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Former WH budget director warns after March 15th economy will grind to halt

Anyone else remember when Obama was first elected? Republicans were screaming "its yours now, you own it! Take responsibility!"
You mean when Obama was calling Bush "unpatriotic" for increasing the national debt by $4 trillion, just before Obama increased it by $10 trillion? Is that what you're referring to?
Obama! Obama! Its all his fault us republicans are so week inept and useless we can't do anything to stop Obama........

Obama isn't president Trump is take some responsibility laggard.
Says the guy who blamed Bush for 8 years. Don't like the taste of your own medicine?
Trump is president stop deflecting and admit the dude has no clue what he is doing.
lmao it's all going to be Obama's fault when Trump is pres. :rofl:

This all started way before TRUMP was in if you would have listened to the video it's been happening for the past 30 yrs CLUELESS.
lmao it's all going to be Obama's fault when Trump is pres. :rofl:

This all started way before TRUMP was in if you would have listened to the video it's been happening for the past 30 yrs CLUELESS.
Yes yes its a40 year liberal conspiracy. Baaaahahahaaaaa!

ever hear that saying dumber than a box of rocks, they created that saying just for you.

Global financial crisis: five key stages 2007-2011 | Business ...
A trader at the New York stock exchange. The last four years have seen five key stages of the global financial crisis, with more likely to come.
The 2007-08 Financial Crisis In Review | Investopedia
In this article, we'll recap how the financial crisis of 2007-08 unfolded. ... enough to start a global financial tsunami if more subprime borrowers started defaulting.

lmao it's all going to be Obama's fault when Trump is pres. :rofl:

This all started way before TRUMP was in if you would have listened to the video it's been happening for the past 30 yrs CLUELESS.
Yes yes its a40 year liberal conspiracy. Baaaahahahaaaaa!

As bad as the month of January was for the global economy, the truth is that the rest of 2016 promises to be much worse. Layoffs are increasing at a pace that we haven’t seen since the last recession, major retailers are shutting down hundreds of locations, corporate profit margins are plunging, global trade is slowing down dramatically, and several major European banks are in the process of completely imploding. I am about to share some numbers with you that are truly eye-popping. Each one by itself would be reason for concern, but when you put all of the pieces together it creates a picture that is hard to deny. The global economy is in crisis, and this is going to have very serious implications for the financial markets moving forward. U.S. stocks just had their worst January in seven years, and if I am right much worse is still yet to come this year. The following are 22 signs that the global economic turmoil that we have seen so far in 2016 is just the beginning…

1. The number of job cuts in the United States skyrocketed 218 percent during the month of January according to Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

2. The Baltic Dry Index just hit yet another brand new all-time record low. As I write this article, it is sitting at 303.

3. U.S. factory orders have now dropped for 14 months in a row.

4. In the U.S., the Restaurant Performance Index just fell to the lowest level that we have seen since 2008.

5. In January, orders for class 8 trucks (the big trucks that you see shipping stuff around the country on our highways) declined a whopping 48 percent from a year ago.

6. Rail traffic is also slowing down substantially. In Colorado, there are hundreds of train engines that are just sitting on the tracks with nothing to do.

7. Corporate profit margins peaked during the third quarter of 2014 and have been declining steadily since then. This usually happens when we are heading into a recession.

8. A series of extremely disappointing corporate quarterly reports is sending stock after stock plummeting. Here is a summary from Zero Hedge of a few examples that we have just witnessed…

9. Junk bonds continue to crash on Wall Street. On Monday, JNK was down to 32.60 and HYG was down to 77.99.

10. On Thursday, a major British news source publicly named five large European banks that are considered to be in very serious danger…

Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Santander, Barclays and RBS are among the stocks that are falling sharply sending shockwaves through the financial world, according to former hedge fund manager and ex Goldman Sachs employee Raoul Pal.

11. Deutsche Bank is the biggest bank in Germany and it has more exposure to derivatives than any other bank in the world. Unfortunately, Deutsche Bank credit default swaps are now telling us that there is deep turmoil at the bank and that a complete implosion may be imminent.

12. Last week, we learned that Deutsche Bank had lost a staggering 6.8 billion euros in 2015. If you will recall, I warned about massive problems at Deutsche Bank all the way back in September. The most important bank in Germany is exceedingly troubled, and it could end up being for the EU what Lehman Brothers was for the United States.

13. Credit Suisse just announced that it will be eliminating 4,000 jobs.

14. Royal Dutch Shell has announced that it is going to be eliminating 10,000 jobs.

15. Caterpillar has announced that it will be closing 5 plants and getting rid of 670 workers.

16. Yahoo has announced that it is going to be getting rid of 15 percent of its total workforce.

17. Johnson & Johnson has announced that it is slashing its workforce by 3,000 jobs.

18. Sprint just laid off 8 percent of its workforce and GoPro is letting go 7 percent of its workers.

19. All over America, retail stores are shutting down at a staggering pace. The following list comes from one of my previous articles

-Wal-Mart is closing 269 stores, including 154 inside the United States.

-K-Mart is closing down more than two dozen stores over the next several months.

-J.C. Penney will be permanently shutting down 47 more stores after closing a total of 40 stores in 2015.

-Macy’s has decided that it needs to shutter 36 stores and lay off approximately 2,500 employees.

-The Gap is in the process of closing 175 stores in North America.

-Aeropostale is in the process of closing 84 stores all across America.

-Finish Line has announced that 150 stores will be shutting down over the next few years.

-Sears has shut down about 600 stores over the past year or so, but sales at the stores that remain open continue to fall precipitously.

Global Economy
Anyone else remember when Obama was first elected? Republicans were screaming "its yours now, you own it! Take responsibility!"
You mean when Obama was calling Bush "unpatriotic" for increasing the national debt by $4 trillion, just before Obama increased it by $10 trillion? Is that what you're referring to?
Obama! Obama! Its all his fault us republicans are so week inept and useless we can't do anything to stop Obama........

Obama isn't president Trump is take some responsibility laggard.
Says the guy who blamed Bush for 8 years. Don't like the taste of your own medicine?
Trump is president stop deflecting and admit the dude has no clue what he is doing.
Says the guy who thinks the community organizer knew what he was doing. :lol:
100 Years Of Massive Credit Expansion
To own gold is not climbing a wall of worry. For anyone who understands the problems that the world is now facing, physical gold ownership gives peace of mind and the best insurance that money can buy. So why are less than 0.5% of world financial assets invested in gold and gold stocks? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, 100 years of massive credit expansion and money printing have mainly inflated the asset classes that investors understand, be it stocks, bonds or property. Also, financial repression, which in layman’s terms means manipulation, has totally distorted most financial markets. With the help of derivatives, governments, central banks, investment banks and hedge funds can create false markets in most investment areas. If a market is massive and global, like currencies, they are very hard to manipulate, except if several major sovereign states collude. But in a small market like gold and silver, it is extremely easy to manipulate prices. Even more so when a lot of it is done with the assistance and blessing of governments…

“All Manipulation Ends In Tears”
Egon von Greyerz continues: “But all manipulation ends in tears. The longer it takes before a market gets back to its unmanipulated equilibrium, the bigger the adjustment will be. In the meantime, investors believe that their portfolios will continue to grow to the sky. Nobody fears the fact that P/E’s are 80% above the average or that bond yields are around zero or negative in some cases. But in bubble markets not much is needed to change sentiment.

Greyerz - This May Crash Europe's Financial System And Lead To The Next Global Crisis And Collapse - King World News
The stock market is due for a crash. It's enjoying a Trump optimism bump now, but the reality of 8 years of the Hussein will come back.
Republicans have a unique opportunity to cut spending and bring that deficit down but they need to do it now. A balanced budget is not out of the question by any means. There's plenty of fat to be cut from Obama's bloated bureaucracy. But the shit out of welfare and food stamps. In a few months there won't be an excuse for any able bodied person for not having a job as factories return to the U.S. There'll be plenty of jobs on the Mexican border and on the pipeline.
Republicans have a unique opportunity to cut spending and bring that deficit down but they need to do it now. A balanced budget is not out of the question by any means.
Nope...that is too little, too late, and the consequences
for years of fiscal corruption and irresponsibility
which is inevitable, could start either sooner or later...

People have their fucking heads so far in the clouds,
and, it's no wonder why both parties wanted Hillary.
They needed someone who was gonna to continue
the facade and continue functioning and spending
by borrowing money, otherwise, this country would collapse
and bring every other country down with us.

This is the reality, not if, but when
The stock market is due for a crash. It's enjoying a Trump optimism bump now, but the reality of 8 years of the Hussein will come back.
Republicans have a unique opportunity to cut spending and bring that deficit down but they need to do it now. A balanced budget is not out of the question by any means. There's plenty of fat to be cut from Obama's bloated bureaucracy. But the shit out of welfare and food stamps. In a few months there won't be an excuse for any able bodied person for not having a job as factories return to the U.S. There'll be plenty of jobs on the Mexican border and on the pipeline.
Republicans have a unique opportunity to cut spending and bring that deficit down but they need to do it now. A balanced budget is not out of the question by any means.
Nope...that is too little, too late, and the consequences
for years of fiscal corruption and irresponsibility
which is inevitable, could start either sooner or later...

People have their fucking heads so far in the clouds,
and, it's no wonder why both parties wanted Hillary.
They needed someone who was gonna to continue
the facade and continue functioning and spending
by borrowing money, otherwise, this country would collapse
and bring every other country down with us.

This is the reality, not if, but when
It's not too late to be responsible. Cut out freebies and giveaways, then freeze spending at it's current level. Over time, economic growth will balance the budget and the debt will come down.
The stock market is due for a crash. It's enjoying a Trump optimism bump now, but the reality of 8 years of the Hussein will come back.
Republicans have a unique opportunity to cut spending and bring that deficit down but they need to do it now. A balanced budget is not out of the question by any means. There's plenty of fat to be cut from Obama's bloated bureaucracy. But the shit out of welfare and food stamps. In a few months there won't be an excuse for any able bodied person for not having a job as factories return to the U.S. There'll be plenty of jobs on the Mexican border and on the pipeline.
Republicans have a unique opportunity to cut spending and bring that deficit down but they need to do it now. A balanced budget is not out of the question by any means.
Nope...that is too little, too late, and the consequences
for years of fiscal corruption and irresponsibility
which is inevitable, could start either sooner or later...

People have their fucking heads so far in the clouds,
and, it's no wonder why both parties wanted Hillary.
They needed someone who was gonna to continue
the facade and continue functioning and spending
by borrowing money, otherwise, this country would collapse
and bring every other country down with us.

This is the reality, not if, but when
It's not too late to be responsible. Cut out freebies and giveaways, then freeze spending at it's current level. Over time, economic growth will balance the budget and the debt will come down.
It's not too late to be responsible. Cut out freebies and giveaways, then freeze spending at it's current level. Over time, economic growth will balance the budget and the debt will come down.
Totally agree, it's never too late to be responsible!

But, the level of 'responsibility' necessary to just gain
stable footing would be too much for people to deal with...

The only reason why we are able to enjoy
such a massively inflated standard of living in this country
is because we have been able to borrow trillions upon trillions
of dollars from the rest of the world at ultra-low interest rates.

If the federal government started spending
only the money that it brought in through taxes,
our ridiculous debt-fueled standard of living
would begin collapsing immediately.

We consume far more wealth than we produce,
and the only way that we are able to do this
is by borrowing insane amounts of money.

If Trump doesn't continue this practice,
the economy will sink into a major league economic downturn

That's it, that's all... cutting freebies and freezing spending
unfortunately, at this point, isn't gonna cut it.

If people are freaking out because of travel bans
and enforcing immigration laws...
What he would need to do to bring this country
back from the brink would be totally, too radical for most.
100 Years Of Massive Credit Expansion
To own gold is not climbing a wall of worry. For anyone who understands the problems that the world is now facing, physical gold ownership gives peace of mind and the best insurance that money can buy. So why are less than 0.5% of world financial assets invested in gold and gold stocks? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, 100 years of massive credit expansion and money printing have mainly inflated the asset classes that investors understand, be it stocks, bonds or property. Also, financial repression, which in layman’s terms means manipulation, has totally distorted most financial markets. With the help of derivatives, governments, central banks, investment banks and hedge funds can create false markets in most investment areas. If a market is massive and global, like currencies, they are very hard to manipulate, except if several major sovereign states collude. But in a small market like gold and silver, it is extremely easy to manipulate prices. Even more so when a lot of it is done with the assistance and blessing of governments…

“All Manipulation Ends In Tears”
Egon von Greyerz continues: “But all manipulation ends in tears. The longer it takes before a market gets back to its unmanipulated equilibrium, the bigger the adjustment will be. In the meantime, investors believe that their portfolios will continue to grow to the sky. Nobody fears the fact that P/E’s are 80% above the average or that bond yields are around zero or negative in some cases. But in bubble markets not much is needed to change sentiment.

Greyerz - This May Crash Europe's Financial System And Lead To The Next Global Crisis And Collapse - King World News

So why are less than 0.5% of world financial assets invested in gold and gold stocks?

Because gold and gold stocks make up less than 0.5% of world financial assets.

Nobody fears the fact that P/E’s are 80% above the average

I don't fear it because it's not true.
100 Years Of Massive Credit Expansion
To own gold is not climbing a wall of worry. For anyone who understands the problems that the world is now facing, physical gold ownership gives peace of mind and the best insurance that money can buy. So why are less than 0.5% of world financial assets invested in gold and gold stocks? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, 100 years of massive credit expansion and money printing have mainly inflated the asset classes that investors understand, be it stocks, bonds or property. Also, financial repression, which in layman’s terms means manipulation, has totally distorted most financial markets. With the help of derivatives, governments, central banks, investment banks and hedge funds can create false markets in most investment areas. If a market is massive and global, like currencies, they are very hard to manipulate, except if several major sovereign states collude. But in a small market like gold and silver, it is extremely easy to manipulate prices. Even more so when a lot of it is done with the assistance and blessing of governments…

“All Manipulation Ends In Tears”
Egon von Greyerz continues: “But all manipulation ends in tears. The longer it takes before a market gets back to its unmanipulated equilibrium, the bigger the adjustment will be. In the meantime, investors believe that their portfolios will continue to grow to the sky. Nobody fears the fact that P/E’s are 80% above the average or that bond yields are around zero or negative in some cases. But in bubble markets not much is needed to change sentiment.

Greyerz - This May Crash Europe's Financial System And Lead To The Next Global Crisis And Collapse - King World News

So why are less than 0.5% of world financial assets invested in gold and gold stocks?

Because gold and gold stocks make up less than 0.5% of world financial assets.

Nobody fears the fact that P/E’s are 80% above the average

I don't fear it because it's not true.

Liberals always use " having knowledge about an issue" as being fear, Liberals always use " fear" as a reason to not have knowledge...........Then boom they are totally caught off guard. That's what is so funny.
Nobody aware of this FEARS it's called keeping it on the back burner of the mind and having a plan.
it's called being prepared.

A plan so we don't end up like the rest of the dumbed down idiots who will get caught off guard when they have one can of corn in the cabinet............. and there aren't any stores left .

When a flood occurs do you stand there like an idiot waiting for FEMA to show up or would you rather take precautions for that possibility of a flood if you lived in a flood proof area.

THE GOVERNMENT won't come save you bank on it.
100 Years Of Massive Credit Expansion
To own gold is not climbing a wall of worry. For anyone who understands the problems that the world is now facing, physical gold ownership gives peace of mind and the best insurance that money can buy. So why are less than 0.5% of world financial assets invested in gold and gold stocks? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, 100 years of massive credit expansion and money printing have mainly inflated the asset classes that investors understand, be it stocks, bonds or property. Also, financial repression, which in layman’s terms means manipulation, has totally distorted most financial markets. With the help of derivatives, governments, central banks, investment banks and hedge funds can create false markets in most investment areas. If a market is massive and global, like currencies, they are very hard to manipulate, except if several major sovereign states collude. But in a small market like gold and silver, it is extremely easy to manipulate prices. Even more so when a lot of it is done with the assistance and blessing of governments…

“All Manipulation Ends In Tears”
Egon von Greyerz continues: “But all manipulation ends in tears. The longer it takes before a market gets back to its unmanipulated equilibrium, the bigger the adjustment will be. In the meantime, investors believe that their portfolios will continue to grow to the sky. Nobody fears the fact that P/E’s are 80% above the average or that bond yields are around zero or negative in some cases. But in bubble markets not much is needed to change sentiment.

Greyerz - This May Crash Europe's Financial System And Lead To The Next Global Crisis And Collapse - King World News

Since 1971, when Nixon abandoned the gold backing of the dollar, the US currency has lost 97% of its purchasing power.

Geez, who is this yutz?
100 Years Of Massive Credit Expansion
To own gold is not climbing a wall of worry. For anyone who understands the problems that the world is now facing, physical gold ownership gives peace of mind and the best insurance that money can buy. So why are less than 0.5% of world financial assets invested in gold and gold stocks? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, 100 years of massive credit expansion and money printing have mainly inflated the asset classes that investors understand, be it stocks, bonds or property. Also, financial repression, which in layman’s terms means manipulation, has totally distorted most financial markets. With the help of derivatives, governments, central banks, investment banks and hedge funds can create false markets in most investment areas. If a market is massive and global, like currencies, they are very hard to manipulate, except if several major sovereign states collude. But in a small market like gold and silver, it is extremely easy to manipulate prices. Even more so when a lot of it is done with the assistance and blessing of governments…

“All Manipulation Ends In Tears”
Egon von Greyerz continues: “But all manipulation ends in tears. The longer it takes before a market gets back to its unmanipulated equilibrium, the bigger the adjustment will be. In the meantime, investors believe that their portfolios will continue to grow to the sky. Nobody fears the fact that P/E’s are 80% above the average or that bond yields are around zero or negative in some cases. But in bubble markets not much is needed to change sentiment.

Greyerz - This May Crash Europe's Financial System And Lead To The Next Global Crisis And Collapse - King World News

So why are less than 0.5% of world financial assets invested in gold and gold stocks?

Because gold and gold stocks make up less than 0.5% of world financial assets.

Nobody fears the fact that P/E’s are 80% above the average

I don't fear it because it's not true.

Liberals always use " having knowledge about an issue" as being fear, Liberals always use " fear" as a reason to not have knowledge...........Then boom they are totally caught off guard. That's what is so funny.
Nobody aware of this FEARS it's called keeping it on the back burner of the mind and having a plan.
it's called being prepared.

A plan so we don't end up like the rest of the dumbed down idiots who will get caught off guard when they have one can of corn in the cabinet............. and there aren't any stores left .

When a flood occurs do you stand there like an idiot waiting for FEMA to show up or would you rather take precautions for that possibility of a flood if you lived in a flood proof area.

THE GOVERNMENT won't come save you bank on it.

Liberals always use " having knowledge about an issue" as being fear,

I'm a conservative and I mock idiots, like this author, who has little knowledge about the issue.

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