Former Sec Def Gates Dings Obama...

I have been waiting to hear his views, wise man who is very well spoken...

“I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” Gates wrote of Biden, whom he also described as a “man of integrity.”

"Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . . The president conceded vaguely that opposition to the Iraq surge had been political. To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying," Gates writes, according to the Post.

They threw Bush under the bus all the while they supported Iraq, classic Democrat lie their asses off to get into office...

How convenient...

Gates dings Obama's leadership, Biden's foreign policy chops - NBC Politics

Gee, what a helpful thing for Gates to do. I wonder what his motive is; profit, self aggrandizement, Ambition (POTUS?). Since it sure helps our enemies it sure isn't about patriotism.

Yeah Oblammer is such a great patriot...

It is truly sad how many are fooled by this disaster...
again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

Which lends credence to Gates assurtions that Obama's feelings on Iraq were purely political.

Obama was critical about the war and all he wanted was to disown it. He had no intention of winning. This to Gates was destructive to the mission. If Obama cannot manufacture a positive outcome he simply bails on it.

Assuming you mean Afghanistan and not Iraq, why shouldn't he want to disown it?

The Afghans had had 7 years up to that point to put on their big boy pants and try to make this thing work. Five more years, we are no closer to winning this thing than we were in 2002.

As for Iraq, the country wanted to disown it. Other than the NeoCon Amen corner on Faux News, everyone knew Iraq was one big huge fuckup not worth another American life.

Iraq was a success early on but we needed stay and clean up the mess.
If we had left like Obama did they would have crucified Bush over leaving Iraq to their own devices. Obama would have been one of the loudest critics of leaving Iraq.
Yet Obama has washed his hands of it, so he's forgiven.
Double-standards would been enthusiastically applied, as they have with his criminal neglect where our soldiers are concerned. Sending them off to die when he has no confidence in the mission.
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again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

Which lends credence to Gates assurtions that Obama's feelings on Iraq were purely political.

Obama was critical about the war and all he wanted was to disown it. He had no intention of winning. This to Gates was destructive to the mission. If Obama cannot manufacture a positive outcome he simply bails on it.

He never owned it! He CAMPAIGNED on ending it!

He knew that there was no "winning" in Iraq. Hell, I knew that before we went in in 2003, am I'm sure he did, too.

President Obama (praise be unto Him!) did exactly what he promised the American people he would do.

Praise be unto him????

When you get done tonguing his balls why don't you toss his salad as well.
again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Uh-huh, that's why he was elected

don't ya just love how liarberals like to RE- make history ? those scumbags went whole hog on the WMD, "Weapons of Mass Destruction" scenario fed to congress at the time, J.Kerry, Ms.Clinton, Biden, voted FOR the Iraq war
Biden defended his false claims about Iraqi WMDs by falsely insisting that "everyone in the world thought he had them. The weapons inspectors said he had them." Biden also refused to honor requests by some of his Democratic colleagues to include some of the leading anti-war scholars familiar with Iraq and the Middle East in the hearings.
The resolution backed by Reid, Biden, Clinton, Kerry and other Democratic Senate leaders also claimed that "the risk that the current Iraqi regime will either employ those weapons to launch a surprise attack against the United States ... or provide them to international terrorists who would do so … combine to justify action by the United States to defend itself."

Senate Democratic votes for the Iraq War.

Here are your brave warrior Dems, those who voted Yes, covered in testosterone (or confusion) and glory. I’ve highlighted a few names to note:
YEAs — 77

Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)

what do you fucking lying liberals have to say when beaten over your sawdust filled brain cavity with the truth ? :lmao:
At least with Bush the U.S. was feared and respected around the world. With Obama we are looked at as a joke ,and when we are a joke the world is a much more dangerous place. Obama should go back to Hawaii and stay there.

don't ya mean Kenya...., his birthplace and ancestral home ? :lmao:
again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

Then why did Obama throw 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan? 4 out of 5 casualties in Afghanistan have happened under Obama's watch.

As usual you contradict yourself with inane bullshit. Typical partisan hack.

Obama made the mistake of following the advice of his expert = Gates.

Obama made the mistake of following the advice of his expert = Gates <-------<<< LIE !!

Robert Gates Confirms ‘Party of Defeat’ Narrative

January 9, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert


In one of the book’s most trenchant passages, Gates notes a “remarkable” exchange he witnessed between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, in which both the current president and former secretary of state admitted their opposition to Iraq was all about gaining an edge in the 2008 presidential campaign. “Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary,” writes Gates. As for Obama, he also ”conceded vaguely that [his] opposition to the Iraq surge had been political. To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying,” he adds.

Dismaying perhaps, but hardly surprising. As Party of Defeat chronicles, in October 2002, a majority of Senate Democrats and 40 percent of House Democrats supported Bush’s congressional resolution on Iraq in the fall of 2002. Many of them spoke passionately about the need to remove Saddam Hussein from power, including former Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Joe Biden (D-DE). “It is clear, however that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capability to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons,” Clinton asserted. ”Saddam is dangerous. The world would be a better place without him,” said Biden.

Sen. John Kerry who ran against Bush in 2004, was equally supportive at the time. “I will be voting to give the president of the United States the authority to use force–if necessary–to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security.”


The current state of Iraq, and the willingness of a majority of Americans who once understood the need to forcefully confront Islamofascism–but are now seemingly resigned to allowing defeat to be snatched from the jaws of victory–epitomizes a nation divided by leftist fecklessness. It is understandable that Americans are quite weary of the war against Islamic terror. Unfortunately, they are far from weary of pursuing war against us. That is the bottom line, all the leftist political machinations in the world notwithstanding.

Robert Gates Confirms ?Party of Defeat? Narrative | FrontPage Magazine

Iraq was a success early on but we needed stay and clean up the mess.
If we had left like Obama did they would have crucified Bush over leaving Iraq to their own devices. Obama would have been one of the loudest critics of leaving Iraq.
Yet Obama has washed his hands of it, so he's forgiven.
Double-standards would been enthusiastically applied, as they have with his criminal neglect where our soldiers are concerned. Sending them off to die when he has no confidence in the mission.

Iraq was a disaster from the get-go. We were lied into a war that was incompetently prosecuted, because Bush COMPLETELY IGNORED the Generals when they told him he needed twice as many troops as he went in with.

Then Bush completely ignored the allies, almost all of whom said it was a horrible idea.

Then he disbanded the Iraqi army (without bothering to disarm them) leaving hundreds of thousands of trained men to their own devices to form militias and gangs.

And we could go into whole lists of the "lesser" fuckups, like allowing the looting of Iraqs museums and such... but you get the idea.

but the main reason why popular opinion turned on Bush was not because "the media" crucified him.

It was because the reasons why Bush said we HAD to go in were lies. There were no links to Al Qaeda and no WMD's.

Bush and company used a national tragedy to avenge a personal grudge.
I'm surprised I don't hear more whining from the Wingnuts on this.

Okay, reality time. If anything, Obama has been more supportive of continuing missions in Iraq and Afghanistan than the American people are.

Put it to a national vote, we'd pull out tomorrow.

Where I criticize Obama is that he tried to look hawkish during the campaign of 2008 by calling Afghanistan the "War of Necessity". It really wasn't. He went along with the Surge AFTER Karzai stole the election in 2009, effectively destroying the argument that we were "supporting democracy".

The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

and again..... Obama was elected under rock star status. If he was white, and still offered same handouts, not sure he could of won.

America proved its no longer racist. However, we are paying the price for political correctness.


Obama has a deep seeded distrust and a lack of confidence in the military and their mission Gates says.

I think Obama distrusts our military, not everyone else's. He seems to trust the enemy's more.

Where did you get that? I saw his quote about Gates believing Obama didn't trust General Petraeus decision but his only reason he gave for that thinking is Obama asked questions. Bush gave Gates a blank check to murder,plunder and pillage Iraq.

Obama doubled the number of troops in Afghanistan. What were they supposed to do? And has been killing civilians with drones for five years.
Gates didn't make those calls and it has been reported that Obama personally targets the kill list of the drones.
I forgot to mention, there are casualties when soldiers shoot at each other, and it isn't called murder. I also understand that billions of US dollars were spent rebuilding schools and infrastructure in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama is more interested in playing golf than waging war on our avowed enemies.
The only thing Obama supports is his daily golf game. He doesn't believe in the military or anything they do.

again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

and again..... Obama was elected under rock star status. If he was white, and still offered same handouts, not sure he could of won.

America proved its no longer racist. However, we are paying the price for political correctness.



I never talked to one Obama voter who told me they voted for him because he was black.

Obama ran on a platform of ending the war and creating a national health care system. He did those things and he won a pretty comfortable re-election.
Failure is the only option where Obama is concerned.

I've known this from day-one, yet I've been told by liberals that Obama doesn't have a defeatist attitude.

Obama never should have been president if he doesn't believe in the job. After all, he is the commander in chief of the armed forces, yet he has no respect for their mission or what they represent to the rest of the world. Anyone with half a brain knows that military projection is what makes your country great. So by that measure Obama doesn't think this is a great country anymore.
Failure is the only option where Obama is concerned.

I've known this from day-one, yet I've been told by liberals that Obama doesn't have a defeatist attitude.

Obama never should have been president if he doesn't believe in the job. After all, he is the commander in chief of the armed forces, yet he has no respect for their mission or what they represent to the rest of the world. Anyone with half a brain knows that military projection is what makes your country great. So by that measure Obama doesn't think this is a great country anymore.

Or as commander in cheif, he doesn't think it's worth it to expend American lives trying to succeed where the British Empire and the USSR failed.

Seriously, what does "Victory" in Afghanistan look like?
again, main reason why Obama was elected was because the American people were sick of the wars Bush lied us into.

Can't blame the man for doing (somewhat tepidly) what the people elected him to do.

and again..... Obama was elected under rock star status. If he was white, and still offered same handouts, not sure he could of won.

America proved its no longer racist. However, we are paying the price for political correctness.



I never talked to one Obama voter who told me they voted for him because he was black.

Obama ran on a platform of ending the war and creating a national health care system. He did those things and he won a pretty comfortable re-election.

Nonsense. You're confusing the 08' election with the 2012 election.

He had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and pull out every dirty trick in the Democrat playbook to win re-election. It wasn't easy by any stretch.

And Obama still hasn't closed GITMO, ended the wars, or created a national health care system that works. All he's done is screw everything up beyond recognition.
Failure is the only option where Obama is concerned.

I've known this from day-one, yet I've been told by liberals that Obama doesn't have a defeatist attitude.

Obama never should have been president if he doesn't believe in the job. After all, he is the commander in chief of the armed forces, yet he has no respect for their mission or what they represent to the rest of the world. Anyone with half a brain knows that military projection is what makes your country great. So by that measure Obama doesn't think this is a great country anymore.

Or as commander in cheif, he doesn't think it's worth it to expend American lives trying to succeed where the British Empire and the USSR failed.

Seriously, what does "Victory" in Afghanistan look like?

and again..... Obama was elected under rock star status. If he was white, and still offered same handouts, not sure he could of won.

America proved its no longer racist. However, we are paying the price for political correctness.



I never talked to one Obama voter who told me they voted for him because he was black.

Obama ran on a platform of ending the war and creating a national health care system. He did those things and he won a pretty comfortable re-election.

Nonsense. You're confusing the 08' election with the 2012 election.

He had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and pull out every dirty trick in the Democrat playbook to win re-election. It wasn't easy by any stretch.

And Obama still hasn't closed GITMO, ended the wars, or created a national health care system that works. All he's done is screw everything up beyond recognition.

He won an easy re-election because the Republican Party has become such a joke.

Seriously, the best guy you could come up with thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear. And this was the BEST guy you could come up with.

But you wingnuts all assumed the rest of AMerica hates Obama like you do, so you didn't even bother to try to win people over.
Failure is the only option where Obama is concerned.

I've known this from day-one, yet I've been told by liberals that Obama doesn't have a defeatist attitude.

Obama never should have been president if he doesn't believe in the job. After all, he is the commander in chief of the armed forces, yet he has no respect for their mission or what they represent to the rest of the world. Anyone with half a brain knows that military projection is what makes your country great. So by that measure Obama doesn't think this is a great country anymore.

Or as commander in cheif, he doesn't think it's worth it to expend American lives trying to succeed where the British Empire and the USSR failed.

Seriously, what does "Victory" in Afghanistan look like?

Guess we'll never know, will we.

We were able to succeed in Bosnia, yet under this president success is not an option. Just cut and run. Even Clinton was pragmatic enough to stay the course. Then again even Clinton had some sense of what the mission was and knew that he could trust his commanders to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

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