Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden

stuck dead square in the middle of stupid, RW dolts continue to hammer the living shit out of something thats been debunked countless times.

This person has no idea what he's talking about. :rolleyes:
Nope, Congress and Obama gave that money to Ukraine. You fail yet again, gramps.
Doesn't matter, stupid. Only matters what Biden said. He hung himself.



And you wanted him for president, you poor thing. :puhleeze:
Show me a video where Biden says he was protecting his son.

You dipshits have made that up in your pointy heads.
You haven't seen it ? Are you only one in America ?

PS - it wouldn't matter who he was protecting. He threatened to withhold a Billion $$ from the Ukranians. But Biden is gone. He's history. What should anybody care about him ?
Biden threatened to withhold money if the corrupt prosecutor was not fired, idiot. It had nothing to do with his son. Burisma wasn't even under investigation at the time.

Again: "Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014."

You made shit up in your pointy heads that the withholding of money had something to do with Biden. You've been fed that lie and you submissively parrot it.
Nope, Congress and Obama gave that money to Ukraine. You fail yet again, gramps.
Doesn't matter, stupid. Only matters what Biden said. He hung himself.

It doesn't matter that Biden didn't give Ukraine anything??


You must be too senile to understand that Biden had to give something to, or do something for, Poroshenko in order for it to be wuid pro quo.

Now everyone here sees it's not that Biden is guilty of quid pro quo -- you're guilty of ignorance as to what quid pro quo is.

stuck dead square in the middle of stupid, RW dolts continue to hammer the living shit out of something thats been debunked countless times.

This person has no idea what he's talking about. :rolleyes:
Yes they do... they know they're talking shit... but that's what democrats do.

democrats are the party of trash.
stuck dead square in the middle of stupid, RW dolts continue to hammer the living shit out of something thats been debunked countless times.

This person has no idea what he's talking about. :rolleyes:

WASHINGTON — President Trump was repeatedly warned by his own staff that the Ukraine conspiracy theory that he and his lawyer were pursuing was “completely debunked” long before the president pressed Ukraine this summer to investigate his Democratic rivals, a former top adviser said on Sunday.

Thomas P. Bossert, who served as Mr. Trump’s first homeland security adviser, said he told the president there was no basis to the theory that Ukraine, not Russia, intervened in the 2016 election and did so on behalf of the Democrats.

feel free to STFU.
Biden threatened to withhold money if the corrupt prosecutor was not fired, idiot. It had nothing to do with his son. Burisma wasn't even under investigation at the time.

Again: "Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014."

You made shit up in your pointy heads that the withholding of money had something to do with Biden. You've been fed that lie and you submissively parrot it.
Who cares what it was for ? God, you're dumb.

"Something to do with Biden" ? Y0u did see the video, right ? :rolleyes:

EARTH TO YOUR :lame2:BRAIN: Biden is the one who talked about "the withholding of money"

Lastly, none of your blabbering about 2014, or whatever the hell else you say has any relevance. Biden threatend to withhold a Billion $$ if his demands weren't met.

HIS demands, not those of the USA. Get it, airhead ?

PS - Biden's next job >>
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WASHINGTON — President Trump was repeatedly warned by his own staff that the Ukraine conspiracy theory that he and his lawyer were pursuing was “completely debunked” long before the president pressed Ukraine this summer to investigate his Democratic rivals, a former top adviser said on Sunday.

Thomas P. Bossert, who served as Mr. Trump’s first homeland security adviser, said he told the president there was no basis to the theory that Ukraine, not Russia, intervened in the 2016 election and did so on behalf of the Democrats.

feel free to STFU.
AlI anyone need say is William Barr & John Durham. :biggrin: Hillary, Barrack, James. They're all going down.

Report: John Durham Has Expanded Investigation Of CIA, FBI Activities
That he was proud of getting rid of a corrupt prosecutor?

you have a problem with that?

I have a problem with any US politician threatening to withhold a billion $$ of aid to another country, based on something he personally is concerned about (which has no connection to US interests)

And you should have a problem with it too.

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