Fox: Deliberate Misinformation

Much of the health care debate was shown on c-span. The House and Senate are covered.

and Obama hasn't kept true to all his campaign promises? OMFG!!! The Republic is in danger! Call the promises police!:eek:

Asswipe, get a life.
The nondescript and purposefully vague "much" is not ALL, which is what was promised, peckerhead.

How much healthcare was debated on CSPAN under Bush? Oh that's right....the Republicans never gave a shit about reforming healthcare until Obama took office....never mind.
But Dude will say Obama has done what no other President has done in the history of the USA...he's went back on a campaign promise! :eek:
Guess your news refused to present the latest poll....and no...not a fox poll and not a Rasmussen poll. exactly how is that media doing for ya there?

49% of what exactly? :cuckoo:

You really refuse to see the actually prefer to live in your "guarded" world.
Works for you, so go for it.

All I'm saying is a survey of registered voters is NOT representative of the viewing public or America as a whole. You cannot honestly extrapolate data from the survey to support your claim..
Their President is a disastrous failure and their Liberal Media is dying. "Blame BOOOOOOOOOSSH!!" and dat "EVIL FOX NOOOOOOOOOOZ!!!" is all these kooks have left. Kind of pathetic no?
The nondescript and purposefully vague "much" is not ALL, which is what was promised, peckerhead.

How much healthcare was debated on CSPAN under Bush? Oh that's right....the Republicans never gave a shit about reforming healthcare until Obama took office....never mind.
But Dude will say Obama has done what no other President has done in the history of the USA...he's went back on a campaign promise! :eek:

Seeing as his slogan all along was
"change the way we do things in Washington"..

Breaking these promises hold a heck of a lot of water:

"no lobbysists"
"no back room dealing"
"air all debates on c-span"
"all bills posted for 5 days before a vote"
"No more unecessary earmarks and poork projects"
"all bills will be read by him personally"

So other than those things, what is left as it pertains to the way thigs are done in Washington?
Remember now folks that 30% of Republicans thought Bush was doing a good job in his final year as president.
How much healthcare was debated on CSPAN under Bush? Oh that's right....the Republicans never gave a shit about reforming healthcare until Obama took office....never mind.
But Dude will say Obama has done what no other President has done in the history of the USA...he's went back on a campaign promise! :eek:

Seeing as his slogan all along was
"change the way we do things in Washington"..

Breaking these promises hold a heck of a lot of water:

"no lobbysists"
"no back room dealing"
"air all debates on c-span"
"all bills posted for 5 days before a vote"
"No more unecessary earmarks and poork projects"
"all bills will be read by him personally"

So other than those things, what is left as it pertains to the way thigs are done in Washington?
If you actually vote for campaign slogans I think your right to vote should be taken away.

Come on pal, I voted against Obama twice. Actually once. Once I voted for Hillary and then against Obama. I thought the idea of McCain being President...that a divided government would be better. I did not ever vote against or for a campaign because of a slogan. :cuckoo:

NOT! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
But Dude will say Obama has done what no other President has done in the history of the USA...he's went back on a campaign promise! :eek:

Seeing as his slogan all along was
"change the way we do things in Washington"..

Breaking these promises hold a heck of a lot of water:

"no lobbysists"
"no back room dealing"
"air all debates on c-span"
"all bills posted for 5 days before a vote"
"No more unecessary earmarks and poork projects"
"all bills will be read by him personally"

So other than those things, what is left as it pertains to the way thigs are done in Washington?
If you actually vote for campaign slogans I think your right to vote should be taken away.

Come on pal, I voted against Obama twice. Actually once. Once I voted for Hillary and then against Obama. I thought the idea of McCain being President...that a divided government would be better. I did not ever vote against or for a campaign because of a slogan. :cuckoo:

I agree...

However, Change we can believe in became more than a slogan. It became the supposed blueprint for his administration.....he ran with it and stuck with it.

Now, if you noticed...he is claiming he all along was saying he meant "changing America".....

But the well informed recall it being "changing the way we do things in Washington".

It was not until election day when he said "Join me as we fundamentally change America".

Between you and sent chills up my spine when he said that.

funny thread.

Yeppers. Sure is! :lol:

And the funniest part is how these people seem to have forgotten Keith Olbermann's unhinged attack on Scott Brown less than 2 weeks ago, where he referred to Massachusetts' newest senator as an ""irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea bagging, supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees."
Short memories around here, I guess. Because they also don't remember that CNN only carried 26% of Brown's speech and MSNBC only 37%. Fox ran all of Coakley's and all of Brown's.

Now, I don't think it's a really big deal that Fox cut off the tail-end of Obama's Q & A with Republicans. Unless you're REALLY into politics, it was a pretty dry event. And, it was being broadcast in its entirety on CSPAN anyway. What's actually a bit more surprising is that they carried it for as long as they did, or that ANY of the news stations carried the whole thing.

You know, it's lunacy for people who don't watch Fox and don't watch Glenn Beck to expect us to accept their twisted partisan view. People who actually listen to Beck or read his books... don't have any trouble understanding what he's talking about. Anybody who's still watching MSNBC when they failed to fire Olbermann after his attack on Scott Brown (or at the least send him out rabies shots), doesn't exactly have the moral high-ground for faux-outrage. :rolleyes:

Oh... and has anyone else noticed a recent uptick in the Fox-bashing? I mean, liberals always cluck on about Fox News (because they don't really believe Americans can think for themselves)... but are there some new instructions from the leftwing talking-heads? Because it's REALLY become pervasive this past couple of days. :eusa_eh:
Remember now folks that 30% of Republicans thought Bush was doing a good job in his final year as president.

I am curious what percentage of the people that voted for Obama in November truly believed that they were never have to worry about their bills again.

Sadly...I bet it was in the 20% range....a pure guess.
Remember now folks that 30% of Republicans thought Bush was doing a good job in his final year as president.

I am curious what percentage of the people that voted for Obama in November truly believed that they were never have to worry about their bills again.

Sadly...I bet it was in the 20% range....a pure guess.

Yeah I figure we are about 20% pure fools and another 30% of impure fools.

funny thread.

Yeppers. Sure is! :lol:

And the funniest part is how these people seem to have forgotten Keith Olbermann's unhinged attack on Scott Brown less than 2 weeks ago, where he referred to Massachusetts' newest senator as an ""irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea bagging, supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees."
Short memories around here, I guess. Because they also don't remember that CNN only carried 26% of Brown's speech and MSNBC only 37%. Fox ran all of Coakley's and all of Brown's.

Now, I don't think it's a really big deal that Fox cut off the tail-end of Obama's Q & A with Republicans. Unless you're REALLY into politics, it was a pretty dry event. And, it was being broadcast in its entirety on CSPAN anyway. What's actually a bit more surprising is that they carried it for as long as they did, or that ANY of the news stations carried the whole thing.

You know, it's lunacy for people who don't watch Fox and don't watch Glenn Beck to expect us to accept their twisted partisan view. People who actually listen to Beck or read his books... don't have any trouble understanding what he's talking about. Anybody who's still watching MSNBC when they failed to fire Olbermann after his attack on Scott Brown (or at the least send him out rabies shots), doesn't exactly have the moral high-ground for faux-outrage. :rolleyes:

Oh... and has anyone else noticed a recent uptick in the Fox-bashing? I mean, liberals always cluck on about Fox News (because they don't really believe Americans can think for themselves)... but are there some new instructions from the leftwing talking-heads? Because it's REALLY become pervasive this past couple of days. :eusa_eh:

FoxNews gets bashed because of its poor journalistic standards. Ailes was called to task and came up with nothing.
Olbermann went over the top with Scott Brown and even admitted he had gone too far.......Still waiting for Fox to Man UP
Liberal loons like Krugman are just cranky because even they know that their President is a miserable failure and their old Liberal Media is dying. It really is that simple in the end. Most common sense thinking people trust Fox News much more than the Dan Blather-led corrupt Liberal Media at this point. It is what it is.
If you actually vote for campaign slogans I think your right to vote should be taken away.

Come on pal, I voted against Obama twice. Actually once. Once I voted for Hillary and then against Obama. I thought the idea of McCain being President...that a divided government would be better. I did not ever vote against or for a campaign because of a slogan. :cuckoo:

I agree...

However, Change we can believe in became more than a slogan. It became the supposed blueprint for his administration.....he ran with it and stuck with it.

Now, if you noticed...he is claiming he all along was saying he meant "changing America".....

But the well informed recall it being "changing the way we do things in Washington".

It was not until election day when he said "Join me as we fundamentally change America".

Between you and sent chills up my spine when he said that.

The cahnge thing was what you called it the first time...a slogan. Nothing more, nothing less. Like I told that drug addict dude, many of us liberals voted for Hillary...experience over change. Then there are loads of people who voted for Obama who wanted change, but saw the slogan as what it was...only a slogan.

It appears only the Obama cult members (there are quite a few) and the right wing, got all hot and bothered by the slogan.

hey run with it if you want, but it makes you look like an idiot. I thought you had more sense. MAybe you got caught up in the propaganda lately? who knows... :(

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