Fox: Deliberate Misinformation


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'? - THE WEEK

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Fox News of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues -- and he made the complaint directly to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Krugman, appearing with Ailes and others on a ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, said that the bill was actually a Republican plan, first championed by Mitt Romney, but many people don't realize that because Fox News has tried to convince people it was socialism. Ailes said "the American people are not stupid," and if they're confused about the health plan it's because the bill's supporters tried to "hide" elements the public wouldn't like in a 2,000 page bill. Does Fox News try to get at the truth -- or does it intentionally mislead its viewers?
FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'? - THE WEEK

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Fox News of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues -- and he made the complaint directly to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Krugman, appearing with Ailes and others on a ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, said that the bill was actually a Republican plan, first championed by Mitt Romney, but many people don't realize that because Fox News has tried to convince people it was socialism. Ailes said "the American people are not stupid," and if they're confused about the health plan it's because the bill's supporters tried to "hide" elements the public wouldn't like in a 2,000 page bill. Does Fox News try to get at the truth -- or does it intentionally mislead its viewers?

Actually the thread title ought to be:
Rightwinger: Deliberate Misinformation.

We can start with your screen name. You are a rightwinger only in comparison to say Jane Fonda.
Then there is the putting of a period in the title instead of the question mark in the original.
Then there is the knowledge that the "deliberate misinformation" was actually just an attack by a partisan hack on a TV show rather than anything substantive.

But it is a measure of the left's desperation they have to sink to low's like this. Pinning the failed health care bill ont he GOP is really scraping.
The fight against FOX News will never end as long as there are liberals in this country. So I guess that means the fight will last forever!!!

It's getting old. REAL OLD!
Take a look at the number of viewers on any given night.
There's your answer.
FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'? - THE WEEK

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Fox News of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues -- and he made the complaint directly to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Krugman, appearing with Ailes and others on a ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, said that the bill was actually a Republican plan, first championed by Mitt Romney, but many people don't realize that because Fox News has tried to convince people it was socialism. Ailes said "the American people are not stupid," and if they're confused about the health plan it's because the bill's supporters tried to "hide" elements the public wouldn't like in a 2,000 page bill. Does Fox News try to get at the truth -- or does it intentionally mislead its viewers?

Actually the thread title ought to be:
Rightwinger: Deliberate Misinformation.

We can start with your screen name. You are a rightwinger only in comparison to say Jane Fonda.
Then there is the putting of a period in the title instead of the question mark in the original.
Then there is the knowledge that the "deliberate misinformation" was actually just an attack by a partisan hack on a TV show rather than anything substantive.

But it is a measure of the left's desperation they have to sink to low's like this. Pinning the failed health care bill ont he GOP is really scraping.

We all KNOW that the poor misunderstood Republicans had nothing at all to do with the health care bills difficulties....
The fight against FOX News will never end as long as there are liberals in this country. So I guess that means the fight will last forever!!!

It's getting old. REAL OLD!
Take a look at the number of viewers on any given night.
There's your answer.

Many people love to be told how to act and what to think.
One reason why the Republicans and religious go so well together.
Did Krugman provide any proof to back up his claim?


Proof? You're asking for proof from a liberal? WTF is the matter with you?? Obama is the One We've Been Waiting For. If you dont like him you're obviously a racist. No proof is needed. Fox is against Obama. They are obviously not a news organization. So you can say anything about them. There is no proof needed for any of this.
Fox news must be getting the truth out if it has the PROGRESSIVES and the commie Krugman panties in a bunch, again.:lol:
FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'? - THE WEEK

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Fox News of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues -- and he made the complaint directly to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Krugman, appearing with Ailes and others on a ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, said that the bill was actually a Republican plan, first championed by Mitt Romney, but many people don't realize that because Fox News has tried to convince people it was socialism. Ailes said "the American people are not stupid," and if they're confused about the health plan it's because the bill's supporters tried to "hide" elements the public wouldn't like in a 2,000 page bill. Does Fox News try to get at the truth -- or does it intentionally mislead its viewers?

Actually the thread title ought to be:
Rightwinger: Deliberate Misinformation.

We can start with your screen name. You are a rightwinger only in comparison to say Jane Fonda.
Then there is the putting of a period in the title instead of the question mark in the original.
Then there is the knowledge that the "deliberate misinformation" was actually just an attack by a partisan hack on a TV show rather than anything substantive.

But it is a measure of the left's desperation they have to sink to low's like this. Pinning the failed health care bill ont he GOP is really scraping.

We all KNOW that the poor misunderstood Republicans had nothing at all to do with the health care bills difficulties....

You are right. Because the Dems could have passed whatever bill they wanted on a straight party line vote. No fillibuster allowed.
Or are you now trying to rewrite history. Again?
The fight against FOX News will never end as long as there are liberals in this country. So I guess that means the fight will last forever!!!

It's getting old. REAL OLD!
Take a look at the number of viewers on any given night.
There's your answer.

Many people love to be told how to act and what to think.
One reason why the Republicans and religious go so well together.

Laughable. Truly laughable condescending bullshit. Thanks. LOLOLOL
Did Krugman provide any proof to back up his claim?


Nope...he did not....nor did he claim any proof existed.
He simply made a statement as "fact" and asked Ailes to respond to this "fact".
Ailes simply responded with the truth and moved on.
He does not get into that partisan attack crap.
Actually the thread title ought to be:
Rightwinger: Deliberate Misinformation.

We can start with your screen name. You are a rightwinger only in comparison to say Jane Fonda.
Then there is the putting of a period in the title instead of the question mark in the original.
Then there is the knowledge that the "deliberate misinformation" was actually just an attack by a partisan hack on a TV show rather than anything substantive.

But it is a measure of the left's desperation they have to sink to low's like this. Pinning the failed health care bill ont he GOP is really scraping.

We all KNOW that the poor misunderstood Republicans had nothing at all to do with the health care bills difficulties....

You are right. Because the Dems could have passed whatever bill they wanted on a straight party line vote. No fillibuster allowed.
Or are you now trying to rewrite history. Again?

Interesting how this ONE LITTLE fact that should speak VOLUMES to the American people is simply brushed under the rug and ignored as the Dems and their sheep blame republicans for the bill nopt passing.

It is one thing to misinform the American is another to view them as SO STIUPID thast you can say:

"we did not need a single republicans vote, but it is their fault we could not get enough votes"
FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'? - THE WEEK

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Fox News of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues -- and he made the complaint directly to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Krugman, appearing with Ailes and others on a ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, said that the bill was actually a Republican plan, first championed by Mitt Romney, but many people don't realize that because Fox News has tried to convince people it was socialism. Ailes said "the American people are not stupid," and if they're confused about the health plan it's because the bill's supporters tried to "hide" elements the public wouldn't like in a 2,000 page bill. Does Fox News try to get at the truth -- or does it intentionally mislead its viewers?

Again... for the umpteenth time... the States can do whatever they want regarding healthcare just so long as they aren't trampling the Bill of Rights. And the failures of MassCare are obvious in the fact that the expense of it is running away with their budget.

What a surprise that a liberal New York Times columnist, a Keynesian economist, should point his grubby finger at someone else and squeal "partisan". :rolleyes:

And Ailes is exactly right. The American people are NOT stupid. We don't need Fox News telling us what to think. We can READ. The problem Barack Obama and his Merry Band of Looters is having isn't about Fox News. Their problem is... Literacy. We read their giant 2,000 page pile of crap and understood it PERFECTLY as the government power-grab it is.
Progressives see no problem with Lying if it justifies getting their AGENDA in place.

the sooner the people wake up and see this, the better.
FOX is lucky that we don't live in the kind of country it's trying to create, because it would be the first to go.

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