Fox/Bill O'Reilly JUST said he supported "My Brothers Keeper" program

I think the Right and the Tea Party are being unreasonable with him. While I believe this initiative is racist and unconstitutional, it will never be seen that way by many others. Thus, if this turns out to help these kids, fine. Make sure that it does. I would want nothing more than for kids of any race to succeed, but hey, I can't always get what I want. Bill O'Reilly is more consistent with his values than the author of this thread or anyone in the Democratic party, including the President.

It is disingenuous for those on the right and in the Tea Party (like me) to attack him if he so much as strays from the expectations we hold of him. Stop it. I am a member of the Tea Party, I implore my fellow Tea Partiers to stop bashing him for not toeing the line. He has a right to advocate what he wishes without being assailed for it.
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I think the Right and the Tea Party are being unreasonable with him. While I believe this initiative is racist and unconstitutional, it will never be seen that way by many others. Thus, if this turns out to help these kids, fine. Make sure that it does. I would want nothing more than for kids of any race to succeed, but hey, I can't always get what I want. Bill O'Reilly is more consistent with his values than the author of this thread or anyone in the Democratic party, including the President.

It is disingenuous for those on the right and in the Tea Party (like me) to attack him if he so much as strays from the expectations we hold of him. Stop it.

huh? who has attack O'reilly?
myself I could care less what he says or agrees with
this thread is for nothing more but shit stirring and should moved into the romper room
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I am a right wing extremist and I happened to watch the presidents comments concerning this program and I agree with his comments when he said it's not the governments place to raise these kids, but the family and especially a family with a fathers guidance. And if it can help solve problems in the inner cities, then I'm all for it. Too bad you couldn't have just said "Thanks Bill" and left it at that without having to get your digs at the Tea Party and "extreme right". But then, that's what partisan hacks do. Call 'em like I see 'em.

Well, buddy, hate to disappoint you, but you are not a "right wing extremist". You're a moderate. Its ok. Embrace it.

Nope. Rush Limbaugh is a flaming liberal weenie compared to me. I just happen to want to see all Americans have the opportunity to excel. Unlike some who want to see them wallowing in the same level of misery.
Oh, I didn't see The Five today.

Well, if they did, then GOOD for them too. Glad to see more folks on Fox are starting to support our nation's president.

As a conservative I have no problem supporting the president when I agree with him. I suspect that perhaps you are the one who is opening his mind when it comes to steering away from liberal cliches about right wingers and actually listen to what most are saying.
So, Bill O'Reilly, on his show literally 10 minutes ago, said he supported "My Brothers Keeper" and thinks it is a GOOD thing, and that he thinks a lot of good can, and will, come out of it. Hmm. Bill has always claimed to be fair and moderate, and he showed that a bit tonight. He said he truly thinks this can help a lot of the problems in the black communities of our inner cities.

Sure, the Tea Party and extreme right will BLAST him now for......well, for having a moment of independent thought. But, good for Bill. He was fair and open minded tonight. This program may fall flat on it's face. Or, it may succeed. But, he's open and supports it. Call 'em like we see 'em.

I am sure you will volunteer to be a mentor to a failing I am sure you will tell all young people to not have babies out of wedlock...
I think the Right and the Tea Party are being unreasonable with him. While I believe this initiative is racist and unconstitutional, it will never be seen that way by many others. Thus, if this turns out to help these kids, fine. Make sure that it does. I would want nothing more than for kids of any race to succeed, but hey, I can't always get what I want. Bill O'Reilly is more consistent with his values than the author of this thread or anyone in the Democratic party, including the President.

It is disingenuous for those on the right and in the Tea Party (like me) to attack him if he so much as strays from the expectations we hold of him. Stop it.

huh? who has attack O'reilly?
myself I could care less what he says or agrees with

I am subscribed to many conservative and borderline far right pages on Facebook (which admittedly I keep just for the sake of observation) and a lot of them were attacking him for calling Obama a "patriot" after his Super Bowl interview. Hey I disagree with that, but he has a right to say what he wants. Then, today when he introduced that initiative, O'Reilly immediately threw his support behind it. I grant you now that tonight when I peruse my news feed on my Facebook page, that people on the right will be attacking him for it.
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So, Bill O'Reilly, on his show literally 10 minutes ago, said he supported "My Brothers Keeper" and thinks it is a GOOD thing, and that he thinks a lot of good can, and will, come out of it. Hmm. Bill has always claimed to be fair and moderate, and he showed that a bit tonight. He said he truly thinks this can help a lot of the problems in the black communities of our inner cities.

Sure, the Tea Party and extreme right will BLAST him now for......well, for having a moment of independent thought. But, good for Bill. He was fair and open minded tonight. This program may fall flat on it's face. Or, it may succeed. But, he's open and supports it. Call 'em like we see 'em.

I am sure you will volunteer to be a mentor to a failing I am sure you will tell all young people to not have babies out of wedlock...

I could. I mentored and helped more poor kids than I can count.
I think the Right and the Tea Party are being unreasonable with him. While I believe this initiative is racist and unconstitutional, it will never be seen that way by many others. Thus, if this turns out to help these kids, fine. Make sure that it does. I would want nothing more than for kids of any race to succeed, but hey, I can't always get what I want. Bill O'Reilly is more consistent with his values than the author of this thread or anyone in the Democratic party, including the President.

It is disingenuous for those on the right and in the Tea Party (like me) to attack him if he so much as strays from the expectations we hold of him. Stop it.

huh? who has attack O'reilly?
myself I could care less what he says or agrees with

I am subscribed to many conservative and borderline far right pages on Facebook (which admittedly I keep just for the sake of observation) and a lot of them were attacking him for calling Obama a "patriot" after his Super Bowl interview. Hey I disagree with that, but he has a right to say what he wants. Then, today when he introduced that initiative, O'Reilly immediately threw his support behind it. I grant you now that tonight when I peruse my news feed tonight on my Facebook page, that people on the right will be attacking him for it.

Yep. Which is why I'm no longer a right winger. And I can be an ex-right winger without being a liberal, too.
See, unlike the LMSM O'Reilly does not speak for all of Fox. LMSM News people all repeat the EXACT SAME TALKING POINTS
huh? who has attack O'reilly?
myself I could care less what he says or agrees with

I am subscribed to many conservative and borderline far right pages on Facebook (which admittedly I keep just for the sake of observation) and a lot of them were attacking him for calling Obama a "patriot" after his Super Bowl interview. Hey I disagree with that, but he has a right to say what he wants. Then, today when he introduced that initiative, O'Reilly immediately threw his support behind it. I grant you now that tonight when I peruse my news feed tonight on my Facebook page, that people on the right will be attacking him for it.

Yep. Which is why I'm no longer a right winger. And I can be an ex-right winger without being a liberal, too.

Yeah you and Rdean were "Right-wingers"
omg, this is all about Obama and how all you people out there just don't love him and everything he does TO US...

I mean how dare almost 60% of you Disapprove of him... he is the Messiah President after all or something like that...

Cult followers are creepy and whiny little things
I wouldn't give O'Reilly that much credit. I watched him tonight, as I do most nights, and I watched him live at the event today as well.

Tonight on his show he couldn't just show support and call it George, he had to add something more.

He had to say he likes it BUT....

He likes it BUT, for it to work "FASTER", and that's his own word, Obama needs to say more, do MORE...!!

That's what he was almost yelling at Valerie this evening on his program.

It's as if he had to find SOMETHING to have an issue with, even if it was made up...which it was.

No, Bill remains a RW blowhard jerk.
The far right reactionaries get their panties knotted up because Bill O supports the BAM? Really?
I wouldn't give O'Reilly that much credit. I watched him tonight, as I do most nights, and I watched him live at the event today as well.

Tonight on his show he couldn't just show support and call it George, he had to add something more.

He had to say he likes it BUT....

He likes it BUT, for it to work "FASTER", and that's his own word, Obama needs to say more, do MORE...!!

That's what he was almost yelling at Valerie this evening on his program.

It's as if he had to find SOMETHING to have an issue with, even if it was made up...which it was.

No, Bill remains a RW blowhard jerk.
O'reilly is hardly a RW.
Bill O has long been railing about dysfunctional black families and the effect on turning black children into savage criminals. The title of the program is disturbing. We are not our brother's keeper. A government program mandating this will get pushback. Black men abandoning their children is a problem but not my problem. I am nobody's keeper
So, Bill O'Reilly, on his show literally 10 minutes ago, said he supported "My Brothers Keeper" and thinks it is a GOOD thing, and that he thinks a lot of good can, and will, come out of it. Hmm. Bill has always claimed to be fair and moderate, and he showed that a bit tonight. He said he truly thinks this can help a lot of the problems in the black communities of our inner cities.

Sure, the Tea Party and extreme right will BLAST him now for......well, for having a moment of independent thought. But, good for Bill. He was fair and open minded tonight. This program may fall flat on it's face. Or, it may succeed. But, he's open and supports it. Call 'em like we see 'em.
Ok, I'll call it like I see it. O'reilly is and always has been a narcissistic jerk with a lower than average IQ. He has a lot in common with Obama in those regards, which is probably why he is always sucking up to him and finding excuses for his fuck ups.

Folks........I provide Exhibit A as to why I should be called the USMB Nostradamus.

Low hanging fruit though.
O'Reilly is a narcissistic airhead who happens to be right about Obama's program though I believe that being skeptical about Obama's program is warranted. In a sense, I think everybody is right.
omg, now they love Bill O'reilly

just amazing to watch them twist themselves all into a pretzel about some petty thing or another

I'm certainly no fan of bill o'reilly...................

I sometimes will listen to his Talking Points, but prefer to DVR then watch Greta's program in Bill's time slot. She has interesting guests and asks pointed questions of them all.
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O'Reilly is a narcissistic airhead who happens to be right about Obama's program though I believe that being skeptical about Obama's program is warranted. In a sense, I think everybody is right.

I am tired of hearing him gloat, myself. And tired of listening to him pander. I am wondering if his ratings are slipping. :dunno:

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