Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden

How did it help his son??
Trying is guilt enough
How did he try if his son wasn't being investigated and there was no active investigation into the company?

Burisma was being investigated for corruption
Not under Shokin, they weren't. And the corruption for which they were investigated before Shokin, occurred years before Hunter Biden became an employee.

Complete fucking fabrication

Donald Trump wants the Ukraine and China to investigate a political opponent. He said it on the White House lawn.
'Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Treaties'

They establish a mutual cooperation between the United States and other nations - that include Ukraine and China - in investigating from crime, corruption, and terrorism. They are initiated by the leader of a nation asking the other nation for such assistance...exactly what PRESIDENT Trump did.

Do your research so you can stop hanging your ignorance out for all to see as if you just dropped your pants and exposed your ass.

You understandably don't like it, especially after Biden's video-taped confession in which he bragged about extorting the Ukraine PM, but no one gives a crap about how you FEEL or what you do or do not like.

These treaties exist.

The Democrats already knew this when they initiated this latest 'Collusion Delusion' - they were just counting on you being too stupid to know about them ... and you did NOT disappoint them!

By the letter of the treaty, the President was executing these treaties by requesting assistance.

Again, it doesn't matter one damn bit if you 'like' them or not, 'agree' with them or not - it is what it is.

Unfortunately for Hillary & the Democrats, these treaties did not apply to them when Hillary bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy .... did not apply to them when Obama's coup co-conspirators reached out to foreign Intel Agencies in Ukraine, Italy, Germany, & Australia for help in taking down Trump ... Did not apply to them when Democrats sent reps and collected "dirt' on Biden.

No, having NOT been covered by these treaties, THEY committed TREASON.

The President, however, was executing the existing treaties.

Thank God Democrat traitors have proven to be as stupid as you are, otherwise they may have actually succeeded.


The trouble is that there is no investigation of Biden in the US because even a partisan hack like Barr in charge, he knows he cannot get away with that. You are the one who is a horse's ass. Trump's call had nothing to do with any assistance. Trump cut off aid to the Ukraine before he talked with the Ukrainian President then he demanded they investigate Biden. There never was any investigation of Hunter Biden. That is not requesting assistance. Trump was not requesting assistance.

Biden did not commit any extortion. The Obama Administration had a duty to ensure that American money was not wasted due to corruption. The Obama Administration had every right to demand a corrupt prosecutor be removed before American aid was sent. Worth noting that Trump has threatened to withold aid from a number of nations and states. Trump regularly threatens to withhold aid.

You are the one relying on stupidity. Trump largely has the support of the stupid. You are nothing but a lying weasel. The impeachment is justified. Trump is trying to conspire with foreign countries to investigate his political opponents. I don't give a damn what spin you put on it.

Russia wanted Trump to win. They provided nothing to Hillary Clinton. There are no coup co-conspirators because there was no coup. Just more of your crazy conspiracy theories. It was Australia who provided information that one of their diplomats had obtained and they had every right to check it out considering they were already Russian interference in our elections.

No one committed TREASON EXCEPT YOU. You throw the word around and clearly have no understanding of it. Political differences are not treason.

Trump was not executing any treaty, The whistleblowers did not think so nor did the IG who found the complaint credible.

You are the stupid one around here. Trump is the most corrupt President we have had and he keeps proving it.
The fact is that the international community and Ukrainians wanted Shokin fired. Shokin did no such thing. Hunter Biden was never under investigation and the Burisma case had long been ended.
Bla bla bla. Typical leftist methodology. Muddy the waters, and get everything mixed up and confused.

ALL THAT MATTERS is what Quid Pro Joe said, and what his son has been doing.

Facts are facts. Your bla bla bla does not change that since you have no facts on your side. You are the one hoping if you can yell loud and long enough, people will ignore the facts.

What Biden said is that we will not send taxpayer dollars to a country with a corrupt prosecutor who refuses to fight corruption. Hunter Biden was never investigated and a former prosecutor says he did not break any laws. You are a crooked corrupt individual.

The AP is vastly more interested in getting Trump than it is telling the truth, for the same reasons you are, Zionist.

The AP is 100% pure hypocritical Zionist bullshit, and so are you.
Fortunately for the AP, you're batshit crazy. Stick to Osman hallucinations.
Democrats like this are either...

1... so vile and corrupt in their own lives they give the bidens a total pass for selling access and would do the same if in their shoes...

2... so fucking stupid they literally believe Hunter Biden is worth 50,000+ a month to work for you.
More dementia. :cuckoo:

You have zero evidence Burisma Holdings had access to Joe Biden.

And while Hunter Biden is not worth that to me, he was clearly worth it to Burisma Holdings since they kept him employed for some 3 or 4 years.

It must suck to be a brain-dead con.
Unlike Democrats, I'm not dumb enough to believe that Burisma paid hunter Biden 50k a month+ because he's worth it.

Admit you think hunter Biden is worth 50k a month.

What crime did he commit? It is not illegal to get paid big money for sitting on a board. There is no evidence he did anything illegal.
Biden confessed what, exactly?
Watch the video if you can bear it.
Biden confessed what, exactly?

I bet you are retarded enough to think he said he got the thoroughly corrupt prosecutor fired to protect his son.

He never said that. All caught up now?
All caught up on being lied to. Biden did brag about getting rid of him but of course did not state it was to help out his son.
He bragged about getting rid of a crook. As well he should.

You are all being led around by the nose.
No he bragged about getting rid of a prosecutor who just happened to be investigating his son. You libbies conjoured up the fake
“Crook” mantra

Hunter Biden was NEVER investigated. The investigation into Burisma was closed before he agreed to sit on the board. You assholes are the fakes.
Donald Trump wants the Ukraine and China to investigate a political opponent. He said it on the White House lawn.
'Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Treaties'

They establish a mutual cooperation between the United States and other nations - that include Ukraine and China - in investigating from crime, corruption, and terrorism. They are initiated by the leader of a nation asking the other nation for such assistance...exactly what PRESIDENT Trump did.

Do your research so you can stop hanging your ignorance out for all to see as if you just dropped your pants and exposed your ass.

You understandably don't like it, especially after Biden's video-taped confession in which he bragged about extorting the Ukraine PM, but no one gives a crap about how you FEEL or what you do or do not like.

These treaties exist.

The Democrats already knew this when they initiated this latest 'Collusion Delusion' - they were just counting on you being too stupid to know about them ... and you did NOT disappoint them!

By the letter of the treaty, the President was executing these treaties by requesting assistance.

Again, it doesn't matter one damn bit if you 'like' them or not, 'agree' with them or not - it is what it is.

Unfortunately for Hillary & the Democrats, these treaties did not apply to them when Hillary bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy .... did not apply to them when Obama's coup co-conspirators reached out to foreign Intel Agencies in Ukraine, Italy, Germany, & Australia for help in taking down Trump ... Did not apply to them when Democrats sent reps and collected "dirt' on Biden.

No, having NOT been covered by these treaties, THEY committed TREASON.

The President, however, was executing the existing treaties.

Thank God Democrat traitors have proven to be as stupid as you are, otherwise they may have actually succeeded.


The trouble is that there is no investigation of Biden in the US because even a partisan hack like Barr in charge, he knows he cannot get away with that. You are the one who is a horse's ass. Trump's call had nothing to do with any assistance. Trump cut off aid to the Ukraine before he talked with the Ukrainian President then he demanded they investigate Biden. There never was any investigation of Hunter Biden. That is not requesting assistance. Trump was not requesting assistance.

Biden did not commit any extortion. The Obama Administration had a duty to ensure that American money was not wasted due to corruption. The Obama Administration had every right to demand a corrupt prosecutor be removed before American aid was sent. Worth noting that Trump has threatened to withold aid from a number of nations and states. Trump regularly threatens to withhold aid.

You are the one relying on stupidity. Trump largely has the support of the stupid. You are nothing but a lying weasel. The impeachment is justified. Trump is trying to conspire with foreign countries to investigate his political opponents. I don't give a damn what spin you put on it.

Russia wanted Trump to win. They provided nothing to Hillary Clinton. There are no coup co-conspirators because there was no coup. Just more of your crazy conspiracy theories. It was Australia who provided information that one of their diplomats had obtained and they had every right to check it out considering they were already Russian interference in our elections.

No one committed TREASON EXCEPT YOU. You throw the word around and clearly have no understanding of it. Political differences are not treason.

Trump was not executing any treaty, The whistleblowers did not think so nor did the IG who found the complaint credible.

You are the stupid one around here. Trump is the most corrupt President we have had and he keeps proving it.
Not only did Biden not commit extortion, trump said the same thing about giving money to Ukraine...

"We want to make sure that country is honest. It's very important to talk about corruption. If you don't talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?" ~ Donald Trump
No he didn't, puppy. That money is US taxpayer money. He has no right to toss it around for his own private interests, and Trump was right to call him out on it. Biden is toast. :biggrin:

Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.

So you are saying that Obama is clearly guilty of what you are accusing Trump of?

If you really want to claim that Obama is the one who created the Quid Pro Quo.... then that's fine.
No, I am not accusing Biden of doing what Trump did.

Biden was threatening to hold money unless the Ukraine president sacked a corrupt prosecutor who several countries and international bodies wanted out. That served the United States.

Trump held money unless the Ukraine president agreed to investigate Trump's political rival. That served Trump.

But Trump never said the money would be held until Ukraine agreed.... Ukraine did not agree.... and the money was given without any investigation into Biden.

Biden DID say the money would be held until a prosecutor was fired, who happen to be investigating a company his corrupt drug addicted son was being paid $50,000 a month, without any credentials to be a board member of.... the money was in fact withheld.... the Prosecutor was fired, and only then was the money given.
"But Trump never said the money would be held until Ukraine agreed.... Ukraine did not agree.... and the money was given without any investigation into Biden."

Trump's actions spoke for him. He held up the money. The Ukraine president did agree to investigate. And then Trump released the money.

"Biden DID say the money would be held until a prosecutor was fired, who happen to be investigating a company his corrupt drug addicted son was being paid $50,000 a month, without any credentials to be a board member of.... the money was in fact withheld.... the Prosecutor was fired, and only then was the money given."

That's not true. There was no active investigation...

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Back in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who soon after left office amid widespread calls for his dismissal. Though Shokin had begun a probe into Burisma, it was dormant when he departed, according to a former prosecutor.​

Did Biden know specifically that there was no investigation? Dormant, does not mean ended. It means dormant. The probe had started.

You can stop with that loser argument.

Prove Ukraine agreed to investigate Hunter Biden.

I read the phone transcript word for word. I did not see such a response.
fired his corrupt General Prosecutor


The word


now means....

One who intends to INVESTIGATE DEMOCRATS....

Hence, the new slogan...


Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.

So you are saying that Obama is clearly guilty of what you are accusing Trump of?

If you really want to claim that Obama is the one who created the Quid Pro Quo.... then that's fine.
No, I am not accusing Biden of doing what Trump did.

Biden was threatening to hold money unless the Ukraine president sacked a corrupt prosecutor who several countries and international bodies wanted out. That served the United States.

Trump held money unless the Ukraine president agreed to investigate Trump's political rival. That served Trump.

But Trump never said the money would be held until Ukraine agreed.... Ukraine did not agree.... and the money was given without any investigation into Biden.

Biden DID say the money would be held until a prosecutor was fired, who happen to be investigating a company his corrupt drug addicted son was being paid $50,000 a month, without any credentials to be a board member of.... the money was in fact withheld.... the Prosecutor was fired, and only then was the money given.
"But Trump never said the money would be held until Ukraine agreed.... Ukraine did not agree.... and the money was given without any investigation into Biden."

Trump's actions spoke for him. He held up the money. The Ukraine president did agree to investigate. And then Trump released the money.

"Biden DID say the money would be held until a prosecutor was fired, who happen to be investigating a company his corrupt drug addicted son was being paid $50,000 a month, without any credentials to be a board member of.... the money was in fact withheld.... the Prosecutor was fired, and only then was the money given."

That's not true. There was no active investigation...

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Back in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who soon after left office amid widespread calls for his dismissal. Though Shokin had begun a probe into Burisma, it was dormant when he departed, according to a former prosecutor.​

Did Biden know specifically that there was no investigation? Dormant, does not mean ended. It means dormant. The probe had started.

You can stop with that loser argument.

Prove Ukraine agreed to investigate Hunter Biden.

I read the phone transcript word for word. I did not see such a response.

Dormant .... means Shokin wasn't actively investigating.

And the international community who wanted him thrown out wanted that because he wasn't making a concerted effort to fight corruption.
What is clear is the Trump quid pro quo.

What is clear is the Biden quid pro JOE. :biggrin:

What is clear is that you are a corrupt lying weasel,

Dude, we can see Joe Biden, openly and directly bragging that he made a quid pro quo, and got what he wanted.
There is nothing lying about it.
You still have no evidence he or his son personally gained from it; and there are several Ukrainian officials who say the Bidens did nothing wrong.
So you are saying that Obama is clearly guilty of what you are accusing Trump of?

If you really want to claim that Obama is the one who created the Quid Pro Quo.... then that's fine.
No, I am not accusing Biden of doing what Trump did.

Biden was threatening to hold money unless the Ukraine president sacked a corrupt prosecutor who several countries and international bodies wanted out. That served the United States.

Trump held money unless the Ukraine president agreed to investigate Trump's political rival. That served Trump.

But Trump never said the money would be held until Ukraine agreed.... Ukraine did not agree.... and the money was given without any investigation into Biden.

Biden DID say the money would be held until a prosecutor was fired, who happen to be investigating a company his corrupt drug addicted son was being paid $50,000 a month, without any credentials to be a board member of.... the money was in fact withheld.... the Prosecutor was fired, and only then was the money given.
"But Trump never said the money would be held until Ukraine agreed.... Ukraine did not agree.... and the money was given without any investigation into Biden."

Trump's actions spoke for him. He held up the money. The Ukraine president did agree to investigate. And then Trump released the money.

"Biden DID say the money would be held until a prosecutor was fired, who happen to be investigating a company his corrupt drug addicted son was being paid $50,000 a month, without any credentials to be a board member of.... the money was in fact withheld.... the Prosecutor was fired, and only then was the money given."

That's not true. There was no active investigation...

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Back in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who soon after left office amid widespread calls for his dismissal. Though Shokin had begun a probe into Burisma, it was dormant when he departed, according to a former prosecutor.​

Did Biden know specifically that there was no investigation? Dormant, does not mean ended. It means dormant. The probe had started.

You can stop with that loser argument.

Prove Ukraine agreed to investigate Hunter Biden.

I read the phone transcript word for word. I did not see such a response.

Dormant .... means Shokin wasn't actively investigating.

And the international community who wanted him thrown out wanted that because he wasn't making a concerted effort to fight corruption.

Which means the investigation was not closed. If it was closed, then it wouldn't be 'dormant'.

Additionally, I don't know why you keep bringing up "the international community".

The "international community" has a problem with corruption in the Ukraine right now. Trump's call transcript, shows he talked for the vast majority of the call, about general corruption.

So if your excuse for Biden is "the international community", then our excuse for Trump is "the international community".

We're talking about was there an illegal act, such as a quid pro quo. Biden... clear quid pro quo, by his own words.

Trump... not so much.
What is clear is the Trump quid pro quo.

What is clear is the Biden quid pro JOE. :biggrin:

What is clear is that you are a corrupt lying weasel,

Dude, we can see Joe Biden, openly and directly bragging that he made a quid pro quo, and got what he wanted.
There is nothing lying about it.
You still have no evidence he or his son personally gained from it; and there are several Ukrainian officials who say the Bidens did nothing wrong.

That's fine. And if they do investigate and find nothing, I'm cool with that.

Regardless, it does APPEAR dirty. Which is exactly what Trump said.
No, I am not accusing Biden of doing what Trump did.

Biden was threatening to hold money unless the Ukraine president sacked a corrupt prosecutor who several countries and international bodies wanted out. That served the United States.

Trump held money unless the Ukraine president agreed to investigate Trump's political rival. That served Trump.

But Trump never said the money would be held until Ukraine agreed.... Ukraine did not agree.... and the money was given without any investigation into Biden.

Biden DID say the money would be held until a prosecutor was fired, who happen to be investigating a company his corrupt drug addicted son was being paid $50,000 a month, without any credentials to be a board member of.... the money was in fact withheld.... the Prosecutor was fired, and only then was the money given.
"But Trump never said the money would be held until Ukraine agreed.... Ukraine did not agree.... and the money was given without any investigation into Biden."

Trump's actions spoke for him. He held up the money. The Ukraine president did agree to investigate. And then Trump released the money.

"Biden DID say the money would be held until a prosecutor was fired, who happen to be investigating a company his corrupt drug addicted son was being paid $50,000 a month, without any credentials to be a board member of.... the money was in fact withheld.... the Prosecutor was fired, and only then was the money given."

That's not true. There was no active investigation...

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Back in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who soon after left office amid widespread calls for his dismissal. Though Shokin had begun a probe into Burisma, it was dormant when he departed, according to a former prosecutor.​

Did Biden know specifically that there was no investigation? Dormant, does not mean ended. It means dormant. The probe had started.

You can stop with that loser argument.

Prove Ukraine agreed to investigate Hunter Biden.

I read the phone transcript word for word. I did not see such a response.

Dormant .... means Shokin wasn't actively investigating.

And the international community who wanted him thrown out wanted that because he wasn't making a concerted effort to fight corruption.

Which means the investigation was not closed. If it was closed, then it wouldn't be 'dormant'.

Additionally, I don't know why you keep bringing up "the international community".

The "international community" has a problem with corruption in the Ukraine right now. Trump's call transcript, shows he talked for the vast majority of the call, about general corruption.

So if your excuse for Biden is "the international community", then our excuse for Trump is "the international community".

We're talking about was there an illegal act, such as a quid pro quo. Biden... clear quid pro quo, by his own words.

Trump... not so much.
Which is why I didn't say it was closed. I said Shokin was not actively investigating Burisma when he was fired.

Which means there was no quid pro quo.
What is clear is the Trump quid pro quo.

What is clear is the Biden quid pro JOE. :biggrin:

What is clear is that you are a corrupt lying weasel,

Dude, we can see Joe Biden, openly and directly bragging that he made a quid pro quo, and got what he wanted.
There is nothing lying about it.
You still have no evidence he or his son personally gained from it; and there are several Ukrainian officials who say the Bidens did nothing wrong.

That's fine. And if they do investigate and find nothing, I'm cool with that.

Regardless, it does APPEAR dirty. Which is exactly what Trump said.
I have no problem with Biden being investigated over this. The problem I have is a candidate in an election soliciting a foreign nation to open an investigation into another candidate. That's abuse of office. If that's allowed, there's nothing to ever stop an incumbent president running for re-election to take out all of their election rivals in such fashion.
Why don't you ask Trump, who just may have hinged his presidency on trying to go after Biden.

Oh yeah, right. Biden is so important to the Trump presidency. LOL


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