Four years ago today


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Tomorrow, actually.

Late in the year on Christmas Eve, statistically the day when the fewest American were watching, the Senate rushed the Obamacare act through and distributed enough bribes, promises and exemptions to get every available Democrat to vote for it, breaking a Republican filibuster.

Since that time, millions of Americans have found their insurance plans cancelled by the legislation (with tens of millions more to follow as businesses face an oncoming deadline to conform with the Obamacare rules and restrictions), only to find hugely increased premiums and out-of-pocket costs in the plans the Democrats require them to accept.

Most GOP predictions and warnings have come true; while increasing number of Democrats are begging the President to shield them from the results of their vote in the coming elections.


Senate approves health care reform bill -

Senate approves health care reform bill

by Alan Silverleib, CNN
December 24, 2009 1:01 p.m. EST

Washington (CNN) -- The Senate passed a historic $871 billion health care reform bill Thursday morning, handing President Obama a Christmas Eve victory on his top domestic priority.

The bill passed in a 60-39 party line vote after months of heated partisan debate. Every member of the Democratic caucus backed the measure; every Republican opposed it.

It is expected to extend insurance coverage to 30 million additional Americans.

"We are now finally poised to deliver on the promise of real, meaningful health insurance reform that will bring additional security and stability to the American people," Obama said shortly after the vote.

GOP leaders have repeatedly warned the measure will raise taxes while doing little to slow spiraling health costs.
Tomorrow, actually.

Late in the year on Christmas Eve, statistically the day when the fewest American were watching, the Senate rushed the Obamacare act through and distributed enough bribes, promises and exemptions to get every available Democrat to vote for it, breaking a Republican filibuster.

Since that time, millions of Americans have found their insurance plans cancelled by the legislation (with tens of millions more to follow as businesses face an oncoming deadline to conform with the Obamacare rules and restrictions), only to find hugely increased premiums and out-of-pocket costs in the plans the Democrats require them to accept.

Most GOP predictions and warnings have come true; while increasing number of Democrats are begging the President to shield them from the results of their vote in the coming elections.


Senate approves health care reform bill -

Senate approves health care reform bill

by Alan Silverleib, CNN
December 24, 2009 1:01 p.m. EST

Washington (CNN) -- The Senate passed a historic $871 billion health care reform bill Thursday morning, handing President Obama a Christmas Eve victory on his top domestic priority.

The bill passed in a 60-39 party line vote after months of heated partisan debate. Every member of the Democratic caucus backed the measure; every Republican opposed it.

It is expected to extend insurance coverage to 30 million additional Americans.

"We are now finally poised to deliver on the promise of real, meaningful health insurance reform that will bring additional security and stability to the American people," Obama said shortly after the vote.

GOP leaders have repeatedly warned the measure will raise taxes while doing little to slow spiraling health costs.

Pelosi aide says Dems have a legislative "trick" to pass Obamacare; So why have a summit?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's senior health care advisor has told Congress Daily that congressional Democratic leaders have settled on a strategy they believe will allow them to make changes in both Senate and House Obamacare bills, then send a single, revised version to President Obama for signature.

Congress Daily is a subscription-only publication, but has these details:

"In comments reported by Congress Daily, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s top health care aide Wendell Primus admitted top Democrats have already decided on the strategy to pass the Senate's pro-abortion, government-run health care bill.

"Primus explained that the Senate will use the controversial reconciliation strategy that will have the House approve the Senate bill and both the House and Senate okaying changes to the bill that the Senate will sign off on by preventing Republicans from filibustering.

“'The trick in all of this is that the president would have to sign the Senate bill first, then the reconciliation bill second, and the reconciliation bill would trump the Senate bill,' Primus said at the National Health Policy Conference hosted by Academy Health and Health Affairs.

“'There's a certain skill, there's a trick, but I think we'll get it done,' he said."

The comments from Primus raise an obvious question: Since it is inconveible that Democratic congressional leaders are moving in this direction without the knowledge of the White House, why call a health care summit and challenge congressional Republicans to come with their best ideas when the plan is already in place to use legislative trickery to pass Obamacare?

The most logical answer would seem to be that the summit is part and parcel of a White House/congressional Democratic strategy to distract attention from what is about to happen on the Hill. It's the classic magician's trick of distracting you with the left hand while the right hand does the "trick."

Pelosi aide says Dems have a legislative "trick" to pass Obamacare; So why have a summit?
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The only remaining question is: How, exactly, will Republicans be blamed?
Then he won reelection a little more than a year ago despite the "outrage" from blue hairs who miss the 1950s.
Bug eyes Pelosi "We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it."

Sounds like some white elephant gift.
Shitbag, he only won because he fucking lied, people like you are stupid and they delayed obamacare by a year.

Then he won reelection a little more than a year ago despite the "outrage" from blue hairs who miss the 1950s.
Then he won reelection a little more than a year ago despite the "outrage" from blue hairs who miss the 1950s.

Yup. A guy who had signed govt socialized medicine into law, ran against another guy who signed govt socialized medicine into law.

The big-govt socialists came out and voted, and lots of conservatives stayed home.

Bug eyes Pelosi "We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it."

Sounds like some white elephant gift.
And now that we know what's in it, it sounds even more like a white elephant gift... except we have to pay for it.
871 Billion Dollar Healthcare bill?

Another Lie.

Wonder what the real tab will be? And could they have gotten even some Democrats, whores that they are, if they had told the truth about the cost?

They haven't even counted up the huge sum they are going to have to use to bail-out the insurances companies for next year because the Young People aren't as stupid as the figured on.

One day our children or grandchildren are going to be asking us why we didn't indict the whole bunch.

And all we are going to have is:

"Well, Eric Holder was the Attorney General."
871 Billion Dollar Healthcare bill?

Another Lie.

Wonder what the real tab will be? And could they have gotten even some Democrats, whores that they are, if they had told the truth about the cost?

They haven't even counted up the huge sum they are going to have to use to bail-out the insurances companies for next year because the Young People aren't as stupid as the figured on.

One day our children or grandchildren are going to be asking us why we didn't indict the whole bunch.

And all we are going to have is:

"Well, Eric Holder was the Attorney General."
And, "What difference does it make at this point???"

(Which translates to, "Well, we got away with it, so you're out of luck.")
Shitbag, he only won because he fucking lied, people like you are stupid and they delayed obamacare by a year.

Then he won reelection a little more than a year ago despite the "outrage" from blue hairs who miss the 1950s.

He didn't win because he lied.

Obama won, twice, because George Dumbya Bushtard, The Cross Eyed War Monkey, was such a bad President that most Americans voters were not ready to return another member of the GOP to the White House.

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