Zone1 Four Beliefs of Christian Doctrine - What If Any are Taken Away?

certain beliefs, liberation theology, self determination are what jesus taught - ram gona be seriously in a bad way at the gates of the everlasting
He taught just the opposite:
Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me".

Jesus was all about loving others. He washed feet.
Hollywood and Washington DC are examples of loving self. They hold banquets and give themselves little golden calves as prizes.
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certain beliefs, liberation theology, self determination are what jesus taught - ram gona be seriously in a bad way at the gates of the everlasting.
“If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me".

never spoken by jesus ...

what cross would that be ram, the cross the jews put on jesus's back their false religion of servitude and denial ...

you are terribly lost they gave their life for liberation, self determination as a&e to find their own way to the everlasting to triumph over evil that prevails as it will of its own accord.
But they do match the Bible's limitless truth:

Isaiah 52:14 But many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.

Isaiah 52:14 isn't about Jesus.
Christian doctrine seems to include the following beliefs:
1. Jesus was God in human form (immaculate conception);
2. Jesus performed miracles;
3. Jesus was God's blood sacrifice for our sins; and
4. Jesus physically arose from the dead.

My question is whether someone must accept all of these beliefs in order to be a Christian. What if Jesus was not immaculately conceived? What if He did not perform miracles? What if God did not demand His blood sacrifice? What if He did not physically arise from the dead?

I have always considered myself to be a Christian, but I have serious doubts as to the literal application of these beliefs. For example, how could Jesus be a man if he didn't possess X Chromosomes? From the Creator of the Universe, miracles seem like cheap card tricks. Did the New Testament God of Love really demand a human sacrifice? How would a human body physically ascend to Heaven?

Are all of these beliefs necessary to accept the authority of Christ's teachings?
God is not bound by our physical laws
But they do match the Bible's limitless truth:

Isaiah 52:14 But many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.
The Jews had suffered in exile.

The word used for “virgin” in Isaiah 7:14 is the Hebrew word alma. This word refers to a young woman, a maid, or a newly married woman. Though young women were usually virgins (if unmarried), this Hebrew word didn’t refer specifically to a virgin (someone who hasn’t had sex). That word is betula, and it’s frequently used in the Old Testament (Gen. 24:16, Deut. 22:19, Est. 2:2).[1]

The Isaiah 7:14 sign given to Ahaz wasn’t about a miraculous virgin birth. It was about the name of a child soon to be born, which signified the war would be over.
God is not confined to the laws of natural world because he is not confined in a BODY.

physiology is the creation of the natural world and such implies their combination has a physical level all those in the heavens would posses and the spiritual a level above the physical.

so the heaves is the natural world if not confined too are a necessity for all existence greater than the elements.
Nobody can take away your belief in God.
Isaiah 52:14 is referring to a single male.

Israel had suffered during the Babylonian exile.

God calls Israel his son and his servant. Read all of Isaiah straight through.

14 Many people were shocked when they saw him; he was so disfigured that he hardly looked human. 14 Many will be shocked by him.
Not really interested in founding my own personal religion for a god that I have no reason to believe exists. So far, you have put forward only catch phrases commonly used in Christianity, but you can't or won't give hard examples of what those phrases mean. If you have rational reason to believe in any god, even if it is not the Christian god, please present it.
Pretty much every religion on the planet accepts that Christ came from God.

Why do you think that is?

There is really no one else like him.
God is not confined to the laws of natural world because he is not confined in a BODY.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected into an immortal body of flesh and bones to never die again. The life of our mortal body is said to be in the blood, however, the life of a resurrected body is said to be in the spirit. Jesus Christ has brought upon all of us the resurrection of the dead and we are to live forever in resurrected bodies of flesh and bones. So I don't think that having a body is necessarily only a law of this mortal world. That which gives our bodies life, however, is different. We will no longer have blood as immortals but the life of our immortal bodies will be the spirit. Our bodies here are subject to entropy and decay and grow old and die. Our immortal bodies will not be subject to entropy and will live forever in immortality
Pretty much every religion on the planet accepts that Christ came from God.

no, those in fact are only 4th century christians that believe that and without unanimous consent throughout their entire history,
Is God bound by His own laws?
Logically, God is bound by God's nature. It would be illogical to believe God could oppose Himself. A consequence of such is that God never destroys what God creates. All spirits live on. Either being eternally united or eternally separated from God. But living on nonetheless. Choose wisely.
Logically, God is bound by God's nature. It would be illogical to believe God could oppose Himself.
Didn't God create Satan?
A consequence of such is that God never destroys what God creates.
Why not? Is this a limitation on God's power?
All spirits live on.
Are you referring to human souls? Did they exist at the moment of creation?
Either being eternally united or eternally separated from God.
When was this decided?
But living on nonetheless.
Why don't spirits/souls conform to God's natural laws?
Choose wisely.
I'm trying.:)

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