Four big things wrong with the Obama Dream Act Amnesty


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
1. Big problem is it's unconstitutional. The C says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed" and here is obozo telling millions of criminal invaders he's gonna ignore laws passed by congress and let them stay here.

2. It's an insult to the 25 million unemployed americans for Obozo to give amnesty AND WORK PERMITS (!!!) to millions of people that aren't even allowed to be here.

3. There will be no investigation of the applicants. They will simply say they meet the standards and the govt will take their word. Obozo says 800,000 illegals will participate but it will be ten times that.

4. It's a pack of lies. How can you call a 30 year old person a "kid". The press should crucify Obozo for such a brazen lie but, as always, they give the black president a pass they would never give a white one.
Obama never said he would ignore the laws, just that he would use the limited resources of the executive branch to go after the worst of illegals. If you think that is bad perhaps you should not vote for an asshole who thins law enforcement needs to be cut because there are just too many police officers. It is true that our law enforcement community has been cut and cut again, and if you do not have the police to catch all the criminals then you should focus on the real bad guys and not the ones crossing the border to pic fruit.
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Obama never said he would ignore the laws, just that he would use the limited resources of the executive branch to go after the worst of illegals. .

The worst of illegals??? So why did O refuse to deport his uncle after he was found guilty of DUI?
1. Big problem is it's unconstitutional. The C says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed" and here is obozo telling millions of criminal invaders he's gonna ignore laws passed by congress and let them stay here.

2. It's an insult to the 25 million unemployed americans for Obozo to give amnesty AND WORK PERMITS (!!!) to millions of people that aren't even allowed to be here.

3. There will be no investigation of the applicants. They will simply say they meet the standards and the govt will take their word. Obozo says 800,000 illegals will participate but it will be ten times that.

4. It's a pack of lies. How can you call a 30 year old person a "kid". The press should crucify Obozo for such a brazen lie but, as always, they give the black president a pass they would never give a white one.

I agree with #2 being an issue. Anyone under the age of 30 who is a legal immigrant or legal citizen has basically just been screwed over by obama making millions if low wage workers now legal

I also see what you say in #3. What is to stop a 22 year old citizen of another country from coming here and then claiming their parents brought them here at the age of 14?

I disagree with your whole Obozo attitude and the fact that you felt the need to comment on his race, as if his race matters at all, but I do concede those points you make as being legitimate
Contrary to current Obama Administration non-enforcement policy as to young illegal immigrants, "Here through no fault of their own", the younger illegal immigrants should be priority targeted for deportation. Why? Because their parents will either voluntarily go back with them to the country of origin, OR, this is a really good way to identify the parents who need deportation.

There has been much angst about "anchor babies," i.e., children of illegal immigrants born on U.S. soil, who by virtue of being born on U.S. soil, are automatically U.S. citizens. The younger illegal immigrants could in effect become "pull up anchor babies," encouraging their parents to return to the country of origin.

Lastly, "fault" is not the issue. There are two elements to the immigration question: (1) presence in the United States; (2) legal permission to be in the United States, or not. The Obama approach is going in the direction of saying that children NOT born on U.S. soil should be allowed to adjust status and become citizens, because their parents were clever enough to jump the border.
no one is getting amnesty, they will get work permits

We are merely parsing words if we argue about "amnesty". If illegal immigrants get work permits, that is one more step towards permanent presence. I enjoy L.A. Times articles about people who graduated with advanced degrees from UCLA and now can't work because they are illegal immigrants. Which begs the question: why were they admitted to UCLA in the first place, to the exclusion of a citizen applicant?
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[ I enjoy L.A. Times articles about people who graduated with advanced degrees from UCLA and now can't work because they are illegal immigrants. Which begs the question: why were they admitted to UCLA in the first place, to the exclusion of a citizen applicant?

Yes indeed. Why do we let people that aren't allowed to be here use our colleges?. And why do we give FREE k-12 to millions of illegal kids that also aren't allowed to be here.?

The way we coddle illegal invaders has made america the laughingstock of the world.

I disagree with your whole Obozo attitude and the fact that you felt the need to comment on his race, as if his race matters at all, but I do concede those points you make as being legitimate

Then you haven't been paying attention. With obozo, everything is about race. His father taught him that whites are the devil and he believes it and he's acting on that belief.
[ I enjoy L.A. Times articles about people who graduated with advanced degrees from UCLA and now can't work because they are illegal immigrants. Which begs the question: why were they admitted to UCLA in the first place, to the exclusion of a citizen applicant?

Yes indeed. Why do we let people that aren't allowed to be here use our colleges?. And why do we give FREE k-12 to millions of illegal kids that also aren't allowed to be here.?

The way we coddle illegal invaders has made america the laughingstock of the world.

As to the free K-12, our Supreme Court, in its infinite wisdom, decided back in the 70's that we could not charge tuition to illegal aliens.

As to the University of California system (at one of which campuses I attended and graduated), this is taxpayer supported by the people of the State of California. I have seen arguments that the Founders of the University of California wanted to promote "diversity". I researched the remarks of State Senator Dwinelle, and his point was that he wanted no discrimination as between Northern California residents and Southern California residents, as to admission (there was at the time only to be one campus, at Berkeley). There was certainly no contemplation that illegal immigrants would be students at the University of California.

I happen to think that any Admissions person who has knowingly admitted an illegal alien into the University system has committed Fraud, and should be separated from their employment.
As to the free K-12, our Supreme Court, in its infinite wisdom, decided back in the 70's that we could not charge tuition to illegal aliens.


Actually it was 1982 in the notorious case of plyler v doe when the SC decreed that the constitution demands american taxpayers provide free k-12 for people that aren't even allowed to be in the country!! Needless to say the constitution never mentions education for anyone let alone illegals. The judges took their bribes and screwed the american people yet again.
This issue is now dead, and the far right extremists will not renew the power they once because of it for five reasons.

1. The executive order is constitutional because it brings equity to a terrible mess.

2. The great majority of the 25mm people won't take the available jobs out there, so this is a good way to reward American businesses.

3. The applicants will be investigated and must provide documents and attestations to the truthfulness of the statements.

4. Younger America under forty supports this overwhelmingly and are telling the older nativists "no, we are not going to put up with your hatred, racism, and nativism anymore. Your bad old ways are not America's ways."

5. Romney will not overturn the order but will present on his third day in office a greatly expanded immigration reform bill and tell his party "accept it" or he will go to the Democrats.
I did not say "are", I said to "the older nativists 'no, we are not going to put up with your hatred, racism, and nativism anymore. Your bad old ways are not America's ways.'"

Either get on board or be a RINO on the far right, kid.

Romney is a guy you centrist and conservative Dems can easily vote for. The TGG's are losing their punch every day in every way. We don't want their nonsense.
I did not say "are", I said to "the older nativists 'no, we are not going to put up with your hatred, racism, and nativism anymore. Your bad old ways are not America's ways.'"

Either get on board or be a RINO on the far right, kid.

Romney is a guy you centrist and conservative Dems can easily vote for. The TGG's are losing their punch every day in every way. We don't want their nonsense.

Your twisting, oversimplifying and rigging is amusing.
Amusing that you are projecting your inadquacy on me of your "twisting, oversimplifying and rigging".

Romney don't need on his side no stinkin' nativists, racists, or haters. The bad old ways are gone for good in the Republican Party. This candidate won't stand for them.
Unky, having been corrected, now just whines. OK, I can deal with it.

The party wants the Dem centrist and conservative crossovers to the GOP, much more than the debbie downer flakes and harry hacks of the extremist right. This will make for a healthier Republican Party by far for the future of America.
Do you even realize that you have taken to repeating yourself, Rainman style, over and over no matter what the thread or the topic? You seriously seem to have come unglued.

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