Former Senatorial Candidate Wants America To Be Liberated - By Putin


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"During an interview with right-wing conspiracy theorist Edward Szall, former 2020 GOP Senate candidate Lauren Witzke lamented what she sees as America’s separation from God. According to her, a certain authoritarian world leader could bring us back from the brink. “We are just drifting farther and farther away from God, and God help us — what can you say? Pray for these people,” Witzke said. “Because we are absolutely going astray as a nation.”

There was then a brief pause before she said, “You think Putin will liberate us?” According to Szall, “That is perfectly fair for us to say.” He then said that people will likely think they’re Putin supporters after hearing Witzke’s comment. “I wish we had a leader,” Witzke said."

Now before you pretend Lauren is a nobody and the usual deflecting you do....hard to claim that when you were the REPUBLICAN NOMIMEE for Senate...not just candidate, the GOP nominated her...but still, she raises a good point.. it's a totally fair question to ask....if you felt you were being oppressed by your government, ruled by trannys and woke leftists, forcing you to accept their woke religion under threat of a gun -- why wouldn't you yearn for a strong leader to liberate you? Would you care who was coming to save you and your country?

Do you think when Jews were being kept in concentration camps, they objected to foreign nations coming to liberate them? So why can't Christians here desire the same thing? As of now, it is virtually illegal to be Christian, straight and white in this least Putin supports them....far better than a racist US government and presidential admin does......perhaps the most racist in the history of this nation...and she isn't the first to hint about this.....many evangelicals have expressed the same much so that even other countries have noticed.....example....

"Putin is not seen as a “deep state” autocrat but as a leader who is advancing religious freedom globally against the tyranny of secular government. He’s also seen as standing up for the Russian people, who were robbed, on his telling, of their rightful place in the world by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Both moves look right to America’s white evangelicals, who feel beleaguered by a secular government within an increasingly secular, multicultural society, and who are seeking an ally in their struggle for freedom to be Christian."

I feel more conservatives should stop being afraid of embracing this idea.....if Putin can help you in your efforts to liberate America from the gays, Jews and darkies...why not accept the help?? ?Ukraine is accepting US help, America's patriots should accept Russia's help...
I have never really heard of this person but it is clear that of the two leaders, Putin is the wiseist.
I would want my subjects to be Christian if in charge .
Far better to have predictable and reliable people who are more likely to pay their taxes and who will try to be useful and caring people .

It would mean that you knew exactly how to bend narratives in order to keep them reasonably happy and voting the right way.
They could privately believe whatever gobbledygook they chose if they rendered unto God what they thought was his , and gave me/us the rest .

"During an interview with right-wing conspiracy theorist Edward Szall, former 2020 GOP Senate candidate Lauren Witzke lamented what she sees as America’s separation from God. According to her, a certain authoritarian world leader could bring us back from the brink. “We are just drifting farther and farther away from God, and God help us — what can you say? Pray for these people,” Witzke said. “Because we are absolutely going astray as a nation.”

There was then a brief pause before she said, “You think Putin will liberate us?” According to Szall, “That is perfectly fair for us to say.” He then said that people will likely think they’re Putin supporters after hearing Witzke’s comment. “I wish we had a leader,” Witzke said."

Now before you pretend Lauren is a nobody and the usual deflecting you do....hard to claim that when you were the REPUBLICAN NOMIMEE for Senate...not just candidate, the GOP nominated her...but still, she raises a good point.. it's a totally fair question to ask....if you felt you were being oppressed by your government, ruled by trannys and woke leftists, forcing you to accept their woke religion under threat of a gun -- why wouldn't you yearn for a strong leader to liberate you? Would you care who was coming to save you and your country?

Do you think when Jews were being kept in concentration camps, they objected to foreign nations coming to liberate them? So why can't Christians here desire the same thing? As of now, it is virtually illegal to be Christian, straight and white in this least Putin supports them....far better than a racist US government and presidential admin does......perhaps the most racist in the history of this nation...and she isn't the first to hint about this.....many evangelicals have expressed the same much so that even other countries have noticed.....example....

"Putin is not seen as a “deep state” autocrat but as a leader who is advancing religious freedom globally against the tyranny of secular government. He’s also seen as standing up for the Russian people, who were robbed, on his telling, of their rightful place in the world by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Both moves look right to America’s white evangelicals, who feel beleaguered by a secular government within an increasingly secular, multicultural society, and who are seeking an ally in their struggle for freedom to be Christian."

I feel more conservatives should stop being afraid of embracing this idea.....if Putin can help you in your efforts to liberate America from the gays, Jews and darkies...why not accept the help?? ?Ukraine is accepting US help, America's patriots should accept Russia's help...

Putin hates gays and darkies. Would he want to run a multi cultural country ?
I suspect he may just wait and see how Prez deantis gets o
n with his purges.

"During an interview with right-wing conspiracy theorist Edward Szall, former 2020 GOP Senate candidate Lauren Witzke lamented what she sees as America’s separation from God. According to her, a certain authoritarian world leader could bring us back from the brink. “We are just drifting farther and farther away from God, and God help us — what can you say? Pray for these people,” Witzke said. “Because we are absolutely going astray as a nation.”

There was then a brief pause before she said, “You think Putin will liberate us?” According to Szall, “That is perfectly fair for us to say.” He then said that people will likely think they’re Putin supporters after hearing Witzke’s comment. “I wish we had a leader,” Witzke said."

Now before you pretend Lauren is a nobody and the usual deflecting you do....hard to claim that when you were the REPUBLICAN NOMIMEE for Senate...not just candidate, the GOP nominated her...but still, she raises a good point.. it's a totally fair question to ask....if you felt you were being oppressed by your government, ruled by trannys and woke leftists, forcing you to accept their woke religion under threat of a gun -- why wouldn't you yearn for a strong leader to liberate you? Would you care who was coming to save you and your country?

Do you think when Jews were being kept in concentration camps, they objected to foreign nations coming to liberate them? So why can't Christians here desire the same thing? As of now, it is virtually illegal to be Christian, straight and white in this least Putin supports them....far better than a racist US government and presidential admin does......perhaps the most racist in the history of this nation...and she isn't the first to hint about this.....many evangelicals have expressed the same much so that even other countries have noticed.....example....

"Putin is not seen as a “deep state” autocrat but as a leader who is advancing religious freedom globally against the tyranny of secular government. He’s also seen as standing up for the Russian people, who were robbed, on his telling, of their rightful place in the world by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Both moves look right to America’s white evangelicals, who feel beleaguered by a secular government within an increasingly secular, multicultural society, and who are seeking an ally in their struggle for freedom to be Christian."

I feel more conservatives should stop being afraid of embracing this idea.....if Putin can help you in your efforts to liberate America from the gays, Jews and darkies...why not accept the help?? ?Ukraine is accepting US help, America's patriots should accept Russia's help...

What are you babbling about?
For someone you never heard of -- do you deny that enough Republican voters not only heard of her -- but made her the Republican nominee for Senator?

Also, why do you folks always try this bullshit? She is not the only one who yearns for a fascist style take over...

your propaganda master Tucker is on board with that too...have you heard of him?

"On Thursday night, Carlson took these arguments a step further by agreeing with a guest, Jesse Kelly, who confidently asserted that the U.S. [GOP] will “pick a fascist [leader] within 10 to 20 years.”

They should just change their name from the Republican Party to the Fascist Party
Comeon people, somebody with the questionble name of "Sky Palma" from the equally questionable "Dead State" blog interprets a interview with a pretty babe failed 2020 GOP senate candidate while the freaking Country is going doen the drain?
The GOP nominee for Senator is yearning for Putin to invade the US


Fuck all of that "who?" bullshit....
Why not. Putin is a much better leader than Biden. Better Russian than democrat.

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