Forner Defense Sec Gates defends Obama on Crimea

Democrats are always weak on foreign policy. Too bad Obama decided not to put the missile defense weapons in Poland. Obama's been appeasing Putin from the beginning.

Oh, so President Mitt would have launched missiles on George Dumbya's buddy "Pooty Poot"? Pffft. Whatever.

Eight years of the GOP's macho-man warmongering led to Russia bullying Georgia while Dumbya was impotent before Pooty-Poot.

The GOP's ranting about weakness and fecklessness is laughable.
John Kerry announces that if Russia annexes Crimea we won't talk to them anymore.....

John Kerry Made A Troubling Threat Over Russia's Annexation Of Crimea - Yahoo Finance

So exactly what WILL we do?

Exactly what we are. In all honesty we can't stop Russia. The people of Crimea support Russia, and Russia has national interests there.

The most that we could do is voice our disagreement and not associate with Russia anymore. Force of any kind is not an option.
Hold on a second. Gates use to be part of the evil Bush Empire.

Now he is a trusted source?

Y'all liberals sure are a fickle bunch.
Hold on a second. Gates use to be part of the evil Bush Empire.

Now he is a trusted source?

Y'all liberals sure are a fickle bunch.

He was in both administrations. So what? He is being honest. That of course is a problem for Republicans.
Take away Odummy's crayons. The last thing we need is more red lines.....
I love how you guys seem to feel the mistakes of Bush justify the mistakes of Obama the problem with Obama is he bases his foreign policy on how he thinks the world should be and not how it is.

Tell us what Obama should be doing that he's not doing, re Russia and the Ukraine, and be specific, and be sure to tell us why your ideas are better than his.

There is nothing he can do now this was set in motion by his past actions cancelling the missile defense plan in Poland his red line debacle in Syria and the non response in Libya and you can throw in the weak response from Bush over Georgia as well if you like. These things are what inspired Putin to go down this road and why the European countries are less than willing to support any action the U.S. puts forth. When any President goes for years putting out the impression he is uninterested in and disengaged from foreign policy this tends to be the result you get from tyrants and you have no options to counter them if Obama had followed through on just one of his ulitmatiums and shown there really would be a cost this might not be happening now. We will never no this for sure but we do know what the results of not following through have been
The Crimea and Ukraine should not be something that the east and the west fight over. They should have the right of self-determination. Anything less will lead to another cold war. Both sides are out of their fucking minds playing these games.
I love how you guys seem to feel the mistakes of Bush justify the mistakes of Obama the problem with Obama is he bases his foreign policy on how he thinks the world should be and not how it is.

The problem with Obama is Bush blew all of our political capital on Iraq and Obama has to bluff Russia and Putin.

That is such a bull shit response it's not even funny when Obama was first elected he got the same kind of love fest in Europe he got here if he has no political capital it's because of his actions not Bush's.
and here we thought when Obama came into office the whole world was going to be at peace and love because that big bad Bush was gone, remember?...what the hell happened?

man oh man, we are ripe for an attack and basically sitting frikken ducks

get prepared people...
The problem is that Putin wanted Crimea back as Russian territory. Now there are a number of ways he could have gone about this without raising the hackles that he has. He choose to project raw military strength. However, while impressive, it was in an area where it is completely safe to do that. Nobody is going to try to take back Crimea through military action. It is effectively Russia's because of the logistics of anyone else projecting military strength there.

Will that be the end of Putin's ambitions? I doubt it. And the next adventure will be more dangerous for us and Russia. As well as the EU. Careful and thoughtful actions are required on the part of the EU and the US.
There was no debacle in Syria.

We did not bomb Syria, so a GOP-like, Iraq-style, debacle was avoided.

And the American people's opposition stopped it. They learned their lesson from the mistakes of the oaf George Bumbleya Doosh.
the problem is Putin felt empowered because he saw a weak President and a Sos who is running around the world wailing how globull warming is our biggest enemy

So blame your frikken selves for putting these in charge our country

not Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, etc fault...JUST YOU who voted to put them office

Everything is YOUR FAULT...
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and here we thought when Obama came into office the whole world was going to be at peace and love because that big bad Bush was gone, remember?...what the hell happened?

man oh man, we are ripe for an attack and basically sitting frikken ducks

get prepared people...

Oh shut up, you silly ass. The US is not ripe for attack from anyone. We are still the strongest nation on this planet. But that does not mean that we can solve every problem though simpleminded military action. And President Obama has taken the fight to far more of the enemies of this nation than Bush ever did.

This is a case where the whole of the civilized world needs to take action, action carefully considered.
the problem is Putin felt empowered because he saw a weak President and a Sos who is running around the world wailing how globull warming is our biggest enemy

So blame your frikken selves for putting these in charge our country

not Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, etc fault...JUST YOU who voted to put them office

Everything is YOUR FAULT...

Rah, rah, rah, zis, boom, bah.

Now you have finished the partisan bullshit, just what would you do? Full nuclear exchange? Send in the Marines?

No, you not only do not have any sane alternatives, you don't give a shit about the situation beyond the partisan accusations of weakness on the part of the President. Were this a situation where a military response was applicable, you would be screaming about the President being a warmonger.
the problem is Putin felt empowered because he saw a weak President and a Sos who is running around the world wailing how globull warming is our biggest enemy

So blame your frikken selves for putting these in charge our country

not Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, etc fault...JUST YOU who voted to put them office

Everything is YOUR FAULT...

there is a reason why you serve lunches and not our SOD. go back to posting your cut and paste opinion pieces. This subject is beyond you.
the problem is Putin felt empowered because he saw a weak President and a Sos who is running around the world wailing how globull warming is our biggest enemy

So blame your frikken selves for putting these in charge our country

not Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, etc fault...JUST YOU who voted to put them office

Everything is YOUR FAULT...

Conservatives think Obama is at fault for the blood shed of Syria and Crimea. But in Iraq, George W Bush: Pure, snow white innocence.
There was no debacle in Syria.

We did not bomb Syria, so a GOP-like, Iraq-style, debacle was avoided.

And the American people's opposition stopped it. They learned their lesson from the mistakes of the oaf George Bumbleya Doosh.

The president proclaimed Assad must go he is still there the president said the use of chemical weapons would be crossing a red line and change his calculus they were used it was crossed his calculus did not change. What did happen was Putin stepped in brokered a deal which has keep one of it's key allies in the region Assad in power and which made him look like a strong and decisive leader and Obama look weak and indecisive I think that would count as a debacle.
Obama and his comrades in arms has went around the world and DESTABLIZED countries and just left them there to be eaten by the wolves

It's been the most evil thing I've ever seen...and then we wonder why Russia is again FLEXING their muscles...

dear gawd we are in deep trouble
Bush's Defense Secretary Destroys GOP Talking Points Against Obama's Handling Of Crimea | ThinkProgress

“My own view is, after all, Putin invaded Georgia when George W. Bush was president. Nobody ever accused George W. Bush of being weak or unwilling to use military force,” Gates, who served as Defense Secretary for Presidents George W. Bush and Obama said. “So I think Putin is very opportunistic in these arenas. I think that even if — even if we had launched attacks in Syria, even if we weren’t cutting our defense budget — I think Putin saw an opportunity here in Crimea, and he has seized it.” Earlier this week, Gates told the Washington Post that the GOP lawmakers should “tone down” their criticism and “try to be supportive of the president rather than natter at the president.”

So shut up about Obama being weak. Putin is determined to make Russia a world power and Europe and their weenies are allowing him to do it.

Isn't this the same Gates, that liberals were bashing over his book "Duty", which is highly critical of Obama?

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