Former US Attorney says SCOTUS will overturn Trump Colorado decision 9-0. Guesses?

How will SCOTUS rule on the Trump Colorado decision

  • 9-0

    Votes: 22 44.0%
  • 8-1

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • 7-2

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 10 20.0%

  • Total voters
If the SCOTUS upholds, which I am positive it will not, then I say every state with a Republican Suoreme Court should remove Biden from the ballot based on treason.

Are you more positive or less positive that the SC will rule as you think than you were with Chauvin?
You used all those words to admit you are full of nothing but hot air. I have yet to see any media or government figure say that the decision has a prayer of standing. All of the discussion is how many SCOTUS judges will be brain-dead enough to violate their oath.

Ok. Here is a former appeals court Judge who thinks it is well reasoned and will be upheld.

Another lawyer who thinks it is good legal decision.

A lawyer who says that the “originalist” justices will have a hard time overturning it.

Shall I continue?

In this interview the Constitutional Scholar says other candidates have been barred from the ballot for insurrection. So it is going to be possible for the Supremes to uphold.

The information is out there my friend. Don’t limit yourself to a single source or single political point of view sources. Seek out other perspectives and consider the question.

When I was in school we were taught that this was approaching a question with an open mind.

Why was my post about Republican states removing Biden from the ballot due to his treason “funny”?

All we need is a state Court to say he is, and there’s plenty of evidence that he’s building a foreign invasion.
Ok. Here is a former appeals court Judge who thinks it is well reasoned and will be upheld.

Another lawyer who thinks it is good legal decision.

A lawyer who says that the “originalist” justices will have a hard time overturning it.

Shall I continue?

In this interview the Constitutional Scholar says other candidates have been barred from the ballot for insurrection. So it is going to be possible for the Supremes to uphold.

The information is out there my friend. Don’t limit yourself to a single source or single political point of view sources. Seek out other perspectives and consider the question.

When I was in school we were taught that this was approaching a question with an open mind.

You are so stupid that you don't read and understand your own links!

Your first link tells of one judge who says the ruling should be upheld and then proceeds to list all of the other prominent lawyers and Congressional representatives and Senators who say that is has zero chance!

Your other source is the Atlantic, otherwise known as The Bird Cage Liner.

Great job! Please continue as hyperbole like this just gains Trump even more votes from Independents and Democrats who see through this charade.

Your mind is so open, your brain fell out!

Why was my post about Republican states removing Biden from the ballot due to his treason “funny”?

All we need is a state Court to say he is, and there’s plenty of evidence that he’s building a foreign invasion.
Yep. He is blatantly violating Article 4 Section 4.
Ketanji does not even know what a woman is. I have no confidence in her knowledge of the Constitution.
You are so stupid that you don't read and understand your own links!

Your first link tells of one judge who says the ruling should be upheld and then proceeds to list all of the other prominent lawyers and Congressional representatives and Senators who say that is has zero chance!

Your other source is the Atlantic, otherwise known as The Bird Cage Liner.

Great job! Please continue as hyperbole like this just gains Trump even more votes from Independents and Democrats who see through this charade.

Your mind is so open, your brain fell out!

You seem awfully angry that I am not marching to your beat. If you were telling the truth you wouldn’t be angry, you would be confident.

I don’t think Trump is going to win. He is already embracing the White Nationalist nonsense. And that isn’t going to help him. He already has the white supremacist vote sewn up. He doesn’t need to court them.

As Trump continues doing his thing. People will reject him, as they did in 2020. As you are aware he lost that election fair and square. He can’t admit it. And that is going to hurt him. It will be a replay of the Vietnam Service debate when it was Kerry and Bush.

Trump will announce his great economy. Democrats will put video of empty store shelves with the date showing it was during Trumps administration. They’ll show massive unemployment.

And Republicans? A quarter of them don’t want Trump. They might vote. Some of them. A few of them. But not all of them. Especially with the economy starting in the right direction after the Trump recession.

But that isn’t his first challenge. Nikki Haley is. She is within four points.

As for the Supremes? I honestly don’t know. I do know a lot of people make predictions about the court. Like how they would absolutely overturn Obamacare. And they were wrong. Of course the court would absolutely overturn Chauvin. No wait. They didn’t.

So predictions are guesses. And nobody knows what they’ll do.
Ketanji does not even know what a woman is. I have no confidence in her knowledge of the Constitution.
That is what happens when your first priority is to fill a position with a Female Black. You get unqualified people in critical positions:

1) Ketanji: can’t tell you what a woman is

2) KJP: says “I defer you to the _____ Department for the answer.”

3) Claudine Gay: plagarized 40 times and refuses to say that her students’ calls to genocide Jews is wrong.
That is what happens when your first priority is to fill a position with a Female Black. You get unqualified people in critical positions:

1) Ketanji: can’t tell you what a woman is

2) KJP: says “I defer you to the _____ Department for the answer.”

3) Claudine Gay: plagarized 40 times and refuses to say that her students’ calls to genocide Jews is wrong.

Hey, but at least they are promoting diversity, right? ;)
Yup. A diverse staff of incompetents.

Somehow I don’t think they would be ok with promoting diversity for football and basketball teams. They know it could be detrimental to the teams and yet somehow they don’t see how it could be detrimental to the Supreme Court or cabinet positions.
Somehow I don’t think they would be ok with promoting diversity for football and basketball teams. They know it could be detrimental to the teams and yet somehow they don’t see how it could be detrimental to the Supreme Court or cabinet positions.
You know the saying: if the Democrats didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.
You seem awfully angry that I am not marching to your beat. If you were telling the truth you wouldn’t be angry, you would be confident.

I don’t think Trump is going to win. He is already embracing the White Nationalist nonsense. And that isn’t going to help him. He already has the white supremacist vote sewn up. He doesn’t need to court them.

As Trump continues doing his thing. People will reject him, as they did in 2020. As you are aware he lost that election fair and square. He can’t admit it. And that is going to hurt him. It will be a replay of the Vietnam Service debate when it was Kerry and Bush.

Trump will announce his great economy. Democrats will put video of empty store shelves with the date showing it was during Trumps administration. They’ll show massive unemployment.

And Republicans? A quarter of them don’t want Trump. They might vote. Some of them. A few of them. But not all of them. Especially with the economy starting in the right direction after the Trump recession.

But that isn’t his first challenge. Nikki Haley is. She is within four points.

As for the Supremes? I honestly don’t know. I do know a lot of people make predictions about the court. Like how they would absolutely overturn Obamacare. And they were wrong. Of course, the court would absolutely overturn Chauvin. No wait. They didn’t.

So predictions are guesses. And nobody knows what they’ll do.
So predictable! You are so eaten up with TDS that any libtard on here could repost your diatribes and no one would ever notice the difference.

That quarter of Republicans you say do not want Trump will come around if he wins the nomination and Biden somehow survives. They would rather commit suicide than vote for any Democrat knowing what they do now.

Haley is not within 4 points of anybody but DeSantus. You need to get a grip on reality before it bites you in the ass.

As for SCOTUS, I knew those two would never be overturned just like most conservatives. We hoped and likely prayed that they would, but there were one too many libs of the court for that to happen.

I'll let you get back to your deluded fantasies now. Have a merry Christmas!
Ok. Here is a former appeals court Judge who thinks it is well reasoned and will be upheld.

Another lawyer who thinks it is good legal decision.

A lawyer who says that the “originalist” justices will have a hard time overturning it.

Shall I continue?

In this interview the Constitutional Scholar says other candidates have been barred from the ballot for insurrection. So it is going to be possible for the Supremes to uphold.

The information is out there my friend. Don’t limit yourself to a single source or single political point of view sources. Seek out other perspectives and consider the question.

When I was in school we were taught that this was approaching a question with an open mind.

If SCOTUS overturns, you should self ban for at least a year.

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