Founder of “Protect Our Kids First” arrested for allegedly downloading child sex abuse material


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021

Founder of “Protect Our Kids First” arrested for allegedly downloading child sex abuse material​

Meanwhile, right-wingers continually accuse LGBTQ+ people, drag performers, and their allies of being "pedophiles" and "groomers."
By Daniel Villarreal Saturday, April 8, 2023


Michael DolcePhoto: YouTube screenshot

Michael Dolce, a 53-year-old lawyer known for representing child sexual abuse survivors, was recently arrested by FBI agents at his West Palm Beach, Florida home. Dolce, who founded a group called Protect Our Kids First Inc., was allegedly laying in his bed and downloading sexually explicit images of children when agents broke down his front door.
According to an FBI affidavit, after Dolce’s March 15 arrest, agents found 1,997 images and five videos of child pornography on his computer. The images were of male and female children ages five to 12, including several of a prepubescent girl in a subfolder titled “Sweet Pedo Stars.” Dolce could receive a minimum of 20 years in prison if found guilty of possessing child pornography.

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Even worse, he was an elementary school librarian – and had a “child-sized doll” in his bed when police searched his apartment.
It’s unclear why the FBI was monitoring Dulce and whether he had any anti-LGBTQ+ views. However, he is one of the countless cisgender men who have been arrested for child pornography while right-wingers continually accuse LGBTQ+ people, drag performers, and their allies of being “pedophiles” and “groomers.”

These are truly evil and sick people. I'd keep my kid and I encourage everyone to keep theirs away from such people and always keep their eyes on anyone that accuses people of grooming our kids. These people are disgusting filth.
Meanwhile, right-wingers continually accuse LGBTQ+ people, drag performers, and their allies of being "pedophiles" and "groomers."

They •ARE• pedophiles and groomers.

That you can occasionally find a childfucker on our side does not, in any way, excuse your open support for all the childfuckers that openly are on your own side.

Assuming the story is true (highly dubious, given that it comes from an openly pro-faggot site), then Mr. Dolce's career is over, and any useful part of his life is over. Nobody on our side will stand with him, if he's really guilty, the way that those on your side staunchly stand with your side's childfuckers.

Your side needs to worry more about the beam in your own eye than about the mote in ours.
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Founder of “Protect Our Kids First” arrested for allegedly downloading child sex abuse material​

Meanwhile, right-wingers continually accuse LGBTQ+ people, drag performers, and their allies of being "pedophiles" and "groomers."
By Daniel Villarreal Saturday, April 8, 2023

These are truly evil and sick people. I'd keep my kid and I encourage everyone to keep theirs away from such people and always keep their eyes on anyone that accuses people of grooming our kids. These people are disgusting filth.
Of course what he did was bad

The toxic liberal culture that creates lib groomers can also affect people on the other side

Its called sin

we have been battling it since Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden

And it temps everyone to one extent or another
Meanwhile, right-wingers continually accuse LGBTQ+ people, drag performers, and their allies of being "pedophiles" and "groomers
Because they are. Simple as that.

All the freaks in our country should be deported to Afghanistan. Start a wonderful life there then continue to complain about oppression in the US.

Fucking morons

Founder of “Protect Our Kids First” arrested for allegedly downloading child sex abuse material​

Meanwhile, right-wingers continually accuse LGBTQ+ people, drag performers, and their allies of being "pedophiles" and "groomers."
By Daniel Villarreal Saturday, April 8, 2023

These are truly evil and sick people. I'd keep my kid and I encourage everyone to keep theirs away from such people and always keep their eyes on anyone that accuses people of grooming our kids. These people are disgusting filth.
Supposing this is true, the right banshes and convicts these scum when found in their ranks....Your team celebrates and lionizes them.

Founder of “Protect Our Kids First” arrested for allegedly downloading child sex abuse material​

Meanwhile, right-wingers continually accuse LGBTQ+ people, drag performers, and their allies of being "pedophiles" and "groomers."
By Daniel Villarreal Saturday, April 8, 2023

These are truly evil and sick people. I'd keep my kid and I encourage everyone to keep theirs away from such people and always keep their eyes on anyone that accuses people of grooming our kids. These people are disgusting filth.
Okay, so some scum lawyer is a pedo. What does this have to do with “the right”?
Oops....end thread Roflmao

Founder of “Protect Our Kids First” arrested for allegedly downloading child sex abuse material​

Meanwhile, right-wingers continually accuse LGBTQ+ people, drag performers, and their allies of being "pedophiles" and "groomers."
By Daniel Villarreal Saturday, April 8, 2023

These are truly evil and sick people. I'd keep my kid and I encourage everyone to keep theirs away from such people and always keep their eyes on anyone that accuses people of grooming our kids. These people are disgusting filth.

Oops, he's one of yours

Who could have thought that people who think constantly about child sex and the condition of children's genitals, AKA the GOP's fundie Christians, can't be trusted with children? Who knew? :dunno:

Biden is vetting him to replace Kamala because "we have soooooo much in common"
So, a democrat Groomer pretending to help kids. The oddest thing is that the FBI went after him

That's what confused me about the story. You'd think the guy was a Republican

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