Former Sec Def Gates Dings Obama...

now what?

your precious right will say and do anything to avoid the blame they deserve
I'm surprised I don't hear more whining from the Wingnuts on this.

Okay, reality time. If anything, Obama has been more supportive of continuing missions in Iraq and Afghanistan than the American people are.

Put it to a national vote, we'd pull out tomorrow.

Where I criticize Obama is that he tried to look hawkish during the campaign of 2008 by calling Afghanistan the "War of Necessity". It really wasn't. He went along with the Surge AFTER Karzai stole the election in 2009, effectively destroying the argument that we were "supporting democracy".

The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

I agree. This guy could care less about the military.

In fact I think he looks down on anyone in the military like they are beneath him.

If its a photo op like SEAL Team Six and a dead UBL. Then he likes the military. Other than that I doubt he has any use for anyone in uniform.

Of course that jackass couldn't cut in the military. Hell. I doubt he could cut it in the private sector.

What a waste of fucking space.
your TEAM ignored OBL and AQ until our country was hit on its own soil.

Wait, our team was the Clinton Gore administration? Who knew?

or did you forget that we were attacked shortly after an administration change? One where the transition was delayed because Al Gore tried to cheat his way into the White House.

Yep. She conveniently forgets that the whole thing was planned on Clintons watch.

She also forgets that a Clinton FBI agent, John O'Neil, tried to warn of an impending attack. He didn't know where or when but he knew something was up. His superiors thought he was nuts.

Yeah. Ol'Truthspatters conveniently forgets when the Dems fuck up. She then blames the Reps. She's a tool and to dumb to know it.

What a flamming idiot.
now what?

your precious right will say and do anything to avoid the blame they deserve

No. You never acknowledge any blame for anything the left does. You take any opportunity to blame the right.

9-11 was planned on Billy boys watch. You can bet your lefty loon ass that he's on his knees every night thanking God that those dirtbags waited till he was gone for eight months before they attacked.

You are an idiot of gigantic proportions.
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It certainly seems that way.

Of the Military itself?

Or the Military/Industrial Complex.

I was is in the military during 5 administrations and I never joined in with this so-called military complex.

Seems the guys that Clinton and Obama have a problem with is the average grunt. The fat-cats and the perfumed officer class rarely catches Hell from Democrats. As a matter of fact, they're part of the same cliche. Democrats run Washington and always have. If anything the corruption is well known and a symptom of the easy money that is doled out to friends of the administration. So the military complex isn't just one side's doing but everyone's.

I've known plenty of veterans and nearly an equal number of them split along party lines.

But as Republicans and Conservatives in general seem to side with the wealthy and as such play a major role in awarding Military Contracts to private industry.

That's the "Complex" side.

And it seems to break mostly one way.
I'm surprised I don't hear more whining from the Wingnuts on this.

Okay, reality time. If anything, Obama has been more supportive of continuing missions in Iraq and Afghanistan than the American people are.

Put it to a national vote, we'd pull out tomorrow.

Where I criticize Obama is that he tried to look hawkish during the campaign of 2008 by calling Afghanistan the "War of Necessity". It really wasn't. He went along with the Surge AFTER Karzai stole the election in 2009, effectively destroying the argument that we were "supporting democracy".

The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

I agree. This guy could care less about the military.

In fact I think he looks down on anyone in the military like they are beneath him.

You're a fool:

"I never doubted Obama's support for the troops, only his support for their mission," Gates writes.
Bush was an embarrassment and still is. His own party shuns him and he runs the risk of arrest if he leaves Texasss.

Obama walks softly and carries a big drone.

Bush did not do his job. He protected bin Laden and bi Laden's family. With Obama in office, a lot of terrorists look up at the sky these days.

Deal with it.

Bush is more popular now than Obama.

Deal with it.

Bush is Number One Hero to the bin Laden family.

All the dead and maimed Americans and Iraqis and Afghans?

Not so much.

Deal with THAT.

Iraq and Afghanistan are shining examples of Islamic hospitality. Been like this for centuries. It's not just a Bush thing.
I have been waiting to hear his views, wise man who is very well spoken...

“I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” Gates wrote of Biden, whom he also described as a “man of integrity.”

"Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . . The president conceded vaguely that opposition to the Iraq surge had been political. To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying," Gates writes, according to the Post.

They threw Bush under the bus all the while they supported Iraq, classic Democrat lie their asses off to get into office...

How convenient...

Gates dings Obama's leadership, Biden's foreign policy chops - NBC Politics

Gee, what a helpful thing for Gates to do. I wonder what his motive is; profit, self aggrandizement, Ambition (POTUS?). Since it sure helps our enemies it sure isn't about patriotism.
It seems that former secretary of defense under Barry Hussein has decided to spill the beans about the administration in a book called "Duty". It comes as no surprise that Gates reveals that everything in the administration is about politics before Country. Gates hints that Obama's vote against the Troop Surge in Iraq wasn't about the war. Most democrats knew the Troop Surge would work and they would rather have American Troops killed than succeed during a republican administration.
The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

I agree. This guy could care less about the military.

In fact I think he looks down on anyone in the military like they are beneath him.

You're a fool:

"I never doubted Obama's support for the troops, only his support for their mission," Gates writes.

Nope. Just someone who knows a shyster when she see's one.

Barry could give shit one about the military unless he's doing a photo op. He's never been in the military and I think he holds anyone in the military in deep contempt.

You can believe what you wish. In fact. I think your the fool.
Of the Military itself?

Or the Military/Industrial Complex.

I was is in the military during 5 administrations and I never joined in with this so-called military complex.

Seems the guys that Clinton and Obama have a problem with is the average grunt. The fat-cats and the perfumed officer class rarely catches Hell from Democrats. As a matter of fact, they're part of the same cliche. Democrats run Washington and always have. If anything the corruption is well known and a symptom of the easy money that is doled out to friends of the administration. So the military complex isn't just one side's doing but everyone's.

I've known plenty of veterans and nearly an equal number of them split along party lines.

But as Republicans and Conservatives in general seem to side with the wealthy and as such play a major role in awarding Military Contracts to private industry.

That's the "Complex" side.

And it seems to break mostly one way.

If that were the case why didn't Clinton or Obama put a stop to it?

Answer: They're part of it. They just fed you a load of BS about wanting to stop it. What Clinton did was deal his buds into it so they could rake in the dough, and Obama has been busy fucking over the grunts while he's making his friends and Michelle's friends rich.
The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

Which lends credence to Gates assurtions that Obama's feelings on Iraq were purely political.

Obama was critical about the war and all he wanted was to disown it. He had no intention of winning. This to Gates was destructive to the mission. If Obama cannot manufacture a positive outcome he simply bails on it.

Assuming you mean Afghanistan and not Iraq, why shouldn't he want to disown it?

The Afghans had had 7 years up to that point to put on their big boy pants and try to make this thing work. Five more years, we are no closer to winning this thing than we were in 2002.

As for Iraq, the country wanted to disown it. Other than the NeoCon Amen corner on Faux News, everyone knew Iraq was one big huge fuckup not worth another American life.
The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

Which lends credence to Gates assurtions that Obama's feelings on Iraq were purely political.

Obama was critical about the war and all he wanted was to disown it. He had no intention of winning. This to Gates was destructive to the mission. If Obama cannot manufacture a positive outcome he simply bails on it.

He never owned it! He CAMPAIGNED on ending it!

He knew that there was no "winning" in Iraq. Hell, I knew that before we went in in 2003, am I'm sure he did, too.

President Obama (praise be unto Him!) did exactly what he promised the American people he would do.
The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

Then why did Obama throw 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan? 4 out of 5 casualties in Afghanistan have happened under Obama's watch.

As usual you contradict yourself with inane bullshit. Typical partisan hack.
What does this have to do with Iraq?
I have been waiting to hear his views, wise man who is very well spoken...

I agree!

Gates calls the president's decision to order Navy SEALs to raid a house in Pakistan believed to be the hiding place of Osama bin Laden "one of the most courageous decisions I had ever witnessed in the White House."

Yes he is a class act, can't say that about Obama...

I like the part where he admits he didn't back the surge because he wanted to be POTUS, so patriotic don't you think?

He admits he didn't give a shit about our troops on the ground and you think he is terrific...

It's pretty clear, he sold his mothers illness and he will sell your ass down the river if you just make him POTUS...

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