Fox makes racist Chinese video they imagine to be hilarious.

. Group Culture clashes are getting worse and worse in this nation. The wrong type of group multi-culturalism being allowed to flourish in this nation, is doing a dis-service to Whites, Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, and every other American who has assimilated over generations here together. We once had a glue that held us all together, but over time the glue has had gasoline poured on it by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, but the problem is that those terms are unacceptable to most in the nation, and it seems to be getting worse as the pile on keeps getting worse & worse. Recognising the bad guys is imperative anymore, and not allowing those who are bad to gain powerful positions is definitely imperative anymore.

" .... by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, ...."

Please calm down and revisit the founding of your nation. The colonials wound up confiscating, eradicating or enslaving all they "discovered".

Remember the last time you posted something that wasn't approved first by the DNC?

Me neither.

Endless partisanshithead screed is all you know hon, have a nice weekend.

I always know when I've skewered you by your vulgarity.
. Group Culture clashes are getting worse and worse in this nation. The wrong type of group multi-culturalism being allowed to flourish in this nation, is doing a dis-service to Whites, Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, and every other American who has assimilated over generations here together. We once had a glue that held us all together, but over time the glue has had gasoline poured on it by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, but the problem is that those terms are unacceptable to most in the nation, and it seems to be getting worse as the pile on keeps getting worse & worse. Recognising the bad guys is imperative anymore, and not allowing those who are bad to gain powerful positions is definitely imperative anymore.

" .... by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, ...."

Please calm down and revisit the founding of your nation. The colonials wound up confiscating, eradicating or enslaving all they "discovered".

Remember the last time you posted something that wasn't approved first by the DNC?

Me neither.

Endless partisanshithead screed is all you know hon, have a nice weekend.

I always know when I've skewered you by your vulgarity.

Partisanshithead is what you are, even you know that if only on some primordial hind brain level.
Have a lovely weekend hon.
" .... by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, ...."

Please calm down and revisit the founding of your nation. The colonials wound up confiscating, eradicating or enslaving all they "discovered".

So they did to the Indians what the Indians had done to the black aborigines that were here before them? The difference of course is that the Indians completed their genocide, outside of a few areas in the deep Amazon, none of the original people still life. Oh, the Indians weren't the original people, they were invaders from Asia,
. Group Culture clashes are getting worse and worse in this nation. The wrong type of group multi-culturalism being allowed to flourish in this nation, is doing a dis-service to Whites, Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, and every other American who has assimilated over generations here together. We once had a glue that held us all together, but over time the glue has had gasoline poured on it by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, but the problem is that those terms are unacceptable to most in the nation, and it seems to be getting worse as the pile on keeps getting worse & worse. Recognising the bad guys is imperative anymore, and not allowing those who are bad to gain powerful positions is definitely imperative anymore.

" .... by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, ...."

Please calm down and revisit the founding of your nation. The colonials wound up confiscating, eradicating or enslaving all they "discovered".

Remember the last time you posted something that wasn't approved first by the DNC?

Me neither.

Endless partisanshithead screed is all you know hon, have a nice weekend.

I always know when I've skewered you by your vulgarity.
Partisanshithead is what you are, even you know that if only on some primordial hind brain level.
Have a lovely weekend hon.

Most folks recognize that, if you could dispute, rebut, find any errors in my posts..... would.

If you can' simply default to the sort of language you were brought up with.

" .... by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, ...."

Please calm down and revisit the founding of your nation. The colonials wound up confiscating, eradicating or enslaving all they "discovered".

So they did to the Indians what the Indians had done to the black aborigines that were here before them? The difference of course is that the Indians completed their genocide, outside of a few areas in the deep Amazon, none of the original people still life. Oh, the Indians weren't the original people, they were invaders from Asia,

Black aborigines were here before them? Do go on.
" .... by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, ...."

Please calm down and revisit the founding of your nation. The colonials wound up confiscating, eradicating or enslaving all they "discovered".

So they did to the Indians what the Indians had done to the black aborigines that were here before them? The difference of course is that the Indians completed their genocide, outside of a few areas in the deep Amazon, none of the original people still life. Oh, the Indians weren't the original people, they were invaders from Asia,

Liberals are programmed to worship the imaginary 'noble savage,' while the truth is here:

Craig Childs wrote in the NYTimes “A Past That Makes Us Squirm,” ( “...children killed the same way, human sacrifices to an ancient water deity, their bodies buried under pre-Columbian ball courts or at the foot of pillars in important rooms,”...

“archaeological record of the Americas read like a war-crimes indictment, with charred skeletons stacked like cordwood and innumerable human remains missing heads, legs and arms. In the American Southwest, which is my area of research,human tissue has been found cooked to the insides of kitchen jars and stained into a ceramic serving ladle. A grinding stone was found full of crushed human finger bones. A sample of human feces came up containing the remains of a cannibal’s meal.”

Childs also refers to the accuracy of “ Mel Gibson’s movie ‘Apocalypto.’ “ How do we rectify the age-old perception of noble and peaceful native America with the reality that at times violence was coordinated on a scale never before witnessed by humanity? The answer is simple. We don’t.”
" .... by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, ...."

Please calm down and revisit the founding of your nation. The colonials wound up confiscating, eradicating or enslaving all they "discovered".

Remember the last time you posted something that wasn't approved first by the DNC?

Me neither.

Endless partisanshithead screed is all you know hon, have a nice weekend.

I always know when I've skewered you by your vulgarity.
Partisanshithead is what you are, even you know that if only on some primordial hind brain level.
Have a lovely weekend hon.

Most folks recognize that, if you could dispute, rebut, find any errors in my posts..... would.

If you can' simply default to the sort of language you were brought up with.


Honey you're not worth the time you've already gotten, like I said, have a lovely weekend.
Remember the last time you posted something that wasn't approved first by the DNC?

Me neither.

Endless partisanshithead screed is all you know hon, have a nice weekend.

I always know when I've skewered you by your vulgarity.
Partisanshithead is what you are, even you know that if only on some primordial hind brain level.
Have a lovely weekend hon.

Most folks recognize that, if you could dispute, rebut, find any errors in my posts..... would.

If you can' simply default to the sort of language you were brought up with.


Honey you're not worth the time you've already gotten, like I said, have a lovely weekend.

Keep in mind, every time you lie.....I will provide the same discomfiture.
Better look that up, dunce.
[ Black aborigines were here before them? Do go on.
You are abysmally ignorant.Yes moron, America was peopled by a black race similar to Australian Aborigines before the Indians invaded and slaughtered them.Narrative and Critical History of America ...: Aboriginal America. [c1889The Indians have Aborigine DNC, since they enslaved their conquests and sexually abused themHistory, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian
. Wow, kind of makes fools out of those who try and default back to the Europeans slaughtered the poor Indians, and stole their land from them doesn't it ?? I knew my ancestors didn't just kill whole groups of people for no reason, and that is why the nation has progressed to the point that it has progressed to today. If we were cold blooded killers the lot of us, then surely God would not have blessed this nation or allowed it to make it this far. And another thing is that we still have all the people's that were here over the years, and they have assimilated, and have been educated nicely over the years. The idea that we are an evil people has been a liberal talking point for way to long now, and it needs to be put to rest someday. People get tired of the stereotypical bull crap libs try and use to get it's way. Anyone voting for Hillary has got their head up their butt.
[ Black aborigines were here before them? Do go on.
You are abysmally ignorant.Yes moron, America was peopled by a black race similar to Australian Aborigines before the Indians invaded and slaughtered them.Narrative and Critical History of America ...: Aboriginal America. [c1889The Indians have Aborigine DNC, since they enslaved their conquests and sexually abused themHistory, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian
. Wow, kind of makes fools out of those who try and default back to the Europeans slaughtered the poor Indians, and stole their land from them doesn't it ?? I knew my ancestors didn't just kill whole groups of people for no reason, and that is why the nation has progressed to the point that it has progressed to today. If we were cold blooded killers the lot of us, then surely God would not have blessed this nation or allowed it to make it this far. And another thing is that we still have all the people's that were here over the years, and they have assimilated, and have been educated nicely over the years. The idea that we are an evil people has been a liberal talking point for way to long now, and it needs to be put to rest someday. People get tired of the stereotypical bull crap libs try and use to get it's way. Anyone voting for Hillary has got their head up their butt.

What's sad is that this isn't anything new. They stared finding archeological evidence in the 1960's, by the 70's this was fully established, but prior to college, no student is exposed to these "inconvenient facts."
. Group Culture clashes are getting worse and worse in this nation. The wrong type of group multi-culturalism being allowed to flourish in this nation, is doing a dis-service to Whites, Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, and every other American who has assimilated over generations here together. We once had a glue that held us all together, but over time the glue has had gasoline poured on it by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, but the problem is that those terms are unacceptable to most in the nation, and it seems to be getting worse as the pile on keeps getting worse & worse. Recognising the bad guys is imperative anymore, and not allowing those who are bad to gain powerful positions is definitely imperative anymore.

" .... by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, ...."

Please calm down and revisit the founding of your nation. The colonials wound up confiscating, eradicating or enslaving all they "discovered".

Remember the last time you posted something that wasn't approved first by the DNC?

Me neither.

Endless partisanshithead screed is all you know hon, have a nice weekend.

and you dont say this to dean?... the king of the endless partisan shithead screed?.....
I like how Reilly says at the end that it was all in good fun and that he is aware it will get criticism anyways.

And look, criticism.
. Group Culture clashes are getting worse and worse in this nation. The wrong type of group multi-culturalism being allowed to flourish in this nation, is doing a dis-service to Whites, Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, and every other American who has assimilated over generations here together. We once had a glue that held us all together, but over time the glue has had gasoline poured on it by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, but the problem is that those terms are unacceptable to most in the nation, and it seems to be getting worse as the pile on keeps getting worse & worse. Recognising the bad guys is imperative anymore, and not allowing those who are bad to gain powerful positions is definitely imperative anymore.

" .... by groups who have a selfish agenda that refuses assimilation except on their terms, ...."

Please calm down and revisit the founding of your nation. The colonials wound up confiscating, eradicating or enslaving all they "discovered".

Remember the last time you posted something that wasn't approved first by the DNC?

Me neither.

Endless partisanshithead screed is all you know hon, have a nice weekend.

I always know when I've skewered you by your vulgarity.
Partisanshithead is what you are, even you know that if only on some primordial hind brain level.
Have a lovely weekend hon.

In other words, she's got you again.

She always, eventually, gets all illiterate liberal weasels like you.
I remember how outraged USMB Republicans were when I said Crispie had more Chins than a Chinese phone book.
So you are just as bad as what you talk about? Rderp is a hypocrite. Imagine that.
More Chins than a Chinese phone book is just using the words to make fun of Crispie. Crispie is the only person I ever heard about who got a stomach band and gained weight. He refers to himself as an athlete.


Now if he were dressed like this:


Then you could say he's an athlete.

But putting on a specially made baseball uniform and rolling around a diamond is NOT an athlete.
I remember how outraged USMB Republicans were when I said Crispie had more Chins than a Chinese phone book.
So you are just as bad as what you talk about? Rderp is a hypocrite. Imagine that.
well at least he is admitting it....for dean thats something....
You are right. I admit it. Crispie has more chins than a Chinese phone book.

Too old.

Try this one: " fat his picture fell off the wall."

Crispy is so fat, he fell asleep at the beach and when he woke up, people were trying to roll him back into the water. When he told them to get their hands off him, they ran away screaming "It talks!".
I remember how outraged USMB Republicans were when I said Crispie had more Chins than a Chinese phone book.
So you are just as bad as what you talk about? Rderp is a hypocrite. Imagine that.
well at least he is admitting it....for dean thats something....
You are right. I admit it. Crispie has more chins than a Chinese phone book.

Too old.

Try this one: " fat his picture fell off the wall."

Crispy is so fat, he fell asleep at the beach and when he woke up, people were trying to roll him back into the water. When he told them to get their hands off him, they ran away screaming "It talks!".

Hey....that's like a joke.....only different.

Don't give up the day job, deanie

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