Former Sec Def Gates Dings Obama...

and again..... Obama was elected under rock star status. If he was white, and still offered same handouts, not sure he could of won.

America proved its no longer racist. However, we are paying the price for political correctness.



I never talked to one Obama voter who told me they voted for him because he was black.

Obama ran on a platform of ending the war and creating a national health care system. He did those things and he won a pretty comfortable re-election.

Nonsense. You're confusing the 08' election with the 2012 election.

He had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and pull out every dirty trick in the Democrat playbook to win re-election. It wasn't easy by any stretch.

And Obama still hasn't closed GITMO, ended the wars, or created a national health care system that works. All he's done is screw everything up beyond recognition.

Obama won because the Republican mantra was A.B.O. and it failed. Romney just did not inspire the right to get out and vote. A lot of them did not even like Romney.

There was also too much of a belief that Obama was going to lose due to the fact that obamacare was socialism and other stupid crap like he put his feet on the Wh furniture.

I don't think Republicans have learned from this, they are trashing their own front runner (Christie) who has enough broad support to win, but does not hate Obama enough, therefore he must be another commie.
I was is in the military during 5 administrations and I never joined in with this so-called military complex.

Seems the guys that Clinton and Obama have a problem with is the average grunt. The fat-cats and the perfumed officer class rarely catches Hell from Democrats. As a matter of fact, they're part of the same cliche. Democrats run Washington and always have. If anything the corruption is well known and a symptom of the easy money that is doled out to friends of the administration. So the military complex isn't just one side's doing but everyone's.

I've known plenty of veterans and nearly an equal number of them split along party lines.

But as Republicans and Conservatives in general seem to side with the wealthy and as such play a major role in awarding Military Contracts to private industry.

That's the "Complex" side.

And it seems to break mostly one way.

If that were the case why didn't Clinton or Obama put a stop to it?

Answer: They're part of it. They just fed you a load of BS about wanting to stop it. What Clinton did was deal his buds into it so they could rake in the dough, and Obama has been busy fucking over the grunts while he's making his friends and Michelle's friends rich.

Didn't you folks puncture your eyes out about how Clinton "ruined" the military? He closed down some bases and cut funding on weapons' projects. Don't you remember Zell Miller going off on that? That's what putting a stop to it looks like.

And don't ask questions then provide stupid answers.
Failure is the only option where Obama is concerned.

I've known this from day-one, yet I've been told by liberals that Obama doesn't have a defeatist attitude.

Obama never should have been president if he doesn't believe in the job. After all, he is the commander in chief of the armed forces, yet he has no respect for their mission or what they represent to the rest of the world. Anyone with half a brain knows that military projection is what makes your country great. So by that measure Obama doesn't think this is a great country anymore.

Or as commander in cheif, he doesn't think it's worth it to expend American lives trying to succeed where the British Empire and the USSR failed.

Seriously, what does "Victory" in Afghanistan look like?

Guess we'll never know, will we.

We were able to succeed in Bosnia, yet under this president success is not an option. Just cut and run. Even Clinton was pragmatic enough to stay the course. Then again even Clinton had some sense of what the mission was and knew that he could trust his commanders to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

Guy, that wasn't even a good dodge.

In Bosnia, there were definite goals of what we wanted to see done, and they were met in a reasonable period of time. It was done with the full co-operation of our allies (but mostly because they didn't want to see refugees).

The point is, it was obvious after 2009 that the Afghans did not support the Karzai regime and never would, but we didn't have the nads to tell him it was time to go.

Petreaus got what he wanted in Afghanistan, and it didn't work.
I never talked to one Obama voter who told me they voted for him because he was black.

Obama ran on a platform of ending the war and creating a national health care system. He did those things and he won a pretty comfortable re-election.

Nonsense. You're confusing the 08' election with the 2012 election.

He had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and pull out every dirty trick in the Democrat playbook to win re-election. It wasn't easy by any stretch.

And Obama still hasn't closed GITMO, ended the wars, or created a national health care system that works. All he's done is screw everything up beyond recognition.

He won an easy re-election because the Republican Party has become such a joke.

Seriously, the best guy you could come up with thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear. And this was the BEST guy you could come up with.

But you wingnuts all assumed the rest of AMerica hates Obama like you do, so you didn't even bother to try to win people over.

He didn't win an easy re-election. He did everything he could to make sure that he hampered the oppositions' ability to defeat him. Even if it meant sending the IRS after them, or accusing them of murder. He spent over a billion dollars on his re-election. That is not easy to do. He also spent millions of our taxes traveling all over the country campaigning.

That's one thing he's good at. Campaigning. He has to spend most of his time, when he's not golfing, campaigning so that every time another screwup is discovered he doesn't have to face the music over it.
Failure is the only option where Obama is concerned.

I've known this from day-one, yet I've been told by liberals that Obama doesn't have a defeatist attitude.

Obama never should have been president if he doesn't believe in the job. After all, he is the commander in chief of the armed forces, yet he has no respect for their mission or what they represent to the rest of the world. Anyone with half a brain knows that military projection is what makes your country great. So by that measure Obama doesn't think this is a great country anymore.

Or as commander in cheif, he doesn't think it's worth it to expend American lives trying to succeed where the British Empire and the USSR failed.

Seriously, what does "Victory" in Afghanistan look like?

Guess we'll never know, will we.

We were able to succeed in Bosnia, yet under this president success is not an option. Just cut and run. Even Clinton was pragmatic enough to stay the course. Then again even Clinton had some sense of what the mission was and knew that he could trust his commanders to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

You're comparing Bosnia to Afghanistan?


Nonsense. You're confusing the 08' election with the 2012 election.

He had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and pull out every dirty trick in the Democrat playbook to win re-election. It wasn't easy by any stretch.

And Obama still hasn't closed GITMO, ended the wars, or created a national health care system that works. All he's done is screw everything up beyond recognition.

He won an easy re-election because the Republican Party has become such a joke.

Seriously, the best guy you could come up with thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear. And this was the BEST guy you could come up with.

But you wingnuts all assumed the rest of AMerica hates Obama like you do, so you didn't even bother to try to win people over.

He didn't win an easy re-election. He did everything he could to make sure that he hampered the oppositions' ability to defeat him. Even if it meant sending the IRS after them, or accusing them of murder. He spent over a billion dollars on his re-election. That is not easy to do. He also spent millions of our taxes traveling all over the country campaigning.

That's one thing he's good at. Campaigning. He has to spend most of his time, when he's not golfing, campaigning so that every time another screwup is discovered he doesn't have to face the music over it.

Or as commander in cheif, he doesn't think it's worth it to expend American lives trying to succeed where the British Empire and the USSR failed.

Seriously, what does "Victory" in Afghanistan look like?

Guess we'll never know, will we.

We were able to succeed in Bosnia, yet under this president success is not an option. Just cut and run. Even Clinton was pragmatic enough to stay the course. Then again even Clinton had some sense of what the mission was and knew that he could trust his commanders to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

Guy, that wasn't even a good dodge.

In Bosnia, there were definite goals of what we wanted to see done, and they were met in a reasonable period of time. It was done with the full co-operation of our allies (but mostly because they didn't want to see refugees).

The point is, it was obvious after 2009 that the Afghans did not support the Karzai regime and never would, but we didn't have the nads to tell him it was time to go.

Petreaus got what he wanted in Afghanistan, and it didn't work.

Who decided that Afghanistan was the good war?

You folks. You on the left. You decided that we had to go in there and do something, be it get Bin Laden or just prove that you could run a war better than Bush.

Well it's pretty obvious by your own admission that you can't.

I was against the surge in Afghanistan. We had avoided massive amounts of troops in country because the mission was just to chase Bin Laden out of the region and end the Saturday afternoon beheadings. You on the left wanted us to pull out of Iraq and move in force into Afghanistan. Not us.

He didn't win an easy re-election. He did everything he could to make sure that he hampered the oppositions' ability to defeat him. Even if it meant sending the IRS after them, or accusing them of murder. He spent over a billion dollars on his re-election. That is not easy to do. He also spent millions of our taxes traveling all over the country campaigning.

That's one thing he's good at. Campaigning. He has to spend most of his time, when he's not golfing, campaigning so that every time another screwup is discovered he doesn't have to face the music over it.

It's kind of hard to talk with you when your irrational hatred blinds you to everything he does.

Right. Romney lost because some Teabagger group couldn't get a tax exemption for their "Social Welfare" organization...

The Koch Brothers and Adelson and the rest of the monied interests dumped tons of money into trying to beat Obama.

What they couldn't do is make Romney likable.

This was a guy who said, "I like to fire people" and thought it was wonderful that a factory in China had barbed wire around a dorm where 120 women shared a bathroom to make him money.
Guess we'll never know, will we.

We were able to succeed in Bosnia, yet under this president success is not an option. Just cut and run. Even Clinton was pragmatic enough to stay the course. Then again even Clinton had some sense of what the mission was and knew that he could trust his commanders to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

Guy, that wasn't even a good dodge.

In Bosnia, there were definite goals of what we wanted to see done, and they were met in a reasonable period of time. It was done with the full co-operation of our allies (but mostly because they didn't want to see refugees).

The point is, it was obvious after 2009 that the Afghans did not support the Karzai regime and never would, but we didn't have the nads to tell him it was time to go.

Petreaus got what he wanted in Afghanistan, and it didn't work.

Who decided that Afghanistan was the good war?

You folks. You on the left. You decided that we had to go in there and do something, be it get Bin Laden or just prove that you could run a war better than Bush.

Well it's pretty obvious by your own admission that you can't.

I was against the surge in Afghanistan. We had avoided massive amounts of troops in country because the mission was just to chase Bin Laden out of the region and end the Saturday afternoon beheadings. You on the left wanted us to pull out of Iraq and move in force into Afghanistan. Not us.

We didn't commit massive amounts of troops to Afghanistan because Baby Bush was too busy carrying out his family's vendetta against Saddam's family.

In 2002, massive amounts of troops might have done some good when the Taliban was on the ropes. Bush gave them 7 years to regroup and rebuild, and turned a blind eye to Pakistan helping them. (Including hiding Bin Laden a block down from the Pakistani West Point.)

Now, to his credit, Obama made a good faith effort to win Afghanistan where Bush had failed. But you don't win a war after 8 years of neglect and after the guy we've been propping up steals the election and completely undermines the point.
Everything is political with this guy. Obama was never fit to be president of anything, let alone Commander and Cheif. How pathetic we look around the world with the guy "leading" the country
Oh, I think the guy had potential; it's just that he needed more seasoning before they (the DNC) served him up on a platter as a manufactured superstar.

Being a charismatic first-term junior Senator is not exactly a strong set of credentials to attain one of the highest and most important and demanding political roles on the face of the planet. Given a full term or two in the Senate and some broader exposure, he would probably have done much better. As it was, he rode the coattails of the manufactured gaggle of Orgasmic ObamaBots that materialized in 2008.

By 2012, however, it was readily apparent that ObamaBot membership had dropped rather dramatically, and Obama won the 2012 election as much because the Pubs (once gain) fielded an un-electable non-starter as anything else.
Or as commander in cheif, he doesn't think it's worth it to expend American lives trying to succeed where the British Empire and the USSR failed.

Seriously, what does "Victory" in Afghanistan look like?

Guess we'll never know, will we.

We were able to succeed in Bosnia, yet under this president success is not an option. Just cut and run. Even Clinton was pragmatic enough to stay the course. Then again even Clinton had some sense of what the mission was and knew that he could trust his commanders to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

You're comparing Bosnia to Afghanistan?



Bosnia was a bigger mess than Afghanistan was. For some strange reason Clinton was able to gain support from allies and finish the mission with little or no loss of life. Afghanistan is unnecessary.

Who decided that Iraq was the bad war and Afghanistan was the good war?


We moved out of Iraq and moved into Afghanistan because liberals felt we hadn't done enough. They complained about the lack of new roads and schools. Now we're about to leave Afghanistan in a matter of months and both Iraq and Afghanistan will be in the hands of al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Wow!!! That Obama guy sure get's things done. Doesn't he?
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Guy, that wasn't even a good dodge.

In Bosnia, there were definite goals of what we wanted to see done, and they were met in a reasonable period of time. It was done with the full co-operation of our allies (but mostly because they didn't want to see refugees).

The point is, it was obvious after 2009 that the Afghans did not support the Karzai regime and never would, but we didn't have the nads to tell him it was time to go.

Petreaus got what he wanted in Afghanistan, and it didn't work.

Who decided that Afghanistan was the good war?

You folks. You on the left. You decided that we had to go in there and do something, be it get Bin Laden or just prove that you could run a war better than Bush.

Well it's pretty obvious by your own admission that you can't.

I was against the surge in Afghanistan. We had avoided massive amounts of troops in country because the mission was just to chase Bin Laden out of the region and end the Saturday afternoon beheadings. You on the left wanted us to pull out of Iraq and move in force into Afghanistan. Not us.

We didn't commit massive amounts of troops to Afghanistan because Baby Bush was too busy carrying out his family's vendetta against Saddam's family.

In 2002, massive amounts of troops might have done some good when the Taliban was on the ropes. Bush gave them 7 years to regroup and rebuild, and turned a blind eye to Pakistan helping them. (Including hiding Bin Laden a block down from the Pakistani West Point.)

Now, to his credit, Obama made a good faith effort to win Afghanistan where Bush had failed. But you don't win a war after 8 years of neglect and after the guy we've been propping up steals the election and completely undermines the point.

Excuses, excuses.

Obama never believed in the mission, so no credit is due.
Former Sec Def Gates Dings Obama...

Obama deserved it. That's what you get for having a con in your cabinet. Cons will stab you in the back every time. It's in their DNA.
Former Sec Def Gates Dings Obama...

Obama deserved it. That's what you get for having a con in your cabinet. Cons will stab you in the back every time. It's in their DNA.

Yeah, bastard spilled the beans and threw Obama under the bus. Well, Obama likes to have a ready made scapegoat handy so turnabout is fair play.

I'd like to see more of these books coming out. Once they find out how lucrative they are I expect to see more revelations about Obama. The only problem I have with Gates is why did he wait so long?
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I have been waiting to hear his views, wise man who is very well spoken...

I agree!

Gates calls the president's decision to order Navy SEALs to raid a house in Pakistan believed to be the hiding place of Osama bin Laden "one of the most courageous decisions I had ever witnessed in the White House."

Yes he is a class act, can't say that about Obama...

I like the part where he admits he didn't back the surge because he wanted to be POTUS, so patriotic don't you think?

He never said that. You're a liar.
Guess we'll never know, will we.

We were able to succeed in Bosnia, yet under this president success is not an option. Just cut and run. Even Clinton was pragmatic enough to stay the course. Then again even Clinton had some sense of what the mission was and knew that he could trust his commanders to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

You're comparing Bosnia to Afghanistan?



Bosnia was a bigger mess than Afghanistan was. For some strange reason Clinton was able to gain support from allies and finish the mission with little or no loss of life. Afghanistan is unnecessary.

Who decided that Iraq was the bad war and Afghanistan was the good war?


We moved out of Iraq and moved into Afghanistan because liberals felt we hadn't done enough. They complained about the lack of new roads and schools. Now we're about to leave Afghanistan in a matter of months and both Iraq and Afghanistan will be in the hands of al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Wow!!! That Obama guy sure get's things done. Doesn't he?

You're serious, aren't you?

I did a drive from Split to Dubrovnic and the scariest thing I ran into was a Serbian guard post with guys carrying AKs. They were actually pretty nice and waved us right through.

There's no way you could do anything like to in Afghanistan. Prior or after either of the wars.
I agree!

Gates calls the president's decision to order Navy SEALs to raid a house in Pakistan believed to be the hiding place of Osama bin Laden "one of the most courageous decisions I had ever witnessed in the White House."

Yes he is a class act, can't say that about Obama...

I like the part where he admits he didn't back the surge because he wanted to be POTUS, so patriotic don't you think?

He never said that. You're a liar.

Is this where you tell us we made this up again? That f'ing record is broken Cindy...

Does he hit you over the head daily with a shovel?

Grayson believes every word you should to...

He didn't win an easy re-election. He did everything he could to make sure that he hampered the oppositions' ability to defeat him. Even if it meant sending the IRS after them, or accusing them of murder. He spent over a billion dollars on his re-election. That is not easy to do. He also spent millions of our taxes traveling all over the country campaigning.

That's one thing he's good at. Campaigning. He has to spend most of his time, when he's not golfing, campaigning so that every time another screwup is discovered he doesn't have to face the music over it.

It's kind of hard to talk with you when your irrational hatred blinds you to everything he does.

Right. Romney lost because some Teabagger group couldn't get a tax exemption for their "Social Welfare" organization...

The Koch Brothers and Adelson and the rest of the monied interests dumped tons of money into trying to beat Obama.

What they couldn't do is make Romney likable.

This was a guy who said, "I like to fire people" and thought it was wonderful that a factory in China had barbed wire around a dorm where 120 women shared a bathroom to make him money.

You are one fucked up asshole. Whoa geeze.
Let me see. All the media scoffing at multiple sclerosis and Anne's

Just a rich bitch with MS OH AND ALSO HAD BREAST CANCER.............who chose dressage.

How crazy is this?

You bastards and bitches on the left picked on a woman who had MS and Breast Cancer and bitched about any treatment she got.

You guys are pigs.

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