Foster child taken from parents for not teaching homosexuality

This is disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful.

It's the mentality of "agree with me or else."

That is fascistic. They're not allowed to disagree without being punished.
With any luck, the government will take all children from Texas for not teaching evolution.
Try it. PLEASE! :lol: I would LOVE to see that outcome...please be on the front lines...
"They were saying
that we had to be prepared to
talk about sexuality with 11-year-olds, which I don't think is
appropriate anyway, but not
only that, to be prepared to
explain how gay people date.

A fact of life I taught my kids, 11 is not too young....

That's great they were YOUR KIDS. Mine will learn when I want them to not when some government agency or school says so.
With any luck, the government will take all children from Texas for not teaching evolution.
Try it. PLEASE! :lol: I would LOVE to see that outcome...please be on the front lines...
"They were saying
that we had to be prepared to
talk about sexuality with 11-year-olds, which I don't think is
appropriate anyway, but not
only that, to be prepared to
explain how gay people date.

A fact of life I taught my kids, 11 is not too young....

That's great they were YOUR KIDS. Mine will learn when I want them to not when some government agency or school says so.

Don't worry they got gay marrige past, next will be incest. When they get the accepted by a few, they can preverse their own kids and keep it in the family
Leave it to the Brits.....

But also leave it to the holier than thou crowd to turn "tell them that gay partnerships were just as acceptable as heterosexual marriages." becomes "preach(ing) the benefits of homosexuality".
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So this couple fosters children and thinks they can teach them to hate? Sorry. Rules are rules, and they refuse to follow them.

Yes, when fascism runs the show from a deviant sexual cult, your state will find that gay marriage isn't as benign as you thought. Once the cult forces its value system in the marital halls, its next stop is schools [see California's indoctrinization laws]. Then it's right into the parental relationship with their child.

Of course, it stands to reason that if an adopted child can be removed from a home that won't promote anal sex [death by HIV at an accelerated risk rate], then natural born children to those parents are next. The Lavender Nazis mean business. And you WILL conform. There will be door to door checks, neighbors encouraged to rat out non-conforming parents. Enforcement of LGBT cult values will replace the christian mandate in Jude 1 to actively repel them.

Nevermind that these people's religious faith requires them to actively resist the cult of LGBT values taking over their culture. Their chiildren will be taken from them if they don't agree to turn their backs on their faith's core values.

Welcome to upside-down world. And the cult said the slippery slope wasn't real.

Gasp! It's the attack of the (Crack smokin) Killer Gay Fascist Socialist Nazi Muslims ready to force you to have anal sex with children!

[ame=]The Alan Parsons Project- Psychobabble - YouTube[/ame]
So this couple fosters children and thinks they can teach them to hate? Sorry. Rules are rules, and they refuse to follow them.

So only pagans or secularists may adopt or foster children, orthodox Christians need not apply? Multiculturalism: the statist's religion and the religion of the state, eh?
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Foster child to be taken away because Christian couple refuse to teach him about homosexuality | Mail Online

More of them tolerant I said. End game is to force indoctrination into MILLIONS of children who know no better and to kidnap the ones from the parents who fight back.

Love how often you guys use foreign media to make hay. Did you think no one would wonder 'where'd this happen?'

This is a British source about a British story - but liberal's a liberal to stupid people I guess. Doesn't matter if English liberals are a darn sight different than American versions. "The word's the same so it must be the same." Moron.

Uh-huh. As if the OP concealed that fact, as if this sort of thing isn't precisely what American leftists are striving to impose in violation of the First Amendment here in America.
If the powers that be already knew about the beliefs that the couple has, why were they given a child at all then?

God bless you and them always!!!

How about gay couples be allowed to adopt and raise children, and Christians be allowed to adopt and raise children?
So this couple fosters children and thinks they can teach them to hate? Sorry. Rules are rules, and they refuse to follow them.

What hate is he teaching? Please wipe the foam from your mouth before answering, thanks......
Its not about what THEY believe. They are not the parents, they are merely babysitters.

Such a hater aren't you. So when gay couples adopt this is what you think of them.

Nice strawman. Keep to the topic which is: the cult of LGBT forcing indoctrinization on young minds by the forced compliance of their guardians.

Can you not understand that I just shot down the whole gay marriage thing using that person's words, which, ultimately supports not forcing indoctrinization on young minds.
Such a hater aren't you. So when gay couples adopt this is what you think of them.

Nice strawman. Keep to the topic which is: the cult of LGBT forcing indoctrinization on young minds by the forced compliance of their guardians.

Can you not understand that I just shot down the whole gay marriage thing using that person's words, which, ultimately supports not forcing indoctrinization on young minds.

My bad?

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