Fourth Georgia Hospital Closes Because of Obamacare


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Washington Free Beacon by Washington Free Beacon Staff

A Georgia hospital is being forced to permanently close due to the sky-high costs of Obamacare.

CEO of the Lower Oconee Community Hospital in Glenwood, GA, told the Albany Herald that the hospital cannot continue to run because of the effects of Obamacare’s “payment cuts” for emergency services.

The hospital is located in Wheeler County, a rural area where 23 percent of its population is uninsured. It is the fourth Georgia hospital forced to close because of Obamacare.

How's all that Hope and Change going for ya? Read more of what will be one of many stories @ Fourth Georgia Hospital Closes Because of Obamacare | Washington Free Beacon
A Georgia hospital is being forced to permanently close due to the sky-high costs of Obamacare.
Good heavens! When are they going to smart up and repeal it already? It's already done irreversible damage.

This is not even considering the millions who had their health plans cancelled last year, and how many of those are still uninsured. The cost of new premiums for many of us who had our health plans cancelled is just outrageous, that it is far better to pay out of pocket for routine check-ups, and pay the penalty for not signing up for obamacare. It's just a matter of waiting it out. Once obamacare is repealed, then we go back to our old premiums. Of course it is expected that there will be a transition period at first.
Watch how this story falls apart as folks start to check it out.
silence on the Leftist Front

in unison with the crickets chirping in Freedmen's Town

where Democrats allowed a developer to buy and tear down a historic county hospital
in this registered national historic district (to bypass federal preservation laws)
at a loss to taxpayers, then flip the land to the Federal Reserve for a profit.

While American General insurance nearby pushed the City of Houston, led by Democrats, to demolish the remaining historic district in order to develop the land for profit. The same insurance company that got a huge bailout from the feds in DC.

any plans for sustainable health care
censored and overrun with whatever pays for political favor to get and stay in office

All at taxpayers expense (plus millions if not billions in campaign
donations that are also taken away from communities without funds to rebuild)
Watch how this story falls apart as folks start to check it out.

Dear Camp:
if you notice another disturbing difference
NO ONE I know supporting ACA has offered to pay for these costs of complications

But ALL the people opposed to ACA who believe in free market solutions
are the ones who WILL have to pay for this.

As from the beginning, the work to provide health care has to come from
people providing the services. I don't see any ACA supporters of that,
only pushing to pay "insurance companies" which don't provide facilities, training
or services of any doctors or nurses or health care providers.

The people I know who help the poor with medical services
plus are now required to pay for insurance and watch their
donors shrink who have to pay for mandates instead of
investing directly into low cost health care.

If your job is to "sit around and watch arguments fall apart"
what about all the people scrambling to keep providing
health care to people not covered, while millions are wasted fighting over ACA
and its unforeseen consequences.

One of my friends was close to having a stroke and dying at any moment,
while he can't get insurance or help through this ACA.

of the 130 million in advertising spent on ACA, or the
24 billion estimated cost of the govt shutdown over ACA,
why not invest funds into emergency care until better systems are set up?

I see Democrats raising millions for their own campaigns.
Where is the money to pay for health care if that is the goal?

if this mandate is such a good idea, why not set it up through
the Democrat Party and have 100% participation if everyone agrees it is good?

If not, if supporters don't even believe in it enough to pay for it themselves,
what gives you the right to force opponents to pay into it,
if you are not even convinced it is worth YOUR investment to cover the costs?
Watch how this story falls apart as folks start to check it out.

"Falls apart" starts here ☞ Obamacare? - Yer kidding, right? Georgia Governor Deal and the Georgia legislature turned down the Medicaid expansion.

Albany Herald: "Georgia’s spending per capita on Medicaid is among the lowest of the 50 states, Lewis noted.

Another possibility is Medicaid expansion, which would help rural hospitals by turning many of their uninsured patients into paying patients. The federal Affordable Care Act calls for expansion, providing subsidies for it, but the decision is up to the individual states."
Washington Free Beacon by Washington Free Beacon Staff

A Georgia hospital is being forced to permanently close due to the sky-high costs of Obamacare.

CEO of the Lower Oconee Community Hospital in Glenwood, GA, told the Albany Herald that the hospital cannot continue to run because of the effects of Obamacare’s “payment cuts” for emergency services.

The hospital is located in Wheeler County, a rural area where 23 percent of its population is uninsured. It is the fourth Georgia hospital forced to close because of Obamacare.

How's all that Hope and Change going for ya? Read more of what will be one of many stories @ Fourth Georgia Hospital Closes Because of Obamacare | Washington Free Beacon

it has nothing to do with the ACA.

lol… have to love the rightwingnut blogosphere.
Private for profit hospitals whose business has been largely based on servicing medicaid patients are facing difficulties as restrictions of how much they can charge for various medical procedures have gone into effect. Profiteering off government subsidized health care cost is becoming a tough way to make a living. The proiteers are being chased out of the system.
Watch how this story falls apart as folks start to check it out.

"Falls apart" starts here ☞ Obamacare? - Yer kidding, right? Georgia Governor Deal and the Georgia legislature turned down the Medicaid expansion.

Albany Herald: "Georgia’s spending per capita on Medicaid is among the lowest of the 50 states, Lewis noted.

Another possibility is Medicaid expansion, which would help rural hospitals by turning many of their uninsured patients into paying patients. The federal Affordable Care Act calls for expansion, providing subsidies for it, but the decision is up to the individual states."

Dear Star: Good luck trying to sort out which things were or weren't caused by Obamacare.

I guess that is like trying to figure out how many abortions occurred
because abortion was legalized; and how many abortions "occurred anyway."

We also don't know how many botched or dangerous abortions might have been prevented by legalizing abortion; and we don't know how much of the benefits of ACA could have been achieved "another way" by voluntary compliance and free choice of health care systems.

Once you impose such a system globally, instead of testing it out first in a closed model,
we can no longer tell what changes or problems are coming from where.

Regardless of what works or doesn't, the principle of free choice remains. If you believe people have a right to health care, you pay for that, nothing is stopping you; if you believe that people have free choice in health care, you have equal freedom to pursue that without fines penalties or other mandates by federal govt you didn't vote on and choose to opt into.

both sets of beliefs are equal under law by the First and Fourteenth Amendment.
So regardless which works better, insurance mandates or free market choice without federal mandates, people have equal free choice and federal govt has no right to impose.

Again the parallel with abortion: you can argue up and down that either natural birth/adoption is healthier and less risky for the woman's health than abortion, or that
abortion is better in some cases where the mother's situation or baby's would lead to abuse, death or other dangers or whatever,

but REGARDLESS what you believe in which case, what is right or wrong or messed up in whatever cases,
the FEDERAL GOVT still has NO AUTHORITY to impose on someone's free choice, because these are faith based beliefs, not proven or freely chosen
except if they remain free for the individual to decide instead of govt. same with health care.

you can be completely right, but if someone does not believe or consent and wants to pay for their own health care another way, you cannot make them buy insurance.
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Private for profit hospitals whose business has been largely based on servicing medicaid patients are facing difficulties as restrictions of how much they can charge for various medical procedures have gone into effect. Profiteering off government subsidized health care cost is becoming a tough way to make a living. The proiteers are being chased out of the system.

Two Chiropractors in my neighborhood have been fined for fabricating between 90K and 95K in Medicaid charges in various Nursing Homes.
They're both Conservatives.
Washington Free Beacon by Washington Free Beacon Staff

A Georgia hospital is being forced to permanently close due to the sky-high costs of Obamacare.

CEO of the Lower Oconee Community Hospital in Glenwood, GA, told the Albany Herald that the hospital cannot continue to run because of the effects of Obamacare’s “payment cuts” for emergency services.

The hospital is located in Wheeler County, a rural area where 23 percent of its population is uninsured. It is the fourth Georgia hospital forced to close because of Obamacare.

How's all that Hope and Change going for ya? Read more of what will be one of many stories @ Fourth Georgia Hospital Closes Because of Obamacare | Washington Free Beacon

You mean he hasn't issued and EO forbidding hospitals from closing, the way he did forbidding businesses to cut workforce? WTF? He's losing it.

Obama has had one of the most successful presidencies in the history of this country. He set out to ruin this country and he has succeeded grandly.

And to think, there were people who actually wanted him to fail. Tsk Tsk.
Oh gee...

let's look:

Lower Oconee Community Hospital in southeast Georgia has closed due to financial problems, becoming the state’s fourth rural hospital to do so in the past two years.

The 25-bed “critical access” hospital in Glenwood, in Wheeler County, is looking to restructure, its CEO said in a statement.

Some of the hospital’s 100 employees have been laid off, CEO Karen O’Neal told a television station recently. “This restructuring is being done to provide sustainable medical services in the Glenwood area.”

The hospital’s owners, she said, are contemplating “some kind of urgent care center.’’

The closing of Lower Oconee reflects the financial struggles facing rural hospitals across Georgia.

Jimmy Lewis of HomeTown Health, an organization of rural hospitals in Georgia, said Thursday that Lower Oconee suffered from high rates of unemployed and uninsured patients, coupled with heavy demands on staff time to handle claims processing from multiple insurance programs.

“It was a very, very bad cash-flow situation,’’ Lewis said.

The Wheeler County area has a 23 percent uninsured rate, and 10 percent of residents are unemployed, according to the County Health Rankings from the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Forty-one percent of the county’s children live in poverty.
Another rural Ga. hospital calls it quits | Local & State |

But, but...OBmaMaCarzzzzzze!!1!!
Watch how this story falls apart as folks start to check it out.

"Falls apart" starts here ☞ Obamacare? - Yer kidding, right? Georgia Governor Deal and the Georgia legislature turned down the Medicaid expansion.

Albany Herald: "Georgia’s spending per capita on Medicaid is among the lowest of the 50 states, Lewis noted.

Another possibility is Medicaid expansion, which would help rural hospitals by turning many of their uninsured patients into paying patients. The federal Affordable Care Act calls for expansion, providing subsidies for it, but the decision is up to the individual states."

Dear Star: Good luck trying to sort out which things were or weren't caused by Obamacare.

I guess that is like trying to figure out how many abortions occurred
because abortion was legalized; and how many abortions "occurred anyway."

We also don't know how many botched or dangerous abortions might have been prevented by legalizing abortion; and we don't know how much of the benefits of ACA could have been achieved "another way" by voluntary compliance and free choice of health care systems.

Once you impose such a system globally, instead of testing it out first in a closed model,
we can no longer tell what changes or problems are coming from where.

Regardless of what works or doesn't, the principle of free choice remains. If you believe people have a right to health care, you pay for that, nothing is stopping you; if you believe that people have free choice in health care, you have equal freedom to pursue that without fines penalties or other mandates by federal govt you didn't vote on and choose to opt into.

both sets of beliefs are equal under law by the First and Fourteenth Amendment.
So regardless which works better, insurance mandates or free market choice without federal mandates, people have equal free choice and federal govt has no right to impose.

Again the parallel with abortion: you can argue up and down that either natural birth/adoption is healthier and less risky for the woman's health than abortion, or that
abortion is better in some cases where the mother's situation or baby's would lead to abuse, death or other dangers or whatever,

but REGARDLESS what you believe in which case, what is right or wrong or messed up in whatever cases,
the FEDERAL GOVT still has NO AUTHORITY to impose on someone's free choice, because these are faith based beliefs, not proven or freely chosen
except if they remain free for the individual to decide instead of govt. same with health care.

you can be completely right, but if someone does not believe or consent and wants to pay for their own health care another way, you cannot make them buy insurance.

But you just said this was caused by ObamaCare.

It wasn't but that won't stop certain posters from piling on. Repeat the same old lies often enough and they become fact.
Oh gee...

let's look:

Lower Oconee Community Hospital in southeast Georgia has closed due to financial problems, becoming the state’s fourth rural hospital to do so in the past two years.

The 25-bed “critical access” hospital in Glenwood, in Wheeler County, is looking to restructure, its CEO said in a statement.

Some of the hospital’s 100 employees have been laid off, CEO Karen O’Neal told a television station recently. “This restructuring is being done to provide sustainable medical services in the Glenwood area.”

The hospital’s owners, she said, are contemplating “some kind of urgent care center.’’

The closing of Lower Oconee reflects the financial struggles facing rural hospitals across Georgia.

Jimmy Lewis of HomeTown Health, an organization of rural hospitals in Georgia, said Thursday that Lower Oconee suffered from high rates of unemployed and uninsured patients, coupled with heavy demands on staff time to handle claims processing from multiple insurance programs.

“It was a very, very bad cash-flow situation,’’ Lewis said.

The Wheeler County area has a 23 percent uninsured rate, and 10 percent of residents are unemployed, according to the County Health Rankings from the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Forty-one percent of the county’s children live in poverty.
Another rural Ga. hospital calls it quits | Local & State |

But, but...OBmaMaCarzzzzzze!!1!!

Oh PUH-leeeze.

This is a Fact-Free-Obama-Bashing-Thread.

Please don't muddy the waters with facts.

;) ;)
Washington Free Beacon by Washington Free Beacon Staff

A Georgia hospital is being forced to permanently close due to the sky-high costs of Obamacare.

CEO of the Lower Oconee Community Hospital in Glenwood, GA, told the Albany Herald that the hospital cannot continue to run because of the effects of Obamacare’s “payment cuts” for emergency services.

The hospital is located in Wheeler County, a rural area where 23 percent of its population is uninsured. It is the fourth Georgia hospital forced to close because of Obamacare.

How's all that Hope and Change going for ya? Read more of what will be one of many stories @ Fourth Georgia Hospital Closes Because of Obamacare | Washington Free Beacon

do these yoyo's here every read their stories ???? if they had Obama care as you are trying to emply here, then why does it say 23% of the population is uninsured ??? could the real reason they are closing is due to that 23% not being insured ... because I don't know about you but most business that lose 23% of their income usually fail ... we do know that all those nasty republicans refused to take Federal dollars for those uninsured people ... you do realize that the article is a tiny bit biased don't you ... when the states that take the federal dollars for people who can't afford health care, they now get health care ... what conclusion would you come to ???? a person who hasn't any health care who can't pay at all or the person who just got put on medicaid and can pay you now ... you tell us with all of your words of wisdom here...

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