisan hack.
It's still not too late for obama to phony up a case against Gates and strip him of his pension.

I suspect phone calls from the White House to the I.R.S. have already taken place. The countdown to Gates' harassment begins in 3....2.....1....
At least with Bush the U.S. was feared and respected around the world. With Obama we are looked at as a joke ,and when we are a joke the world is a much more dangerous place. Obama should go back to Hawaii and stay there.
Obama wanted out of the wars, Gates wanted us to stay in. He said that.

Obama took his advice and look what it got us. Nothing but more deaths. Gates also said Obama was right.

It pisses off the right that Obama has gotten us out of two immoral wars and has kept us out of more wars. If the Rs had their way, we would be in more wars.
Richard A. Clarke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richard A. Clarke

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Richard A. Clarke

Richard clarke.jpg

Clarke in October 2007

Richard Alan Clarke
October 27, 1950 (age 63)
Dorchester, Massachusetts, U.S.


United States

Master's Degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alma mater
University of Pennsylvania

Counter-terrorism expert/analyst

Notable work(s)

Against All Enemies

The Scorpion's Gate, Breakpoint

Political party

Website[dead link]

Richard Alan Clarke[1] (born October 27, 1950) is the former National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism for the United States.

Clarke worked for the State Department during the presidency of Ronald Reagan.[2] In 1992, President George H.W. Bush appointed him to chair the Counter-terrorism Security Group and to a seat on the United States National Security Council. President Bill Clinton retained Clarke and in 1998 promoted him to be the National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism, the chief counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council. Under President George W. Bush, Clarke initially continued in the same position, but the position was no longer given cabinet-level access. He later became the Special Advisor to the President on cybersecurity. Clarke left the Bush administration in 2003.

Clarke came to widespread public attention for his role as counter-terrorism czar in the Clinton and Bush administrations in March 2004, when he appeared on the 60 Minutes television news magazine, released his memoir about his service in government, Against All Enemies, and testified before the 9/11 Commission. In all three instances, Clarke was sharply critical of the Bush administration's attitude toward counter-terrorism before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and of the decision to go to war with Iraq. Following Clarke's strong criticisms of the Bush administration, Bush administration officials and other Republicans attempted to discredit him or rebut his criticisms, making Clarke a controversial figure.

Clarke had a GREAT reputation among BOTH party admins
At least with Bush the U.S. was feared and respected around the world. With Obama we are looked at as a joke ,and when we are a joke the world is a much more dangerous place. Obama should go back to Hawaii and stay there.

Bush was an embarrassment and still is. His own party shuns him and he runs the risk of arrest if he leaves Texasss.

Obama walks softly and carries a big drone.

Bush did not do his job. He protected bin Laden and bi Laden's family. With Obama in office, a lot of terrorists look up at the sky these days.

Deal with it.

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