Fort Parasite


Sep 23, 2010
The Cold War the federal government started against private sector Americans began decades ago is rapidly moving closer to a shooting war. American Socialists have no intention of losing this Cold War the way the Soviet Union lost the Cold War against the US. The Democrat party’s multiple attacks on the Second Amendment is not an attempt to avert a shooting war —— it is a calculated strategy designed to disarm as many of the “enemy" as they can before the government turns to brute force.

I said this in another thread:

The federal government is stocking up on bullets not because they fear a revolution from liberty-loving Americans, but because they want to cover all bases in the unlikely event ballots overthrow them.

Buying bullets and hundreds of armored vehicles can be passed off as defensive. Aggressively moving towards total gun registration cannot be disguised as something else. As I’ve said many times, the government does not fear the guns they know about —— the government fears the guns they don’t know about.


John McCain and his fellow RINO must know that “background checks” is a backdoor approach to locating the guns before confiscation can be set in motion:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has emerged as a key player if Senate Democrats are to have any chance of passing legislation to expand background checks for private sales of firearms.

McCain and Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Dean Heller (R-Nev.) are at the top of a list of Republicans considered most likely to sign on to legislation expanding background checks after talks with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) stalled earlier this month.

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) has signaled he will likely support the yet-to-be-finalized proposal he negotiated with Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to expand background checks to cover private gun sales, according to Senate sources.

McCain emerges as key senator in expanding background checks
By Alexander Bolton - 03/24/13 03:00 PM ET

McCain emerges as key senator in expanding background checks - The Hill

The importance Democrats place on registration can be seen in many areas in addition to background checks. Using doctors to find out which of their patients owns a gun:

And this:

"Debbie is a mom from Uxbridge who was in the examination room when the pediatrician asked her 5-year-old, 'Does Daddy own a gun?' When the little girl said yes, the doctor began grilling her and her mom about the number and type of guns, how they are stored, etc.

"If the incident had ended there, it would have merely been annoying. But when a friend in law enforcement let Debbie know that her doctor had filed a report with the police about her family's (entirely legal) gun ownership, she got mad. She also got a new doctor.

Outrageous Snitch Docs Pump Kids About Parents Behavior Why You Should Stay Out Of The Medical Establishment

Gun registration was always the true objective behind the assault rifle ban. From the day DI Fi laid down her smokescreen I said background checks would be the compromise Democrats were really after. Either John McCain was in on it from the start, or the Democrats suckered him.

Also notice that Hussein’s media is 100 percent behind background checks. I’ve even heard Big Mouth Bill O’Reilly and few others on “fair & balanced” FOX call for background checks in no uncertain terms.

Frankly, I think McCain is a bitter man trying to get even with the American people for choosing a Chicago sewer rat over him. He has a legitimate beef. The public preferring a sewer rat over a man whose heroism was outstanding would make most men bitter, although not bitter enough to help Democrats disarm law-abiding Americans. McCain does not appear to know he is doing the dirty work for the very people who brought defeat to their own country in Vietnam while he was rotting away in a prisoner of war camp.

I also said this in the aforementioned thread:

Americans still have time to make inroads into the government’s grip on America’s major cities. I’m convinced liberty-loving Americans still outnumber the parasites in every major city except Washington, D.C. With any kind of effort the parasite class’ predictable revolution can be nipped in the bud so long as Americans do not make the mistake of appealing to the federal government for help.

Bottom line: The federal government must revolt against the American people in order to implement the final phase of their totalitarian government; a tyrannical government on par with China, North Korea, Cuba and so on. With that in mind Washington, D.C. should be identified as Fort Parasite because it will surely be the parasite class’ impregnable stronghold once it is surrounded by government forces. Conservatives shouldn’t despair. Bunkers may be impregnable but they are easy to isolate.

Parenthetically, nothing changes in traditional warfare. You might say that every state capital will become outlying forts; Fort Albany, Fort Springfield, Fort Sacramento, etc.

Finally, I want to change my opinion on one thing. In the past I suggested that the records of law-abiding citizens be expunged after they pass a background check. When I said that I was being as naive as the Republicans I accuse of being naive for believing anything Democrats say. There is not a snowball’s chance in hell Democrats, or the government on any level, will erase the knowledge of a single gun’s location let alone the whereabouts of a million guns.
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  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Cyprus reaches last-minute deal on 10 billion euro bailout
By Jan Strupczewski and Michele Kambas
BRUSSELS/NICOSIA | Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:28am EDT

Cyprus banks remain closed to avert run on deposits | Reuters

European Union Socialists will never let one of their national banking system go under for one simple reason: They can’t blame robber barons. Hussein will do the same thing Cyprus is doing, and worse, before he lets America’s welfare state economic system fail. Saving an economic system that supports the parasite class is his primary concern. That reality cannot be separated from disarming Americans.

If you think Hussein & Company will not crush resistance with all of the weapons at their disposal think again. Hussein is begging for a chance to begin the slaughter. A banking system failure on par with the Great Depression is just the excuse he needs. This article offers an interesting interpretation of Hussein’s personality in support of my opinion:

Picture of 'martial law' alarms forensic profiler
Comments described as 'potential major warning' of Obama's intent
Published: 2 days ago

Picture of ?martial law? alarms forensic profiler

Before liberals start shouting “Chicken Little” click on the following link —— scroll down to the second video to hear a HMS guy say “WARRANT SERVICE” the new code phrase for GUN CONFISCATION:

Video: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move?
More footage of military vehicles being delivered surfaces online
Steve Watson
Mar 25, 2013

» Video: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Question: Can you think of a warrant served by local law enforcement that is delivered by an armored vehicle?
Except for interpretations everything in this thread is fact. The government is buying bullets by the billions, DHS purchased 1.6 billion rounds in the last year alone; many of them hollow point man killers. Everything the government is doing to prepare for the brutal slaughter of Americans who oppose socialism/communism is fact. Drones, DHS, The Patriot Act, secret courts, arrests without warrants or trials in open court, are just a few incontrovertible facts.

And let’s not forget that Hillarycare II gave Americans an armed, well-funded, civilian paramilitary force:

According to Section 5210 of HR 3590, titled “Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps,” the force must be ready for “involuntary calls to active duty during national emergencies and public health crises.”

The health-care legislation adds millions of dollars for recruitment and amends Section 203 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 204), passed July 1, 1944, during Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency. The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is one of the seven uniformed services in the U.S. However, Obama’s changes more than double the wording of the Section 203 and dub individuals who are currently classified as officers in the Reserve Corps commissioned officers of the Regular Corps.

The following is the previous wording of the act as of 2004, before Democrats passed the health-care legislation:


Wording of Section 203 of Public Health Service Act before Obamacare amendment​

When Hussein first called for his armed civilian force he was simply trying to avoid questions that might arise concerning the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.

In truth, totalitarian government advocates from both political parties began abolishing Posse Comitatus in 1971. Nevertheless, note how Hussein made his goon squad part of the US military. That allowed the government to have it both ways. In plain English, the commander in chief ordering the regular army to slaughter Americans is not a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act so long as military operations against Americans are commanded by dual officers; i.e., officers holding commissions in both forces.

Bottom line: Officers in the Reserve Corps becoming officers in the regular army effectively administers the coup de grâce to the Posse Comitatus Act.

Some of the stuff in this article needs more proof, but the history of P. C. is right on point:

U.S. Military To Assault U.S. Citizens: 1878 Posse Comitatus Act Destroyed

Untitled Document

Here’s the link to the WND article. Hopefully, everyone who is concerned about where the federal government is going will take a minute to read it. If not, this excerpt is most important:

His concern is that the six steps “done in every Marxist insurgency” now “are being done in America today.” He lists them: 1. nationalize major sections of the economy (the corporate bailouts), 2. redistribute wealth (the man appointed to head Medicare said health care is “nothing but a redistribution of wealth”), 3. discredit opposition (Boykin said he’s “never been so angry” as when the Obama administration called returning vets, pro-lifers and others a terror threat), 4. censorship (since old guard media already was in line, Obama’s censorship has been through “hate crimes” legislation aimed at Christian pastors and others), 5. gun control (see Washington’s present agenda), and 6. a constabulary force.

That would be “a force that can control the population,” Boykin warned.

Special Forces commander: 'Constabulary force' coming
Says Obamacare leading U.S. down pathway to socialism
Published: 13 hours ago

Special Forces commander: ?Constabulary force? coming

I want to close with a logical assumption.

The government will shutdown the Internet, and probably talk radio, the minute the gun confiscation killing begins. That will leave television as the public’s only source of information. One does not have to be a genius to know the kind of information television will provide.

Remember that a very small number of people control TV content. Nothing the government did to bring America to the coming bloodshed would have been possible without the news blackouts those few elitists provided for decades. They, and they alone, are to blame not the people who work for them. The talking heads, the off-camera people, and even the advertisers who paid without asking questions, did what they did for money, while television’s owners did it to advance socialism’s totalitarian global government agenda.

Question: Can those Americans who are willing to fight for their freedoms succeed in shutting down television after the killing starts? Answer: I doubt if the government’s opponents can succeed at first. They must succeed at some point if they hope to survive let alone win. Blinding the government by blocking its propaganda is just as necessary as is the government shutting down the Internet.
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I hope to fuck that you're the first person the black helicopters land on.
The welfare giveaways and all the free shit (buying the election) is temporary. It was done to buy time, while the commie gets his ducks in a row. Once our guns are confiscated, the gravy train will end, and the idiots who voted for Obama the second time will regret it, but it'll be too late. They'll all be shipped off to a labor camp somewhere if they're lucky. The ones who are too fat to work will probably be eliminated.
I hope to fuck that you're the first person the black helicopters land on.

Now granny, I know you are CIA and are just on here to get a pay check from the government. My cousin was asked to do the same thing. Keep eating your GMOs. You ll be fine, but your ancestors will be retarded from the GMOs. lol. You are a naive CIA operative. lol.
The bullets are being stored in New Mexico...

... it is common to store ordinance close to where they are intended to be used...

... looks like we're about to get active in a war against the drug cartels.
I hope to fuck that you're the first person the black helicopters land on.

Now granny, I know you are CIA and are just on here to get a pay check from the government. My cousin was asked to do the same thing. Keep eating your GMOs. You ll be fine, but your ancestors will be retarded from the GMOs. lol. You are a naive CIA operative. lol.

Fucking hell! Is crazy the new normal?:cuckoo:
The bullets are being stored in New Mexico...

... it is common to store ordinance close to where they are intended to be used...

... looks like we're about to get active in a war against the drug cartels.

New Mexico??!! Oh ho! There - you see - they aren't comin' after us, they're going to Roswell to shoot the alienses!
No doubt they will start in rural areas to push people into the cities. I am gonna link a video to show you that aliens will come from within. But your a dumb granny. You cant teach a granny new tricks.
This is the guy that all the other scientist listen too.

[ame=]Michio Kaku 3 types of Civilizations - YouTube[/ame]
I am sure many people aware that Flanders is in the employ of an elite international group of bankers, run by Donald Trump and Justin Beiber.

They intend to rule the world, using Atlantic City as their base of operations, and basically put the Matrix movie into real life operation. They will make Justin Bieber compulsory, only Beiber will where a rug just like Trumps to make them fashionable. Beiber will get young people in their side by releasing a song called "Trump is my girlfriend". Flanders has been in on it from Day One.

He is evil and he must be stopped.
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New Mexico??!! Oh ho! There - you see - they aren't comin' after us, they're going to Roswell to shoot the alienses!

I am sure many people aware that Flanders is in the employ of an elite international group of bankers, run by Donald Trump and Justin Beiber.

They intend to rule the world, using Atlantic City as their base of operations, and basically put the Matrix movie into real life operation.

To Saigon: Is that after we shoot all of the aliens!
Flanders -

Everyone knows that aliens are part of a massive communist illuminati conspiracy, as written by Dan Brown. I blame the Catholics. And John McCain, who must have known about it.
The Cold War the federal government started against private sector Americans began decades ago is rapidly moving closer to a shooting war. American Socialists have no intention of losing this Cold War the way the Soviet Union lost the Cold War against the US. The Democrat party’s multiple attacks on the Second Amendment is not an attempt to avert a shooting war —— it is a calculated strategy designed to disarm as many of the “enemy" as they can before the government turns to brute force.

I said this in another thread:

The federal government is stocking up on bullets not because they fear a revolution from liberty-loving Americans, but because they want to cover all bases in the unlikely event ballots overthrow them.

Buying bullets and hundreds of armored vehicles can be passed off as defensive. Aggressively moving towards total gun registration cannot be disguised as something else. As I’ve said many times, the government does not fear the guns they know about —— the government fears the guns they don’t know about.


John McCain and his fellow RINO must know that “background checks” is a backdoor approach to locating the guns before confiscation can be set in motion:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has emerged as a key player if Senate Democrats are to have any chance of passing legislation to expand background checks for private sales of firearms.

McCain and Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Dean Heller (R-Nev.) are at the top of a list of Republicans considered most likely to sign on to legislation expanding background checks after talks with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) stalled earlier this month.

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) has signaled he will likely support the yet-to-be-finalized proposal he negotiated with Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to expand background checks to cover private gun sales, according to Senate sources.

McCain emerges as key senator in expanding background checks
By Alexander Bolton - 03/24/13 03:00 PM ET

McCain emerges as key senator in expanding background checks - The Hill

The importance Democrats place on registration can be seen in many areas in addition to background checks. Using doctors to find out which of their patients owns a gun:

And this:

"Debbie is a mom from Uxbridge who was in the examination room when the pediatrician asked her 5-year-old, 'Does Daddy own a gun?' When the little girl said yes, the doctor began grilling her and her mom about the number and type of guns, how they are stored, etc.

"If the incident had ended there, it would have merely been annoying. But when a friend in law enforcement let Debbie know that her doctor had filed a report with the police about her family's (entirely legal) gun ownership, she got mad. She also got a new doctor.

Outrageous Snitch Docs Pump Kids About Parents Behavior Why You Should Stay Out Of The Medical Establishment

Gun registration was always the true objective behind the assault rifle ban. From the day DI Fi laid down her smokescreen I said background checks would be the compromise Democrats were really after. Either John McCain was in on it from the start, or the Democrats suckered him.

Also notice that Hussein’s media is 100 percent behind background checks. I’ve even heard Big Mouth Bill O’Reilly and few others on “fair & balanced” FOX call for background checks in no uncertain terms.

Frankly, I think McCain is a bitter man trying to get even with the American people for choosing a Chicago sewer rat over him. He has a legitimate beef. The public preferring a sewer rat over a man whose heroism was outstanding would make most men bitter, although not bitter enough to help Democrats disarm law-abiding Americans. McCain does not appear to know he is doing the dirty work for the very people who brought defeat to their own country in Vietnam while he was rotting away in a prisoner of war camp.

I also said this in the aforementioned thread:

Americans still have time to make inroads into the government’s grip on America’s major cities. I’m convinced liberty-loving Americans still outnumber the parasites in every major city except Washington, D.C. With any kind of effort the parasite class’ predictable revolution can be nipped in the bud so long as Americans do not make the mistake of appealing to the federal government for help.

Bottom line: The federal government must revolt against the American people in order to implement the final phase of their totalitarian government; a tyrannical government on par with China, North Korea, Cuba and so on. With that in mind Washington, D.C. should be identified as Fort Parasite because it will surely be the parasite class’ impregnable stronghold once it is surrounded by government forces. Conservatives shouldn’t despair. Bunkers may be impregnable but they are easy to isolate.

Parenthetically, nothing changes in traditional warfare. You might say that every state capital will become outlying forts; Fort Albany, Fort Springfield, Fort Sacramento, etc.

Finally, I want to change my opinion on one thing. In the past I suggested that the records of law-abiding citizens be expunged after they pass a background check. When I said that I was being as naive as the Republicans I accuse of being naive for believing anything Democrats say. There is not a snowball’s chance in hell Democrats, or the government on any level, will erase the knowledge of a single gun’s location let alone the whereabouts of a million guns.

Unless they rewrite the Constitution, Flanders, there is no reason for any american to agree to a universal background check or any other type of "check" because that is a violation of our rights. Gun registration is what Hitler did right before he told the citizens of Germany and Austria ( not just Jews but ALL citizens ) to turn in all their weapons or face capitol punishment. ( death sentence ) So the citizens trusted Hitler and everyone turned their guns in. We see how that went. ( google Kitty Werthmann story on How Hitler confiscated all firearms in 1945 right after forced registration. This is why SALON left wing rag is trying so hard to rewrite history claiming Hitler "only took guns from the Jews"...... actually their arguement gave me the creeps as I realised that outfits such as SALON would probably be the very type people to run propaganda for Hitler knowing full well the anti semitic and anti christian hatred it produces ( just as they are doing for Obama admin today it appears ) and not give it a second thought. Mindless puppets that go along with whatever the Commie in chief says because they checked their brains at the door when they joined him in destroying America. - Jeremilah
Jeremiah -

Mindless puppets that go along with whatever the Commie in chief says because they checked their brains at the door when they joined him in destroying America

If you are going to post things like, you should also explain where you left your own brain, because it clearly isn't functioning here.
Unless they rewrite the Constitution, Flanders, there is no reason for any american to agree to a universal background check or any other type of "check" because that is a violation of our rights. Gun registration is what Hitler did right before he told the citizens of Germany and Austria ( not just Jews but ALL citizens ) to turn in all their weapons or face capitol punishment. ( death sentence ) So the citizens trusted Hitler and everyone turned their guns in. We see how that went. ( google Kitty Werthmann story on How Hitler confiscated all firearms in 1945 right after forced registration. This is why SALON left wing rag is trying so hard to rewrite history claiming Hitler "only took guns from the Jews"...... actually their arguement gave me the creeps as I realised that outfits such as SALON would probably be the very type people to run propaganda for Hitler knowing full well the anti semitic and anti christian hatred it produces ( just as they are doing for Obama admin today it appears ) and not give it a second thought. Mindless puppets that go along with whatever the Commie in chief says because they checked their brains at the door when they joined him in destroying America. - Jeremilah

Jeremiah, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to derail teh crazee thread, not egg teh loony on.
Unless they rewrite the Constitution, Flanders, there is no reason for any american to agree to a universal background check or any other type of "check" because that is a violation of our rights. Gun registration is what Hitler did right before he told the citizens of Germany and Austria ( not just Jews but ALL citizens ) to turn in all their weapons or face capitol punishment. ( death sentence ) So the citizens trusted Hitler and everyone turned their guns in. We see how that went. ( google Kitty Werthmann story on How Hitler confiscated all firearms in 1945 right after forced registration. This is why SALON left wing rag is trying so hard to rewrite history claiming Hitler "only took guns from the Jews"...... actually their arguement gave me the creeps as I realised that outfits such as SALON would probably be the very type people to run propaganda for Hitler knowing full well the anti semitic and anti christian hatred it produces ( just as they are doing for Obama admin today it appears ) and not give it a second thought. Mindless puppets that go along with whatever the Commie in chief says because they checked their brains at the door when they joined him in destroying America. - Jeremilah

Jeremiah, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to derail teh crazee thread, not egg teh loony on.

I'm praying for you, Grandma. Because your problem is moral insanity. You are racing towards hell at 200 mph as if it were heaven with no sign of turning around.

You glory in what is shameful and exalt what is shameful as if it is something to be glorified. You condemn the righteous and those who speak right about a matter. You are utterly confused, lost and on your way to hell in a handbasket. You need prayer.

I would like to ask others reading this to also pray for you. To pray that whatever it takes, WHATEVER it takes, that God would do it in order to save your soul from hell. Even if he has to allow you to end up in a wheel chair to wake you up I pray he will do it so that you don't end up able bodied in hell. Whatever it takes. That is my prayer for you and I'll keep praying it until I get the news its done. Keep us updated. - Jeremiah
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